Name: Shay Southern
Age: 19
Gender: Maybe
Digivolution Line + Attacks:
Human Spirit: Musyamon
Beast Spirit: Gyukimon
Double Spirit: Zanbamon
Special Equipment, Gear, or Skills: A messenger bag filled with various odds and ends- sketchbooks, pencils, markers, Shay's laptop, and the broken hilt of a dead Digimon's blade (they think it's a transformation trinket of some kind)
Backstory: A foreign exchange student taking college courses in Japan, Shay has grown up with an obsession for the kind of comics, shows, and manga that they watched as a kid and beyond, wanting to learn how to convey and create stories just like the ones that inspired them. However, hitting a creative rut, Shay started burning the midnight oil, spending longer and longer hours at the library, copying references and reading contemporary works for inspiration. Once, after one of these late visits to the library, Shay decided to take a shortcut home. Weaving through alleyways, they came across an unusual sight- the aftermath of some kind of battle, slashes and claw marks gouged into the concrete around them, and a single, broken, golden sword hilt, lying in the middle of it all.
Compelled, Shay picked up the blade, and heard a voice, deep, raspy, but somehow noble. It explained that it was some sort of "Digimon," and that it had fallen in battle against a great and fierce enemy, one they had tried and failed to vanquish many times before. With its last breath, it needed a host to bequeath its power to, someone who could carry on its work and finally defeat this enemy, once and for all.
Shay, of course, was ecstatic. This was it! Not just the chance to get inspiration for their stories, but also to live them! The chance to be like the heroes they idolized throughout their youth! Without hesitating, Shay accepted the deal, and that was that. Now, in between classes and hanging out with friends, Shay moonlights as a hero of justice, tracking down more of these "Digimon" that threaten innocent lives and putting them down for the greater good. As well as their own inspiration.
And meanwhile, the spirit in their sword grows stronger with each foe felled, awaiting the day when their host can pursue their hated enemy once more...
Miscellaneous: Shay likes peanut butter. A lot. It's practically an addiction.
Age: 19
Gender: Maybe

Digivolution Line + Attacks:
Human Spirit: Musyamon
- Shiratori-maru- A simple sword strike with Musyamon's signature blade
- Kirisute Gomen- Slashes with dark energy, draining the victim's life force
Beast Spirit: Gyukimon
- Yatsuka Senbaku- Uses spider webs to restrain the opponent, then spews toxic liquid at them
- Demon Dust- Throws one of the toxic gas canisters on their back as a grenade
- Thousand Cannon: Tsuchigumo- Attacks with the cannon strapped to their left arm
Double Spirit: Zanbamon
- Hunting Blade- An armor-rending strike with their signature sword, Ryūzan-maru
- Jūmonji Giri- A magical cross-slash that sends forth a cutting wave of energy for each slash
Special Equipment, Gear, or Skills: A messenger bag filled with various odds and ends- sketchbooks, pencils, markers, Shay's laptop, and the broken hilt of a dead Digimon's blade (they think it's a transformation trinket of some kind)
Backstory: A foreign exchange student taking college courses in Japan, Shay has grown up with an obsession for the kind of comics, shows, and manga that they watched as a kid and beyond, wanting to learn how to convey and create stories just like the ones that inspired them. However, hitting a creative rut, Shay started burning the midnight oil, spending longer and longer hours at the library, copying references and reading contemporary works for inspiration. Once, after one of these late visits to the library, Shay decided to take a shortcut home. Weaving through alleyways, they came across an unusual sight- the aftermath of some kind of battle, slashes and claw marks gouged into the concrete around them, and a single, broken, golden sword hilt, lying in the middle of it all.
Compelled, Shay picked up the blade, and heard a voice, deep, raspy, but somehow noble. It explained that it was some sort of "Digimon," and that it had fallen in battle against a great and fierce enemy, one they had tried and failed to vanquish many times before. With its last breath, it needed a host to bequeath its power to, someone who could carry on its work and finally defeat this enemy, once and for all.
Shay, of course, was ecstatic. This was it! Not just the chance to get inspiration for their stories, but also to live them! The chance to be like the heroes they idolized throughout their youth! Without hesitating, Shay accepted the deal, and that was that. Now, in between classes and hanging out with friends, Shay moonlights as a hero of justice, tracking down more of these "Digimon" that threaten innocent lives and putting them down for the greater good. As well as their own inspiration.
And meanwhile, the spirit in their sword grows stronger with each foe felled, awaiting the day when their host can pursue their hated enemy once more...
Miscellaneous: Shay likes peanut butter. A lot. It's practically an addiction.
Digital Spirit Character Sheet
Species: Oboromon; manifests as a dark purple Dokunemon when idle
Gender: Male
Appearance: Often appears as a dark purple Dokunemon, hanging out on Shay's shoulder or wrapped around the remnants of his beloved, broken Shiratori-maru. Often conflicted between his impatience to regain his former strength, and the mild concern he has over Shay's enthusiasm for their contract. They're willing to put up with it as long as Shay keeps racking up kills against their prey, but will likely panic if Shay bites off more than they can chew against a superior opponent. They've come to fear death, as close as they came to it before, and have no intention of revisiting it.
Backstory: This is the tale of two mortal enemies, locked in combat over the ages, neither ever triumphing over the other. Neither knew what caused their feud, after all this time, and neither cared. Only the promise of victory, over the next fated clash between them. They loathed one another, but also respected the other's strength. A deadly dance of hatred and joy, each time they met in battle. Until, at last, one finally triumphed over the other, shattering his blade and rending his body and soul. It seemed their long rivalry was finally at its end...
...were it not for one curious student, finding the last lingering remnants of the fallen's soul. Now, all they have to do is bide their time, regain their strength, and find their nemesis once more. This time, victory shall be his.
Species: Oboromon; manifests as a dark purple Dokunemon when idle
Gender: Male
Appearance: Often appears as a dark purple Dokunemon, hanging out on Shay's shoulder or wrapped around the remnants of his beloved, broken Shiratori-maru. Often conflicted between his impatience to regain his former strength, and the mild concern he has over Shay's enthusiasm for their contract. They're willing to put up with it as long as Shay keeps racking up kills against their prey, but will likely panic if Shay bites off more than they can chew against a superior opponent. They've come to fear death, as close as they came to it before, and have no intention of revisiting it.
Backstory: This is the tale of two mortal enemies, locked in combat over the ages, neither ever triumphing over the other. Neither knew what caused their feud, after all this time, and neither cared. Only the promise of victory, over the next fated clash between them. They loathed one another, but also respected the other's strength. A deadly dance of hatred and joy, each time they met in battle. Until, at last, one finally triumphed over the other, shattering his blade and rending his body and soul. It seemed their long rivalry was finally at its end...
...were it not for one curious student, finding the last lingering remnants of the fallen's soul. Now, all they have to do is bide their time, regain their strength, and find their nemesis once more. This time, victory shall be his.