Name: Ai Shinomiya
Age: 17
Gender: No thanks

Ai's facial expressions tend to remain aloof, and their posture straight, but apparently relaxed. Thair hair is often dyed, and frequently moved into a ponytail. In the presence of others, their movements are fluid and circular, and their smile engaging, if slight. Maybe less tattoos.
Digivolution Line + Attacks:
Human Spirit (of Valor)- Yaksamon:
Ittouryoudan- Releases a crushing shockwave created by the friction of two boken.
Kugutsu no Jutsu- Interferes with the target's gross motor function, manipulating them like a puppet as long as Yaksamon's eyes remain open.
Beast Spirit (of Valor)- DarkTyrannomon:
Fire Blast- Breathes out a sheet of flames that crawl along surfaces.
Flame Snatch- Grips an opponent in one claw and ignites with green flame.
Iron Tail- Slams the opponent with a swing of the tail.
Dark Nail- Heavily slashes the opponent with foreclaws.
Fusion Spirit (of Valor)- Gaiomon:
Gaia Reactor- Concentrated and detonates a fiery sphere of energy at will at any point. This attack becomes more powerful the more other attacks have been released in a fight. When attacks like this are used, it resets the power of Gaia Reactor, and Gaia Reactor's use resets its own power.
Rinkazan- Attacks with the phosphorescent trails left behind by its Kikurin swords.
Rinkageki- Collects all phosphorescent trails on the battlefield in a point that they intersect, or combine the two Kikurin swords into a bow, and fire the phosphorescent trails on the battlefield in one attack.
Ghost- Ryudamon:
Iaijin- Attacks with a katana, as if spring loaded, from the mouth.
Kabutogaeshi- Attempts a counter attack with the armored helmet.
Bushikatagi- Allows it to attempt attacking stronger Digimon despite level.
Special Equipment, Gear, or Skills:
Persuasive- People tend to feel comfortable around Ai, even when they shouldn't.
Perceptive- Ai is keen to patterns, and uses this ability to discern people's behaviors.
Up their Sleeve- Ai frequently wears sleeves with hidden openings to hide small objects, like coins and cards.
Technical Know-How- Ai is technically minded, and gained experience from watching and assisting in the repair of various machines in the gambling house. However, their expertise is limited.
'They say the house always wins. So you can imagine what
being the house must be like, yeah? Maybe you can't. And maybe that's the problem. Could be that it's easier the other way around, always having enough to eat but knowing what it's like to starve.'
'Anyway, here I am in middle school, and it's a good one, yeah? They only accept the best test scores, and the rest have to go to publics. So life's pretty good, yeah? Only I start hearing these whispers around the corner, people saying I haven't earned anything. They're thinking that I only got into the schools I did because my parents could flip the whole tuition out of their pocket change. Mom and dad are great, yeah? Mom was born rich, and dad was a bit of a con-man. They didn't always see eye to eye, but they always agreed on one thing- I want something outside of the basic needs, I need to work for it. And I
did work for it. I mean, the fact that I'm good at it didn't hurt- I have a head for numbers, besides.'
'So I'll let you in on a little secret, yeah? I make my rounds, intersections, mouths of alley ways, places like that- big crowds, easy in and out- and maybe I find the person with the most vacant expression. Maybe I offer them a game or two, or a watch casing that looks like a luxury model, for a reasonable price. Maybe they're lead to believe I work somewhere nearby, and I inform them of a discount that may or may not exist. Nothing technically illegal, and they always agree to it- I can't help it if I'm just too quick for them.'
'And then I was almost hit by a train recently. That was weird. Especially because it had teeth. And there wasn't supposed to be a train right then, or I wouldn't have been crossing the tracks. Schedules and all that, yeah? Anyway, long story short, now I got this ghost of a Digimon following me around, and this fancy new D-Tector thing. He's kind of a stick in the mud, but he packs a punch, I gotta say. And I may or may not have been cracking heads of certain malicious unaffiliated muggers in my spare time.'
VA: Wendy Powell
00a99dDigital Spirit Character Sheet:
Species: Medieval Gallantmon
Gender: Male
After taking charge against an alledged robbery, Medieval Gallantmon came into odds with a Devic stronghold and was shot down and left for dead, where he crashed into a passage to the Analog World. Dazed and injured, he found himself with a rogue Trailmon barreling towards him. With a human in his presence, unable to defend themself, he had no choice. A brutal fight ensued, and left both Digimon on the brink of death. Feeling a pang of dread in this strange world, and with a suspicion that the Trailmon might devour them both if he didn't, Medieval Gallantmon offered a contract, and Ai accepted.
Working with Ai has been... interesting to say the least. While working in the shadows, and dealing with the ways of the Analog World, often put him off kilter, there are at least some ways in which they can agree. It seems that the laws between worlds, Vigilance falls on a line in which they can both embrace.
VA: Patrick Seitz