Avatar of CorpusMundum
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  • Posts: 38 (0.01 / day)
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    1. CorpusMundum 9 yrs ago


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A groan passed from the magician's clenched teeth as he made his ways through the disgusting streets of Gotham city, cigarette held tightly between the stained enamel. The comforting scent of burning tobacco soothed his nerves, while he tucked the lighter back into one of the bags he'd been carrying. Flying was always such a hassle, and stressful as hell. Magick or no, security was never something he got used to, but neither were cities for that matter. While they were a testament to the spirit of man, there was also something distasteful that Albert could never shake. Big, grimy, and often so out of touch from the world outside them, cities like Gotham proved to be even worse. Aside from the ever present criminal element and costumed maniacs, there was a very... fatalistic aspect about the monolithic buildings and sheer vastness of the sprawling metropolis. Seemed like no matter how hard you tried it would swallow you up, it was yours the minute you were born in the midst of its filth.

The magician pushed such thoughts from his mind as he walked, bags clenched tightly in his hands. Incense, charms, fetishes, ritual attire, and all manner of things that would never be let through onto a plain were carefully cradled within their leather embrace. Everything he would need to set up shop in that trash heap of a city. His new employers with their impressive resources, had secured him and his soon to be coworkers with a small, unassuming place from which to conduct their work within Gotham. Small was certainly the key word there. Standing on the sidewalk, Albert's frown stretched into a full blown scowl as his eyes scanned over the rather pitiful millhouse which stood before him. It was old, and though in decent shape far from attractive what with its peeling paint, broken shutters, and filthy windows. A man of middle years sat on the porch, cigarette clasped between his fingers as he glared at Albert.

"You Barton?" His voice was gruff, and his tone rather rude.

"Yeah, what the hell have you been doing here this whole time, thought you were supposed to get the place furnished and ready for moving day. Place looks like shit, man."

The man frowned and stood with a groan, motioning for Albert to follow him inside. "Yeah, we were and we did. Didn't say nothing about touching up the outside of the damn house."

With a sigh Albert tossed what little remained of his cigarette, grinding it beneath his foot before walking in to join the rather unpleasant man. The interior was admittedly much more well kept, the furniture new if simple and sparse. Another man was sitting inside on a laptop, mumbling softly to himself and not giving the two of them a glance.

"You've got heat, air, water, all the essentials. Rich boy's package is in the garage along with some old junker. Should work fine for your purposes right? Anyways, he can set up his own little network when he gets here if he likes, but you've got the plain old internet as well if you prefer."

"Thanks, now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have work to do and little time to do it in. Jupiter is in a very delicate position that won't last another day or two at most, can't let that opportunity pass me up." He set his bags down and smiled at the two men, who simply looked at one another and shrugged before heading towards the door.

"We'll be in touch." With that the two were gone from the small dwelling, and Albert could breathe easily at last. Wasting no time, the magician began unpacking his ritual materials. One of the two bedrooms (if they could be called such) had been set aside per his request. After years of careful practice the ritual space was prepared within minutes, Albert dressed in the full regalia of his ceremonial garb and all the necessary tools on a table within his reach. So began a series of rituals which would seal and ward the dwelling against prying eyes both mundane and supernatural, a barrier through which only those invited spirits could pass in the astral plane. The smell of sweet incense and earthy oils permeated the air in the millhouse as the magician continued his work, ensuring the security of himself and those who sought refuge within the small home.

Hello all, happy to be aboard. I'll start working on a character, I'm thinking of doing a magic user or some sort.
Louis let out a long sigh as he walked down the unfamiliar street. Japan wasn't quite his scene, lacked a lot of the charm Savannah, Charleston, and The Big Easy had. But work was work, pay was pay, and research was research. The magician figured it'd be easier to do his work in the Orient rather than in Prague, supposedly the spirits of the area were more partial to interaction with humans. Folks called them Youkai he'd heard, the word left a bad taste in his mouth, lacked a lot of the beauty other terms had. To be honest a lot of the way they did things around here he found dissatisfying. But needs must when the devil vomits into your kettle, and at this point he needed to buy a new kettle.

