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  • Old Guild Username: Haemonculus
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    1. Sixsmith 11 yrs ago


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In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm willing to start something similar up.

Not this idea, but a slice-of-life type of deal?

I'll go parading through some tropes to figure something out. It definitely won't be the same as this, but I mean, feel free to use the same characters just in a different universe, I suppose?

Hmmmm. I wanna try to be a tad creative, but not go balls to the walls cause I like the cliche for modern settings, just they seem a bit overused.


This also goes to all of you! If you'd all like make a joint effort! But I don't want to rehash anything from here. I'd rather not be accused of stealing ideas and such. D;
Oh, I wasn't even thinking about that. I'll stick with Colossus then!

Also, very sorry to hear about that, as well. :(
Oh! I got it, I'll give @Sixsmith colossus and play War machine? Veteran who did some mercenary work, I can play that.

What do you think @The Kid Lantern?

I'd probably go ahead and play Bobby then if you don't mind that? :o If you're willing, that is.

(I reread to check if Iceman was on that list. ;( Didn't even notice Pietro was listed. Woops)
If you had another spot open, I'd definitely be interested. D;

What would you constitute as a secondary avenger? Mockingbird maybe? (definitely totally interested in playing Bobbi. AAAAH) Would also love to take a hand at Doreen (I'm really not joking.).

Would you consider Quicksilver an Avenger, since he's technically a mutant (wasn't he Brotherhood first and then went on to be an Avenger with his sister?)? :o

(side note: Booooo, Bobby's the best X-Man. But I'll settle for Ultimate Colossus just because he had a stint with Northstar. But, still, boooo Russian mobster. Makes me wanna play Magik, but you lot took all the mutants D;)
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Wait, Abel doesn't like him?
Cause Jamie's the kind of guy who'll be anyone's friend, as long as they give him the chance to do so. Isn't much of a grudge-holder, and you have to really be an arse to make him think of you as an enemy.

I remember reading someone not liking him...

Uwasome. I'ma work it into my unstarted WIP relations sheet.

Pfft, Jamie'd enjoy a good talk about anything. He'll take it all in stride, and ask your char just as many questions back :D

I might have worded it wrong. I meant to imply Abel doesn't like Jamie. Jamie doesn't have to know it though (he likely doesn't. There's not too much of a difference between how Abel acts with someone he knows and someone he dislikes) he can assume they're relatively friendly and it's just Abel's demeanor that seems cold.

If I'd put it was a mutual dislike I'll change it once I get home! Woops.
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Posted, sorry for the wait y'all. Will start on relations soon. :D

And that was probably the most rambling post I've ever written, sorry guys, I'm terrible.

<Snipped quote by Sixsmith>
Hey, terrible puns are the best puns. We'll just have to see who cracks first, Wyatt or Abel. May the best man win.

Oh god, with how things are going it'll be a show down of ugly sweaters and bad puns.

I suddenly feel sorry for everyone involved. (Ugly sweater buddies *fist bump* bla-la-la-la)
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Seattle Complex; Top Floor; 833b
Interactions:Some plants and his mother; giving his cat the cold shoulder

"Oh Tila Tequila, with how thirsty you are, I can't imagine the kind of alcohol you'd brew," A small hum radiated from Abel's lips, his hand sprinkling handfuls of water over the soil of a blue agave, "But that'd require ritual sacrifice. Dunno what I'd do without you." Abel smiled, knowing full well the plant would be perfectly fine for a little over a week. He'd be gone for longer than that, sadly, but that's exactly what neighbors were for. Each plant in his home would be cared for by the tiny old lady just across the hall, Mrs. Cavendish with her literal stuffed pets. What remained in his balcony turned greenhouse could outlast the entirety of his floor, as long as the water bill remained paid in full.

Once each plant seemed satisfied and well soaked, Abel made for the couch pushed to the far end of his living room. Phone already in hand, he called out his mother's name and a simple command. She picked up on the third ring, a smile already evident in her voice. "Why if it isn't my estranged son," her voice came clear as a bell, a fake southern belle twang inflicting a sharpness to her words, "What shall I ever do without his daily calls or his sweet Cheshire smile to brighten my day? Oh, what can I do on this annual check in today?"

"It's less of a check-in and more me wondering how you've not been caught with corporate evils like an Apple iPhone, god forbid," Abel slouched into his worn cushions, playing with a strand of fabric poking out from the seat next to him, "How's the love fest going?"

"Better than ever! I can't wait to tell you how creative these people are. It's glorious and the way they handle—"

"I'm going to stop you right there. I haven't eaten a thing yet and I don't plan on ruining my morning dry heaving over my toilet bowl," Abel cut Elizabeth off. He straightened in his seat, feet pushing against the wooden leg of his coffee table; he clenched his fist hard. "I just wanted to know how you were and if you needed me to come 'rescue' you, yet."

