Avatar of CorpusMundum
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    1. CorpusMundum 9 yrs ago


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Seems like fun, I'll hash something out soon!

Hello, I'm working on a fantasy kingdom for this nation roleplay and wanted to show you the area I wanted to claim for my faction. Now I know that the dwarves already own the mountains but I felt that having the mountains be a part of yet separating this nation could be interesting.

The Red Knight
Burning Miyama Town

The game had begun not but a day ago, and already the players had begun to scratch the board and break the pieces. Fire had engulfed the settlement, reducing its many homes and hovels to cinder as the accursed flame gorged itself with each passing second. What's more, the conflagration was only aided by the destructive might of the heroic spirits who chose to fight against or within it, a giant crater where many structures had been just mere moments ago. Normally the Red Knight would have admired the cleansing power of the flames, leveling the playing field and restoring the land to its fertile beginnings in a comfortingly natural way. But no, even this simple tool of nature had been twisted and turned upside down by the meddling and scheming of quite a few different individuals. As fun as it was to watch them scramble and panic before the baleful flames, it would not do to play a game with such a random force loose without a master to hold its reigns. It was obvious he had been summoned to make sure the game was played properly, regardless of manner of spirit he had been summoned as.

Adorned in fine armor of red, the luster of the knight's finely polished plate reflected the flames that surrounded him. He was regal in his bearing and manner. Large black plumes capped his finely wrought helmet, fashioned in the likeness of a stallion with the same dark crimson coloration as the rest of his suit. Strapped to his left arm there was a fine shield made in the fashion of his time and homeland. A checkered field covered much of the shield, a silver chalice centered in its foreground. Resting at his hip swung a large morningstar, its large spikes cruel and painful even to look upon. The figure rode upon an old mule, her aging body grey and her gait slow as she struggled to support the rather resplendent heroic spirit atop her. She was far from the pomp and pageantry of her rider, yet she held him aloft as well as she could. With masterful skill, he lead the gallant steed through the flames, intent on putting an end to the farce here and now.

But there were more intriguing events unfolding before him as he rode to complete his newfound quest. Here he found two fellows locked in daring combat, trading blows and attempting to best one another in martial skill. It stirred in him a fire he had not felt in quite some time, fitting given their surroundings. A hulking brute of a man was accosting a young boy in rags, the latter armed only with a stick. The little thing reminded the Red Knight of a white rabbit, scampering about oh so timidly with time against him. Were it not for their obviously inhuman physique, the Red Knight would have intervened on the young boy's behalf against the behemoth. Yet in an instant the fight changed drastically, the young boy tossing aside the rags which had concealed him moments ago. In their place appeared armor of the brightest crimson, its beauty and craftsmanship rivaled only by those worn by Knights of the Round. It was then that Saber knew the youth, by face, by his armor, by the destiny they had shared so long ago. Percival.

"I greet you, dear cousin! How long has it been since we greeted each other as such I wonder? You already wear my armor, yet you've not challenged me to the right to wear it! I see the knights of Pendragon now think they need only wish their opponents dead." His voice rung out from behind his helm, carrying over even the roar of the flames towards the two heroes locked in struggle. The knight's tone was mocking, and unashamed of the venom that dripped from the words he spoke.

"By the way you fight, then it must be so, for certainly this cannot be the same youth I faced before! If you wish to try your skill against me once again, I am more than eager to oblige. I'll be happy to knock you off your horse a few times if it means making a proper knight of you! Perhaps then, this time God and fate will choose to smile upon a different champion. Till then little rabbit, I must bid you farewell! But do not think me callous dear cousin, for I shall not leave you to this opponent or to the flames. A gift from my lady wife, I'm sure you have met her, Gawain has had no shame in leading her through the court of Camelot!"

With that he reached for the silver chalice which hung by chain from his armor, gracefully lifting the vessel without spilling a drop. Whatever liquid might have resided within the cup began to glow softly, its light piercing even the light of the flames. A heavy mist began to waft from the silver chalice, creating a light fog. A shape began to take form within the mist and smoke that now enveloped the area, soon solidifying to rest upon the ground. It was a beautiful fountain of marble, the clearest waters flowing from its top to land within the wide bowl of its base. Leaves, branches, and vines of gold were wrought into the marble with such skill as to be inhuman in nature. A lovely woman dressed in beautiful garments of forest green and autumn brown sat upon its edge, a chalice clasped between her hands. The Red Knight, still seated upon the old mule, moved alongside the fountain with goblet in hand.

