The Temptress
Note: The audience is fooled into believing that her skin is painted and her horns are glued to her skull True Name Fatima Fletcher
The Date she Joined the Circus November 17th, 1693
Her Act The Temptress is a contortionist who is almost...inhumanly flexible.
Her Powers The Temptress is quite skilled at capturing a demon's heart. As a part of her contract, Fatima was
blessed cursed with sinful demonic beauty. A truly holy man will look upon her and find her hideous, but those privy to sin, human and demon alike, will view one of the most gorgeous creatures alive. And while not all demons have hearts, the ones that do can easily sway under her control. Once obtaining a demon's heart (via carving it out of the host's or demonic body's flesh), it can either be destroyed and sent back to hell or kept in some way or another. She has a locked chest full of pulsing, oozing hearts of every color and size, but one demon she transformed into a familiar of sorts.
She carries it's heart around her neck in a red pendant. It appears to be a large black dog to those unfamiliar with the supernatural. It's rather hostile to anybody that's not her, and sometimes she will even take it into battle. While it's real name is Xor'aan, she prefers to call it
Fauxtail. Her beauty and allure come with a price, though.
She may lay with no man or woman until her contract is over.
And regarding combat facing a heartless demon, Fatima is talented with angelic blades, although she must wear special enchanted gloves in order to wield them or else her demonic hide burns.
Why she Joined the Circus Cold and hungry in a winter-struck London, the Ringmaster saw Fatima's mortal beauty and knew it must live on, at least in some form. He approached the young girl one night and gave her a belly full of food and a bed to rest in before proposing his offer to her. She would never starve again, never worry about where to stay again. Fatima gladly signed her contract in red ink.
Her Biography Born in the colony of Salem, MA in 1674, Fatima grew up a sweet little Puritan girl. Her father was an Englishman and her mother a Spaniard, something her fellow colonists didn't like too much. They thought her mother had been sent by the Spanish in Florida to infiltrate English colonies. When the Salem witch trials occurred, the town found good reason to hang Fatima's mother and put their worry of the Spaniards to rest. Devastated after watching her own mom burn at the stake, Fatima's father took her away to his native London to avoid any further discrimination from their fellow colonists. Sadly, after only a few months of being there, in September 1693 Fatima's dad came down with illness and quickly passed away. Her living conditions went from bad to worse and she was thrown to the street with no known relatives or family friends around to help her. At 19, she was completely alone in one of the biggest and most dangerous cities in the world. Many men offered her coin for a chance to bed her, but she refused to lower herself that way, instead seeking out the Anglican Church for help. Unfortunately, they knew she was raised Puritan and ran her off before she could receive any of their charity. By early November 1693, she was homeless, living in the filth of the streets and wearing the same ratty clothes she wore on arrival to England. All hope seemed lost, and she almost sold herself to a brothel, when one night the carnival came to the outskirts of London. All the commoners and lowborn folk flocked to this arena of sin, as her mother use to call them. But Fatima heard food was cheap and the entertainment was spectacular, so deciding to enjoy at least one night in this cruel world, Fatima cast aside her Puritan morals and attended the circus.
She saw the most fantastic performances! Men dipped swords down their throats like honey, swallowed fire as if it were only gin, and women bent their bodies into knots. It was fantastic and sinful and so enjoyable. During her visit, the Ringmaster was quick to spot the beauty from the crowd and know her potential. He extended his generosity after watching Fatima become entranced with the contortionist. He found her calling before she even signed the contract. After a full belly and a night's rest, the Ringmaster presented his peculiar offer to the Puritan girl. At first she was conflicted, worried that it was a trick of the devil and she was selling her soul away to hell. But after starving for weeks and weeks, she realized she didn't care who the Ringmaster really was. Whether he was as saint, a sinner, a nobleman, or a peasant, as long as she would be well fed and clothed, she would work for this man. And has ever since, for the last 325 years.
