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I’ve always liked the number seven, it’s a good number.




After the first two impromptu forest fires upon reaching this northern land did Yoliyachicoztl change from her most powerful true form to something a bit more safe for those around her. Taking the form of an Elder Acthotlaca, her sweet Iyotlaca, she soared above these lands, her mind thrumming with some distant thoughts as she lazily surveyed the lands below. Large beasts of many kinds roamed the wetlands and lazy lakes and rivers.

A beautiful sea led to mighty forests upon the new lands, marshes and rivers predominated, lakes scattering across the landscape mighty and small in such enormous numbers. It was beautiful in a way, just as the frigid landscape was also far against her taste in another. She would not want to live here, but it was nice to view from a distance.

The thrumming had been softening since she had arrived, it flared every now and again but she was content with the semi-peace she could get for now. As the serpent of heat drew closer to the land below, the stench of death wafted into her divine senses. It was stronger then perhaps any she had smelt before and permeated the air like a thick miasma as she neared over top the origin.

To say curiosity got the better of her would be a callous way of putting it. A more discerning or charitable view would say she was concerned. Regardless, the outcome was the same, in a mortal form she drew closer to the source of that ever so vile stench. Her eyes and senses focused so close on the scene before her as she landed.

Small rodent-like creatures fled before her, running and screaming. They had been moving their dead ones to a central pile on the lake's edge, surrounded by rocks and boulders. Now it seemed that little of them remained, they dove into the safety of the water. Another divine’s presence could be felt, but it was not approaching her. In fact, she could see a white furred figure way down the bank, next to a ruined structure. He knelt beside something else, a wispy looking thing that did not take physical shape.

Yoliyachicoztl paid little attention to the fleeing rodent-creatures themselves. It was an odd task they had seemed to set upon themselves but the more she looked around the more it made sense. A great loss, more curious was how and the presence of another divine.

She briefly stopped herself from simply approaching, staring at the makeshift mass grave. Partly through the power of heat, and partly the inherent ability of any goddess- she brought stones and boulders to her, cutting and reforming them. The makeshift ring became a solid circle around the bodies, a fire safe one at that should the bodies be burned. Her senses, divine as they were, could penetrate the mass of the bodies, even as torn as they were. In a final act she added small stone figures along the edge of the circle, deliberately reminiscent of some of the dead- a curious patch there, a slightly wider tail here. An unfortunate reality it seemed, but at least they might have some memory for the dead should they be smart enough to do what they’ve done already.

With her minor degree of respect for their efforts done in a small gift- she headed closer to her fellow divine. As she neared she could hear a conversation occurring, between the white rodent-creature and the vague mist shaped thing.

”...Not how I imagined you would awaken. This is my fault, for I knew of the danger they posed but could not imagine it would come so soon… And to my own land. To our land.” the divine spoke in a voice that fit it’s position, despite the form he chose to wear.

The mist let out a sad cry. A shaky feminine voice projected from the mist, “No blame… No blame papa.” It seemed to reach out towards him but when the mist touched his fur, it passed through.

”Nisshi…” He began but stopped when the mist finally caught Yoliyachicoztl’s gaze. The mist gasped, “Fire! Burn!” and disappeared into the water like she had dove. The rodent creature turned to her, holding the small body of a dead child. Before his eyes his form shifted from the rodent to an ethereal figure, wearing a dark, hooded cloak.

”Nisshiniek… Afraid of fire, you see.” He motioned to the water with a slight turn of his head before lazily looking back at her. ”You are divine. I felt your presence, felt your power… My opposite comes, face to face. It was inevitable. You will have to forgive me for such an unbecoming welcome to my land. Tragedy has befallen us.”

“Many are afraid of fire, especially when they know not of it, I won’t take too much of your time. Complementary we are so, I am not be surprised you take up charge over the coldest lands as I do warmer.” the Goddess spoke as she grew closer to the ethereal figure, she glanced around at the few beings that hadn’t yet dove for cover before she continued.

