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    1. CommissarFacePunch 11 yrs ago


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The leprechaun is in motion.
. Hallelujah!
. That's perfectly fine, it won't effect me in the slightest. I wasn't planning anything with Athena. >However, I have zero plans for Ares so far (because let's be honest, none of the ancient Greeks liked him anyway). ^ Made me Lol. Edit: Totally just noticed my username is too long. Gah.
. Character you have created: Chike Baatul Alias: Polemos (The Greek word for war) Speech Color: N/A at the moment. Character Alignment: Walking the Line Identity: Known Character Personality: Outside of Ares’ influence, Chike is an upstanding individual. He gives to the poor, helps strangers when they are not only in danger, but when they are struggling with some kind of burden as well. He believes that most human beings, deep down, are capable of being good. He doesn’t blame the thief for stealing, or the psychopath for killing. One does it out of necessity – the other is unable to help himself. Chike has the willpower to push on through any tribulation, because he knows that if he were to surrender, then he will practically be handing over the innocent and defenseless into the hands of the Evil Ones. However, Ares has significant influence over Chike as long as they are connected. With Ares in his head, Chike is forced to kill more often than he wishes he had to. Pure, unbridled rage could take control of Chike at any moment, if he were to let Ares’ bloodlust take even an inch of ground within his mind. Because of this fight, Chike has to limit himself at all times – for if he were to surrender himself to emotion, if he were to stop controlling his every thought and every action with meticulous precision, then bloodlust could very well set in. This would mean that people would most certainly die. The only time Chike will exert himself is when innocent bystanders are in harm’s way. The only time he will risk the bloodlust is when he knows that if he doesn’t, someone who doesn’t deserve it will be sent down to meet Hades. If Chike has to choose between killing a criminal and saving an innocent, he will not hesitate to aim for the killing blow. Similarly, if Chike’s life is legitimately in danger, he will usually attack to kill. In addition to all of this, Chike fancies himself rather witty and laid back, when there isn’t any danger involved. Uniform/costume: Chike stands at 5'10, and weighs 225 pounds. His skin is dark, and his eyes are brown, and his hair is black. This, minus the weird white nipples, though. For the appearance of a number of Chike's weapons, go here. Origin Info/Details: Chike Baatul was born in Kampala, Uganda on May 11, 1987, to Jonah and Mia Baatul, natives of the country. The Baatul family was small, Chike was the only child and Jonah and Mia’s parents were both dead along with any brothers or sisters they had. At the age of nine, while Chike was off playing soccer with his friends from school, Chike’s parents were kidnapped by a local terrorist group. They were executed and their bodies were put on display in the city, alongside twenty other individuals. Many speculate that they were targeted for their strange occult beliefs and practices. The government denied these claims, despite the overwhelming evidence that they all belonged to the same cult religion. Chike was devastated – he was left without family, and the government forced him out of his humble home. The boy was taken in by the parents of one of his closest friends, Dau Nyh, who was present when Chike learned of his parents’ demise. Dau and Chike grew up inseparable. They were both seemingly interested in the same things, and were physical and mental equals. Throughout his young adult life, Chike relied on Dau as his emotional anchor; losing his parents had been scarring, and Baatul had considered ending his own life on more than one occasion during the weeks following his parents’ unfortunate passing. But that all changed seven years ago, when a group of men in black masks broke into Dau and his family’s home. They were the same terrorists who had killed his parents. They abducted the Nyh family; and once more, Chike was not there when they came. Upon arriving home from a trip to a nearby village, Chike discovered that his adopted family was missing. Rage filled Chike’s heart, growing over the three days he was left alone in that house that wasn’t really his. This rage turned to determination: a determination for revenge, and justice. Chike began to look into his parents’ past, hoping to find a clue as to why the terrorists killed them. What he found was quite disturbing. The twenty-two who had been executed had been meeting in an abandoned mill outside of the city every month, and sacrificing animals to the Greek gods of old; specifically, Ares. From the various notebooks Chike recovered from the mill, he found out that they had believed that enough blood could bring the God of War to Uganda, and overthrow the ‘corrupt government’ and establish ‘Olympus on earth.’ They were surely mad. While he was at the mill investigating, he was jumped by the terrorists. They were all natives, armed with machetes and clubs. The leader told Chike that he had to die, to prevent the power of Ares from falling on Uganda. Filled with rage, Chike blindly charged at the terrorists and attacked them. He fought with such brutality and strength, with such unadulterated anger, that he was able to kill five of them. But the other four were able to subdue him. Moments before they executed Chike, a bright flash of red light filled the mill. The terrorists fell to the ground, their throats slit. On the floor, painted in dust, were the words “PARIS CATACOMBS.” Confused, Chike stumbled out of the mill, determined to find out what happened and where his adopted family had been taken. Chike searched Uganda and the surrounding countries for months, but he never found a trace of his family. Frustrated, Chike decided to take a plane to Paris and see if those words meant anything to anyone. There, Chike met Ceri, the owner of a local magician’s store. Upon explaining his story to Ceri, the woman decided to help the stranger. She arranged for Chike to meet with an elderly gentleman who claimed to know all about the catacombs. Together, the three of them ventured inside the underground tunnels of Paris in search of they knew not. Ares telepathically guided Chike through the catacombs, to a large room in the deepest part of the labyrinth. The group was led to a large open room, where the walls were lined with skulls and bones. The center of the room was dominated by a massive throne of bone. Upon said throne sat a skeleton with the armor of a Greek warrior and a crown of leaves upon its body. At its full heigh, the skeleton was easily over twelve feet tall. What surprised the mortals the most, however, was when the skeleton stood and spoke. It claimed to be Ares, the Greek God of War. He explained that his parents had been some of Ares’ last true followers on earth, and that he had planned to do as they asked of him, but that these men of flesh and bone that Chike called terrorists had disrupted the summoning process. This left Ares weak, barely able to stand let alone crush an entire nation. Ares then, against Chike’s will, made him his herald, claiming that his parents’ contract passed down to Chike. Ares then explained that Chike would act as Ares’ sword, and do as the God of War wills: and in exchange, Chike would have access to great power. Ares ordered Chike to take Ceri to America, to a city called Portland, in Maine. The two obeyed the God of War’s instructions. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by an ugly, crippled old man in a limousine. The man called himself Hephaestus, and brought the two to his personal mansion. He explained that the mansion would be Chike and Ceri’s new home, and that he would provide the avatar of Ares with whatever he required. Five years have passed since Chike’s arrival to Portland. He has been given Hero Type (Select one): Supernatural (I’d classify him as a ‘divine agent’) Power Level (Select one below): C. World Level Powers: Chike was imbued with the powers of the heroes of Greece by his master, Ares. Strength of Hercules: Chike has been blessed with immense physical strength of Hercules. Speed of Hermes: Chike has been blessed with the swift speed and reflexes of the Messenger of the Gods. Body of Achilles: Chike has been blessed with the durability of Achilles. Fire of Hephaestus: Chike has been given the power to create and control the mystical fire that ‘doth not cease to burn.’ As a side effect, Chike is resistant to heat and fire, though not immune. Wings of Icarus: Chike is able to take flight, like Icarus of old. Olympian physiology: Chike has a low-end healing factor. Flesh wounds generally only take three to four hours to heal; broken bones only two to three weeks. He is also resistant to toxins. (Though he is far from immune) Chike is also not required to breathe, though he does so when he wishes to blend in with other humans. Finally, Chike has enhanced senses. His sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing are all better than peak human. Skill of Ares: Chike has been blessed with the weapon skills of the God of War. Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: 100+ tons Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 90 MPH Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours Agility: 10X Intelligence: Average [NOTE: Tactical knowledge of Ares at his disposal.) Fighting Skill: Mastered (Using his weapons only. Unarmed he is an untrained brawler.) Resources: Extreme (He has access to Hephaestus, the god smith. If he needs anything, Hephaestus can build it (or buy it) for him. Ares has a vast network of connections to provide for his servant as well.) Weaknesses: Achilles’ Heel – Like the great Achilles before him, Chike’s body might be neigh-invulnerable, but his heel lacks any sort of superhuman durability. One good cut on his LEFT heel will leave him incapacitated. A superhuman blunt force attack will shatter his heel bone. Magical warding – Chike only has his powers as long as he is telepathically connected to Ares. If the God of War weakens, so does Chike; if a magician can block off their mystic link, Chike loses his powers until he comes into contact with Ares again. Servant of Ares – As strong willed as Chike is, if Ares truly desired for Chike to do something, Polemos would have no choice but to obey. On occasion, Ares will force Chike to suspend his morals and has him do something Chike would consider an atrocity. There is also the chance that, at any moment, Chike could lose control of himself and become a killer filled with a lust for blood. Supporting Characters: Ceri Kendra – Enchantress and love interest. Hephaestus – Close friend of Chike and provider of arms and armor. Ares – Master, to whom Chike is rather resentful. Varnia – Sentient eagle, close friend and constant companion to Chike. Jonah Baatul – Deceased father. Mia Baatul – Deceased mother. Dau Nyh - Best friend and adopted brother, MIA. Mr. and Mrs. Nyh - Adopted parents, MIA. Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes. I believe so. Weapons and armor: Chike's weapons have been forged by Hephaestus and blessed by the gods of Olympus. Sword of Perseus: The blade used by the great hero Perseus to decapitate Medusa. It has been passed on to Polemos by way of Ares. Armor of Achilles: Dipped into the river Styx alongside Achilles, and later Chike himself, this armor is invulnerable. Shield of Hercules: The unbreakable ivory shield of Hercules, now protects The Avatar of War. Spear of Peleus: A gift for Peleus created by the gods Kheiron and Hephaestus, and the goddess Athena. This weapon now belongs to Chike. Quiver of Hercules, Arrows of Artemis, and Bow of Polemos: Gifted the quiver used by Hercules and the arrows by Artemis by Hephaestus, as well as a newly crafted bow specifically for Chike. Sample Post: **"On your left, Chike! He's got a bat!"** Varnia, a golden-feathered eagle cried from high above the streets of Lost Haven. The dark-skinned demigod landed an uppercut on the beanie-wearing thug in front of him, knocking him a good foot into the air before he landed on his back with a thump and a groan. Chike whipped around at lightning speeds (metaphorically, of course) and grabbed the bat a second thug was trying to bludgeon his helmet-covered skull with. Chike snapped the bat with ease, sending splinters in all directions. The stunned criminal's face full of surprise turned into a face full of fist as he stood there, shocked at the strength of his opponent. Chike turned quickly once more, kicking a third thug in his side; it sounded to Chike's enhanced ears as if he cracked a few ribs with that kick. _In Zues' name, that was too hard Chike! _ He mentally scolded himself while battle raged around him. A fourth assailant dived for Chike's legs, while another simultaneously swung a crowbar at his face. Chike leaped forward, driving his left knee into the crowbar-wielding man's chest before the weapon could impact Chike. The fourth man fell face first into the snow, with Chike no longer within his grasp. Chike rolled with his landing, turning around to face the twenty or so remaining gangsters he was facing. They were though, Chike would give them that. But not as tough as he was. **_"Why do you toy with these cretins so, my herald? You are the Avatar of War! The mighty Polemos! You could punch a hole through their skulls without exerting yourself; and yet you hold back so much that you use barely any of my strength. You're wasting your potential, and my power. _** _How many times must we share the same conversation, Ares, for me to get it through your thick skull that I'm not going to kill anyone who isn't trying to kill me?