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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A low growl escaped his throat as Thomas began to approach him, glowering down at the vampire mere inches from his face. He never understood Thomas's hatred of him, he had barely done anything to cause this. Other then stick to himself due to his fear of harming people he got close to. But whatever, he just had to roll with the punches. He definitely wasn't going to lay back and take it. He spoke, eyes narrowed," well, since he was threatening you with a lighter and yelling, I figured I'd come and check it out. And what, can a person not fold their arms around here without being called arrogant? What if it is just comfortable position for me?" As soon as his killing of someone came up, his low snarl began, unfolding his arms slowly now. He took a step closer, closing the distance to about two inches," it's good to know that for you killing someone makes you a better person! Killing people who have no reason to be killed is outrageous!" His anger was increasing, hands clenching into fists.

He was about to open his mouth to spout off more of his rage of the thought that killing someone was something to be proud of, when another voice cut in. His head turned to look at the boy, one he didn't recognize. What nonsense was this boy spouting off now? Barely able to follow the insanity of words that escaped the kids mouth, he managed to catch the boys name, Aedan. He took a step back, grasping the hand extended to him and shaking it and he said," and my name is Triton. And what I can bring to a fight? Well I can bring this." He released his hand and stepped back, before looking over at Alice when she spoke up. Well, no one was going to die at this point in time. He nodded his understanding, before looking back at Aedan. He allowed his body to shift, his clothes ripping slightly to make room for his wings, and his increased size, but thankfully not shredding then completely. He said, his voice sounding deeper now," this is what I would bring. But I'm afraid I must turn down your offer for working as a team. Me and Thomas do not get along well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Clover watched, enraptured, as the other teen sketched on, his pencil making tiny scratching noises whenever it made contact with the paper. The lines had barely begun to take shape, but she was sure by the steady way he moved his hands that he was probably a gifted artist. “Remmington Pennyweather O’Neil,” she parroted back, testing the name on her tongue. It was quite the mouthful. “Is it alright if I call you Remi?” she asks as she grips his hand in her own, returning the handshake with vigor.

The young witch was taken aback by the compliment Remi paid her hair. Most of the kids back home in Maine tended to tease her about it, so she wasn’t sure exactly what to say whenever someone said something nice about it. The other youth went on to compliment her name, which she was much more prepared for. “Thanks! My mom was a bit of a hippy, or so I’m told. Her name was Anise, like star anise. Y’know, the spice? They use it a lot in Asian food,” Clover purses her lips to stop rambling on about spices. ’He probably didn’t want a lesson on seasonings,’ the girl mused.

Clover is silent for a moment, her grey eyes focused on the progress Remi has made on his sketch. It looks like a female’s face, though she can’t be certain from this angle. “So, you’re a vampire,” she states after finishing the rest of her apple. “I’ve never met one before. Well, that I know of,” Clover grins here, looking away from the sketch book and back up at the blue haired teen. “Do you have a daylight charm, or do you use sunscreen?” she asks curiously, before cringing and scratching the tip of her nose self-consciously. “Was that rude?” she asks sheepishly. “I just asked because I’d like to see your charm, if you have one.” Clover winces again. “That’s sounds even worse.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

"I think I got conned on this charm but-" resting the pencil down lightly, he reached into his shirt. Fishing the golden pocket watch out, it was attached to a chain and seemed nearly plain, the metal was even getting sort of brassy around the edges. It was definitely old, the face of the thing covered in carved swirls and intricate markings of some nature. It seemed to still be ticking very softly, almost as if it was frantic. It was beautiful but very old and very worn, the sound of it's ticking voice was almost comforting and he looked at it as if it were a long lost friend.

Freeing it from his throat carefully, he slid it over to her for her to inspect. "Paid a lot of money for it. Can't say that it was a waste but definitely could have gotten something just as useful for cheaper. Being a vampire isn't so bad, like if you can deal with the whole blood drinking and being a creature of the night thing. I've made do though, I wait tables part time."

He turned his gaze back to the sketchbook and began to soften out the features. Studying her for a brief moment, he marked where to proportion her eyes and her nose, drew a faint line to mark where her mouth belonged. Eyes were his favorite thing to draw, you could capture a person completely by the way you drew their eyes. As cliche as it was to think, Remmington had become very fond of the phrase that compared them to mirrors into the soul. He took it to heart, focussing a good lot of his talent into making sure they looked perfect and she had nice eyes. A shade close to his own but more gentle somehow, drawing them was easy, soft lines and intent curves.

