Nira Seritoka
The Chariot
Nira flinched visibly as Yuumei berated her. She glanced about for help for the briefest second but it quickly became evident that she was on her own in this argument. She managed not to choke - barely - and did her best not to appear afraid.
"He's like, a couple of inches high at best. Besides - it was an accident!" She managed to say, voice shaking.
"I didn't mean... just... I didn't want anyone to be hurt and nobody cared that he might be as well."She trailed off to a quiet mumble - turning away from the girl and focusing instead on the bat-thing. Well, truth be told, it didn't really look like a bat. Didn't really look like any kind of animal at all. Had she noticed earlier then she might have been more afraid, but by this time it was a little late for that.
She didn't know exactly what she had expected when she reached out, but it evidently wasn't to be singed judging by the slight wince that flickered across her expression whenever the flames of the imp's body flared too brightly. She was fine though - it was the shock rather that any real damage that led to her distress, and she quickly came to cover up her reactions. It wouldn't do to upset him by letting him think her was hurting her - that just wouldn't be fair. Wouldn't be right.
“Humans only come here after they’ve died...”"... what?"She barely mumbled the word, but her eyes grew wide in alarm. Sure this whole affair had been frightening from the beginning but now it was just becoming unbearable. Questions raced inber head, but she barely had time to think about them before scenarios of death overran them. Was she dead? Had there actually been a crash? What would her family think?
She took a moment to get over the impact of the imp's words and return to the world of the conscious.
She didn't panic. Not externally at least, not surrounded by other people who - while seemingly mostly hostile in temprement - were probably much better suited to deal with the situation. Like Taro - he would know what to do. Probably.
As Nao approached Nira paused with a worried expression but quickly realised that she was speaking to the imp. Speaking, as opposed to scowling or shouting or scolding, which was better in almost every regard. Perhaps some of them were reasonable after all - reasonable and responsible. Nira didn't quite smile, but she managed an expression of anxious relief. Nira relaxed a little and raisedthe hand that was currently cradling the imp-thing out a little towards her.