It took him nearly an hour of walking back and forth along the streets, but Louis eventually found his way to the place. It was a bar or something if he remembered correctly. The Dangeki was the name, or something similar, hell Japanese sounded all the same to him. But as he stepped inside, it was apparent that he'd found the right spot. All sorts of folks, spirits, all gathered in a single place to chat and sip some drinks. Par for the course half the folks dressed like some sort of cartoon character. Hell, the staff seemed to dress like something out of a low-budget skin-flick. Another weary sigh escaped his lips as he closed the door behind him and began to mingle amidst the crowd. He overheard a few conversations here and there, mostly small talk and the like. All the while he sipped some brown tea (with a little kick thanks to his handy flask), and stared at the job postings on the back door.

A grin crept across his pale face at the reward for the second job. "Lord above... that alone could pay the rent for a- wait, damnit it's probably in yen or some such bullshit." In an instant the smile was gone and a scowl in its place. "Well, better than nothing, ain't too bad to track down some girls. Might be human trafficking... doubt it's ghouls though." The magician began to scratch at his chin as he thought on who or what might be responsible for the disappearances.
Name:Louis Kingsland
Title/Alias: Optional.
Age: 34
Gender: male
Height: 6'5
Weight: 200

Weapons: .38 special and a stiletto.

Equipment: Backpack, whiskey flask, incense, chalk, Ars Goetia, The Corpus Hermeticum, Initiation into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation, Key to the True Kabbalah, Book of Enoch, Tarot Deck, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Dictionnaire Infernal, and ritual attire.

Other: Anything else you can think of, like a theme song and whatnot.

Sample Post/Introduction:
A banging at the door woke Louis, and nearly caused him to jump from the seat he'd passed out in the night before. Groaning as the horrid sound came again and again, he rose on stiff legs to answer the door. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair unkempt, face in need of a shave, and breath smelling like fine Kentucky straight. Fumbling with the latch and the lock, the magician opened the door just a crack. A scowl stretched across his face when he saw the face behind it.

"What do you want, Gerard?" He groaned, head aching and stomach turning at the sight of the man.

Gerard simply smiled, a small spot of red amidst a canvas of alabaster. He brushed lint from his suit, a gaudy pin-striped thing with tails and all manner of extravagances. It fit the man rather well in that regard."Mon amie, I merely wished to speak with you and wish you well this fine morning. Is that so wrong of me?" The man's voice was soft and light, every word dripping with a sort of cruel playfulness. His bastardized Parisian accent didn't help the sort of bourgeois air he carried about himself. Despite sharing the building, Louis could never get used to the man's presence, the aura around him. Despite his finery it was... filthy, decayed. It was certainly never the whiskey that made his stomach churn.

"No I suppose not, but then again it isn't a thing like you. Now tell me, what do you want?" Blue met bright hazel as their eyes locked, that same arrogant and playful smile upon the other man's face. Finally closing his eyes and chuckling in defeat, Gerard's smile turned into a amused grin, yellow teeth, small like a doll's peaking through his luscious lips.

"Very well, you caught me. I was wondering if you would like to join me and my associates tonight, I've told them about you and they're rather impressed by your... dedication to your craft. We could have great use of you in-"

"No. I've seen you and your 'associates', Mr. Berger. The masks, the filthy golden vestments. All those girls, I see them go up with you and when they come back down they ain't right anymore. Hell, you probably ain't right. It comes off you like heat, radiating and fouling everything around you. If I've insulted you, I apologize, but if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for my next job."

"Louis, I would greatly advise that you reconsider my proposal. My associates are influential and powerful individuals, outside even this low realm. I know you to be a theurgist of great skill, and the rewards for you work can be great! What's more, think of what you can learn, what my masters can show you of the Astral Realm, and what lies beyond. He will come soon, descending from the dark places between worlds, he will-" Louis shut the door before Gerard could finish, the man's pale features now resting on a disinterested frown. Sighing, Louis went to the window of his office, peering out onto the street's early morning traffic. His sign swung lazily in the wind.