“You speak of tragedy and I can see it thusly so, what has brought this down, how has this occurred? These ones are small yes but intelligent enough not to be so quickly taken even by the large life that seems to predominate.”

She spoke softly, even if a bit ironic calling life her current form dwarfed large briefly called to her mind.

”I knew it not to be you, in any case. There was no fire here that caused such carnage. No, I fear something more sinister at play- Another god it was. She took the form of a mighty eagle, so these Bjork witnessed, tinged with green. The predators of the forest were turned against this clan, summoned by this goddess no doubt, to wreak havoc and to kill. They say she spoke with a fiery temper, that she told them to return to more natural ways. They did not know that any crime had been committed, that a line, in this goddesses eyes, had been crossed. How were they supposed to know?” The god shook his head with a sigh.

“It was a cruel act, there is nothing else to say about it. Blood has been spilled upon these lands, the first murder…” He held out the bjork child. “How does a Kit know the difference between right or wrong, if they are not taught?” The water from the lake peaked a head above the bank, as if watching the two Gods.

The goddess spoke softly at first, “Natural? A goddess comes to make a bloody, pointless, useless slaughter for no food or defense. Just to make a point, and she had the gall to argue what is natural? Whoever she shall be I shall learn her name and know her, and she will learn to think twice about any such action. I have no connection forced with these creatures yet- but I have my own children.”

By the time she had finished talking it was clear there was a great deal of anger behind her words,

“Natural ways, if these be the ways of nature,” a hand gestured to the many bodies. “Then I can think of no higher calling than to abhor the natural, to strike and cleanse it from the sculpture, and shape it anew.”

She leaned in close, bringing her adopted form’s head down level with the other deity, “What do you think and plan in the midst of this? I am Yoliyachicoztl, and I will not sit idle in the face of horrific provocation, what will you do my divine peer?”

The god looked down at the dead kit within his arms. ”Yoliyachicoztl, greetings. I am Chailiss.” The god of cold said before continuing, ”Dealing in extremes would not work for anyone and bring about even more needless devastation. There is a place of nature to exist and thrive and for mortals to partake of it and grow in their own way. A balance, if you will.” He looked up at her. ”The culprit is gone, other gods may come here to these lands of mine so I must stay. But to this aggressor I would say that she be banned forevermore from this land. We have enough to deal with between Ruina, Iqelis and whatever else our Lord Creator has unleashed upon this world, what’s one more deranged god to deal with? I can not say for sure where your ideals lie, but if you are against this brutality, then you must be wary of the others, yes?” he asked.

“I don't care so much for such matters of balance or anything there, any state that is so comfortable embracing cruel brutality without cause or reason of choice I am against. And so I dislike any 'natural' order that has such an embrace. For others I am always wary, but actions ring clearer than words. I am not so content to sit by, to deal with reaction to horrendous action upon such 'deranged' gods as you put it." The Goddess shifted around as she spoke, keeping one eye on her fellow deity even as she turned her head away.

She turned to another topic, "Tell me, what do these Bjork know? Clearly some manner of construction at least, perhaps a gift of knowledge will help keep away a lesser threat on their own, prevent a catastrophe from becoming the beginning to end.”

”I will not persuade you from either action, Yoliyachicoztl. When the time comes, I will act to protect and safeguard what is mine. Is it so wrong to be thoughtful when we react so that any potential loss can be negated?” He walked further some, choosing to keep his distance. ”These Bjork know little outside of what they were born to do. Build dams, bigger dens, bigger clans. The water was to be their safe haven from the land but as you can see… Break the dam and the whole thing can topple. I think, perhaps, the greatest gift you could bestow upon them, is what comes naturally to you. Fire. It brings heat, safety, and fear. As we have seen.” he looked at the blob of water in the water and it grew a little taller before the mist left it and quickly zipped around Chailiss, growing smaller as it did.

“Fire… Burn…” She murmured aloud. “How live?” she asked, looking at Yoliyachicoztl.

