"It's time to crush the foe. Engaging in battle/victory."
Name: A-1-R E(limnation)+/GS (Grail Scalper) model. Series: H(ippolyta) Number: M (13)/GC
Unit Title: MGS
Titles: Spartoi. Ransomer. Geis of Defeat. Grail Scalper. Monina’s Blade.
Sex: Irrelevant. Female.
Alignment: Lawful Gun/Bone
History: The Monina family of Thebes has always been an odd distant sort. Their power and wealth could not be denied however, living in a spiritually powerful land and being a name with influence within their sphere. Their influence comes from their patent, and the commerce and power born from their product.
A family that makes warriors, or rather, artificial soldiers, utilizing the mystery of the Spartoi.
A Guard in a box, a killer in a box. Such a direct and easy selling point, on top of competitive prices and guaranteed quality made them an easy name among those who required muscle for various purposes. A few of their products were said to even leak outside of the magical community, leading to the rise and fall of various regimes and cartels…
With the proliferation of holy grail wars their reputation has only risen as various magi who have decided to wage battle bought the products of the Monina. Not only that they have even sent some of their veteran products and personal guard that have completed their contracts and duties to participate in such contests to varying levels of success.
Now on the cusp of rising to the position of the Second Owner of Thebes, the future of the Monina looks bright indeed.
When it was heard that the ritual of the Einzbern was to be reignited, the original Holy Grail of the Holy Grail War system rediscovered, the Monina found themselves preparing a dedicated response and candidate. Oh? For the holy grail? No, not at all. Their interest is in proving the ability of their Spartoi as the premiere soldier of the modern magical world, and to compete against the creators of true homunculi.
A house-grown A-1-R of the E model, series H was chosen as the candidate at the end of a ritualistic tournament of newly grown models of every line in production (and a few that aren’t. Units made with the refined records from various subspecies grail wars and services. The losers were utilized for their magic circuits to help create weapons. The survivor was in turn recycled for their circuits for a special support unit (familiar), and its memories and experiences were disseminated for the creation of a new model standard. The Grail Scalpers.
This process was repeated again with the first batch of 26 of the GS model units, with the 25 that died turned into circuits for equipment once more.
The final survivor and winner was number 13, MGS.
Her mission is to travel to Fuyuki and prove the superiority of the Monina Spartoi
Personality: A tool born for battle and covert operations. To preserve mystery, to achieve victory, to honor contracts, gain profit and glory. Those are the guiding principles of the Spartoi.
In other words, Kleos for herself, Kleos for her creators. To be a model that inherits the records of a successful model is to carry on the burden of Kleos of the past generation.
Her tendencies are to be aggressive, to be swift. A weapon that prefers to be on the offensive, and enjoys flexibility and mobility. Despite what may seem like a lack of caution, MGS has won against 25 of equal base models as their first task in their life service record.
To begin with, the survival of this unit is not the priority, so perhaps it all works out just fine?
Magecraft:Quality of Circuits: E
Quantity of Circuits: C
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Attribute: Soaking (To permeate, and disseminate. Colors and directions are taken in, and blending with the world is a matter of course. An attribute that can both greatly relate to, and set the color of an environment.)
Magecraft: Spartoi:The existence of a homunculus colored in the energy of a dragon. By no means does this grant a magical core, or lungs that are spiritual worlds. The spiritual level of the Monina creations are due to focus, about on par as a normal homunculus, despite the ingredients and expertise of the creators. The level as a lifeform is still low, but higher than most homunculi, and the magical energy and od is fashioned after that of a dragon’s.
Knowledge of the earth blends with service records from previous units and ancestral models.
A newborn warrior with experiences of countless battles.
Bone Rattling Awakening (Ancestral Return): A utilization of the base of their body, the dirt of Albion mingled with mystery and the existence of animals, and the savagery and animalistic descent associated with the War God Ares in the modern day. A sort of Ancestral Return caused by a self-hypnosis trigger (magecraft) that brings a state of savagery, and regression. An Amazon’s rage.
Old Soldiers, Old Fields. Shrine of Red Mist:The establishment of a shrine to the war god Ares through battle. The sounds of preparing for battle, rituals to anoint one’s self as a warrior, and the noises from one’s beating heart, the clashing of metal and war form a color that stirs up the earth, leylines and establish a boundary of a “battlefield”.
A battle/temple where Ares could exist, a battle in which the old ways are brought to the throe and savagery is given precedence. Savagery and Glory are made to go hand in hand, and the greater the Kleos the further performance synchronizes with the ideal.
A burden similar to the Knight King of the Paladins
Mystic Codes: Jewel of Discord: A pretty jewel that has the use of being a wavelength adjuster, in other words a pocket tuner of sorts. A tuner of discordance that puts MGS into flux at a new wavelength separate from its normal existence.. Normally this would be a negative effect, but in synchronization with the concept of the Spartoi and the god Ares it is an abandoning of structure, civility and humanness to become a full tool of war.
