Name: Sir Ither of Kukumerlant
Title(s):The Red Knight, Ironside, The Puce Knight, Guardian of the Fountain
Class: Saber
Gender: Male
Birth and Death Dates: Before and during the Reign of Arthur
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Who he is is far less important than what he is. The Red Knight, sworn to conquer, capture, and stand victorious in the great game. Boisterous, proud, chivalrous, as is befitting a knight of his station. Though he is not without his demons, cruelty and wrath come easier to him than a proper knight would ever admit. The Grail itself is not so much what he wants, as is victory in this next set of games.
Bio: The role of the Red Knight has been filled by many men, many of whom have lost their names to time. Regardless they all held a commonality among them, regardless of name, family, or blood. They would be adversaries of heroes. Kings, questing knights, beasts and fiends, the Red Knight faced all in one way or another. It seems that the besting of the Red Knight is in a way a right of passage, a transformative experience along the heroe's path. That said it seems that death inevitably comes for those who wear the mantle, even at the hands of those who next take the title. Still, the Red Knight seeks victory in the many contests and games of life, whether for himself or a master. Some have been more honorable than others, but at its core the title of Red Knight leads to a life of challenges, duels, and tournaments, games of all sorts. But it all began with the Tales of Percival, and how he slew a knight in red for transgression against his King. This man was Sir Ither of Kukumerlant, cousin both to Percival and Arthur himself.
Weapon: A mace and shield.
Strength: B
Endurance: B+
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: A+
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: B
Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.
Riding: B
Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts
Personal Skills:
Innocent Monster: C
Ither has become wholly consumed by the persona of the Red Knight across its many portrayals in culture. As such, his own name is lost to him, and his goals lie entirely within fulfilling the role of the Red Knight, that of adversary and challenger. He is a Knight questing from game to game and unconcerned whether he should live or die, only that it is played. This grants the Red Knight the effects of Battle Continuation at rank C- he always keeps returning.
Knight Tactics: A
A battle methodology in which one grasps the flow of battle and induces the opponent to make a mistake, even without being a match for him/her in strength. A Skill not for self-strengthening, but to invite a check failure for the opponent. Consists of composed observation powers to wager on a momentary chance of victory.
Eye of the Mind (False): B
Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament.
Incitement: B+
With words and gestures, The Red Knight flings insults and issues challenges to his enemies. Such is the sharpness of his tongue that he can compel others to face him on even footing in a proper duel. Those who hold chivalrous and honorable ideals feel even more duty bound to accept such a challenge.
Noble Phantasm:
Name: Chivalric Challenge
Title: Duel of Knights
Rank: C
NP Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-15
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Description: The Red Knight lays down the gauntlet before his opponent, challenging their honor and skill in the time-honored traditions of proper Knights. From there the terms shall be set, the stakes given, and the challenge commences. A veteran of many such duels, the Red Knight relies on skill of arms and cunning when placed on equal footing with his opponent. As a knight and a man of honor he will not challenge those too below him to possibly win, such as humans.
When the Gauntlet is thrown by the Red Knight, a Geass is created between himself and the target of the challenge that binds to their spiritual core. This forces both parties to operate within the terms of the duel set forth by the Red Knight. Both sides will wager something to be lost, whether it be material, honor, their lives, or perhaps those of their masters. Those who break the rules will forfeit and through the power of the Geass be punished. Their transgressions will cost them a hefty penalty befitting the challenge.
Both parties may wager to raise the stakes and keep the game going, but such a move might turn a harmless duel into a deathmatch. Rulebreakers will have no such opportunity to try again. Knightly heroes and those of a Lawful or honorable nature will suffer greater penalties should they break the terms of the challenge.
Name: Water of the Fountain
Title: Tempest waters
Rank: A+
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 20-40
Maximum Number of Targets: 500
Description: The Red Knight was once charged with the guarding of an enchanted fountain, and had taken the lady of the fountain as his wife. The fountain was an object of great power, its waters creating catastrophic storms which could slay even the mightiest of Arthur's knights.
A silver chalice chained to the Red Knight's armor contains the mystical waters of Laudine's fountain. Spilling the water upon the ground summons catastrophic storm of lightning, rain, and hale which could slay even a hero. It is the signal to the hunt, wiping the board clean for another great game.