"Tempest Waters, Water of the Fountain."

The water was poured from his silver chalice, splashing against the marble and into the fountain. Within moments, the air grew humid and heavy, despite the raging fire which surrounded the settlement. The light of the moon and the pinpricks of stars within the night sky became obscured as clouds swelled and darkened. Winds began to scream, clouds rumble, and the air itself grow heavier and heavier with each passing second. Next to the mounted knight the beautiful fountain had begun to glow, its waters fuming and bubbling viciously. A glowing mist began to spread and rise higher and higher, suffocating those flames nearest to the fountain and the Red Knight. Suddenly lightning struck, illuminating the night sky before deafening thunder crashed. The clouds had swelled and dominated the sky above the flaming section of the city. Soon enough, the first few drops of rain had begun to fall. With that, the red knight lifted the woman of the fountain upon his steed, and rode the mule with unnatural speed towards from whence he came.

Rain began to pelt the city and its inhabitants, growing harsher and harsher with every moment. Soon it began to fall with such speed and force that it was as a harsh blow to a mortal man. Lightning and thunder continued to dominate the sky, striking structures and reducing them to smoldering ruins if the fire had not already done so. It went on like this for some time, the rain quickly causing the river to flood and water to begin flowing through the streets of Miyama. Then came the hail, balls of ice as large as a man's head raining from the heavens like cannonballs. They were relentless, the rage of the heavens smashing through stone, wood, metal, bone, and flesh alike. Even the ground upon which men stood began to rumble and cry out as the fury of nature was unleashed in a single, devastating storm. It only grew worse from there, lightning striking man, servant, and structure alike while the wind grew to such force that it could lift a man from his feet or strip the flesh from his bones. Hailstones were relentless in their assault upon the works of man, reducing all in their path to dust. Torrential rain had doused the cursed fires, and the flood waters were growing greater in size and strength as they swept away any sign of civilization from the area. Soon the land would be returned to how it had once been, fertile and unsullied by the ravages of man and war.
Martin Caldwell, Lord of the Circle.

Western Farms, Caldwell Plantation.

Night had come quicker than expected to the land Martin now walked, the sun setting in the glorious west as shadow and starlight began to creep quickly over the fields and acres he now owned. It had been simple enough to buy the land, a small fortune to claim perhaps the largest few patches of land within the northern section of the western farmlands, but a pittance compared to what it might have cost in a more civilized nation. As when he was a child, Martin now found himself a landed gentleman with plenty of locals willing to till the fields and bring in whatever harvest the land could provide. What's more, he now had apprentices and acolytes to defend his holdings, rather than simple overseers.

Since their arrival to that heathen land, they had begun their work oh so dutifully. Erecting altars, preparing ritual spaces, and setting up bounded fields to ward against those who might seek to stick their nose where it didn't belong. The many farm houses they now possessed would serve them well as outposts and ritual sites from which to conduct their true work. He sat now upon a simple chair overlooking his newly gained property, a glass of tea in hand and a trusted attendant by his side. It was a familiar enough scene for him, regardless of the new land.

Yet there was a stranger in all this, the spirit he had summoned to represent himself and the O.S.C. in the coming conflict. In truth he had expected something more... mythical when he performed the ritual. A great barbarian hero, or perhaps a chivalrous knight to fight for his cause. Rather than either of those, he was met with a young woman, lovely and seemingly fragile as a rose. In truth though it mattered little, and he would play the hand he'd been dealt. They had introduced themselves, as was proper, and the sorcerer invited her out to enjoy the night air with him.

"My dear, we find ourselves in quite the precarious position. Between the families, their allies, and all manner of other lesser organizations and independent agents, this is certain to be quite an eventful affair. As such, caution is our best approach in the early stages and what I require of you is a trustworthy set of eyes and ears. After all, one must know their enemy in order to defeat them. I would have you scour the city for other masters, and the locations of their workshops. Do not engage anyone, and if you are discovered do not lead them back to us. That said I am more than confident in your skills, I'm certain you won't disappoint me."

@Sir Hugh

I wouldn't say they have any sort of connection, or at least I can say Barton doesn't have one to them. Just because they're all practicing magicians and are part of that community, doesn't mean they have anything to do with one another.
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