"Remi is actually kind of nice. Most people just do some variation on Remmington, my family calls me Rem most of the time." he smiled slightly when he mentioned his family. They were an average bunch, his mom was doting and kind and his father was stern but good natured. They were a good family and it felt weird being away from them but it was definitely better that way. He had a lot to learn and the fact that his roommate was a vampire as well, it made him feel not so alone. At home there was nothing there to keep his mind at ease and he was constantly getting frustrated and throwing fits about the smallest things. He felt calmer here, it was good on his nerves and he had a muse again.

Penciling in the shape of her nose and shading around it lightly, he watched her carefully and offered a smile. He didn't have a bad smile but it seemed faraway, almost as if part of him was off in outer space most of the time and maybe he was, the boy did seem kind of dotty and very nervous. It was essentially hard for him to keep himself from being nervous, even if the girl seemed as nice as Clover. Gathering every ounce of his thin courage, he managed to keep blabbering, words spilling out before he could think them over.

"My brother was a cook, I used to want to learn because I was about half obsessed with being just like him. Though, if I recall, he wasn't even that great. I think he made Thanksgiving dinner once and he messed up the turkey temperature, and we had to get one of those really gross rotisserie chickens. He was a cool guy though."

He took a deep breath, and began to mimic the curve of her mouth on the paper. "Do you have any siblings? Where were you born? Any pets growing up? I used to want a cat but-" he stopped himself, probably would have blushed if his blood vessels had the ability of enlarging anymore. "I used to want a cat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thomas couldn't belive what Triton had said about killing people. It wasn't exactly Thomas's fault if the only thing he could eat was blood. Or drink. Either way, he wasn't exactly going to survive by eating Yum Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails.

Thomas was surprised when the new boy, who he now knew was called Aedan, thought that the school would be a battle royale, and asked Triton what he could offer. Thomas made a mental note to get Aedan to hate Triton. Perhaps he would manipulate his memories into thinking that Triton had done something to him. Perfect idea. But Thomas would need a time When Aedan was vulnerable vulnerable, and alone. He wouldn't be able to do it at the present moment, though.

After Triton had finished growing.into his dragon form, Thomas moved right up to him, as close as he could. Looking up at his now much larger opponent, he looked him in the eye, and got mentally ready for the anger he was about to cause from Trition, "I never said that killing people made you a good person, I know I'm not a good person. I'm a terrible person and I know it. I'm jusy saying that it doesn't make you a powerful person. And it's not my fault if I've killed people. You can't really get to my age as a vampire without killing people." Thomas took a deep breath, "And if killing people for no reason is so bad, then why did you kill your brother?" Thomas had a big grin on his face, ready for Triton's reaction.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Scales were cool. This was something Aedan had never really considered but seeing Triton growing and morphing into something even more imposing than his rapidly fading form, he found himself on the verge of praying that Thomas would shut up. If things de-escalated at their current rate then a fight might break out and if that happened then Aeden would be obliged to take Thomas' side and therefore be obliged to have more than his lips split. At that thought someone's voice was turned on him and he looked around to see a woman giving him some advice that he would be foolhardy not to follow. [i]Damn. That means there's no way I'm going to do as she says is there? Foolhardy is practically my middle name." He thought with a small amount of relief that his thoughts were at least referring to himself in first person again.

Something about this woman's eyes seemed oddly familiar as though he had just seen something like them but not quite them. Maybe it was just that they were eyeballs. Most people here were bound to have eyeballs. Nevertheless Aedan couldn't quite tell what it was but it left him spellbound and as she walked away he actually took three steps to follow her before snapping back to the current calamity. He wheeled around to Thomas and moved back to his position slightly behind him. "If you guys do fight, hit him first." He said pointing to Thomas frantically. Aedan still had almost know idea who or what Triton was but he just couldn't picture anything good coming of Thomas goading that giant scaled man like that. Especially when it came to family.