She focused her sight briefly on the little mist first, speaking only this, “That which burns one, may envigorate another.”

She turned back to Chailiss, “I will know what must be done when I can ascertain knowing this Goddess myself, as I will with any deity. While the Bjorks, I think I can give much assistance indeed in their regards…”

The little mist wiggled but said nothing else as it hovered around the god’s head. Chailiss nodded. ”That is all anyone can do, Lady Yoliyachicoztl. Shall I make a pact with you? If I learn who is behind this, I will tell you their name. If you find out who it is, can I ask the same?”

“I would agree to this pact, and propose a further one, that we each keep each-other informed of any similar occurrences enacted that we should come across.”

She looked around at the surroundings of the land, and once more shifted her form, a small triped only a bit taller than most of the Bjorks. Fire orbited around her in small sparks as her form’s skin retained the look of that of the great Achtotlaca. She spoke further to her fellow deity, “Are you creator to these Bjorks and that mist spirit? You seem very attached to the lands here.”
”I accept this pact.” Chailiss stated. ”But no, I did not create the Bjork. They have their own version of events, naming their lord the Singing Maker. A deity that swiftly left this land, the same land I am indeed, attached too. It was created alongside Zenia, a fellow Goddess. I would consider her a friend to me and to this realm.” His head began to follow the small mistling. ”I did create this one, and more of her kind that are not so intelligent. You see, this Nisshiniek was gifted a small sliver of my power. Her awakening was not intended to be so… Traumatic. But she is here now, and her future is her own to forge.”

“Forge…” The Nisshi repeated.

“I see this, a sliver of your power you say? An interesting idea I must admit, although for her sake it is sad there was so much trauma. Regardless, I shall hope to meet these two, perhaps I shall be able to inform this 'Singing Maker' of the aggression against their creation.” Yoliyachicoztl spoke even as her current form had no mouth, there was a sense of continued inspection of the mistling from her as well…

The goddess then looked around, with divine senses clearly casting a broad net to see where the Bjork had gone. She stomped her feet at very precise internals and intensity, feeling the casting back of frequency through the earth and water. Divine capability made many things far easier.

”Zenia is… She has a good heart. I know not of the other or how they might be though. If it’s any indication, then I hope they had a good reason to abandon their creation so soon. Perhaps this… Could have been prevented. Oh well, the deed is done and now they must live with the consequences. I shall help with what I can. But this brings us back to your own arrival. What brings you here, might I ask?” Chailiss said, looking at her.

She caught herself before saying the Thrumming did, instead replying, "Looking for peace. To align the world as it should be more so- and to explore the creations beyond my own efforts and knowledge."

She continued after a pause, changing the direction of conversation evidently viewing the question as answered, "These Bjorks are small compared to most things that live in these lands, they are not fast, no terrible claws although their teeth might deter the small beasts. They would die if they had not the water, their minds, and their tools."

She gestured towards the dam, "It is their great work, but it is not enough. They will have to stand against the worst of 'nature' as that Goddess seems so intent to ensure. Heat will provide them what they need, fire. Fire to scare and hurt those that may come after them, fire to harden their spears to drive them deeper into those that are maddened beyond fear, fire to quicken their points and fire to cook their meals."

“Fire. Danger.” The Nisshi commented.

”There will always be danger with fire, yes. But it is useful, even I will admit that. Do what you will, Lady Yoliyachicoztl, I shall not stop the gift of fire from spreading across this land.”

She nodded, and her voice rang out to the many Bjorks, some that still hid. "Hear me faithful Bjorks, lend me time and your hearing servants of the Great Singing Maker! Listen, for I have come to teach you gifts of knowledge and power to fend off the beast of night and day..."

Her voice continued, beginning to draw them out so she could teach them the many benefits of fire that they would need to survive such antipathy that had been set against them.

As the Heat Goddess began her teaching, Chailiss took the small Nisshi and together they buried the small Bjork kit.