The eye roll was practically audible on his end. "I've never needed saving and I don't think I intend to have you come rushing to Carolina just to fix your mother's problems," she said, her tone softening.

"I never meant it that way; you don't have a problem. You're normal, mom. You're human," Abel frowned as he spoke, "Look, I'm heading over to the Henderson Estate this evening. If you'd like, I can have Raquel vacate a room for you?"

"That's too much. Really, Abel, I'm fine here. Don't worry about me. There's absolutely no need to, anyway. Your mother's never been happier."


"Honestly truly," Elizabeth paused, the crackle of her breath sounding through the speaker, "Now, I should probably be heading back before they notice. Make sure you bring enough of your wool socks and underwear. And don't forget to pack your toothbrush. Those kids don't need to be smelling your morning breath; I swear, it's worse than your mood."

If it had been anyone else, Abel wouldn't hesitate to snap back. Alas, being a mother had its perks, though he wouldn't admit he didn't mind giving Elizabeth a free pass. He smiled, nonetheless, and replied as quick, "I'll pack two, just in case. I'll let you go, though. I'll see you at least once the few weeks I'm there?"

"Of course, sweetheart."

"Alright, bye," he started, them both ending the call with a simultaneous, "I love you." His blue curtain shuddered with the pick up of a draft.

"Right then," Abel muttered, his eyes catching sight of black fur traveling through kitchen appliances.


Location: Outside the Henderson Estate
Interactions: Yelling at the snow

The entirety of customs parted as if he'd been carrying the staff of Moses—well, he at least had something equally powerful. Having the only part of one's face show ice blue daggers kind of had an effect on even the most stubborn of people. Despite the airport heaters running at full blast, just a glance outside the windows sent a chill up Abel's heavily dressed form. A pair of ear muffs sat firmly on his head, blocking the bustle of passerby, and a wool, checkered, blue and black scarf wrapped around most of his neck and lower face. Barely visible to those merely glancing, a frown sat just above the scarf to match the ice in his eyes. Underneath the heavy pea coat hugging his frame, a hand knit 'ugly' sweater kept him warm and further layered over the long sleeve beneath that. What more, he made perfectly sure to wear his flannel jeans (the flannel obviously lining the inside) and a pair of lime green thermal underwear. Can't forget those.

Now, however, it almost felt as if he'd forgotten them. Not only had his driver initiated conversation but apparently he couldn't be bothered to wait for the gate to let the car through; meaning Abel had to trek through the vast, snow covered courtyard. It didn't help that he had a dufflebag sitting tight atop his suitcase and a cat carrier with a more than agitated cat making his agitated cat noises. Most of his trip to the front door consisted of hissing from Abaddon and muttering curses upon family cows that he flung at the snow crunching under his boots.

The fact that a few others had already gathered near the entrance meant quite little to Abel. He barreled through, still muttering and occasionally grunting at the cat's own growls, without concern for the others. "I hear Tuscon, Arizona is a chill 78 degrees," he called over his shoulder before trudging up the stares with a heavy thud of suitcase wheels against the pristine staircase.

Abel returned moments later with his eyes narrowed and trained toward the doorway. "Which room is the easiest to deep clean?" he called down, making no move to clarify.
In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm interested in having Kenny and Jamie being buds- whaddaya think? If they knew each other in high school, and he was one of the ones that decided to go along with all her jokes and extended them ever further, going along with them, etc., do you think they'd be better buds? That, and she's clingy- Jamie's might've been able to worm his way into her trust, being the persistent and caring kid he is. He might've even been able to worm his way into her heart, mehbeh? :b

Or something like that, I dunno. I'm up for anything.

Looks like it's time to duke it out, give Kenny some ultimatums that turn into Kenny having a break down which turns into Jamie and Abel realizing they're both being stupid and becoming acquaintances for the sake of Kenny's mental well being.

Obviously there's a lot more character and plot development than just a run on sentence, but you get what I mean. *cough*

@Sixsmith That'd be gr8, honestly, and I looove what you've done for Abel's relationship with Wyatt, by the way.

It's the puns isn't it? It's always the puns.


It's soooo cheesy, but hey, it's nacho problem. Haha.

Ahh, I can imagine Abel having a rough day and Wyatt slamming him with pun after pun. "ComeON LETS TACO BOUT IT. You know you guarana!"

(I just wanted an excuse to use a bunch of puns. Oops)
Abel Ross



{"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."}
⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies

Leo Santiago-Espinoza

"What a puppy dog. I hate puppies."

It's extremely easy to flash judge the relationship between Leo and Abel. They hate each other. Just off the wall aggression. Abel doesn't like competition or loud people; he doesn't like being dragged into things; he hates high energy. Leo is all of those things in one, so it's natural to think that at least Abel detests the guy, if the feeling isn't mutual.

