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    1. CondorTheMole 9 yrs ago


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Just read the Owlkit post, I'm a bit hesitant to grab the easy first blood as its a kit... Normally I wouldn't care but Sharpthorn's feelings for Stormkit and Venuskit are too strong for me to have him execute another kitten. So sadly I'll have to pass on the opportunity.
@PhaesarisHave Briar be chased off from Boulderclan to Oakclan territory once our patrol is near and I'll make sure Sharpthorn takes good care of him. Think about it, if that happens it can even lead to a fight between patrols!

Honestly I want Sharpthorn to get into a vicious fight and brutally murder/injure another cat so if anyone has a character that is expendable please send it my way at any point during the roleplay, I'll make sure to write him an amazing death scene, and honor his corpse later.

My plan is for Sharpthorn to collect something (not sure what I want him to collect and keep as a trophy without being too much of a bloodthirsty savage or it being disgusting) from each cat he kills. Maybe go Dothraki and braid his tail/hair.
The look of the deputy said it all. "Kittypet, instead of chatting make yourself useful and call Oakstar. The patrol needs to leave as soon as possible," he meowed coldly at the smaller tom, not knowing if what he said was actually true. To him Sunflame did not deserve the warrior title as the former kittypet had not shown what he could really do.

However Oakstar's word was final and Sharpthorn deeply trusted his judgment, now was the perfect time for his leader's wisdom to prove itself.Let's see how a glorified kittypet fares on a simple patrol the grey tom thought as he gave the older cat an intimidating look. Sharpthorn wasn't charismatic and he knew it, that is why he based everything on the fear his size and distant ways usually caused. When it came to socializing he went straight to the point and tried to evade smalltalk using intimidation to convince.

Sharpthorn usually viewed a cat not by gender but by usefulness so he did not understand Burrpelt's problems. The coon obviously found females attractive but he was always so focused in training and clan duties he had little time to spare in courting, perhaps when Oakclan was stable and glorious would he stop to think about that, his imposing presence could perhaps be appealing to some she cats, he wasn't sure.

What he did understand was annoyance and not caring what Sunflame's response was going to be, Sharpthorn turned and gave Sunflame his broad back as to cut any further conversation or protest. If the orange tom responded aggressively, which he doubted, Sharpthorn would be personally testing his might and would respond as he would with an enemy, even if one of them ended up dead.

"What happens if we encounter rougues or Boulderclan resistance?" he asked the deputy to change the subject but checking on Sunflame's movements out of the corner of his eye.
Ignore this post. I accidentally posted here instead of the IC.
I have come to believe that its the end of the year rp break for most. I wouldn't worry too much about most rps going cold a couple of weeks (fits with the weather anyway) and I'd venture to say all of you should enjoy the rest of this 2015 and post only if you can and want. Then again I'm no GM but given the lack of activity I presume its a fair assumption. Have fun and see you around.
@ViolentViolet@AngelKittenThat is a fair and true point, most of them now distrust twolegs and want to give in to clan life. Then since my two ideas are not viable I would agree on the peninsula.
@OtterTerrorHey a quick question, how do we decide when a cat gets murdered? And regardind the boat/platform all of you are right with the twoleg thing, I honestly did not think about that but most of your cats lived in barns or used to be kittypets from what I could read so they may not be so reluctant to gather in an abandoned twoleg place anyway.

“Kick my butt? That crazy cat would murder me!” Eelpaw cried laughing as he noticed Smokepaw was up when he hit his head. “Sharpthorn said I will become a warrior soon so you’ll be able to have my part of the den all to yourself,” Eelpaw informed as he tried to open a conversation. He wasn’t expecting an immediate answer from the usually quiet apprentice so he simply continued talking.

“Well it was nice to rest a while but I can’t quite sleep so since you two have nothing to do how about we all go to hunt? I could even teach you some of Sharpthorn’s moves! Not as efficiently obviously but without the scolding and impatience it could work. Come on you two, breakfast is overrated!” he meowed cheerfully wanting to get to know his clanmates.

“Come on Smoke, we never hang out! Besides we get to spend some time with this beautiful creature here,” he winked at Wither. Hunting without Sharpthorn’s guide would certainly help him show off the product of his hard training and even transmit that knowledge to them.

Sharpthorn had noticed Burrpelt’s desire to leave immediately He must be really concerned about the border if he is in such a hurry, he reflected while coming down the tree. Sharpthorn quickly made his way towards the Deputy not wanting to leave him waiting. “Time to go?” he asked.

Stormkit woke up cold and couldn't help but notice Shadowkit's comfortable position with the Queen, envious of some heat the kit simply drowsily walked towards the two and went to sleep again once huddling against the tail and the older kit. Venuskit joined his brother shortly after as she didn't want to be the only one not on the comfortable tail.
These are my options as to not become a carbon copy of the books, but if you want an actual island that's fine with me too. I'm just throwing suggestions out there in case you like one.
@ViolentVioletWell both ideas I have depend on winter. If the lake is small I was thinking that maybe in the middle of the lake there would be an old ferry (we could say scientists were studying plants native to that lake) that collided with some rocks and got stuck there. However if the lake is large there could be an abandoned research platform instead. The way to reach them would be when the lake froze on winter but there could be the remains of an old pier that starts in the grey thing on the map that marks the border and connects with the platform (We could use the tree if the lake is small). So those are my suggestions but it's up to you @OtterTerror.

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