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Princess Sarashina
Fancy Tea Shop, Shinto City

The tea Rider shared with her master was of the sort that was only just mild, only just comforting. For what the tea was, its invention left it with an age little more than even a century. But, for her, who was a thousand years too early to experience it, something like the Hōjicha she was quietly sipping could only be called an oddity.

Of course, that categorization was where any of its value to Rider abruptly ceased. The only reason it had even graced her lips was because Kiyo had purchased it for her. She had certainly not come from a timeless place where the graveyards of legends were stored over mere tea. Her master had called, and she had came. The curiosities of the modern world didn't interest Rider in the slightest, at least not in regard to herself.

But if that girl appreciated something, then so would she. Rider would never deny her Masters earnest feelings.


It was really that simple to her. Like, the breathing thing those sacks of ape meat calling themselves humans did every waking moment. Ah, her Master was indeed something special. Rider couldn't take her eyes off of her for even a single moment as she fiddled with her notes and papers.

What an earnest person.

While her master was in thought, Rider did nothing more than occasionally sip from her tea, nursing it as if it was something precious. Although being among the sky piercing buildings which were of a decidedly barbarian design had been disconcerting at first, she was honestly pretty relaxed. Everything so far was going as it should, so there really was no reason to worry.

However, Kiyomi's attention seemed to return to focusing on Rider after the girl wrapped up examining her various papers and notes.

"The aftertaste has the tinniest hint of iron. But then again, you want our next drink to be of blood instead of tea, right? I won't object to something like that."

Her shrug gave off airs of exasperation, but her eyes betrayed the sort of excitement only a monster could have in this sort of situation. In the end, birds of a feather flocked together. Right? Speaking of birds. . . .

Rider went about giving those familiars 'blessing', as requested. Enhancing their overall force of existence which itself was a sort of curse would be nothing for her, whose very being was sufficed with a truly ancient one.

"Really, now. For someone who is my Nyoin, you should really treat me to a proper meal before the night. Perhaps the Taizan? I hear their spicy entrees are a special treat. Ah, if only."

The implications of her words meaning were too obvious to be even stated here. With that much stated, she stood up and began to follow her master to the Fuyuki Civic Center. The business there held priority for the moment; the local Chieftain had to be subjugated, after all. That was only to be expected, but. . .

In the end, Rider wasn't someone who distinguished between playtime and the chaos of the war, after all. Although, perhaps what would happen to their tongues after visiting that cursed Chinese food shop would be worse than any result of this Holy Grail War.

That's what her divinations had told her, at least.

. . .Really, this Heisei Era had too much ape-meat fumbling about on the surface. This provincial backwater situated in Kyushu was itself already larger than the Capital of her time. That, certainly, was not a good thing.

Another product of barbarian influences, to be certain. Everything had been subsumed by cities of stone and metal and unnecessary conveniences.

Of course, even if she was taking things casually right now, she was still the Great Witch of Togakushi-Yama. Divination to ensure the safety of their tongues was merely just the start.

Monitoring the atmosphere, the theoretical element, and the beat of the pulse beneath their feet. Not only that, but additional countermeasures against detection through magical energy and metaphysical transliners through providence, as well. It could be called the basics of the basics in terms of avoiding detection by a Ghost Liner, but in the case of a modern Magus, their jaw would probably drop.

. . .And not even because Momiji beat their head in for seeing her craft, even if that would still probably occur. Much simpler things such as self-mnemonic suppression to avoid notice by not only normal people, but also familiars as well were being employed. In the end, the greatest countermeasure against the likes of Assassins or Casters was not allowing one to become their target in the first place.

By employing her Shapeshift skill to blend in among the native ape-meat, she could even fool the likes of visual recognition.

Even so, her mood soured a little bit, and it would become a little apparent that was indeed the case. Her smile slowly dissipated, and she adjusted the glasses of the rather plain looking Japanese woman she now appeared as.

After all, it would be hard to select visual markers and features her Master preferred right now, since she hadn't asked yet.

How troublesome. How annoying. How useless.

What was even the point if her Master wouldn't be pleased?
@Cu Chulainn

I can't help but feel these rules target me, specifically. Is this an ex post facto situation? I claimed these spots before I was notified of the limitations you presented.
okok I'll settle for just a Grand, I guess.
@Cu Chulainn @SSW

Putting a claim in for Beast class.
Queen Medb

Chaldea, Canteen

The life of a commoner- that of the citizenry. What a weird and macabre life that was. A lifestyle like that, definitely wasn't one aligned to a monarch like her, who belonged solely on the battlefield.

