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@Kuroneko I'm down, we could definitely use the reckless type of vampire. I'll be running a Kelpie myself and he's going to be a pain in the ass so you have my blessing.
@McHaggis They're naturally a lot more powerful than their counterpart, the usual run down of "strength, speed, heightened senses" but some can get more personalized abilities, like the ability to hear thoughts, or see auras. Generally typical psychic type things. It just all depends on their family line.
@Kuroneko Heyheyhey. 8)

@McHaggis !!! Thank you!!!

That's three so far, let's see if we can get any other takers and I'll go make an OOC!
@Eschatologist She's very much accepted and I have to compliment your describing skills, I can really feel her character and that's so lovely. I'll make an OOC if this derives any more interest, here's hoping.
Until then! Welcome aboard!
@Eschatologist I've never been more down for a character than I am right now. I'd love to have this music or economics teacher. I think I'm kind of in love.
You have my vote of encouragement.
@Eschatologist Odd and derivative sounds wonderful. I'm willing to look outside the box, as long as everything seems solid, I'd be glad to have them.
In a small town called Valor, humans have made harmony with the creatures that once gave them nightmares. These creatures, though many of them have accepted to live alongside the humans that once feared and hated them, many have not but in the wake of this lone town's truce, a school was built for the students to live in harmony.
A building devoid of iron, wood or silver, it was made of brick and stands tall at the edge of this small town. A highschool, tall and proud with a great staff of immortals and humans alike, the youth of this town is expected to attend and to get along but there are rumors of hunters, humans and half-breeds who have sworn their lives to destroying the creatures that their ancestors once feared.

Will they all be able to live in harmony or will this end in a bloodbath and a feud that cannot be broken?

Welcome to Valor High.

@Inertia They can hang together and chat it up about their parental figures. That'll be the discovery of true friendship right there. "Hey, so how's home life?" "Normal." "Sameeee."
@DashingHeights Nah, that's chill. I'd be glad to see what came of a novel like this! 8)
@Narcotic Dollie Aww, I was really liking Clover but you've got to do what's best. Best of luck!
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