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I've been through a tornado, a hurricane and the edge of a hurricane. Florida is a treacherous land.

@Narcotic Dollie No need to thank me. I'm glad everything is chill there! 8)
"I think I got conned on this charm but-" resting the pencil down lightly, he reached into his shirt. Fishing the golden pocket watch out, it was attached to a chain and seemed nearly plain, the metal was even getting sort of brassy around the edges. It was definitely old, the face of the thing covered in carved swirls and intricate markings of some nature. It seemed to still be ticking very softly, almost as if it was frantic. It was beautiful but very old and very worn, the sound of it's ticking voice was almost comforting and he looked at it as if it were a long lost friend.

Freeing it from his throat carefully, he slid it over to her for her to inspect. "Paid a lot of money for it. Can't say that it was a waste but definitely could have gotten something just as useful for cheaper. Being a vampire isn't so bad, like if you can deal with the whole blood drinking and being a creature of the night thing. I've made do though, I wait tables part time."

He turned his gaze back to the sketchbook and began to soften out the features. Studying her for a brief moment, he marked where to proportion her eyes and her nose, drew a faint line to mark where her mouth belonged. Eyes were his favorite thing to draw, you could capture a person completely by the way you drew their eyes. As cliche as it was to think, Remmington had become very fond of the phrase that compared them to mirrors into the soul. He took it to heart, focussing a good lot of his talent into making sure they looked perfect and she had nice eyes. A shade close to his own but more gentle somehow, drawing them was easy, soft lines and intent curves.

"Remi is actually kind of nice. Most people just do some variation on Remmington, my family calls me Rem most of the time." he smiled slightly when he mentioned his family. They were an average bunch, his mom was doting and kind and his father was stern but good natured. They were a good family and it felt weird being away from them but it was definitely better that way. He had a lot to learn and the fact that his roommate was a vampire as well, it made him feel not so alone. At home there was nothing there to keep his mind at ease and he was constantly getting frustrated and throwing fits about the smallest things. He felt calmer here, it was good on his nerves and he had a muse again.

Penciling in the shape of her nose and shading around it lightly, he watched her carefully and offered a smile. He didn't have a bad smile but it seemed faraway, almost as if part of him was off in outer space most of the time and maybe he was, the boy did seem kind of dotty and very nervous. It was essentially hard for him to keep himself from being nervous, even if the girl seemed as nice as Clover. Gathering every ounce of his thin courage, he managed to keep blabbering, words spilling out before he could think them over.

"My brother was a cook, I used to want to learn because I was about half obsessed with being just like him. Though, if I recall, he wasn't even that great. I think he made Thanksgiving dinner once and he messed up the turkey temperature, and we had to get one of those really gross rotisserie chickens. He was a cool guy though."

He took a deep breath, and began to mimic the curve of her mouth on the paper. "Do you have any siblings? Where were you born? Any pets growing up? I used to want a cat but-" he stopped himself, probably would have blushed if his blood vessels had the ability of enlarging anymore. "I used to want a cat."
"Well, honestly. It seems like I'm just avoiding trouble. Y'heard those rumors? Gnarly stuff." though the rumors hadn't been much of a problem, he'd been kind of amused by the whole scene. People could be so creative if they were given the chance and they'd really been given the chance. He was good at pretending that they bothered him though, that slightly disappointed curve to his mouth, a push of a brow, a head shake. It was a fluent move but it slipped back into an easy smile and he leaned back in his seat, propping his arms up behind him. He all but propped his feet on the table, though that wasn't entirely beyond him, he didn't feel like being that obnoxious kid in the coffee shop today. Maybe tomorrow but definitely not today.

He visibly and mentally relaxed at talking to the other boy, and nearly perked when the blonde girl responded to him as well. It wasn't like he expected her to ignore him but having her respond was just so nice. As long as he was talking, he didn't have to worry about the party or the smiling kid, he didn't have to even think about it. He loved company so much that it was nearly ridiculous, it had the effect of someone petting an overly eager dog, he basked in it. When the girl started messing with the door though, he became nearly frantic for a moment, it was that weird fearful edge. What if the fridge wasn't screwing up? What if there was something else? Nervously, he watched her head off to the ladies room, catching something small shoot forward after her, he blinked in astonishment.

Rubbing at his eyes a moment, he decided that he couldn't automatically assume it was connected in any way. He hadn't even seen what it was, it might have been a fly of some sort. It was hot, flies were bound to drift in, right? Straight through the mall, through crowds of people, into a cafe. Perfect logic right there with our brain sergeant Carson Graye. Denial wasn't a pretty color on him and he tried to pretend that he wasn't just swimming in it. Instead he turned his nervous attention back to Curtis, Carson was almost positive that he was a second short of breaking a sweat. Fantastic. Like he needed to sweat into this shirt anymore, this was getting ridiculous.

