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Name: Austin Xavier Jones.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Austin was born with a natural enthusiasm for life, he was a bit of a golden boy from the start and he had big plans. With a natural intelligence and a love for nature and all it had to offer, Austin was made to be gentle and gentle was exactly what he was. Bursting with an exuberance and a seemingly never ending stamina, the boy was just made to embrace everything that life had to offer him.
With a natural need to help people and a warmth about him, Austin was easy to friend throughout school and had a natural need to be surrounded in friends. An extreme extrovert and full of pride in the things that he accomplishes, Austin is an overall nice guy but not dumb. The boy is clever and genuine in the way he solves problems, sometimes exceeding past what's expected of him.
Bio: Fairly normal with a single father who was very doting throughout Austin's life and nothing but pale memories of his mother. Very social and often seen with many groups of friends but not very close to any of them.
Animal Form: A wolf with white tipped ears.
Psychic Strength: Compulsion.
He's a Libra.
He owns a tabby cat named Rusty.
He likes to read and he plays soccer in his free time.

Full Name: Remmington Pennyweather O'Neil.

Nickames/Alias/AKA: Rem, Remmy.

Age: 18.

Gender: Male.

DOB: August 19, 1996.

Occupation: Student, part time waiter.

Race: Vampire.

Hair Color: Dyed blue, though it's naturally a pale blond.

Eye Color: Brown.

Height and Build: 5"8, slender and wiry.

Other Appearance: He has a scar through his left eyebrow, no other very noticeable ones. His voice has a sort of sharp resonating quality to it, though he speaks with a bluntness that chops his words up sometimes and can make him sound a little odd.


Remmington was born and lived a fairly normal life, though he was always considered a little strange with his dressing habits and his tendency to dye his hair every color under the sun. Most wrote the young man off as a cry for help but he had spent most of his life idolizing his older brother and trying to be more like him, though this was something of an impossible task. He spent his childhood doing everything he could to become his older brother's shadow, found it to be nearly exhausting but kept shooting for it. It soon came to a close when his brother had died in a car crash at the age of twenty one and it had the effect of change on Remmy, made him frustrated and seeking an outlet of any kind.

Though the frustration had a profound effect on the young man, he began to get extremely into art and became something extravagant with his growing talents. Though he also started to pull away from his friends and family, it was also a coping mechanism. He invested everything he had into art and at the age of seventeen, it brought him to his first girlfriend. A young lady named Clarrisa who also shared his passion for the arts, the two grew close and it was the first time since his brother had died that he almost seemed to calm his nervous tension.

That also didn't last long, Clarrisa had a secret and that secret ended up changing him and left him with an edge of anger. That brings us to where we are now with our nervous, angry artist vampire.


Harrison Michael O'Neil ( older brother ) - DEC on October 24, 2012.

Jaenlyn Eris O'Neil ( Mother ).

Grayson Lionel O'Neil ( Father ).

Other/Extra: He's got a dream to become a tattoo artist.
Hope you get your computer fixed soon and I'm very excited to see what comes of this roleplay!
@Marx Oooo, a happy birthday from me as well!
Carson just barely caught the wave from the cute blonde before he glanced over to her, inadvertently putting himself in a position where he had to see the fog creeping from beneath the door again. The girl's response was a rational one and it nearly calmed him because of course, that's what a normal person would think. With the way he was jumping to peg everything as supernatural, one would think that he'd gone absolutely insane. It didn't have to have anything to do with the weird occurrence at the party, it was just a freezer acting up. It was something fixable. He had to start thinking rationally about these things, sometimes electrical appliances broke and sometimes they made big shows out of their smoking and sparking and it was going to be alright. He couldn't help the nervousness, the party had only been two days ago and that was the last time he'd showed his face at home.

The rumors had been funny, one depicting a dramatic scene of him screaming before running off into the night and crashing on the curb from exhaustion. False. One that said he ran off after the child mysteriously disappeared and spent the night on a bench like a common homeless man. True. He'd only expected as much with a clean reputation like his, people like Carson Graye didn't ditch parties, people like Carson Graye didn't sleep on benches and go a single day without changing his outfit. It wasn't something he did, it wasn't Carson Graye. He'd felt weird ever since the small child had appeared, ever since he'd realized he could do something, even if he didn't know exactly what.