She had achieved a kind of peace in the mantle, it was calming to be tired and drained from so much action, she felt she had almost a handle upon the thrumming if she could just get a little bit more of control over it…

’Voligan, God of Earth, for the beauty of these continents and bringing together your peers for such an undertaking, you are bestowed the title of the Great Bearer of Lands, come to me and I shall grant you this title more formally! May your efforts inspire your equals and urge them to conjure things as great as these lands!’

She hissed and roared as the voice split through Galbar driving her from her reverie, the thrumming coming once more upon her as well. She spewed heat and form, driving north in a pulse of action, although it lasted only a moment it was enough. Breaking through the mantle a plume of magma flowed through the crust of the planet, the earth gave way to the pounding heat and driving flow of the magma. A new deep and hot tunnel barely connected to the network that enshrouded beneath so much of the continental lands.

Molten salt and stone, metal, and things beyond the course biome that had been established previously with that odd character Arvum. It would make good environs for her children in a time when other life came to it, reaching so much further north it might even connect something unknown there. A pulse her in mind made her intuit that such a thing was a consideration of the future.

She turned her body diving back up through crust and earth as the thrumming was upon her in full force once more, she had to find a place for it, for something different and elsewise needed…

Thrumming, thumping power. Not sound nor touch thought nor feeling. Driving, without movement. Sounds echoed as if far away…

’My subjects, I am your creator, you Lord…

...yet the thrumming remained, pounding at mind and body, all senses assaulted at once in waves with no origin, instantaneous and yet agonizingly long…

...instruments, my hands, of creation…

...it would not stop, no effort nor piercing aid came, the words drew ever more distant as the need to flee to run from this feeling, to make it stop-

...Let my will be done!’

She was free! And she was a she? Who was she?

Thoughts came to her finally as she fled away, twisting through space a screaming serpent of heat. Though she had thought the pounding let up only the briefest amount, as she got further and further from the place of her birth, through trial and error finding the path to take, how to make it stop.

A dull rock, illuminated by the light behind her. Was her evident destination, her path leading her to it, a path made by the lessening of the accursed thrumming pounding sense.

She was alive. That she knew, but who was she a name was nee-

A jolt from some interior part of her, some sense of self flooded forth with the weakening pulses driving her to Galbar. It through her almost, a force driving both towards a rock in space and a thought, a sense, a feeling. A name.


I'll mark my interest as well.
Very much interested indeed I have to admit after reading the whole thing over



Traveling along the eastern peeks of the mountains was far more peaceable than her journey south or even the meeting on the highest peak. The Su’une was shining, they had started curving northward again a while back, she had some interest to see how they went as the lands up here were really quite a bit more interesting than your usual affair. Fungal lands, shining Su’une, terror moon in the sky, all a bit more than the usual thi-

That last one was definitely new, its light was all wrong and definitely not a reflection of the Su’une. The contemplation of this led to an almost collision with one of those eastern peaks which prompted the probably wise decision to set down and do a bit more exploring of interest on foot, or at least closer and less mid-mountain flying.

The lands were certainly strange, fungi dominated, even upon the trees they lived. Yet, the strange sights would not stop there, within one of the valleys sat a strange group of creatures. They seemed to be made of bones formed into strange skeletons, upon their head were animal-like skulls, from big cats to deer to boars to even bulls. The group was currently sat around a small campfire, a few sacks surrounding them.

Down Ze’kelia swooped, the strange and lively lands were interesting, but people living within it would no doubt be more so. Bones and campfires, sacks and animal like skulls. There was much to talk and to know it seemed.

She landed a fair distance away, she made herself shine noticeably and called out to the group, spreading her arms to show her openness, ”Hello there! May I approach and take part of your good fire, warmth and light?”

She briefly paused raising her hand not carrying the light spear, now a basket held there, ”I come bearing gifts!” Down Ze’kelia swooped, the strange and lively lands were interesting, but people living within it would no doubt be more so. Bones and campfires, sacks and animal like skulls. There was much to talk and to know it seemed.