There are moments of clarity before one does something truly stupid. These moments normally are to keep you from doing said things and one might just find they can view their surroundings clearly with heightened senses. If one were not a totally idiot they would avoid doing this thing, if one were a total idiot they wouldn't even notice in the first place. If one were Aedan they would say "Oh I get it now. She was a vampire too." As they realized what seemed so familiar about the kind lady's eyes. Then they would do the stupid thing.

Seeing how close Thomas was getting to Triton and the large grin that was just begging for trouble Aedan did the second thing he could think of. The first was running for the hill but that wouldn't do any good and the third involved copious crying and he might need that option for another emergency. So instead he stepped between the two, squeezed would be a better word at this point, and tried to spread his arms out to separate. Only tried though since at their weakest both of these two were probably ten times stronger than he was so all he could do was keep his arms up and bent like some kind of menacing chicken dance. "Guys! Death, expulsion, really really bad!" He yelled spat out as fast as he could manage it. "I mean like I really think that we could like not, get involved in a fight but if we do, if, just if because we don't have to, I still say hit Thomas first." Aedan flashed his very best don't hit me smile as his inner thoughts started saying their goodbyes to his ribs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Clover tries to contain her excitement as she leans forward, inspecting the magical artifact closely. "Lovely," she praises as she reaches forward and ghosts her fingers over the watch, humming as the magic buzzes against her. "It's a pretty good one, as far as I can tell," the witch informs as she flips open the case and traces the face of the watch. "I'd say at least two, maybe three, witches from the same coven worked on it. You're not even touching it fully, but it's still protecting you," Clover gestures at him, as if to accentuate this point. "It's pretty strong to be able to shield you just by being in close proximity."

"A witch can create strong spells, but it's our circles that give us real power," she continues, a little wistful at the end. It was hard being away from her gran, but even so, a coven of two wasn't much of a coven at all. Flipping the lid closed, she slides the charm back over to Remi. "I'd say you got your money's worth out of it."

Clover listened as the other youth talked about his brother and downed another can of Redbull. She was starting to feel a little more awake, but she knew that she was probably going to crash right after her first class. 'Maybe I can get a nap in before my math class this afternoon,' she mused. The two shared a companionable silence as Clover continued to watch the progress the vampire made on his sketch. It was definitely a girl, but Clover still couldn't quite make out her feature.

"Do you have any siblings? Where were you born? Any pets growing up? I used to want a cat but-" Remi pauses and an expression crosses his face that she can't quite pin-point "I used to want a cat," he finishes, his eyes averted back down to his artwork.

"I was born in Maine. I don't have any brothers or sisters, or pets. It was just my gran and me," Clover admits, glossing over her family history. Most people are understandably freaked out if she tells them that mom murdered her dad in a fit of jealous insanity. "How old are you?" She changes the subject, picking up her book bag and moving around the table to sit next to Remi so she can finally make out what he's drawing.

"Oh," she gasps, the corners of her mouth turning up into a goofy smile. "You're quite good at this, aren't you?" Clover asks, giving the vampire a friendly punch to the shoulder.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Placing the lovely old pocket watch back around his neck had a calming effect as well, he almost felt ecstatic that it was a good charm. Something about having the witch tell him that made him feel warm for a moment, so the watch had been a good investment. It had called to him, nearly whispered at him and something about it made him think of his brother. It was a special trinket but more importantly, it was his trinket and it was probably always going to be his. Before he could let himself contemplate the ides of forever, he decided to hide it away again. He tucked it lightly into the fabric of his shirt again, the cold metal pressing into his skin once more.

He listened to her as he began to sketch in the hair, she had good hair as he'd noted earlier. Coppery and often catching the lights, or at least that was how it appeared to his heightened senses. It almost seemed to have it's own sort of life. He really wished he had some color but he'd only brought the charcoal pencil and charcoal didn't really do her the justice that she deserved. She wasn't black and white anymore, definitely not a stranger if he didn't feel vaguely threatened. She was the start of a friendship and that nearly reigned a smile out of him but he managed to qualm it. The details of her face were nice, smatterings of freckles and a good brow line.