His mother knew where he was, constantly calling him and telling him to come home before his dad threw one of his legendary fits but he doubted the older man cared much. He was generally busy working at the hospital and by the time he got home, there were screaming matches about how no one respected what he did for the family. There was no reason to despise his home life when his father wasn't home though. It was something in the air of the big house and the way his mother squirreled off to watch the ID channel instead of bothering to ask why her son reeked of booze.

It wasn't really much of a home anymore and he supposed that was the problem, he didn't want to be a part of it. He reminded his mother of his dad, and he understood why, a full head of red hair that curled at the ends naturally and high cheekbones and an aristocratic nose. He had the same handsome face, the same quick temper. He'd always had his mother's sky blue eyes though, her gentle crooked smile and her pale freckles gathered on the bridge of his nose. She rightfully saw more of his father in him but he liked to hold onto the qualities that set him apart.

It would have been easier to live out his days sleeping on the bench at the park, he'd just have to collect his clothes sometime without alerting his mother of his presence. It would be easy enough if he thought of the house as something silly, perhaps a castle that he had to ramshackle. He could make a game of it, maybe try to shimmy up the rain gutter or something. It would be a great test of just how ready he was to be on his own.

Shaking away from his thoughts, he offered the girl a lofty smile, tilted higher to one side than the other. It had an effect that nearly made him look kind of goofy. "Hey there, your name is Rose, right? I think I've seen you around." said easily before he glanced to the boy, he was almost positive he was named Curt or oh, Curtis. "Small town! You're Curtis. I know of you, kind of, vaguely but I can't say anyone knows me any better. Hey, I'm Carson Graye. Can't be too sure if I share a class with either of you but it's cool to see you either way. Get to see enough of our classmates though with this place being so tiny and all. Kind of just a matter of luck on who you run into. I wonder what's going on back there with the um, y'know fog, seems kind of funky. Gotta be a good reason, like full blown freezer meltdown or something." a soft laugh, a closer to his endless stream of words.
Five friends decide to throw a pool party and end up getting rained out, deciding that it's better to not freeze to death, the five go in search for a board game and discover a blank white box. In this box appears to be a cardboard house that they begin to put together and with this house are pieces and instructions for a game. Each of the players are given a sheet of paper and a blank doll.
The piece of paper is a place for them to depict an image of their worst nightmares and the dolls are a place to depict themselves.
The game is simple, childish even, shuffle the nightmares as written and put them throughout the paper house and begin to read the cards.
Soon they find themselves trapped within the house with a madman who tells them they must find their way out and face their worst nightmares by the stroke of midnight.
Will the friends be able to face their worst nightmares and free themselves from the house before the clock strikes or will this get the best of them?

Alright! Hi, I'm Mick and this is my first idea to front to this lovely forum and its very heavily based off the book Forbidden Game by L.J Smith. Though not completely, I'll be sure to add my own elements and a much different villain than the lovely Julian but that's about the line of it.
If you've read Forbidden Game, heck yeah!
If you've not, that's cool too!

Anyway, if you're interested, I've compiled a lovely character sheet and you can just fill that out and I'll look everything over and see how I like it! Any questions? Pop on in! And I'll try my best to answer them!

( Appearance! Real photos are appreciated but if you're more comfortable otherwise then that's fine too! )
Gender: ( Anything is welcome. )
Sexuality: ( Nearly a same guideline here. I only ask bc I'm personally curious. )
Their fear: ( What did they draw on that evil piece of paper? )
Personality: ( Give me every detail, I'm incredibly curious!! )
History: ( This can be brief or hecka long, idc. )
@Marx The fear that filled my heart and soul for a second there is truly touching. I am a wimp and I'm glad you liked it as well!
@BuriedComic7 Yeah, I have a problem w remembering to add names because it doesn't appear as neat and I'm very anal retentive about stuff like that. I'm happy you liked it though! 8)
@Gareth Sorry, it's a bit of a bad habit of mine. I'll edit it in though in case anyone else faces this problem!
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