He just had to calm down. He needed a breather, he wasn't supposed to act like this. "Not a huge coffee fan myself, but I can drink it." his voice wasn't even anymore, it was rising and dropping as if he was on the edge of screaming and running off. Making a face at himself, he forced his mouth back into a smile and drew in a deep breath. "Usually just end up meeting people here, gotta handle my time wisely or else I never end up doing anything. That freezer seems to be a big issue though, look at all that fog. It can't be healthy to inhale that."
@Narcotic Dollie You're perfectly fine, just worry about staying safe. I used to live in Florida, hurricanes are gnarly and drab and totally not worth the time. 8)
Watching the girl curiously for a long moment, he decided she was safe. He hadn't a huge penchant for company but she seemed chill and that was enough for him. He took a long moment to respond, leafing through his sketchbook until he found an empty page and plopping the pencil against it lightly, he eyed her for a long drawn moment. She was pretty and he liked her hair, there was something about red hair that he'd always liked. It reminded him a little of his father with his strawberry blond curls. He almost told her as such but then realized that he still hadn't drawn anything, he paused, his mouth hanging slightly open.

Deciding that it would be both flattering and an extreme outlet to his pent up creativity, he started to draw her profile though it mostly resembled a bunch of loose lines and a circle at the moment. It was getting there, definitely. He watched her out of the corner of his eye as he began to speak, his voice had a rough manner to it and it was almost alien to hear with no direct accent, it was held up by string seemingly.

"Remmington Pennyweather O'Neil." he seemed to release the full name in one sigh, ever the dramatic artist but the name was funny. He'd been given the moniker of the family and sometimes he forgot just how funny it actually was. What caught him instead was her blunt honesty and he looked up from the paper again. Cracking the slightest of a grin at her, he offered his hand to shake. "Your inherently unfriendly neighborhood vampire. Who would also like to thank you for the compliment, my hair is an ongoing art project. I like yours too, very pretty and kind'a reminds me of liquid copper, y'ever see those How It's Made things? Kind'a like that. Copper presses, for like, coins."

Clearing his throat, he began to realize yet again that he really didn't have a way with words and started to mold the circle shape into a facial shape. "I haven't been here very long, people here seem cool." An inadvertent dodgy compliment, that was cool and edgy of him. He really needed to shut his mouth before he started telling her about how he used to want a cat but now he was afraid he'd eat it in a fit of bloodlust. "Clover is a nice name, I've always liked that name."
Staring. Staring was something that Remmington was amazingly good at and with the scene that the other boy seemed to have stirred up, he couldn't quite help himself. Honestly, with his mother warning him so much about how rude it was to stare, you think he would have learned something. He hadn't been paying enough attention to know that Thomas had been doing anything but he supposed that whatever it was had to have been pretty terrible with the way the Irish boy had reacted. He didn't see the tell tale markings of a bite on his throat, didn't smell any blood except the blood clinging to his lowerlip. That personally made him a little hungry but he didn't think it was a good time to dwell on it.

Passing his gaze to the other vampire, he felt his eyebrows raise as he inspected his face for any traces of malice but gave up out of disinterest. If his roommate wanted to feed on random humans then he guessed that was just his own right. Far be it from him to stop anyone from following their dreams though he couldn't understand why he had to follow his dreams in the middle of the library. He made a mental note to ask him about it if this situation developed any further but instead focused his attention on the boy with the Irish accent. He'd never really seen him before but then again, Remmington barely paid much attention to his fellow school mates.

It followed that habit of constantly keeping his head down unless approached and without approach, he was virtually the most silent person on earth. Though being the most silent person on earth had some benefits, he noticed everything. Even a certain girl peering in at the scene unfolding before him and that peaked his fleeting interest long enough that he got to his feet and collected his sketchbook. He tucked it, pencil and all back under his arm and watched as the odd-eyed young man entered. Slipping past the dragon in something of a smooth side stepping motion, he headed into the hallway, trying to focus his mind on walking instead of the fact that he hadn't drawn a good lot of anything.

