Regiment Name: Defenders and Scholars of the Consecrated Seal of Trismigestus
Banner: The Hermetic Seal of Light etched in red against a field of gold.
Nationality/Race: Men of Ilaurus
Racial Specifics: N/A
Size of Host: 500
Speciality: Heavy cavalry and magick
Typical Arms: Lances, arming-swords, maces, and shields.
Typical Armour: Chain mail, great-helms, and tabard.
Typical Steeds: Coursers
Magics Used: Theurgy, Thaumaturgy, Divination, Warding and counterspelling.
Theurgy and Thaumaturgy are magicks which deal with working miracles and drawing forth from the power of 'God'. Unlike the power granted to champions and avatars of various deities, these powers are not a gift from God itself. Rather it is the magician drawing upon the primordial energies of creation to wield himself and thereby manipulate the material world. Typically this power is used for healing, the conjuring, binding, and banishment of spirits. Many of the Order's Theurgists also practice divination, using the positions of the stars and various other methods to divine the possible outcomes of the actions mortals take. All thoughts, actions, and decisions have consequences in this world and the next. Lastly, the most practical of the magicks used by the Ordo Signum Cosecratum, is wards and counter-spelling. Studying the immutable laws of the universe, and the very nature of magick itself allows the Theurgists to deny the effects of spells cast by others and against a person or location. But just as magick is a blunt weapon, it is likewise an expansive shield. While small charms and sigils may offer some protection to an individual, a consecrated and warded area will offer the greatest defense against prying eyes, spirits, and magickal attacks.
History: The Knights of the Consecrated Seal of Trismigestus, also known as the Ordo Signum Consecratum, are a Holdy Order of knights, priests, and therugists that was founded for the purpose of the advancing and regulating the study of magick. This came after the nation of Ilaurus was nearly torn apart by scheming sorcerers and malicious hedge-wizards. These rogue magick users proved a horrifying threat as they made use of the powers and entities which exist within the Shadow Realm, or Lower Circle as they call it. From that day onward, those who wished to practice magick were to do so under the guidelines set forth by the newly raised Holy Order.
Composed of men from all walks, life within the Ordo Signum Consecratum is monastic, scholarly, and meticulously ordered. There are five paths within the order, and they are typically dependent upon one's birth status. The highest within the Order are the Knights of the Seal, noble-born men who have chosen to renounce their titles in service to the Order and the Church. It is the Knights of the Seal who hold the majority of seats upon the council which rules the Order, such as the Grand Master and First Seeker. Scholars as well as warriors, the Knights spend equal time in prayer and study of the holy texts as they do in sparring matches. Still, they could never hope to match the vast knowledge of the Theurgists, or passion of the Confessors. Their tabard is a deep violet trimmed in gold, representing the noble life they have forgone in favor of their sacred duty.
The Knights act not only as a bulwark against the hedge-wizards and dark magicks which threaten the souls of mortals, but as watchdog over those sanctioned to practice the Craft. Magick is a powerful tool, and often the temptation to use it for base and selfish purposes, or break the tenants of the Theurgist is too great for an initiate to resist. When one of their charges falls or loses his way, the Knights of the Seal are there to punish the wrongdoer. First among those who guard the Theurgists are the Thrice-Blessed, men who have faced the horrors of the Lower Circle, and the witches who would use it, and come back alive with their faith and minds in tact. Veterans, honor-guard, champions of righteousness in their own right, so great is their importance that they hold a seat upon the council. Their tabard is white with golden trim, to signify their purity in the face of darkness and corruption.
After the Knights of the Seal, come the Confessors. Priests of the church inducted into the Order, they take important roles in and outside of combat. They offer comfort and wisdom to their brother Knights and Sergeants, and do well to keep the faith of the Theurgists within the order. Confessors lead the Order in Prayer during daily rituals, before and after battle, and of course in funerary rights for the fallen. In the midst of battle they are awe inspiring sights to behold, warriors clad in warplate and resplendent robes, wielding morning-stars as they lead the brothers in war-chants. Many Confessors learn basic theurgistic rituals, learning how to consecrate ground, bless weapons and armor, and even expel the denizens of the Lower Circle if need be. The Chief Confessor holds a position on the Order's ruling Council. Their tabard is black, meant to signify their belonging to the priesthood.
Next come the Sergeants, the medium infantry of the Consecraters. They are common born men who act as foot soldiers, retainers, smiths, craftsmen, and merchants for their Noble commanders. Typically less heavily armored than their lords, and rarely acting as light cavalry, the Sergeants still prove crucial to the operations of the Order in and out of combat. When the Knights of the Seal find themselves locked in siege warfare, the craftsmanship and numbers provided by the Sergeants are invaluable. The same can be said of their role as the crewmen and captains of the fleet. Despite their low standing, the Sergeants boast two positions within the Council, Master of the Fleet, and Quartermaster. Given their common birth, Sergeants are required to wear a tabard of brown, a sign of their low status.
Lastly are the Theurgists, the sanctioned magicians of the Order. For the Theurgist, magick is not a gift, it is not a power that courses through the natural world or that lies within the essence of living things, rather it is the path through which an initiate might gain enlightenment. Through study of the esoteric and the divine, one can learn to manipulate the world around them and work miracles, but any magician worth his salt knows that such power should not be spent on petty material wants or desires. Dominion, life, pleasure, goods, all of these things are fleeting, the flesh is fleeting. Though they have the power to summon angels, elemental spirits, to peer into the future through the stars and holy numbers, they know that such things should not be called upon lightly. The ultimate goal of the Theurgists (and the Order itself) is to reach the Source, to reach what they believe to be the one and true 'God'. They do not contest that there are many deities, that is apparent enough, but what they propose is that all gods, spirits, and even the souls of mortals stem from a single source. This Source, the Cause of all is God in its truest and most pure form. Aside from their theological and occult studies, many Theurgists are also skilled surgeons. While both friend and captive to their brothers within the Order, the magicians are represented within the council by the greatest of their number, the Hierophant. Dressed in simple robes of crimson, those Theurgists who distinguish themselves in their service to uncovering the mysteries of the arcane and divine, are permitted to wear a tabard of gold. This resplendent raiment represents the initiates growth and the beginning of a process of self transformation into something greater.
When the Knights of the Seal were founded, they allowed the study of Theurgy and similar high arts within their ranks, as not only did it provide weapons against the fouler magicks, but it meant that they could cultivate an environment which promoted learning and discussion to better understand God, and therefore the world. This holy mission is what drives the Order's members to seek out esoteric knowledge, to record or destroy for the betterment of all. No matter how far or long they must ride or sail, the Defenders and Scholars of the Consecrated Seal of Trismigestus will stamp out foul hedge-magick and those who would threaten their mission to understand the nature of the All in All.
When word of this horrid sorcerer and his claims of apotheosis reached the ears of the Knights of the Seal, the Holy Order wasted no time committing advisers and a small contingent of Knights and Sergeants to the war effort. The ire of the Order only grew at the news their brothers had been lost to the depths, foul magick destroying the fleet. Now they prepare for the second assault, faith and fury fueling this newest Crusade.