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    1. corrosive 9 yrs ago


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That's fine if a name change would suit her better!


Nah, it's cool.
I've had a busy few days.


I could send my jerkface Markus over but I'd have to think of a good way to compose that so he's not like blabbering uselessly at a group. He's bold but he's also a huge baby.


Nvm, I just noticed there was another page bc I'm laaaame.

This is s o cool, I am so in love. Thank you. I'll go edit it in!! 8)
@Inertia They'll discuss the ides of normality. He'll happily talk about his nice father.

Those two being friends is a lovely image Ngl.

I am so trapped on mobile or else I'd totally try that font thing.

Tagged; @Mivuli

Austin had been standing aimlessly around and that was the worst part, he'd just been picking at the popcorn and staring blankly into the distance. Such staring was only once interrupted by the smile of a pretty blonde, whom he had offered a wave to in turn. It wasn't normal for Austin to ignore anyone and he had considered settling near her to try to start a conversation but had ended up being further distracted by the careening noise of one of the machines. He'd looked around the corner to spot the culprit, a brawny boy with a green-eyed trickster slapping none other than a "kick me" sign on his back. He'd squinted for a moment before shrugging it off and leaning back, jumping at the sound of another voice and trying not to assume it had anything to do with him.

His nervousness was from the way his thoughts seemed to be turning right now. He guessed that maybe coming to the festival hadn't been his best idea but he couldn't very well leave right now. He wasn't sure why the place had his mind wandering to his mother, the woman was nothing but a ghost to his life. A legend that his father was far too obsessed with. Just a woman with very fine blonde hair and very pale blue eyes, she didn't even have a personality as far as he knew. She could have been a mass serial killer and it wouldn't have made any difference to him. He was willing to blame the nostalgia but he pushed it off, the voice was speaking to him.

He turned to face the girl who had addressed him and nervously smoothed the cuffs on his plaid shirt before glancing up to her and smiling. He had a good smile, there was something honest about it, it just always seemed very genuine. He wasn't generally a bad looking kid, cute, certainly not stunning but just sort of average with blond hair that was getting on the longish side, in need of a trim and pale blue eyes just like his mother. Average and honest were good words for him. He wasn't looking to impress and maybe that was one of his best qualities.

She was definitely a sight with fiery hair and she seemed friendly enough which was good because he tended to clash with people who weren't. Shaking her hand with vigor calmed his nervous tension long enough that he felt good in replying.

"Austin Jones," he said warmly, "It's nice to meet you, Riley. Are you from around here? I don't think I've seen you before but all be damned if I knew everyone."
@Yahtzee I'm like half dead and half alive so you can pencil me under a zombie category or something. Lmao.

I hope this thread doesn't kick the bucket, I like it here.
I did this from mobile and I am so glad I remembered that color code.

Austin loved the festival, the lights and the sounds, it all added up to something wonderful even if it did mark the start of school again. He'd never had trouble with school, was always surrounded in willing participants for conversation and he got by. What mattered was that he got by. Well-liked and mostly pleasant, he tried to get along with everyone that he met even if they proved to be something of a pain. He'd met quite a few people who hadn't appreciated his warmth and enthusiasm and he'd always been sort of thrown off by them. He was a constant beam of sunlight, only outmatched by the brilliant smile that he often had to offer in the presence of the people he cared for. He found himself disinterested in many of the games, he'd always been sort of bad at carnival-type games and he didn't think his luck would change any time tonight. Scratching his jaw thoughtfully, he settled on one of the target games and eyed the target before throwing the ball.

The soft ding as the first one landed home was a confident boost, the second ding nearly made him jump and made him feel very good. The third ball soared right over the target and hit the ground with a soft thump. It made him and the woman working jump. He made a face and ran a hand through his messy pale blond hair, shrugging lightly at the woman and smiling sheepishly. He hadn't really expected to win, he had a tendency to lose his nerve right as he was getting towards the top. "I kind of suck at these things." a light laugh of the apologetic sort. "I used to suck at baseball. I'm much better at kicking than throwing."

This kind of overly honest behavior was normal of Austin and he waved off her offer of one of the small prizes. He wasn't really one to settle and he made a note to come by later tonight and give it another shot, there was no reason not to and maybe he'd actually win this time. Shaking his blond mop from his eyes, the wind was knocking it every which direction and basically making it an aggravation more than a hair style, he got a good look around. The lanterns were bobbing with the way the wind moved and people were walking with the easy freedom that small town life often gave one. That was one of the things he liked about the festival, everyone was so calm and there was so much happening. He knew his dad was probably heading home by now, having filled up on junk food and now probably groggy from walking. That was alright with him, he'd catch him later when he was ready to leave the lights and the laughter.

There was something genuinely pleasing about being surrounded in so much positive energy. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he moved through the people with easy steps and breathed in the air of cotton-candy and corn dogs. It reminded him of being younger somehow, made his mind pass over the hazy memories of his mother, a woman with soft blonde hair and pale blue eyes. A woman with a smile that his brain could never completely place because it had been overlapped so many times that now it could have been anyone's smile. He remembered her voice though, soft and beautiful, a laugh that he had inherited, a laugh that got too loud when in full force. However, he couldn't recall much else, she'd left when he was five with some sentiment that he couldn't quite remember. Though he could have sworn it had something to do with her not getting along with his father anymore which was what he had assumed.

