Name: Darius III
Title(s): Two Horned King
Class: Berserker
Gender: Male
Birth and Death Dates: 380 - 330 BC
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
An unwavering man. His expression at peacetime is calm. However, he's always filled with an unflagging fighting spirit.
When battle begins he will open his eyes and become like a gale that will start the destruction of the objective.
Even with his reason lost for the most part, characteristics of the man that is Darius III bleeds through. However being a servant has, with his madness, emphasized a trait severely. That of his desire to overcome greatness and be a wall to those that try to overcome the might of Persia.
His greatest wish is then to challenge his life’s work once more…
To overcome the wish that propelled a legendary soul to the ends of the earth.

The brave king of ancient Persia. A person from the 4th century before Christ. Known as the last king of the Achaemenid Persia.
He was born in a branch of the royal family descended from the great ancestor Darius I, known as a king with excellent discernment and superior government ability. As an adult, he obtained the position of satrap (a governor-general) and took his post as the governor of a province.
And then, suddenly, he became the new king. He was supported as the new king by the eunuch Bagoas, who had killed in succession Artaxerxes III and his son the king Arses. Now as king Darius III, he immediately purged the treacherous Bagoas. And just as he was about to bring order to the state system, his destiny arrived.
That was the invasion of the awe-inspiring great king, the Conqueror King* of Macedonia, Iskander. Compared with this great king, that treacherous retainer that once had violated the country like he owned the place amounted to nothing. Darius III stood up against the fierce attack of the Macedonian army and of the king Iskandar, his real destined opponent.
He lost many times.
He returned to fight many times.
Although the outcome was defeat he engraved himself as one who took upon the role of rival in history.
Weapon: His massive two axes. It is also possible for him to utilize various weapons of his army, theoretically.
Strength: A
Endurance: A+
Agility: B
Mana: E
Luck: E
Class Skills:
Mad Enhancement: C
In exchange for most of one’s reason, all stats but Mana and Luck are ranked up.
Reasonable already for a madman, Darius is quiet and yet able to command and retreat as needed.
Personal Skills:
Battle Continuation: A
The ability to survive and continue fighting. The tale of Darius is that of anecdote of her continuing to battle against the mighty Roman army with an indomitable fighting spirit has became a Skill.
At this rank effectiveness in combat is not decreased due to wounds, and it is possible to continue on fighting even after suffering major damage. Furthermore it is possible to survive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound.
Berserker is a man who has known many defeats, and many recoveries. With his Golden Rule skill it is not hard to see him return again and again, regrowing in an attempt to overcome those who have defeated him before.
In a sense he is one who reaches a complete defeat (0) and then rebuilds himself. It is not the same army that he returns with, but it is the same indomitable will that leads it.
Golden Rule: A
It measures the destiny of being blessed with money during one's life.
Since he had enough assets to challenge Iskander several times during his life, Darius III possesses this skill normally at rank B. However it is A rank due to being closer to his legend.
His financial power is a part of his strength as much as his combat ability.
His ability to come back again and again to fight the King of Conquerers is without doubt due to the fortunes of the Persian Empire. In a sense the greatest feat of Darius then was to make use of the wealth of the empire to become a challenge again and again.
In a sense wealth = martial power.
Disengage: A
The ability to escape from combat.
Bonus effect of returning battle conditions to what they were at the beginning of the match (1st turn) and restores the condition of this Skill to the initial value. At the same time, it forcibly releases some of the bad status ailments inflicted on the user of this Skill.
A master of escape. Darius fought against Alexander the Great, lost against Alexander the Great and fled Alexander the Great’s forces. While sometimes considered a coward due to the anecdotes that form this skill, it remains true that he was never captured by the forces of the great King of Conquerers.
Together with his Golden Rule skill, he is an unmatched pillager, able to plunder wealth as needed and return to fight another day. A man who is a wall, a man who turns the power of sovereignty to that of defiance.
Noble Phantasm: Limit two. Exceptional circumstances may bend this rule, however Noble Phantasms exist to create a themed servant so keep that in mind.
NP: Athanatoi Ten Thousand
Rank: A,
Type: Anti-army,
Range: 1~99,
Targets: 500 people
Description: An army of ten thousand soldiers composed of moving corpses and walking skeletons appear and gather and form a "War Elephant of Death", and with a formidable attack of magic energy they exterminate the opponent.
Athanatoi, the Immortals. The ten thousand elite troops that actually existed became a Noble Phantasm, and thanks to the legends that formed after their time their indestructibility and immortality has been emphasized. Blending in with Darius’s own legend they are an elite force that cannot be exterminated, and will return to fight again and again. If diminished they will simply be rebuilt.
Truly, an army that has the dedication of a reoccuring mini-boss or saturday morning cartoon antagonist.
It seems like an enormous monster, the "War Elephant of Death", has been summoned, but actually it's ten thousand of immortal soldiers that combine forming a kind of colony. It moves only under the commands of Darius III, and it's devoted to annihilate the enemies of the king with its terrifying attacks of magic energy.
Title: Door of Bablyon
Rank: C
NP Type: Anti-Wealth
Range: 1
Maximum Number of Targets: -
Description: The divine gate that led to the treasurey that held all things in the world. It was sealed for a long time and hidden. Eventually it was opened by a great king. It was said that nothing was there, yet that great king had attained an incredible wealth.
Is wealth the power and mark of good government?
If so then Persia was indeed a great empire ruled well. The descendants of that king attained a great power and wealth, and under Darius it was used as power, a power to overcome the disparity between he and the King of Conquerers.
The power that came from the Door of Bablyon, the conversion of wealth into armies as he rebuilt his military forces. Quite unsurprisingly then is the fact that Darius uses it as a Noble Phantasm that quite literally does that. Similar to the Noble Phantasm of the most famous privateer which is bolstered by how much treasure she has collected, the material value of that which is offered to the door becomes energy and power for Darius and his armies.
In a sense this is a blessing (curse) that carries down through the lineage of Persian Kings of prosperity.
Name: Codomannus athánatos mnéma
Title: Unspoiled Tomb of the Shamed King
Rank B+
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: -
Maximum Number of Targets: 10001
The one who lost the Persian Empire. Yet Persia's glory did not fade with his death. He is a symbol of loss, and he is a symbol of rising back up. Again and again Darius fights, again and again Darius is repulsed and defeated.
Even in his death he was honored, and even if historians critiqued him, some stories depicting him as a coward the sanctity of his tomb was never tarnished. Undiscovered, unpillaged. Darius III is a king who holds himself in contradictory glory.
The loss and grudges of those who died in the wars between the two kings, as Persia was handed to a foreigner. The splendor and glory of Persia’s wealth and glory, continuing to exist as itself and combining with Darius’s own determination.
The Tomb is a unspoiled seal and collector. Holding both glory and defeat within it. Power (energy) is contained while grudges (wraiths) are collected.
A perfect supplement and embodiment of Darius’s nature of rising from defeat (death).
Furthermore energy spilled and used in a fight is collected, the strife of battle absorbed by the tomb. Death, and battle are but more fuel for the never-ending campaigns of Darius and his Athanatoi.
The Tomb itself is the most optimal and ideal ground for Darius. As his resting ground/tomb it is an ideal place for his recovery. Merely being in it would accelerate his restoration to his ideal state by manyfold.