Louis Kingsland: Occultist and Paranormal Consultant

Just a floor above, another sign hung. The gold paint of its letters had faded and chipped, and Louis scowled while reading it.

Gerard Berger: Repairer of Reputations
@KoL That's perfectly fine! In truth I was mostly going to stick with Goetic daemons, Kabbalastic angels, and general Elementals (gnomes, sylphs, salamanders, undines). I have the materials available to me to represent these entities as they should be, though with elementals there is much leeway in their exact nature, seeing as some debate whether they are actually wholly of one element, or just have a dominant element and are composed of all five (Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit/Akasha), just as humans are. But again, I'm more than happy to discuss all this with you!
@TheWindelAlright, if I can help to explain anything or you need to discuss anything with me I'll be happy to do it!
Name:Louis Kingsland
Title/Alias: Optional.
Age: 34
Gender: male
Height: 6'5
Weight: 200

Weapons: .38 special and a stiletto.

Equipment: Backpack, whiskey flask, incense, chalk, Ars Goetia, The Corpus Hermeticum, Initiation into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation, Key to the True Kabbalah, Book of Enoch, Tarot Deck, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Dictionnaire Infernal, and ritual attire.

Other: Anything else you can think of, like a theme song and whatnot.

Sample Post/Introduction:
A banging at the door woke Louis, and nearly caused him to jump from the seat he'd passed out in the night before. Groaning as the horrid sound came again and again, he rose on stiff legs to answer the door. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair unkempt, face in need of a shave, and breath smelling like fine Kentucky straight. Fumbling with the latch and the lock, the magician opened the door just a crack. A scowl stretched across his face when he saw the face behind it.

"What do you want, Gerard?" He groaned, head aching and stomach turning at the sight of the man.

Gerard simply smiled, a small spot of red amidst a canvas of alabaster. He brushed lint from his suit, a gaudy pin-striped thing with tails and all manner of extravagances. It fit the man rather well in that regard."Mon amie, I merely wished to speak with you and wish you well this fine morning. Is that so wrong of me?" The man's voice was soft and light, every word dripping with a sort of cruel playfulness. His bastardized Parisian accent didn't help the sort of bourgeois air he carried about himself. Despite sharing the building, Louis could never get used to the man's presence, the aura around him. Despite his finery it was... filthy, decayed. It was certainly never the whiskey that made his stomach churn.

"No I suppose not, but then again it isn't a thing like you. Now tell me, what do you want?" Blue met bright hazel as their eyes locked, that same arrogant and playful smile upon the other man's face. Finally closing his eyes and chuckling in defeat, Gerard's smile turned into a amused grin, yellow teeth, small like a doll's peaking through his luscious lips.

"Very well, you caught me. I was wondering if you would like to join me and my associates tonight, I've told them about you and they're rather impressed by your... dedication to your craft. We could have great use of you in-"

"No. I've seen you and your 'associates', Mr. Berger. The masks, the filthy golden vestments. All those girls, I see them go up with you and when they come back down they ain't right anymore. Hell, you probably ain't right. It comes off you like heat, radiating and fouling everything around you. If I've insulted you, I apologize, but if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for my next job."

"Louis, I would greatly advise that you reconsider my proposal. My associates are influential and powerful individuals, outside even this low realm. I know you to be a theurgist of great skill, and the rewards for you work can be great! What's more, think of what you can learn, what my masters can show you of the Astral Realm, and what lies beyond. He will come soon, descending from the dark places between worlds, he will-" Louis shut the door before Gerard could finish, the man's pale features now resting on a disinterested frown. Sighing, Louis went to the window of his office, peering out onto the street's early morning traffic. His sign swung lazily in the wind.

Louis Kingsland: Occultist and Paranormal Consultant

Just a floor above, another sign hung. The gold paint of its letters had faded and chipped, and Louis scowled while reading it.

Gerard Berger: Repairer of Reputations
@Punished HomuraI believe it might be from the old Age of Reckoning game, but perhaps. I've never been quite sure where this one came from, but I see it all the time.
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