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Since there wasn't much of a run down of the cats that roamed the deserts, I kind of pieced my own together for his familiar. If that's alright.


"Hey! No fair!" the boy called after his companion as the cat shot across the sand. The muscular animal was prone to playing games with his familiar, liked to test his limits for all it was worth. Clutched, gently, in the feline's jaws was one wooden crutch, long and ridiculous, it made him resemble a playful dog with a stick nonetheless. Just as Erlyn would come close enough, the animal would be nothing but a blur across the sand and he'd have to quickly limp his way after him. Games like these usually ended in the boy being exhausted and the cat being delighted, the animal loved to make him exalt much more energy than he ever meant to. Leaping carefully across the sand, the animal growled with enthusiasm and bolted forward just as Erlyn made a grab for his other crutch. He watched in defeat, the cat bounding across the sand and purring loudly, he would have barely been able to see him at all if he wasn't so bulky. His coat was a constantly moving patch of sand and his eyes were nothing but golden coins that had been lost in the depths.

"Wait up, you big oaf of a beast! I'll skin you for your coat and sell it to the locals!" the threat was lame, the animal didn't seem to believe him at all when it rolled over on it's back and started to kick the crutch, battering it with his hind paws. Getting to the cat was winding, even for the farm boy, collapsing dramatically beside the beast. He reached over and grabbed the crutch from him, tossing it in the sand beside the other one. He lied there beside the purring animal in the blazing heat, his arm winding around it's shoulders and his nose pressing to it's neck. The cat squirmed in the sand, rubbing his back into the heat and sprawling there. "You're a huge jerk."

The cat made a soft chrring noise and rolled to his paws, shaking out his coat and spraying sand in every direction. Making a face, Erlyn grabbed ahold of his back and pulled himself up on his good leg, taking the crutches and getting a good look around. "Now where in the world have you dropped us, huh? Sand, sand, and wait! A huge terrifying cat! More sand." running his hand along Koeniv's head, he began to make his way forward. The place was normal for the desert, unexciting and full of sand. Whistling under his breath, he took another look around and shook his head. "I don't see why you dragged me out here, Ko. I don't see a soul. Or anything worth looking into. Do you smell anything? Something buried beneath pounds of sand, perhaps?"

Koeniv almost seemed to sigh, the animal pressing against his good leg and walking forward. He always knew exactly where to go but sometimes he brought him places just to watch him struggle for awhile before deciding to go home. He'd found a lot of things because of Koeniv, underground caverns, abandoned farm land, a pool of water or two. Koeniv knew exactly what he was looking before but sometimes the cat just liked to mess with him to keep things interesting. "Ko, what am I looking for? Should I dig? I suck at digging with my hands, everything just fills back in and sometimes I hit water and that's really not what I'm looking for today, Ko."


Since there wasn't much of a run down of the cats that roamed the deserts, I kind of pieced my own together for his familiar. If that's alright.


Let me go type a CS up. 8)
I'm extremely interested!
James started the day early, rarely was a moment that he actively doing something and tonight he'd been moving into the dorm but he started his job today. It was going to be a wonderful day.

The Pure Blood hadn't had a job of his own in over a century, the last job had been more of a role, the eager apprentice to a clock maker. He'd found that he had no patience to put clocks together and had broken about ten before the man told him that he could no longer teach him the trade. He'd nearly lashed out in his anger, people weren't allowed to refuse him but the man was elderly and honestly, he could have kicked his cane out from under him and altered his life just as badly. He let him be and set out on a different task, that task involved a high stakes pool game and him being out five hundred bucks before he realized he needed a hobby.

The hobby was medical journals, old ones from before even he had been born and new ones from a woman he'd met at a tiny hospital in Switzerland. He'd stolen them off of her after he'd fed from her, left her sleeping in a warm delicious stupor, where she would wake and hardly remember the beautiful man with an interest in medical advances. Leafing through those journals occupied his mind for a long time, years even, left him full of intrigue at the many ways that humans could die and the many ways they'd found to try and save themselves from the inevitable. He probably would have conducted a diabolical plan if he hadn't had gotten distracted again. It was her, Alice, lovely little Alice. His darling, his dear, he began to think about her. Had she missed him at all? He wondered if he passed her mind or if she had wiped her hands clean of him as soon as he'd stopped avidly perusing her.

Trying to diverge back into the drone of his journals, he found himself gritting his teeth slightly as he wondered if she was even still alive. He wondered if he had done all of that for nothing and he found irritation settling in his system, he found his fingers digging into the worn leather of the old notebook and with a swift motion, he'd thrown it across the room and flinched when it smacked the wall. He had to find out, he needed to know if he'd wasted all that effort on some ungrateful, beautiful, wonderful, terrible girl!

Pulling from the memory, he shook his head, he hadn't wasted his time. The little darling was still alive and better than that, he had an in now. Signing up to teach at the school had been easy, he'd been clever and charming and they'd just about loved him. He'd even absently flirted with the head of commissions. He was perfect for the job! The students would love him! Hysterical laughter escaped him as he turned to the mirror, it was going to be fantastic and he was going to really rock this school with his teaching. He was going to win over Alice and then, he was going to leave. Maybe he'd squirrel the two of them away on a cruise, tell her about his newest interests, share a meal or two. It would be romantic.