"We had a dog when I was little but he got hit by a car. Cars don't seem to like us much," a morbid half-laugh before he realized she had moved next to him and began to fully see the image he'd been sketching. It was definitely her profile now, done in the thick lines of the charcoal pencil and pretty skillfully done at that. Underneath, he scrawled in her name in his lazy curling handwriting and signed the corner. Carefully tearing it free of the notebook, he slid it over to her and smiled brightly. "Eighteen, not like a thousand and eighteen but eighteen. My ex turned me last year, thought it would be a sweet surprise or something but mostly it just ended our relationship. I wasn't so into it. I first met her at the park, I was drawing her and vampire senses are a lot more incredible than I can even grasp. She noticed and this whole thing snowballed out of it but it got me back on track, accidentally, I'd never really thank her for that."

Shaking his head slightly, he almost seemed to roll his eyes. He was being petty by still holding the grudge, he couldn't count how many times that the girl had apologized. He couldn't help the pettiness though, he was still trying to get over the fact that he'd never die. It was ridiculous. "So now I'm just buying time before the inevitable happens and everyone I know and love is very, very dead. That means a lot of art is getting done, I hope you like that, by the way. It would have been better if I'd brought the colors with me. You have one of those faces that just looks better if it's not trapped in black and white though-" he grimaced, a dramatic display at best, even touched his heart. Mimicking any painting of any artist he'd ever seen, he made his eyes look pained. "Some beings are much better trapped within the heavy and dramatic shading of chiaroscuro."

Breaking from the expression, he arched his eyebrows. "What's your grandmother like? Is she nice? My parents can be a little bit of a pain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Every perfect intro every movie usually starts out with some montage of sexy muscle cars and even hotter characters. Well, there was the muscle car and Tate had enough of an ego. The problem being this particular event wouldn't show up on the big screen, though Nova certainly wished it. Anything would pass were it not real or effectively life threatening, as was their lives at the current. Much less, this particular muscle car looked like it came straight from a junk yard; Tate had suggested they leave their mother's Prius at the motel the town over and decided, on impulse, to buy the piece of crap they rode in now.

Sweet blend of summer and fall tinged the leaves of every Vermont deciduous tree a crisp trim of orange, red, and yellow. The coal of their muscled junker contrasted greatly with the crisp air feel, though the heat of a still technically summer day contributed to the groaning in the passenger seat. That or the springs poking into Nova's back along the less than ideal country roads struck her as a little more than uncomfortable. The same annoyed look found its way onto Tate's features with every bump they hit, though his excitement over a new car generally overcame the urge to trash it.

The thump of Nova's feet along the dashboard caught Tate's attention and, should this have been their mother's pristine Toyota, then he'd have half the mind to tell her off. Unfortunately, the car had enough going for it that a pair of smudges wouldn't hurt it any further. Or rather, that's what he thought before the air conditioner puttered out with the whirring of gears and a choked sigh. The heat came quick, as did the exasperated upset in Tate's voice.

"Really?" he growled.

"That was just a coincidence," Nova retorted, her face contorting as she shimmied into whatever comfortable position she could. She shot him a glare in return. "Just keep driving; I can see the town from here."

The urge to smack her upside the head only grew, but Tate resisted as it wouldn't be long before they could roll this piece of crap to the nearest mechanic. It'd likely cost a fortune to fix up and maybe he was willing to do so. Or maybe they were better off selling it for scrap and getting more than what that other guy wanted for it. Not that they spent actual money on it, or anyone else's. It might been on discount for a local criminal such as himself.

Not far into Montaville, Vermont, laid out in a manner befitting a small town, the siblings gladly pawned the car off to a local auto shop in exchange for a few hundreds they could spend on whatever manner of lodging and food befitted them. The disappointment that grasped Tate's expression only further frustrated Nova. Fortunately, that ended upon finding the nearest bed and breakfast, ran by what seemed to be a lovely pair. They did, however, seem to notice the bag of goodies slung over Tate's shoulder and the frown, though minuscule, was enough to put Nova off. Life of a hunter, especially one tied to a brother who hadn't the mind to better conceal their less than normal possessions.

After settling in, the two found their way down the strip of road that led to Montaville's own abandoned hospital. At least, that's what the locals called it. A few stories of it being haunted passed their ears, but nothing caught their interest other than the truth of it. Having a mix of witch and hunter blood aided in both siblings spotting the Victorian building, though Nova's affinity with the supernatural meant she caught wind of it first.