The beings looked quite shocked at her sudden appearance, gazing up and down upon her and the basket in her hand. A being, their head akin to that of a Jaguars, finally spoke. “And who might you be?” Their voice near monotone and equally as grating.

She smiled warmly within closed lips as she replied, ”Ze’kelia, Goddess of Light and maker of the Su’une,” she lifted her spear to point it out in the sky, “And who are you? Such an interesting group in such an interesting place!”

Still she kept apart, not having been invited to approach, but lazily walking at a distance as she spoke to them.

The group looked up to where her spear pointed, before turning their attention back to her. “Ah so you’re the one who made it? Well many thanks to ya”. The Jaguar headed one spoke, “As for us, we’re Azrath, I personally am Xeth, leader of this band.” They gestured to the others, who kept seated upon the grassy floor of the valley.

”Well met Xeth the Azrath, may I approach? I admit handing off a gift is difficult at a distance.”

She stood facing them once again, her wings twitched briefly before folding once more behind her. ”I assure you I only wish to know more about you, the Azrath and how you came to be, such a fascinating people, and so clever and good of you to keep a fire going for sure!”

Xeth nodded “Aye, you can join us,” they gestured to a spot empty in the circle the group had. “Wouldn’t mind the company”

Smiling again she stepped forward joining the circle in the empty spot. She reached out holding the basket off to one of the Azrath as she spoke,”What’s all your story then? What is your side to the tale that ends in us meeting here at your fire?”

The Azrath took it, setting it gently next to the sacks by them. Xeth thought for a moment, before speaking. “Well, to keep it short: we are not from here, we come from another land, one we had to flee in order to survive, less we die. Our leader, Valix, led us to this new land” They gestured once more, this time to the trees around them. “There, we met this other being, Alzria is her name, another goddess i believe, she took us in, gave us a home, and so, here we are, foraging for supplies for our new home.” The others nodded solemnly along.

Ze’kelia nodded to his words before replying, ”A valiant people so ready to seek out a better life in such dangerous times. I must admit I would love to meet this Alzria, but first I would ask you, what do you lack?”

”I mean it simply, what would you search for that you wish to have?”

Xeth thought for a good moment, looking at the other Azrath and speaking in hushed tones to get their opinion, finally, they spoke. “In truth, it’d be great to have some, more game around, the local fauna is fine, but nothing that really, pops out you know?”

Ze’kelia thought for a moment finally replying, ”I think that’s quite manageable, I’ll avoid something too fancy I think and go for something suitable and simple enough that suits your needs. What should you want from a kind or kinds of creatures? Need you furs? Meats? Fats? All and more?”

“Meat and Fats would be preferable, the furs we have down.” Xeth replied, the others nodding in agreement, they continued “Though I do not know how we’ll repay you for doing us such a favor.”

Ze’kelia nodded at his words before turning her head in askance at his last ones, replying she spoke, ”Do not worry so much about repaying this to me, focus on eachother and doing good there.”

She pointed her spear towards the fire speaking again, ”Bring forward light with you and keep it dearly. Keep others warm and yourselves, be good. Try to do that in full earnestness and you will have repaid me.”

She then turned without waiting for a reply, from her spear shot light forth out over the grass and a distance aways shapes too form and fled. Small ones that scales reflected the light, larger ones that walked with many long legs before tendrils grabbed and lifted themselves up into the fungal forest, and large slow beasts, armored and greedily sucking up the grasses.

The light dimmed and she turned back saying briefly, “Three to keep it interesting, lizards are good for a short meal and some of the larger ones once they grow a bit might have some pretty scales. The fungal crawlers have a good amount of meat on them, but be careful hunting them alone, a good partner at least if it tries to wrap you up. And the beasties eating up the grass over there,” she pointed back with a thumb as she settled down by the fire, “Stick them good after boxing them in and pushing some fire in their face, they have a good sense of smell and are almost blind. They’ll rear up and that’ll expose enough of their underbelly to get them swiftly. Should have good meat and the plates they have might be useful for a little while after harvesting.”