He straightened his suit coat around his shoulders and smiled languidly at himself. He looked smart in the neat black suit and white silk undershirt, it made him look like exactly what he wanted to look like. Turning dramatically on his heel, he admired himself for a moment longer before he ran a brush through his hair and headed out of his room. It was weird staying here instead of some high and stately mansion or some beautiful but quaint cottage. It was one room to himself and as nice as that was, he felt he was entitled to more space. He'd only been here a night and he already had complaints. Ever the princely brat, he made his way into the hallways and towards the library, her scent was lingering there.

Drawing his hand along the wall as he walked, he kept his gaze forward and even, nodding at those he passed. Some of the vampires were almost as old as him, he recognized some vaguely though he couldn't recall any names. If he couldn't remember their names then they weren't important to him. Slipping into the library, he took a look around. Immediately noticed the two boys that seemed just about ready to brawl and tried not to laugh. Grinning slightly, he tried to ignore the scene, he didn't really want to stop it.

He thought it might be funny to watch the two duke it out in a library, maybe knock some book cases over. He tired quickly of staring at the students and wondered if he should just keep going but it occurred to him that he was technically their guardian now and he had never been very fatherly. He grimaced, he'd have to do something teacherly and quickly.

Passing them a side glance, he smiled warmly and left them with the warmest, most encouraging sentiment of all.

"Don't get blood on the carpet, kiddos."

He'd come here for a purpose and if a bunch of children wanted to fight, he would let them. He was a new teacher, he definitely couldn't be pressed to remember regulations against murder on campus. It was honestly a bunch of blather, what kind of school stocked to the roof with immortals didn't think it was plausible for a few killings to happen. Drawing in a deep breath to settle something in his chest, the vampire furrowed his eyebrows, it was weird to be so close to her again. It had been a long time and he wanted to see what the ages had done to her.

He made his way towards her, stopped a few feet short before he broke into a grin, she was gorgeous as she'd always been and her hair hung in volumes of brown. He had half a mind to quote one of those silly novels at her, it would definitely have been a conversation starter but he took the more subtle route and spoke up. All the while, the ghost of a grin stayed in place.

"My Alice," his voice was smooth and light, a joking lilt coloring his kind words. "Hello, darling. How long has it been? You've been evading me for a long time, why, I don't know what I would have done without you! My, my, it must have been at least a billion years since we last had a conversation!"
@Emma I've got my starters for James and Violet waiting. So as soon as some other people get their posts in, I'll post those. 8)
Placing the lovely old pocket watch back around his neck had a calming effect as well, he almost felt ecstatic that it was a good charm. Something about having the witch tell him that made him feel warm for a moment, so the watch had been a good investment. It had called to him, nearly whispered at him and something about it made him think of his brother. It was a special trinket but more importantly, it was his trinket and it was probably always going to be his. Before he could let himself contemplate the ides of forever, he decided to hide it away again. He tucked it lightly into the fabric of his shirt again, the cold metal pressing into his skin once more.

He listened to her as he began to sketch in the hair, she had good hair as he'd noted earlier. Coppery and often catching the lights, or at least that was how it appeared to his heightened senses. It almost seemed to have it's own sort of life. He really wished he had some color but he'd only brought the charcoal pencil and charcoal didn't really do her the justice that she deserved. She wasn't black and white anymore, definitely not a stranger if he didn't feel vaguely threatened. She was the start of a friendship and that nearly reigned a smile out of him but he managed to qualm it. The details of her face were nice, smatterings of freckles and a good brow line.

"We had a dog when I was little but he got hit by a car. Cars don't seem to like us much," a morbid half-laugh before he realized she had moved next to him and began to fully see the image he'd been sketching. It was definitely her profile now, done in the thick lines of the charcoal pencil and pretty skillfully done at that. Underneath, he scrawled in her name in his lazy curling handwriting and signed the corner. Carefully tearing it free of the notebook, he slid it over to her and smiled brightly. "Eighteen, not like a thousand and eighteen but eighteen. My ex turned me last year, thought it would be a sweet surprise or something but mostly it just ended our relationship. I wasn't so into it. I first met her at the park, I was drawing her and vampire senses are a lot more incredible than I can even grasp. She noticed and this whole thing snowballed out of it but it got me back on track, accidentally, I'd never really thank her for that."

Shaking his head slightly, he almost seemed to roll his eyes. He was being petty by still holding the grudge, he couldn't count how many times that the girl had apologized. He couldn't help the pettiness though, he was still trying to get over the fact that he'd never die. It was ridiculous. "So now I'm just buying time before the inevitable happens and everyone I know and love is very, very dead. That means a lot of art is getting done, I hope you like that, by the way. It would have been better if I'd brought the colors with me. You have one of those faces that just looks better if it's not trapped in black and white though-" he grimaced, a dramatic display at best, even touched his heart. Mimicking any painting of any artist he'd ever seen, he made his eyes look pained. "Some beings are much better trapped within the heavy and dramatic shading of chiaroscuro."

Breaking from the expression, he arched his eyebrows. "What's your grandmother like? Is she nice? My parents can be a little bit of a pain."
@WeepingLiberty That's perfectly understandable, I hope you have fun!
@Yahtzee Tbh, that sounds far more horrifying than anything I've experienced. I'll offer you the unofficial award for the best and most honest natural disaster of all.
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