"What do you suppose we'll get outta this?" Tate wondered, eyes scrawling the layout of the college's campus. They fell onto Nova in wait for a response, to which she merely frowned.

"I don't know," she mumbled, passing through the gate to eye the few supernatural beings sprawled across the courtyard, "Some answers. And maybe a permanent residence again? I miss gran's cooking and cheap diner food is an awful substitute."

"You more than me," Tate replied, snickering at the quiet 'asshole' he received. He rubbed a hand over the span of his stomach, sighing at the rumbling upset it caused the closer to the school he got. That little bit of human in him, or that fifty percent human in him, most likely. Should this place be glamoured, there likely would be a few more insurances to ward away humans. Hopefully, that didn't mean his gut actually explode. Nova gave him a worrying look, to which he only smiled. "Thinking there might be more than just the glamour," he said, twisting his expression slightly.

Giving a nod as she advanced inside the building, Nova reassured him, "Likely. I'll fix you something once we get settled here. I don't suppose you'd want to catch a dorm."

"I've already gotten the college experience," Tate assured her, "It was fun the first few years, but getting the right roommate is a gamble. I could definitely live without all that stress again.."

"I guess you have a point," Nova said as she made her way toward the head office and the lone secretary sitting quietly at his desk, "Go find the cafeteria; we'll meet there. I'll get whatever we need here settled and after lunch, we can head to the library?"

"More research?"

"More research. And this time, with a database of actual, irrefutable lore at our fingertips. Exciting, right?"

"Oh, c'est bon," he sighed and with a roll of his eyes, he disappeared down the halls completely ignoring the flipped bird his sister gave him.

Approaching the line, Tate gave another sigh, this time in aggravation at the upset his stomach was currently making. There likely would be something to counteract it and his sister likely knew how to do so, seeing as she worked with wards and spells a numerous amount of time. However, she currently busied herself with entertaining the local folk and making her way through the building parading around in supernatural glory. Not that that was a problem, but for him and his nausea, it currently posed as an issue.

Finding food off putting, he only gathered enough for his sister and a snack for himself should he need it later. It wasn't until a minutes later did his sister finally arrive to Tate clutching the side of his head and groaning into the tabletop. She clapped his shoulder, approaching with a vial of some kind of concoction in her hand. He took it without pause and relaxed into his seat with an irritated scowl.

"What was that?" he finally thought to ask.

"Tryptophan with a dash of Viagra."

"Are you fucking—"

"It was just some herbs and honey to calm your stomach—nothing crazy, you ass. Here's some Sprite," she rolled her eyes as she handed him the drink.

"Ca viens?"

"Just the usual."


"Shit all."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rebecca had overslept, so it was a surprise when she woke up to sunlight streaming through her dorm room windows. Oh, crap. I think I'm late! She groggily leaned over to check the alarm clock she'd forgotten to set. Thankfully, there was still enough time to get to class and even get some food. If she hurried.

Healing magic was far from her forte, but with a quick whisper, she managed to remove the last vestiges of sleep from her body. She selected a dark green top and blue jeans for her clothing and went down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Most of the food was sub-standard for cafeteria food, and that was saying something, but the pancakes were usually palatable, so that's what she got. Looking around, she noticed that there was a black-haired boy sitting all by his lonesome. She felt that nobody should have to eat alone, so she sat down beside him. "Hey there. Can't recall ever seeing you around here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

James started the day early, rarely was a moment that he actively doing something and tonight he'd been moving into the dorm but he started his job today. It was going to be a wonderful day.

The Pure Blood hadn't had a job of his own in over a century, the last job had been more of a role, the eager apprentice to a clock maker. He'd found that he had no patience to put clocks together and had broken about ten before the man told him that he could no longer teach him the trade. He'd nearly lashed out in his anger, people weren't allowed to refuse him but the man was elderly and honestly, he could have kicked his cane out from under him and altered his life just as badly. He let him be and set out on a different task, that task involved a high stakes pool game and him being out five hundred bucks before he realized he needed a hobby.