The strength of the nation was something that protected those rabble, after all. And her lifestyle and way of being had always been one of war. It didn't matter if it was in the bedroom, grassy fields, court, or the hills of Ulster. Taking all the valuables, ensuring the next generation, and becoming the origin for the 'strength of the nation'.

That was what it meant to be the Eternal Lady.

So . . .

Being attached to just one, singular, person. That was a 'world' 'Archer' never thought she'd tread into. If she had allowed herself to be summoned by that poor attempt at Annwn's Cauldron based on how interesting the result would be, she had succeeded.

Which, she had. Perhaps in another incarnation she would be interested in taking the thing for herself, but this time-

No, that was a thought for another day. She had finally arrived at the canteen. The self-proclaimed Queen certainly held the aura of one, both in physical practicality and spirit. Her clothing was like a regalia, her stride flanked by a intern with a rather stoic look to him. He fit the usual profile of the men Archer enjoyed- something not uncommon within Chaldea itself. This was an organization dedicated to saving the world, so passable enough braves were to be found here and there, even among a sea of bland and uninteresting technicians.

She smiled at her fellow servants as she entered, though not in any particularly personal or offensive way. It was nothing more than pleasantry, a gesture intended for no particular person not unlike like her royal stride, or the odd wink she gave out to the various masses. That was, after all, the essence of what it meant to be a diva- though to those Medb found interest in, she would make a special exception to that rule.

As for those exceptions. . . Among the summoned Servants and assembled masters, she was quite pleased with all of them. Though, not good enough to contemplate those plus points. Perhaps when she spoke to them and they did something remotely appealing, like a cute smile, or a defiant response. For now, all her interest was devoted toward her master, at least seemingly. Devotion. . . that probably wasn't the right word, but it'd do well enough for now.

"It would be easier to find me if we shared a bed, Master." She overemphasized that final word a teensy bit beyond comfort, though not in a particularly unseemly or lewd way. There was no shred of indignation or agitation within it, either. It seemed that her current incarnation was receptive enough to Charlotte's authority.

"But distance play like this is fine every once in awhile, too." Exasperation far too elegant to be called fake, yet practiced and artificial all the same. This was the very essence of one who could be called lewd and pure in the same breath. Not unlike both her body and the rare inviting gesture, her pouty words could melt a mans heart in an instant.

"For example. If I'm practicing my riding techniques, I can always notify you beforehand. That way there won't be any confusion about what I'm doing, or where, or who." It seemed she had caught the tail end of Daniel's words, and not to her masters benefit. At least, from a certain point of view.

She smirked as she contacted her master over their shared connection, though it didn't come off especially lewd- more amused, than anything. After all, she was a woman with some amount of tact.

Well, when she felt like it anyway.

Her deceleration finished, the intern tried to return to his 'job', mumbling some irrelevant excuses about the rayshift- but Medb redirected him back to where he belonged with one wordless glance. She wasn't just a lewd person, but also a Queen with utter and complete authority. If she could dominate even Heroes, an intern was hopeless. It wasn't in Queen Medb's character to allow a possession to slip her grasp before she had thoroughly made use of it.

With that said.

Archer stood uncomfortably close to her master, a fact that wouldn't change until they reached time for the rayshift. Existing alongside her diva-esque personality, a calm 'feeling' always seemed to follow in her wake. It wasn't unlike a good scent- akin to a recently mowed lawn at the height of summer, or something along those lines. This was certainly the sort of calming presence authority gave off, but perhaps it went beyond even that and reached into the realm of motherly. It was. . .weird.

While in the canteen itself, she would take no effort in finding a seat. Charlotte had already completed her meal in the first place- and to go even further, Archer had already eaten quite a large meal just before coming. As rude as that was, she was the Queen in this relationship- Medb would do as she wanted, when she wanted.

Besides. The only time Medb ate a lot was when she got frustrated. And that wasn't good for her figure, unchanging form or not.

It was more a matter of mentality when it came to that, you know? Losing her cutting edge as a beauty would mean she'd lose the cutting edge of braves.

@Heavy Snark@Letter Bee@SSW@Duoya
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