_ A group of five more thugs charged towards Polemos, as one of the gangsters from the previous wave, the one who'd eaten a face full of snow, began to stand. Chike met their charge, jumping through the air and smashing his fist against one of their faces. Upon landing, one man brought both of his fists down upon Chike's back. He cried out in pain as his hands made contact with the durable superhuman.**"M-My hands! They're broken! They're f-"** The gangster took a fistful of justice to his face."Watch your mouth." Chike grunted, spinning around and backhanding another thug into the snow. **_They most certainly appear to be trying to kill you._** _I mean trying and capable of killing me._ **_To your right. He has a gun._** It was both humorous and disturbing, in Chike's mind, that Ares could say something like that so casually. As if it didn't matter. Of course, it really didn't: A gun wouldn't hurt Polemos. It was the thought that counted, though, right? Chike dashed out of the hand to hand brawl and rushed through the snow towards the armed assailant. The man, his face covered by a black ski mask, was aiming right at Chike: the Ugandan noticed that he was shaking profusely. _Ha, they should fear me._ He thought. Chike grabbed the man's wrist, pointing the gun into the air before punching him in the throat. Chike dropped the now-limp and unconscious thug into the snow before turning around and tagging another gangster charging at him. Two more thugs went down in quick succession, each to a single blow from the Herculean strength of Chike. Chike dashed forward into the crowd of remaining gangsters. He threw quick jabs at each man who took a step forward and dared to challenge his strength. Most of them, however, began to form a circle around Chike. There was about fifteen feet of space inside the circle to move around in. Chike turned around, looking at all of the thugs gathered around him.**"What are you waiting for? Are you prepared to surrender?" ** Out of the crowd, a seven foot tall beast of a man joined Chike in the circle. He wore what appeared to be a kevlar vest, black military pants, and a grey trench coat. On his head was a luchador mask, with a bull's horns poking out.**"I am El Toro!"** the giant cried, raising his hands into the air.**"I will kill you, hero, for attacking my men on my own turf!"** With that, the bull charged at Chike, head down. Like a real bull would. How cliche is this guy? **"Come here, tiny! Let's tango!**" Chike met El Toro's charge head on, lowering his own head and bringing up both of his open palms. The two slammed into each other, and El Toro began to push Chike backwards. _Right. Superhuman. Not all that strong, though._ Chike noted. Polemos dug one of his feet into the ground, and El Toro stopped pushing Chike back.**"You fancy yourself some kind of tough guy, don't you?"** Chike commented.**"Listen. I'll give you a chance to give up. I'll take you and your boys to prison, but there won't be any more broken bones. Do we have a deal?"** El Toro scoffed at this.**"I will crush you, little man! You wear a dress like some kind of woman!" **Chike's eyebrow twitched beneath the brim of his helmet.**"It's a tunic! A TUNIC!"** Chike shoved El Toro onto his gluteous maximus, before picking him up and throwing him into the crowd, knocking over four other men. _**It does look like a dress.**_ _You wear one too!_ _**I wasn't born in the last two centuries.**_ _Shut up!_ _**How mature.**_ **"Uhhhh...Polemos, Bullman's getting back up!"** Varnia warned. El Toro charged Chike once more.**"I'm done with you."** Chike muttered under his breath. As the bull was less than a mere foot away, raising a hand to strike Polemos, Chike reacted. He spun around El Toro, ending up behind the giant. He immediately whipped his elbow back, smacking El Toro in the back of his giant head. This attack, along with his previous momentum, caused El Toro to guy flying face first into a dumpster sitting against a nearby brick apartment building.**"Ugghhhh..."** El Toro groaned as consciousness left him.**"Go Chike!"** Varnia cried in excitement.**"Anyone el-"** Chike began, turning away from El Toro and looking at his thugs. Said gangsters were running off in all directions, leaving behind their unconscious comrades and friends. Chike sighed, and set off at a sprint after them. Just another day on the job.
This looks really interesting. I'm starting work on a character sheet now.
In Hallo 11 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello, my people. I punch faces for a living.

This is still open, correct?

If so, how many ships would an entirely fleet based faction have available? How should one go about making an NS for a fleet-only faction?
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