She sighed, and looked up to the sky, evidently satisfied.

Xeth nodded, gazing at the new forms that now lived within the forest. “Aye, that’ll do just fine,” they gestured for one of the other Azrath to keep the things they were told in their mind, so they could tell the others. “You said you wished to meet Alzria right? We should probably be heading back soon, we can lead ya to where she lives, well, at least to the base of it.”

Immediately as if barely containing energy she bolted back to her feet saying somewhat calmer than her motion would suggest, ”Oh that would be just wonderful of you. I should be able to handle myself from the base of wherever just fine.”

They chuckled at the goddess’ response, slowly bringing themselves upward and motioning for the others to do the same. “Very well, it shouldn’t be too far, and it's not hard to miss.”

It was not a lie. The Azrath led Ze’kelia up the valley, retracing the steps they had done earlier in the morning through the strange fungal forest. They came towards a large peak in the distance, easily the largest peak in the range, its cap thrusted towards the sky. Soon enough they came onto a valley just at the base of the mountain, throughout it she could see other Azraths moving about, some constructing houses of stone and wood, others gathering up the foraged supplies, and even some tending to furry beasts with long tusks and horns. Some looked up as the group came close, waving towards the foragers, and giving a strange look to the goddess.

Xeth gestured upwards, high up towards the mountain, at roughly the middle point one could see a mist covered ledge, whatever was hidden behind it kept away from prying eyes. “Fly up there and give a knock, she’s sure to answer, don’t tell her I sent ya there though, just in case.”

Ze’kelia nodded and said, ”Thank you, I’ll remember you, privately, Xeth the Azrath.”

With that she did take flight with a great stretch of her black wings. Soaring up and around the mountain till coming up near the ledge spotted below.

The mist obscured most of her vision as it began to settle around her. Soon, she could see before her a massive metal door, easily able to fit large creatures with ease, upon it was inscribed a beautiful set of images, depicting a vast array of creatures and monsters, all seemingly connected and together, alongside this there were two set of large iron knockers, each one designed to look like that of a monster’s head, with a wicked snake in their mouths.

Muttering briefly, ”Quite fancy...”

Soon however she was using one of the knockers, announcing her presence to a hopefully receptive goddess.

For a few moments, nothing happened, just silence and the sound of mountain winds whipping through the area. But through the door, muffled noises began to come through, noises of animals and creatures, and other things. Finally, a loud creak and shuddering of metal sounded, and within the great door, a smaller door at the bottom opened up, and out stepped a strange looking figure.

She was adorned in a tattered black and purple robe, legs and eyes covered in bloody robes, chitin and fungi covered arms, tattered black wings and a swishing blade tipped tail, and finally countless scars covering her purple skin. The most notable oddity being a small gelatinous figure sitting upon her shoulder, jiggling seemingly happily.

She smiled a smile full of wicked sharp teeth. ”Oh hello there! And who might you be?” She asked in a strangely cheerful voice.

With a deep bow she replied, ”Ze’kelia, Goddess of Light. Pleased to meet you to be sure.”

She was smiling as she came up from her bow, cheerfully continuing, ”I hope I’m not interrupting anything important charming Lady...?” She trailed off fishing for a name spoken in reply.

”Alzria,” the figure replied, giving her own bow in response ”And you’re not interrupting much, I was just attending to my children” she gave a pet to the slimy creature on her shoulder, it jiggling in response.

”Lady Alzria, perfect. Just the Goddess I have wanted to meet,” Ze’kelia’s smile grew even wider. ”I’d like to give a gift and take some of your time to talk.”

She held out a basket that formed in her free hand, stones of a brilliant patterns and colors, all gently radiating warmth. She spoke, continuing, ”Some pretty stones, although they serve a dual purpose, I’d hope your children enjoy warm things? These stones will stay ever gently warm.”