To kill everything around. Everyone at this battlefield is an enemy.
Finally it is also used in conjunction with the greatest weapon this unit possesses beyond itself.
Trophy of the Victor, Fangs of the Fallen:An armory of weapons created from the bodies and circuits of the the fallen from the original classification tournament.. High-quality armaments to fill an armory. Generally they take the shape of traditional weaponry fashioned in modernistic ways. MGS’s reliables are that of Xiphos based knives.
Knives, blades, folding spears and javelins, shields. All of these things are of course necessary!
Still not all of them are always carried at one time and frankly usually only a third of the total armory is brought out in any given fight.

Photon Ray
Wavelength Unscrambler Destructor. Mars Drop:A direct smiting weapon that incorporates the circuits of all the failed MGS units, the knowledge of the Monina as crafters, and various formulas and tweaks cultivated from countless wars.
The weapon works through the utilization of the Jewel of Discord, and the rotation and records of the 25 homunculi that were turned into the magical core of the weapon. A wavelength scrambler that becomes a vortex of chaos, violence and magical energy that tears apart all sorts of spiritual bodies. Against those who are physical and non-spiritual it is still a dangerous weapon that may cause circuit damage, or even through vicinity of its firing path, cause painful and magecraft inhibiting clashing between the circuit and land, or self and magic crest.
The special weapon created just for the Holy Grail War to damage servants. The concept comes from that of the sword of god. The weapon of Atilla the Hun linked to divine right, protection and the destruction born from the divine. In other words, the precedent for a mortal to utilize the weapon of the great War God.
Of course being a worshiper makes it much better than some random Scourge of God...
War God’s Scarf:A support Mystic Code prepared from various circuits, and blood-soaked threads. Originally it was built as a priestess’s wear that invokes the idea of the War God’s Sash passed down to his children, the Amazons. Rather than something that carries divine od, it is something that carries the curses (blessings) of the war god as something that allows for unending war. To carry armaments, to create ammunition. It is what allows for quick switching of weapons and non-stop combat without a need for rest.
It is akin to a cheat item from a certain stealth action game that takes the form of a Bandana and a self-drugging.
Although it seems that something akin to cursed tranquilizer darts are something that's being made lately too..
Lastly it acts as an emergency sustainer in fields of inoperability (an area where the world is cut off from access). An operational time of three minutes can be given as a sort of battery, supplanting the land and earth with the blessing of the divine (air).
of course this is just an emergency measure.
Spartoi Battlesuit:A defensive suit that provides adequate protection against threats. Hostile Interference is reduced at a level beyond the protection of an Albion Diving Suit, and magical energy is dispersed and soaked into the atmosphere and fabric rather than the wielder through the attribute. Made out of materials from the Spirit Tomb Albion, and the help of a partnering school.
In terms of effectiveness against physical interference it is of course, something that's beyond the level of modern military gear as well.
Rooster Familiar: IalmenusThe lifeform and familiar that was made of the winner of the first selection tournament. The familiar shipped with MGS as their support operator. An observer that relays information to the family, and also analyzes the feed of information.
His ability to fight is on par with a decent quality battle familiar, as is fitting a sacred beast of Ares.
To foretell and curse one with victory, to foretell the coming of the sun.
Despite whatever you might think he is however definitely not an emergency ration.
His name is Ialmenus.
Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items:Combat Skills:
Utilization of all sorts of weapons, knowledge of Grecian martial arts and styles primarily. However knowledge of all sorts of battle styles and techniques past and present are known due to records of enemies.
Cleaning:Good at polishing, cleaning and taking care of weapons.
A matter of technique at engaging in combat in a non-lethal manner to disable foes. Even knowledge on how to disable foes with magic crests and circuits so as to capture them is known. Beyond combat is also the ability to set up negotiations for ransoming and selling of captured beings.
It's important to make a profit after all.
Negotiation and commerce equipment:
The connections of partnership and certification with Dark Amazon, and various magical world vendors. Seal-geis scrolls, and other negotiation equipment. With this sort of set up, ordering new goods and getting delivery in just a day or two is a matter of course.
An emergency allowance for a delivery that would take onlyfrom Britain/the Clock Tower 4 hours is given. However this can only be done twice.
A couple of guns:
A few pieces of modern ordinance.
Reliable, and usable weapons. Ranging from a Shrike 5.56, to a high-power, tranquillizer gun with a SIG-Sauer P226 as the base. More than enough to fill the first quarter of an action stealth game's inventory with.
Modified with custom orders and tweaking to better make use of the abilities of its users. Notably in terms of weight, heft, and caliber.