Oddly enough, Abel may spit fire, but he treats Leo like a friend. He kinda just hates admitting it. Everything the guy suggests Abel will complain and whine, but he'll go along. He'll follow the guy wherever he leads. But, what he loves the most is the one-on-one time, when Abel gets to dictate what they do and usually that's nothing. Practically. Watching movies or TV shows, when Leo's absolutely exhausted himself out, the two tend to gravitate to lounging, limbs sprawled and popcorn everywhere. And who gets to clean up the mess? Leo, of course, 'cause Abel's likely taking a cat nap.

(When it comes to snow, though, they might as well be arch-nemeses.)

Aubrey Jennings

"Hmm. I like her scarves."

These two are, at most, on speaking terms. Polite out of courtesy. Abel likes her style, her scarves and sweaters in particular. She has a good eye and he respects that. What he doesn't appreciate is her need to be at the helm. Abel doesn't follow orders particularly well and tends to shy away from authority in favor of working with individuals as equals rather than competitively or under a chain of command. He'll do what he can to disappear whenever Aubrey's in one of her 'My way or the highway,' moods.

Raquel Henderson

"Not until I've had my cup of coffee, please."

Abel neither likes nor dislikes Raquel. He tolerates her presence, at the most, and disapproves of her need to rile him up and inspire him to do more with his life. He's very happy with what he's currently got going and would very much like to keep it that way.

Mornings are not kind to him and if he has to interact with her before noon, it absolutely has to occur after he's had one or two cups of coffee. Three. More like a few dozen. If he has to listen to her prattle off Wicked at 6 am and then proceed to hear her lecture him on why he should try to aspire to someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson instead of being cooped up in his greenhouse, Abel might succumb to spontaneous combustion.

Dennis Montgomery

"Is that a flirtation?"

Dense doesn't quite describe Abel, he's just a step or two behind when it comes to romantic connotations. Of course, that's probably because he's never had the need to flirt before, lacking much sexual activity. Dennis mostly bewilders Abel to the point he's not sure if the guy wants something from him or wants something from him, if you catch his drift.

Flirtation and manipulation notwithstanding, the intelligence factor garners mutual respect from both parties. Either Dennis merely sounds convincing or he really does know what he's talking about. That must be how people see Abel, aside from prickly, of course. Though, Dennis seems to misinterpret Abel's attitude as negative, but most people do—he's grown tired of proving people wrong, in that aspect.

Johanna Sanchez

"I agree, mornings do suck."

Johanna is, at most, exhausting. They may share a mutual dislike of mornings, but they don't quite mesh anywhere else. Abel is quick to tire of the, "Come have some fun!" routine and being pulled into the middle of loud noises and sweaty bodies. He gets enough of it from Leo, having another individual assume he's not having fun in his little corner is aggravating. Of course, he doesn't hate her for it. Those pesky extroverts may be annoying, but they mean well. Maybe one day she'll understand that, even if he is alone on the couch sipping from a red solo cup instead of surrounded by all of his friends and more, it doesn't mean he's not having the time of his life.

Rowan Delaney

"Aha... ahahahaha. 'Writer' hahaha. What a loser."

A relationship that can be described as shady, at best. Abel and Rowan aren't the type of friends who bash open the closet door to reveal and name each and every skeleton they own. It can more so be described as relaxed and generous. There's no give or take, no expectations, just two people who tend to enjoy each other's company. A stern lack of judgement and a few cold beers makes things smooth and simple. It may never go beyond that, they may never spill every dream or nightmare, but sometimes having each other is just as good, if not better. Especially for two individuals who share similar qualities, but lack that desire to lay bare everything weighing their heart down.

Marisol Santiago-Espinoza

"Why does everyone like snow?"

They know each other mainly through Leo. Compared to many of the others, the Santiago-Espinozas live rather close and so visits often come a few times a year. It's mostly a mutual respect and a kind of, "If you hurt my brother, I'll kill you. Also, would you like some tamales?" relationship. If there's someone he'd hate to cross, it'd probably be Marisol. Of course, a lot of times they tend to hit it off and if Leo's busy and Mari's not, they'll often find themselves binge watching the Office or some other funny sitcom. If Leo ever gets into trouble, Mari knows Abel will most certainly be standing by her side.

Jamison Horace Rainer

"He just rubs me the wrong way."

Unlike many typical people, Abel makes enemies differently. Or, rather he acts very differently to someone he doesn't like than normal people do. Abel isn't full of hostility or hatred, but despite his love for warmth, he can radiate a coldness without the need for aggression. Because Abel is anything but aggressive. He rather dislikes it. Abel, in particularly doesn't share a hatred for Jamie, but rather a distrust, possibly a side effect of his own mother. Or maybe he doesn't like feeling as if he owes someone—he misconstrues favors as manipulation. A, "Here, let me do that for you," is most certainly translated into, "Let me hold this thing against you for the entirety of your life."