The hobby was medical journals, old ones from before even he had been born and new ones from a woman he'd met at a tiny hospital in Switzerland. He'd stolen them off of her after he'd fed from her, left her sleeping in a warm delicious stupor, where she would wake and hardly remember the beautiful man with an interest in medical advances. Leafing through those journals occupied his mind for a long time, years even, left him full of intrigue at the many ways that humans could die and the many ways they'd found to try and save themselves from the inevitable. He probably would have conducted a diabolical plan if he hadn't had gotten distracted again. It was her, Alice, lovely little Alice. His darling, his dear, he began to think about her. Had she missed him at all? He wondered if he passed her mind or if she had wiped her hands clean of him as soon as he'd stopped avidly perusing her.

Trying to diverge back into the drone of his journals, he found himself gritting his teeth slightly as he wondered if she was even still alive. He wondered if he had done all of that for nothing and he found irritation settling in his system, he found his fingers digging into the worn leather of the old notebook and with a swift motion, he'd thrown it across the room and flinched when it smacked the wall. He had to find out, he needed to know if he'd wasted all that effort on some ungrateful, beautiful, wonderful, terrible girl!

Pulling from the memory, he shook his head, he hadn't wasted his time. The little darling was still alive and better than that, he had an in now. Signing up to teach at the school had been easy, he'd been clever and charming and they'd just about loved him. He'd even absently flirted with the head of commissions. He was perfect for the job! The students would love him! Hysterical laughter escaped him as he turned to the mirror, it was going to be fantastic and he was going to really rock this school with his teaching. He was going to win over Alice and then, he was going to leave. Maybe he'd squirrel the two of them away on a cruise, tell her about his newest interests, share a meal or two. It would be romantic.

He straightened his suit coat around his shoulders and smiled languidly at himself. He looked smart in the neat black suit and white silk undershirt, it made him look like exactly what he wanted to look like. Turning dramatically on his heel, he admired himself for a moment longer before he ran a brush through his hair and headed out of his room. It was weird staying here instead of some high and stately mansion or some beautiful but quaint cottage. It was one room to himself and as nice as that was, he felt he was entitled to more space. He'd only been here a night and he already had complaints. Ever the princely brat, he made his way into the hallways and towards the library, her scent was lingering there.

Drawing his hand along the wall as he walked, he kept his gaze forward and even, nodding at those he passed. Some of the vampires were almost as old as him, he recognized some vaguely though he couldn't recall any names. If he couldn't remember their names then they weren't important to him. Slipping into the library, he took a look around. Immediately noticed the two boys that seemed just about ready to brawl and tried not to laugh. Grinning slightly, he tried to ignore the scene, he didn't really want to stop it.

He thought it might be funny to watch the two duke it out in a library, maybe knock some book cases over. He tired quickly of staring at the students and wondered if he should just keep going but it occurred to him that he was technically their guardian now and he had never been very fatherly. He grimaced, he'd have to do something teacherly and quickly.

Passing them a side glance, he smiled warmly and left them with the warmest, most encouraging sentiment of all.

"Don't get blood on the carpet, kiddos."

He'd come here for a purpose and if a bunch of children wanted to fight, he would let them. He was a new teacher, he definitely couldn't be pressed to remember regulations against murder on campus. It was honestly a bunch of blather, what kind of school stocked to the roof with immortals didn't think it was plausible for a few killings to happen. Drawing in a deep breath to settle something in his chest, the vampire furrowed his eyebrows, it was weird to be so close to her again. It had been a long time and he wanted to see what the ages had done to her.

He made his way towards her, stopped a few feet short before he broke into a grin, she was gorgeous as she'd always been and her hair hung in volumes of brown. He had half a mind to quote one of those silly novels at her, it would definitely have been a conversation starter but he took the more subtle route and spoke up. All the while, the ghost of a grin stayed in place.

"My Alice," his voice was smooth and light, a joking lilt coloring his kind words. "Hello, darling. How long has it been? You've been evading me for a long time, why, I don't know what I would have done without you! My, my, it must have been at least a billion years since we last had a conversation!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rebecca had overslept, so it was a surprise when she woke up to sunlight streaming through her dorm room windows. Oh, crap. I think I'm late! She groggily leaned over to check the alarm clock she'd forgotten to set. Thankfully, there was still enough time to get to class and even get some food. If she hurried.

