Kyra Ortella

SEX Female
AGE 20, born 892 A.F. (Youth)
HOMELAND Kingdom of Abagon
- Fast: Kyra is swift and nimble on her feet and can easily outrun anyone or thing that threatens her survival.
- Quick Reflexes: Although she has no formal education, Kyra's mind has always been quick to react to physical danger.
- Attention to Detail: The unseen and unnoticed tend to stick out to Kyra.
- Quick Thinking: In a world like this, you're dead if you can't think on the balls of your feet. Majority of the time, Kyra can find some sort of solution for her immediate problems.
- Beauty: Doesn't hurt to have a pretty face sometimes. Men fall prey to them all the time.
- Paranoia: Kyra has no trust for any man, woman, or child but herself, which can make interacting and cooperating with others difficult.
- Hard of Hearing: Past injuries and abuses come into play here. Both of her ears have draining problems that cause her ear canals to painfully swell and fill with puss, making it much harder to listen and comprehend.
- Fletchery: Rank II (3 points)
- Hunting: Rank II (3 points)
- Plant Identification: Rank I (1 point)
- Bows: Rank II (3 points)
- Swords: Rank I (1 points)
- Horseback Riding: Rank II (3 points)
PERSONALITY Kyra is reticent and observant and prefers isolation above company. While many sellswords flaunt their prowess during battle, she likes to keep things quiet and quick. Arrow to the heart, slice across the neck, sword through the back. Although, she has had to adapt to the complicated sword play she so despises. A bow in her hand soothes her worries more than a stick of steel ever will. She hopes that one day Abagon will become whole again and fears that it will all fall to pieces, her great civilization ruined and trampled by its own people. At night she dreams foreign invaders will take advantage of her splintered country. Who wouldn't be tempted by Abagon's obvious weaknesses? Kyra's older brother ran off to war to fight for the bastard king and she was stuck at home, praying to Ortschaft's saint, Zacharias the Holy. While she no longer believes or follows the Celestial Church, she has a soft spot in her heart for her town's saint and his story.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Kyra is short and lean, standing at 5'3". She has dark brown hair she usually keeps in a short braid down her back and cold blue eyes. Her feet and hands are well calloused from peasant work and her skin is tan from the sun and her mixed heritage of Westerling and Reaver.
EQUIPMENT Kyra carries a shortbow on her back along with her arrows. Her fletching supplies are in a ratty brown bag slung across her shoulders. A short dagger stays strapped to her ankle, hidden under her trousers. She wears cheap but light leather armor across her chest and stomach, along with elbow and knee pads. An iron shortsword swings from her belt, but it would do her good to either sharpen or replace it soon.
HISTORY Born to peasant parents in the small hamlet of Ortschaft in south Abagon, Kyra was truly no one. She and her older brother grew up in the shadow of Abagon's Votheller mountains as they farmed their sad little bits of land. Ortschaft was only a shirt ride from the southern forest and Kyra's father often took to hunting whenever the harvest was not enough to feed his children. He taught her and her brother how to use the bow and craft arrows, a very useful skill, although poaching from the king's wood was a terrible crime. It was a happy existence, at least for a short while. Kyra was eleven when Lord Markus ascended to power. During the same year, her father was captured and sentenced to death for poaching. Both children were devastated. Kyra's mother took another husband, who was a rather unpleasant man. Relief came for Kyra's brother seven years later when he wiggled out from under their stepfather's control and went to fight for the bastard king. Kyra wanted to follow him out of Ortschaft but she was a woman, and her place was in the house and in the field.
Things changed whenever she caught wind of a band of mercenaries roaming close to Cinderbog. Word had it that they would make their way to the bastard king to offer up their services. One night, Kyra snuck off and discovered their group. They were the Quarmines of Beldemar, a little-known group of sellswords made up mostly of farmers and lumber jacks turned killers. Kyra pleaded with them to let her join and they asked only one thing of her. Kill a man and bring something of him back. So Kyra happily slit her stepfather's throat and sliced off his ears to present to the leader of the Quarmines. That was in late 910 A.F., and time has passed. Kyra and the Quarmines had some disagreements and so she left them to become an independent contractor of sorts.