As such, Abel shies away from Jamie, refuses to talk to him, and has rather mismatched points of view on how he acts. His opinions are his own, however, and he keeps them to himself. It helps that Abel's a solitary individual and is happy to find another person to talk to when Jamie inserts himself into a group. He supposes it's a mutual agreement, seeing as the one time Jamie offered help, Abel had a few choice words in response. Maybe if he got to know him, he'd have a different mind set, stubbornness is a very human trait.

Jack Murphey

"Jack? John? Two sides of the same coin."

Sometimes things seem synthetic and other times they are. High school for these two meant sliding into easy, often one-sided friendships. Abel appreciated Jack's presence, but didn't quite reciprocate the high energy he seemed to carry. Nothing really held the bond together, so when the time came to separate, it came easily. Easy to the point where Abel often had trouble remembering him among the group of friends. Though, that could very well be remedied with more quality time and maybe picking up where they left off. Wherever that is.

"Let's see, there's Leo, Mari, Jamie, Kenny, uh... Jordan? No. Jared? John? Or was it Jack? Aw, same difference."

Kenny Lorenzo

"What a total babe."

No one expects much from Abel, which may be why Kenny and he get off so well. Whatever Ken's willing to give, Abel's willing to listen and maybe a few of those times meant listening to rants or crying or snot or jokes. Plus, who else could she sit back with and flash judge passerby? Dry humor seems to escape their crowd, though Ken's willing to pull a few punches to get a smile. Plus, it's nice to know someone doesn't expect him to get up and start running (who jogs? anyway? oh, he does. shit) or partying. Often times, he can pass as a non-party pooper by spending most of the party with Ken, simply letting her prattle away a few cracks or whatever's on her mind. Doesn't even have to be him she's talking to. And he's sure it's nice that, out of everyone, Ken has a solid, very real individual willing to make sure she doesn't feel used and tossed aside.

Who else would be willing to wake Abaddon the Destroyer up at the crack of dawn? At least Ken has a smaller chance of getting mauled, especially when she brings him coffee.

Tatiana Korvo

"Talking and pain are for losers."

Again, it's nice to know someone's not out their digging for every bit of info. The best friendships are the ones where you can utterly relax, even with a needle painting ten layers of your skin. They may not talk much, but when they do it's usually on one of those tattoo chairs, hunched over and cringing at the needle flaying his back. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. And who wouldn't want someone willing to take your side when the cards all fold?

Wyatt Rothenberg

"I wonder how many times he's been quoted Titanic. I wonder how many of them were actually french ladies."

Tell it like it is right? Of all the men in the joint, Abel probably likes Wyatt the most. Not saying that he doesn't like Leo or Rowan, but Wyatt has that personality that Abel can appreciate. Though he's the type of person who likes to help at any opportunity, Wyatt is extremely easy to read and brutally honest to a fault. When you have no filter, it's hard to lie and manipulate people. Being straightforward tends to put you in Abel's good book, though he could take a little less of the spontaneity. But, hey, no one likes every single trait of one individual, as long as you like most of 'em.

Their interactions usually consist of Wyatt telling Abel he's a Negative Nancy and Abel telling Wyatt he's a Brutish Thug. With a smile, of course. Most people would get a terse frown or scowl when bringing Abel's less than socialite attitude to light, but when Wyatt does it, it's kind of endearing. Mostly. He can't let on that he appreciate's Wyatt, otherwise the guy might get funny ideas.

When taking time away from Wyatt, Abel likes to leave a few things laying around for him to discover. Not horchata, since the last time he made some for the guy specifically, he accidentally put him in the hospital. (uuuuuuhhhh) But maybe Abel had been listening to Wyatt complain about not having enough midnight blue paint or he just ran out of a pack of his cigarettes. Wyatt will likely find exactly what he'd been needing not long after, with a sticky note attached with something like, "Talk about blue color worker, right? Eh? Huh? Yeah?" or, "Sorry to butt in, but baby, you lighter up. Ha. Hahaha. Heh. Ha."

In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Intro post and relations will PROBABLY be up by today or tomorrow. I'm gonna have Wyatt arrive after a 9-hour drive hopped up on enough Red Bulls to kill an elephant.

Side note; does anyone wanna be his BFF or should he just resign himself to a life of loneliness?

Aw, I can change Abel's relationship with him from friends to BFFFFFFs. ;o

There's that (Abel's Relationships) if anyone would like to take a(nother) gander at it before the RP starts gaining more traction.
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