Avatar of Corporal Hicks
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 26 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Corporal Hicks 9 yrs ago


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No worries. It was fun while it lasted.
Ellis Braddock felt the sting of a bullet that he knew well. One of the outlaws had hit him. He felt around for the wound, and discovered blood on his coat. He groaned as he slumped back against the wall. Ellis prayed that he wasn't gut-shot. The pain was coursing through him but not from any specific point. He could hear guns firing all around him, and began to slowly reload his six-shooter. He kept dropping the bullets, and finally he gave up and lay back. The sounds of fighting were dying away, and all he could hear was the groans and other sounds from the wounded around him. "Doctor!" he called out, "I need a doctor!"
I'm on vacation. Will be back in less than a week. I will certainly post then if not before

Maybe I'll attempt a post now.
Come on Heat, I wanna know if I killed that thieving son of a bitch
No need to close it down, I'll play. My only confusion was exactly how many bad guys are in the saloon. I've been in your place many times, Heat. Sometimes people just quit, nothing you can do about it.
12 players was maybe too many to keep track of. But if it looks like its gonna be 4, maybe we need to open it up for more players.
Present and waiting patiently. Luckily I'm running three other games or I would be chomping at the bit. Maybe if it stays dead we could replace a few with fresh players.
Can't figure out how to delete it. Sorry
Not sure if this is the right place to post this... if it doesn't belong here just delete it.

I want to advertise for my favorite Play-by-post game. It's on another forum and has been active since 2006. It is based on the movie Aliens. We play futuristic marines in a distopian future. Please check it out and see if you're interested!
Ellis saw the thief emerge from the store across the way. He tucked the cigar box in his coat and drew his old army revolver. He stepped around his potential customer and took careful aim on the running man. He squeezed the trigger six times, sending a bunch of hot lead at Horace. To Ellis it was as matter-of-fact as tying his shoes, the look on his face did not change. Then he heard shots behind him in the bar, and he thought more shots somewhere else in town. Clearly the robbery was not an isolated incident. Ellis spit out his fresh cigar and turned away from his target, walking to one of the windows of the saloon. He crouched and looked through the shattered glass and saw the wounded sheriff. He sat down with his back to the wall and reloaded his six-shooter. Then he rose just enough to peek his head over the wall. Steadying his hands on the windowsill, he took aim on several of the criminals that he could see. He squeezed off two rounds then paused to assess the situation. He took aim on another one and fired two more rounds.
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