Their Connections As one of the earliest members to join the carnival, Fatima often mentors the younger recruits that have similar contracts to hers. Those with body altercations can freak out a bit at first in their new skin; Fatima wouldn't look in the mirror for weeks after her skin turned gray and horns grew around her head. The new ones like that need a guide so they don't go inside in their new bodies.
Their Audition The Ringmaster stands at the center of the platform, a wide grin set on his lips and his arms spread wide. "Thank you for being so patient, ladies and gentlemen," he says. The lights around the tent turn low and the stage seems to become brighter. "Our next act is an exotic beauty of sorts, one who can manipulate her body in ways no man ever could." A figure stirs in the shadows behind the Ringmaster. "Please give a round of applause, my dear audience, to the great Temptress!" Those who have seen her act before go wild, hollering and banging their seats. The Temptress steps fully onto the platform and the tents gasps with awe and fear. She is beautiful beyond measure. A sheer red cloth covers her nose and mouth, but her eyes, her fiery eyes, they capture every man in the room. She wears a loose red unitard with small golden stars stitched onto it. Her hair looks silky and soft, like one's hands might just glide through it. Wives grow jealous and clutch their husbands' arms for fear the Temptress might lure them away with just a glance. She grins from behind her cover. She dips and turns and seems to almost dance as she rests her chest onto the platform before bending her back up into the air and folding her legs over her body. Even mere boys lick their lips as the Temptress' uniform seems to constrict and tighten around her body, leaving little to the imagination. Before the audience can even fully comprehend her first position, she unfolds to stand on her legs, her body somehow swooping under itself. Her head goes from between her ankles to back where it belongs. Her cover has somehow perfectly stayed in place.
The audience cheers with excitement. What strength does she have to pull herself back up like that? The woman smiles, her eyes ablaze. She surveys the audience as they all continue to applaud. "I need a volunteer," she announces demurely, her eyes now avoiding the crowd. Men prop up in their seats, waving their arms frantically to try and gain her attention. Slowly, the Temptress steps off the platform and makes her way around the audience as the spotlight follows her. The closer she gets, the louder they become. The people she passes sigh in despair, but are quite pleased at the view of her backside. Eventually, after torturing half the arena, the woman finds a volunteer. She takes his hand and guides him to the stage. He grins and shouts back at his buddies in excitement. He looks to be only 19 and he's this close to a woman this beautiful and mystic. "You're gorgeous," he murmurs to her as they step onto the stage. She gives him a look
, a look that makes him go weak in the knees. A sly smile hides behind her cover, but her cheekbones give it away.
A circus helper quickly plops a wooden chair onto the stage before scurrying out of the spotlight. They know better than to try and upstage the Temptress, even if they could somehow manage to. The woman pushes the volunteer into the seat. He barely reacts, his attention absolutely captured by the Temptress. He will dream of her for the rest of his life. The crowd murmurs in excitement. What shall she do now?
The Temptress circles around her volunteer. She can see the hairs on the back of his neck stand in excitement and anticipation.
Placing both hands on the spine of the chair, the Temptress lifts herself up into a handstand with incredible strength, The crowd cheers and the volunteer just stares up in awe as the Temptress looks down at him from above. She winks before turning her handstand around, the front of her body now facing her volunteer. Her hair tickles his head and he manages to smother a chuckle.
The audience lets out some oohs
and aahs
as she folds her back over her torso. Her legs stretch out into the air and rest beside the volunteer's head. His cheeks flush. The Temptress whispers in his ear as her legs seem to move of their own accord, waving and bending. If it's possible, the young man's face somehow grows even more red. The Temptress is folded so close to her own self that her horns graze her lower back. Men watch with envy as her legs move over the volunteer's shoulders and collarbone. What they wouldn't do to be between her legs like that.
For her final bit, the Temptress removes one hand from the spine of the chair and balances almost perfectly. Her one arm shakes a little, but she keeps her balance before bending her body back, her feet resuming on the solid ground. The crowd cheers and hollers as she bows. The volunteer's eyes looked glazed over, his mind obviously somewhere else. She gives him a little peck on the cheek and thanks him for coming onto the stage.