"Oh do tell me you've brought something new and fun. Something I have not heard or seen, a new little tidbit of information, a novel formula, or even a brand new poem. Or at least a trick if you want to take something from me. To have no trick or treat is just not fun and the worst of all."
True Name: Tlachtga
Title(s): The Hollow’s Witch. Spear of the Earth.
Class: Caster
Gender: Female
Birth and Death Dates: Age of Gods to Age of Faeries
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality:A druidess, wisewoman and mother. Yet despite all that she comes off as a spirited young woman in various aspects despite the many many years she lived traveling with her father across the world.
A spirit of adventure and whimsy that never left her even after being taken advantage of by one of the men that the two had learned of foreign arts and knowledge of, the apostle of the Messiah, Simon Magus. Nor even when she struggled in the childbirth that led to her death.
A lady who departed, even wracked with pain and blood, with a smile to offer her three newborns and a whisper of promises of their bright future.
This natural inclination was only increased by her association with the holiday that’s all about merriment, pleasure, treats and tricks. Perhaps she was always meant to be a Halloween Witch?
Her attitude is whimsical not in the sense of the fey, or monsters and spirits who play tricks. But rather of a curious and knowledge-hungry lady. However is it because of her experiences late in life, or because of the attribute of Hallow’s End? Compared to the woman that makes up the records of this Ghost Liner she does enjoy more schadenfreude type humor than the woman who walked the earth, and can sometimes be mean without even thinking about that as her intent at times.
Still she is not fundamentally an evil witch or anything like that.
After all she is just a person, even if she is wise.
Motivation for the Holy Grail: To have another life, to study the workings of the Holy Grail War and the means that modern magi have decided to pursue to fulfill their own wishes.
My, it’s even collected an assortment of great heroes too!
She awaits an answer from those who participate, and perhaps she shall end up the victor who will mark it as a monument to their second and new wishes just as those runes in Italy left the tale of those warriors and sages long gone.
Appearance: A woman with the appearance that holds the beauty and vibrancy of the prime of her maturation, and the energy of youth. Keen eyes that know the world and arcane lore carefully look at all sorts of things… although perhaps not as carefully as some others, deciding that knowing the general nature of things at first is enough, and that if it’s important she’ll get to it again later as she moves onto the next thing in the interest of spreading her awareness wider.
Clad in various sorts of wear fitting for a wise-woman, and carrying a trusty satchel that carries much more than it looks like it should be able to hold. The bounty of the western world’s forests and lands, along with various tools and traveling supplies are always on hand, and the smell of both earth and ozone seem to accompany her at all times.
Most importantly however…
She has a little purse dedicated solely to candy that appeals to everyone’s tastes.
Bio: The red-haired daughter of the Arch-Druid Mug Ruith. The apprentice, and fellow adventurer that saw and travelled through the world. She learned from him and the many wise-men and practitioners that they encountered over the hundreds of years they traveled not just Ireland and Britain, but the mainland itself.
In an adventure she took alone she explored Rome, finding herself drawn to the land that was the symbol of mankind and perhaps of the age that they were transitioning into, away from faeries and dragons, from gods and mystery. That was not to say that it did not hold great occultic knowledge, or culture, and indeed it was a great mixing pot, the golden capital that collected all blessings and wealths.
It was in that land that she surprisingly found a treasure of knowledge that came from the north, undiscovered by others, unlocked and inherited by her. A path that made her more than just the shade of her father, and a path that she would pass on in the future as one of her two marks upon the world.
Her end came after learning from the Apostle of the Messiah and his arcane ways before his repentance and baptism. Overcome by lust for his female student, Tlachtga was raped. Impregnated with triplets, she eventually gave birth and died, but not without whispering her blessings and hopes for her children that would grow to become chieftains themselves.
Where she dies marked the Hill of the Ward, the mound Tlachtga. The site of the Samhain ritual that formed the basis of the Hallow’s End Ritual.
Just as the sun died and sunk into the earth before it would rise again, she has come forth as a hallow’s end witch.
Ah, what shall we see in this new world today?
