
Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Went to my first anime convention. Was Awesome.
8 mos ago
Might be better than me surviving on soda to be honest.
8 mos ago
Everyone who is at a bump in the road just know we're all here to support you and there's always good things just around the corner.
8 mos ago
You don't persay owe me money. But if you have money to spare I won't say no. ;)
1 like
8 mos ago
Please like if you hate heatwaves.


I'm here :)

Most Recent Posts

In 3 Word Story 8 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
an agonizing hangover
@Shadrack Nor has a cool interest in the intangible.
James Arthur’s “Empty Space”
You have a great profile picture
Elon Musk
Banned for loving adorable pandas.
@M13U21Welcome to the Guild. I think of roleplays as like reading an awesome book and then just letting the imagination run wild. Welcome again. 😀
My pet peeve, purchasing something and then finding out, "Yo, you paid that much! you could have saved 95% elsewhere!" Great learning experience for sure, but just the do I return it or not? Crap.
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