Healing magic was far from her forte, but with a quick whisper, she managed to remove the last vestiges of sleep from her body. She selected a dark green top and blue jeans for her clothing and went down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Most of the food was sub-standard for cafeteria food, and that was saying something, but the pancakes were usually palatable, so that's what she got. Looking around, she noticed that there was a black-haired boy sitting all by his lonesome. She felt that nobody should have to eat alone, so she sat down beside him. "Hey there. Can't recall ever seeing you around here."

Gabriel watched the others in the cafeteria with sharp eyes, there were people talking, people flirting and people who looked even more antisocial than himself. Gabriel took a bite of his pop tart and thought about how he was going to scour the ancient Norse section in the library for something about the huntsmen.

When the girl sat in front of him his initial reaction was surprise, it was rare that someone sat with him, when it was outted to the whole school that Gabriel was a black Dragon, anyone with knowledge of the old legends avoided him like he was the plague. Gabriel stared at her for a moment before speaking, "Yeah...people tend to avoid me..." He sounded almost hurt in his voice, "You shouldn't sit with me...people will start saying bad stuff about you...they'll think your wicked...or cursed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rebecca's eyebrows shot up when Gabriel spoke. "Wait a minute. You're cursed? If you give me some details, I could try to lift it. As for the whole wicked part, I wouldn't be surprised if I already have that reputation. Kinda comes with the territory of being a Mortifero witch."

She took a bite of her pancakes and waited for him to respond. If it really was a curse, she had to at least try to break it. Might get rid of the stereotype of Mortiferos being alone in the basement surrounded by blood, skulls, and corpses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Triton glowered at Thomas as he once again approached him, his lips drawing back to show his displeasure. His teeth ground together as he once again brought up killing. Why couldn't he just leave him alone? His anger growing, his nearly reached his snapping point when his brother was brought up, snarling, moving into a crouch in preparation to attack the vampire.

Then, Aedan stepped between them, looking down at the hand pressed into his chest. He growled, the sound building in his chest before escaping. The furious eyes bore directly into his head, glowering darkly. He shoved Aedan into Thomas with a snarl, stepping back to create some distance. He growled at Thomas," I don't know what you problem with me is, but leave me the hell alone. Next time you will not be in one piece." With one last snarl, he left the room, slamming the door closed behind him. He made his way back up to his room, slamming the door closed and nearly splintering the door frame. Once inside, he picked up his bedside table, hurling it at the wall with a growl, before sitting on his bed, small wisps of fire escaping his mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rebecca's eyebrows shot up when Gabriel spoke. "Wait a minute. You're cursed? If you give me some details, I could try to lift it. As for the whole wicked part, I wouldn't be surprised if I already have that reputation. Kinda comes with the territory of being a Mortifero witch."

She took a bite of her pancakes and waited for him to respond. If it really was a curse, she had to at least try to break it. Might get rid of the stereotype of Mortiferos being alone in the basement surrounded by blood, skulls, and corpses.

Gabriel watched her carefully and when she mentioned wanting to know more about his curse it lifted his heart some, here was someone who truly wished to help others. Gabriel smiled a tiny bit, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to confuse you...I'm not cursed...at least not in the way of magic..." He pulled up his sleeve on his right arm, "I'm cursed by birth..."

Gabriel allowed his arm to slowly shift until it was black and covered in beautiful black Draconic scales and sharpened claws that could shred through armor, "I am a Black Dragon..." He looked her in the eyes, "An abomination to nature..." He let his arm go back to normal, "But...if that doesn't bother you... Its been a while since I had someone to talk with during breakfast..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Thomas saw Triton walk away, he shouted behind him, "Scared of a little fight, are we!? Or are you worried you'll kill another innocent person!?"

Thomas turned back around to look at Aedan again. Hopefully he hadn't scared him, he needed a good friend. He had Remmy, but he was a vampire, and Thomas wanted a friend who wasn't one. Plus, Remmy was young, and would probably ask all sorts of vampire questions. Thomas looked at Aedan, and asked, "You wanna get some breakfast then, mate?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Remmington was a little disheartened when Clover had to get back to her dorm but he understood, he was glad to give her the picture though. There was something nice about delivering it to her, he'd never really been one to give his art away but he loved to see the reactions upon receiving it. Sometimes people seemed so shocked by the beauty he'd recorded on the piece of paper, sometimes they said some very unflattering things. It just depended on the day and the person, sometimes it depended on how he had colored them if he bothered to. Tapping the charcoal pencil against the empty page, he realized he was alone again and that was sort of troublesome.

