Hey I mean Adrien is actually free, the posts just aren't up yet.
this is going to be interesting because Hayato doesnt look like Hayato aaaaand Hayato didnt bring her duel disk
<Snipped quote by Ciphra>
He'll do well.
Trust me. I'm Irish. Depending on potatoes is my culture.
<Snipped quote by Ciphra>
I talk to him on Skype around everyday.
He's as faithful as a sack of potatoes.
So not at all.
Also GM post in 3-ish hours.
since im not planning to surprise you guys anymore and its pretty much known by now. (if not here is my reveal) do not forget this is a hayato that isnt wearing anything "manly" is pretty much wearing female sleepwear
my characters "voice changer" ISNT equipped as well
on another note do you think i should edit my CS to reflect this?
i dunno about krunk... he has been around for a year and i have MORE posts than he has