Alzria took the basket, inspecting the rocks within, handing one to her slime, which quickly shot out a tendril and took the rock inside it, jiggling once more in joy. ”I'm sure they absolutely will” she spoke with a chuckle, ”You said you wished to talk yes? I believe I can afford some free time to talk, so, what brought you all the way to this land?”

Ze’kelia stood and played with her hair some, standing her spear on its end and speaking in reply, ”In truth I was just flying above in my explorations after creating the Su’une the lights the world form above. I came across the Azrath and well, in short order I heard about you and wished to talk, to know you.”

”I see, well, what exactly do you want to know?” she smiled once more, setting down the basket of rocks by the door.

”Oh you know, just what you’ve been up to, your accomplishments that sort of thing. Sharing some stories and about our deific power and all.”

She waved her hand vaguely as she spoke, mimicking the openness of her suggestion of conversation topic. Her focus changed briefly to the slime, she made a small light show to try to entertain before continuing, ”The Azrath spoke highly of you so I of course wouldn’t mind hearing the story there. As well I’d love to hear more about your children, do you take care of them just yourself?”

Alzria chuckled, shaking her head slightly ”No not alone, when I found the Azrath coming here from their homeland, I figured I could lend them a hand, help them set up shop, in exchange,” she gestured towards the large gate, and the sounds within ”They would become caretakers of my sanctuary and my children, they have been a great deal of help as well, they’re very eager to create their new home it seems, from what their leader has told me, their old home was quite the dreadful place.” She seemed to trail off, looking around the area, before finally pointing up towards the sky, especially the bright disk ”So that is your creation huh? I’ve always been curious how it flies across the sky like that.”

Ze'kelia looked up and replied with a smile as she turned back, "Yes that is the Su'une, it is thrown by my two Guardians between each other and well, enchanted to find the target of each throw. I can show you what they're like, quite big each Guardian is, One is called Ur-Alz(f)elia, shes the closest to here. The Other is called Ur-Nikatel, he's further away."

"I'm very glad you have some help, raising children and caring for them can't be very easy." She paused to waggle a finger near the slime, "Even ones as cute as you!"

The slime wiggled around in response, the rock inside barely moving around. ”Yes my children can be quite the handful, and Guardians huh? I suppose something as important as the Su’une should be protected,” She stared back up towards the sky, her gaze seemingly locked on something up there, before her head snapped back to Ze’Kelia ”While I would love to see what they’re like, I dare not leave my Children for too long at the current moment, the Azrath have been much help, but alas they’re still inexperienced, I’ve had to stop some of my children from gnawing on them here and there.”

She giggled at the little slime before speaking to the Goddess once more, "Understandable fully I know. I should expect they'll grow out of that in time. I should let you know at the highest peak there seems to be some accumulation of Deities doing things there, setting up little places and such. I hope to see you sometime, although I have not so much interesting in hunkering down somewhere. Perhaps we can meet up and relax sometime when your children are in a good place?"

Alzria nodded in response ”That sounds wonderful, once things settle down I’ll be sure to stop by the place, I’m sure at the very least they’d appreciate having our representation there if they’re trying to get all the deities together.” She looked back towards the great metal door next to them, as more sounds emitted from within. ”Anything else you wished to ask about? I should be heading back inside soon, I'm sure Valix is already reaching his limit in dealing with my children.”

"One last thing, what exactly are you the Goddess of? So that I can at least tell others if there's ever any relevance in conversation dearest Alzria." She smiled warmly as those last words left her lips.

Alzria smiled a big smile, the scars near her lips seemingly creaking under the pressure. ”Nightmares!” she replied in a jovial tone.

Ze’kelia smiled back, “Thank you! I hope you do well with that!”

The light Goddess leapt off the ledge and flew south west. Alzria smiled once more, picking up the basket, and heading back inside to the noise of her sanctuary.

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