That was the only bothersome thing about the situation was the fact that he hadn't drawn anything. He supposed that with more of a collective amount of students in the cafeteria that he might stand a better chance. Walking there settled his mind but being there hit him with the smell of food, when he'd been human he'd loved to eat, just ate all the time as if he was starving but now the smell made him vaguely nauseous and he had to reign in the face he kept trying to make as he chose a table. There weren't many people sitting there and heck if he knew any of them, scooting to the end of the table and slapping the sketchbook back down with a dramatic flourish, he ran his gaze over the students curiously.
Remmington finally decided to embrace the day with something of a profound headache and no urge to face it, it was the way he started most days and it wasn't exactly a new feeling to him. Prone to trying to sleep in even though he couldn't sleep at all and ignore his daily traumas, he did realize that he'd have to rise sometime and with that in mind, the vampire finally rolled to his feet. His hair was a mess, blue strands crushed down onto one side and flicking up in ridiculous cowlicks. It was going to take about half a jar of hair gel and a lot of patience but it could be fixed. Little things like that mattered to him, bothered the hell out of him if he didn't take care of them. He'd always been into keeping himself well groomed and ever since the change, he'd been even more inclined to mock the gorgeous supernatural being thing. Especially at the school.

This place wasn't half bad, he hadn't disliked the school in even the slightest and the people were definitely interesting. There was something about being put in an educational system surrounded in what some people would consider abnormal, it was interesting. It inspired him. Inspiration was hard to come by, required a change of setting and a change of outlook. This place was full of it, he often found himself sketching it's occupants and doing all that he could not to leave the drawings on their doorsteps. Though often high-strung and a little edgy, he was confident about his art to a high amount. He was a good artist, he'd always been good and the talent was one that he liked to flaunt whenever the chance presented itself.

He was probably one of the best, or that's what he liked to pride himself on anyway. Shaking away from his wandering thoughts, he made his way to the bathroom and began the obviously important task of fixing his hair. He hadn't seen his roommate leave or even heard him but then again he'd been piled under the blankets so far that he probably wouldn't have heard Satan himself giving him a ring. Thomas was an alright guy from the bit that he knew about him, Remmington had been avoiding too much conversation with anyone. There was that nervousness, that edge of thinking he couldn't quite match them in conversation and it was definitely holding him back.

There was just a lot he couldn't talk about and that was how he liked to play it off, he was deep and mysterious or something like that. With one last swipe of the comb through his hair, he managed to get it standing back in a nice position again and he drew in a deep breath and glanced around. The room was still as empty as before, drawing out something of an overly dramatic sigh. The boy grabbed his sketch pad and tucked it beneath his arm. He could blow time if he sat around drawing the locals long enough and maybe attempt the daunting task of trying to talk to one of them if they should get too close. He never knew how to explain why he was drawing people, he'd had more than enough brush ins with confused or flattered individuals and every time he had stumbled around for an excuse and came up dry. He just liked to draw people as they appeared, if he knew them then it ruined the mystery, inclined him to alter colors to fit them more personally. Strangers were a lot more fun to draw, sharper and trapped in whatever moment he chose to draw them in.

It left him with a lot of pictures of people that he'd never officially met, people from busses and parks and sidewalks and alleyways. It gave him leave to make his own stories for them, it calmed him because they could be anyone that way and they couldn't take up more space then they needed to. Strolling into the hallway, his mind was set on the charcoal pencil and the paper tucked under one arm. His steps were light and even as he made his way into the library and to an empty table, he could see his roommate and a boy he hasn't seen before, and if he looked hard enough he could just see a girl looking at the books. He put the sketchbook down, leafed through it until he finally found a blank page and went to work at sketching a vague outline, not entirely sure of who was his muse at the moment.
@TheIrishJJ That sounds cool to me! I'm sure he'd love to have Thomas as a roommate 8)

Name: Austin Xavier Jones.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Austin was born with a natural enthusiasm for life, he was a bit of a golden boy from the start and he had big plans. With a natural intelligence and a love for nature and all it had to offer, Austin was made to be gentle and gentle was exactly what he was. Bursting with an exuberance and a seemingly never ending stamina, the boy was just made to embrace everything that life had to offer him.
With a natural need to help people and a warmth about him, Austin was easy to friend throughout school and had a natural need to be surrounded in friends. An extreme extrovert and full of pride in the things that he accomplishes, Austin is an overall nice guy but not dumb. The boy is clever and genuine in the way he solves problems, sometimes exceeding past what's expected of him.
Bio: Fairly normal with a single father who was very doting throughout Austin's life and nothing but pale memories of his mother. Very social and often seen with many groups of friends but not very close to any of them.
Animal Form: A wolf with white tipped ears.
Psychic Strength: Compulsion.
He's a Libra.
He owns a tabby cat named Rusty.
He likes to read and he plays soccer in his free time.
@WeepingLiberty That's fine, I'll just say the wolf's ears are tipped in white or something. 8) Thank you for having me.
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