Equipment: A Druid Staff created and given to her by her father.
Parameters:Strength: E Mana: AEndurance: E+ Luck: DAgility: D Noble Phantasm: AClass Skills: Territory Creation: A+:The ability to create a territory to gather magical energy, and a alien space that supports the caster. A druid from the age of the gods who lived through to the beginning of the Age of Man and the Age of Faeries. Creating a Temple greater than a workshop is possible.
Beyond that the creation of a festival to expand her territory, and to create a support infrastructure that involves and utilizes civilization and the people of the land is within her abilities too.
Ah, what was it that they said?
Trick or treat!
Item Creation: A:A skill of the Caster class. It is possible to construct magical items, from implements of war, to items meant for daily use. All sorts of different articles can be made at will. The wisdom of the druids allow for various draughts, mystic codes and handy items and medicines to be made. Of course some more foreign tricks can be included too.
By no means does she have access to the wondrous machine of her father, the Roth Rámach. But creating a mimicry of it is within her knowledge and abilities, and utilizing her own unique knowledge that she acquired separate of her father.
Personal Skills: Divinity: D
Daughter of the Arch Druid Mug Ruith that is thought to be by some scholars to be a god of the Sun or Storm. Coupled with her own connection to a grand festival and ritual honoring the god Lugh, and the sun her rank is while low, a tangible connection to the divine and aptitude.
Varangian Runes (Lombardy): A
The secret of the runes that came from Scandinavia. Discovered in her life and legend, Caster has studied and disseminated the sacred knowledge passed down through the sacred stones left in the land of Italy.
What was recorded is not just the sacred knowledge and magic crest of the great god Wotan, but also the stories of the adventurers, warriors and heroes that fought and perished in the land. Whether it be unnamed and forgotten heroes, or the Vanagarian Guard.
Perhaps it is because of her connection to a certain festival, but sometimes as she traces those symbols it looks as though the hands of others who have long passed from this world overlay her own slender fingers to draw with her.
Wisdom of Mug Ruith:B
The inheritance of the wisdom and teachings of her father, Mug Ruith. The apprentice, assistant and travel companion of the great Archdruid. While not on the level of Mug Ruith himself, the mysteries and magical knowledge she has learned both from, and alongside him mark her in ability as a peer to the greatest of druids.
Perhaps it is no surprise that she does not quite reach the same heights without giving up her sight and becoming blind as her father.
Beyond that, knowledge of various curiosities and foreign lands were engraved into her heart through their wondrous journeys.
..Of course this includes the knowledge taught to them by the Apostle, Simon Magus. A bit of an ultimately unpleasant tale. Although she does not begrudge the knowledge or magic itself.
Noble Phantasm Darkest Half Brightest Flame
True Name: Samhain TlachtgaTitle: Bonfired Festival Around The Sun-Grave.Rank: A+NP Type: Anti-CityRange: 1-70Maximum Number of Targets: 800Description:The castle that is her grave, the end of summer, the descent of the sun.
The beginning of winter and the new year.
The fall of the sun, yet the promise of the retreat of darkness.
A time of debts to be settled, for wars to be stopped with the onset of the cold. However it is not a day or ritual that has the attribute of halting, or freezing. But rather the attribute of renewal and decision.
It was when the future was looked to and decided while the past lingered in the form of visiting ancestors. The Sun would be celebrated and its return and vibrant energy worshipped.
A castle that is close to the sun, similar to the castle that holds the place closest to the moon. This closeness is not about physical distance, but rather a spiritual attribute. Yet it is still a grave, and a castle that is inherently as such, connected to the hill it is built upon and the earth. The connection of heaven and earth, of the rotation of the celestial body and the circuits of the planet.
The connection of heaven to earth, of life to death, wax to wane. The grave that is the home of the sun, the festivals that collect light and illumination.
The hill of Tlachtga to which a bonfire that gathered all the flames from every household is fed. A festival that supports the grave-castle of the sun, and sweeps the city into a ritual now known as Halloween in the modern day.
A blessing of providence and light upon all, and the sanctity of community and household is upheld.