He wondered if Thomas and his Irish friend would make their ways into the cafeteria soon, he was sure he could grab a place near them. He was cool with Thomas, plus he still had to ask if he was trying to break rules by feeding in the library. Remmington personally didn't mind but it wasn't very smart of him and he didn't want to see his friend get in trouble. He didn't exactly have anyone else who was willing to speak with him and he wasn't about to lose Thomas so quickly. He liked Thomas, there was a lot of good things about him and he'd drawn him in color a few times which was about the highest regard anyone could get out of Remmington. Trying to focus on a new muse, his gaze sought out a pair that seemed to be discussing something and he began to sketch their profiles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aedan watched Triton leave with a disheartened expression. "Bollocks." He said miserably. "And I was so looking forward to surviving this battle." Still, at least he had Thomas. Yes, at least I have a blood sucking creature of unfathomable horrors at my side. That cheery thought made a small smile tug at Aedan's mouth and he faced Thomas as the vampire offered the opportunity of food. With his stomach growling eagerly he could hardly resist agreeing almost instantly. Almost instantly. There was one small lingering image that he just couldn't shake no matter how tempt- Damn but he was hungry. "When you say 'mate' you don't mean 'appetizer' right?" Aedan asked nervously as he practically trembled with excitement. "Actually for the price of a warm meal, or any meal, or a biscuit at this point, I'll just go with whatever. Now where to from here?" He asked casting about for some place looking even remotely like it would contain the unearthly pleasures of food, even biscuits would do and they were rubbish.

Using the clues and deduction abilities available to him Aedan did indeed quickly find the location of what would soon be his haven from the nightmarish void of hunger. For the last few weeks he had pretty much been entirely sustained by whatever he could steal from a vending machine. Although there was one curiously rapey man that had given him a plate of bangers and mash from his caravan at some point. That had ended in an explosion that, unlike the earlier bus trip, had been entirely Aedan's fault. He still wasn't sure what was in sausages but he was certain that knowing would make everything a hell of a lot worse.

Following the trail of students walking away with food in their arms, as well as a large sign that read 'CAFETERIA' Aedan soon arrived in the midst of what looked like a really pleasant place to be. Practically salivating at this point, Aedan hurried over to the counter and waited in line for his turn to just about pile everything possible onto a plate. "I heard a rumour once about sitting was best done eating." Aedan paused as he spoke to Thomas. "I actually might have that backwards but the point reamains. Where do we eat? I don't like some of the looks these cretins are giving my plate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Okay, that explains... quite a lot actually." Rebecca thoughtfully took a bite of her pancakes. "Like I said, I know what you're going through, at least somewhat. The only advice I can offer you is to work hard, because if there's one thing people can't ignore, it's earned success. If you make something of yourself, that's all people will remember. I know it's not much help, but it's all I can give you."

She felt a speck of something get in her eye, so she started rubbing it. "Say, what class do you have first?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It probably took far longer than it should have to get breakfast, but Ariel was never good at being assertive. Well, that and she still wasn't comfortable engaging people that weren't Nola and Jack. It was part of why she never actually raised her hand when an instructor asked for a volunteer or answer. She may have known what she was doing - particularly when it came to witchcraft courses and the biology courses she was taking - but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

With her toast, fruit salad, and bottle of orange juice paid for, her gaze drifted over the cafeteria and those in it. It was tempting to go and just sit with Jack and Lennox, but she didn't want to interrupt. Jack could be having a very pleasant conversation with the girl. She highly doubted he would do or say anything to rub Lennox the wrong way. He always did his best to make things easy for her.

Luckily there looked like there was still a table or two empty. When in doubt, she figured it was best to just eat by herself. They had two classes together, anyways, so missing breakfast together wasn't terribly bad. She wasn't thrilled about it, but it was better than interrupting whatever Jack and Lennox had going on and making a complete fool of herself.

She placed her tray onto the table, then slid gracefully into the seat with her messenger bag resting on her lap. Whispering a soft blessing over her food - a habit Nola got her into as a superstition that it would take away any problems food might present - Ariel began to eat, taking tiny bites of her fruit. She still had fifteen minutes until her first class. Plenty of time to eat properly.
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