He'd never once heard them fighting though, which was the oddest thing, he thought disagreements were settled through loud arguments and slamming doors but they had been quiet. He supposed maybe the silence had something to do with it. He had never really asked his father, it had taken the man years to get over it and sometimes he still seemed a little pressed. They never discussed anything deeper than the occasional query of "How are you feeling?", in which Austin usually replied that he was feeling fine and his dad usually replied that he was feeling fine. It was no fun to dwell on misgivings and the Jones family had taken that to heart. Living in the moment had become a motto of sorts and that's what Austin was good at, living in the moment. Basking in the sunlight and trying to work things out without stressing. That's what he was good at and he liked to make sure people knew that through his exuberance and brightness.

He made his way to the food and picked out a bag of popcorn, refocusing his thoughts to the task of eating as he looked around for something else that caught his attention.
@WeepingLiberty Have a belated welcome back! I hope you had a fun time!
"Holy shit." he said, surprisingly managing get a grip on himself to sound dumbfounded instead of screaming and running as he wholly intended to as soon as he got out. It wasn't even a second thought, as soon as he was out of this cafe, he was going to become a hermit, find an abandoned house to live in, never speak to anyone ever again. Slowly curl up and die away. This was it. The last straw. Panic had put him on some autopilot, just when he thought he was as weird as they got, LavaBoy kicked down that assumption. He kind of assumed that maybe, somewhere on this planet, there had to be people that could do extraordinary things. He just hadn't guessed they'd be in the very small town of Pavar.

The flames were nerve-wracking to watch and distracted him while Curtis spoke, but he found himself getting to his feet to take care of the blinds anyway.

He would have found the scene sort of beautiful if he wasn't so afraid. His gaze found the girl with the pewter hair and the oceanic eyes, the cold seemed to be coming from her in it's billowing fog. It was stunning, it was magnificent, it was blatantly horrifying. This was something out of a movie, a really good movie with really nice special effects. He could see just beyond the door, ice had trapped the ground in it's transparent prison and glimmered beneath the fluorescent lighting. It had transformed the room into something of an icy wonderland and the power of it struck him as momentarily kind of awesome.

The mohawked boy, who he vaguely recognized by some manner of local speculation, Ash, was practically burning like a coal. It was amazing and yet the fact that he could tell the fire was very real and very hot, fear tugged at him. He was afraid to get too close to him and side-dodged the whole scene to pull the blinds down with a jerky motion. His hands were shaking by the time the blinds actually closed and it blocked out the excess lighting from the mall. There was still the cafe lighting but it suddenly felt a lot less friendly and a lot more menacing. Stepping back to his table again carefully, he sunk down in the seat and drug a hand through his hair. His gaze uneasily landed on Curtis again. He wondered what he could do, it was a passing thought and it triggered more panic before he realized it must have something to do with the floating tile.

"I can do something, I think." it slipped out in something of an unsure voice, the wavering voice was almost childishly perplexed. He directed it mostly to Curtis, trying to block Ash from his line of vision because the snake didn't seem as interested in him as the blonde girl and he wasn't about to question it. As much as he preferred animals to humans, snakes had never appreciated his company much. He had always liked dogs the best anyhow, if his dad hadn't been such a neat freak then he would have tried to adopt as many as he could. "Two days ago, at this party, y'know. People keep blathering about it and this place is small. Anyway-"

Spinning his hand in some motion that was supposed to inspire him to keep talking instead of clamming up out of fear. Ah, hell. He was becoming a hermit anyway. Right? Right? Words began to tumble out before anyone could stop them. "I was a little disoriented and I don't know- God, I just thought I was drunk or something but I didn't even drink that much- This girl like told me this kid was trying to get my attention? And I don't know any kids so I was rightfully confused but I like got a good look at him and he was me. He was me when I was like four and I tried talking to him but he was like four, and he kept telling me I looked like his dad- huge insult by the way, I look nothing like my father- and he kept smiling like an imp which means that I used to smile like an imp and that's horrifying. Why didn't my parents toss some holy water on me and call it a day?" laughter, nervous, pitched laughter. Did this kid ever shut up?

"Point is, I guess, I think I can do that. Whatever that is, y'know? I- I think I can make more of me but- I haven't tried it again because I've been scared senseless and I'm still scared senseless, even more than I am right now. Can you imagine that? Do you know there's a legend about seeing doppelgängers and dying? I'd rather not die anytime soon- I- Sorry. I'm being endless. Just- Yeah."
Listening to her speak had a calming effect on the man, he enjoyed the sound of her voice. Though he had never mingled much with demons, he had enjoyed the company of a few. Even befriending one of the lower demons who went under the name Lasher and had to work hard to glamour out his long centipede-like form. He'd been quite the conversationalist and had been far too intrigued by vampire customs, often asking Wesley about the way his family had lived. It had been a struggle to converse with him, but he had been a good man, a little dotty but otherwise pleasant. They had been friends for something of a century and a half before Lasher had been called to respond on some insane business in hell. Hell knew where he was now.

Wesley didn't have class for another few periods and he had a tendency to float through the different rooms while he had nothing to occupy his mind. The other teachers tended to try to shoo him out but Ira seemed acceptant. Easing into the chair that she had pointed out to him, he folded one long leg over the other. He offered her a smile when she asked how engaged his students tended to be and gave a light laugh of some manner.

"You would think!" he said with an enthusiastic shake of his head. "Sometimes they couldn't give a rat's tail about what I have to teach. I've heard some colorful words used to describe just how much they care about outlining and the differences between light and shade. It's absolutely disheartening. I was home taught but I loved my art teacher. He was an older man, very smart, very patient- why, I never would have learned anything without him!"

Another laugh, easier this time, the man was fidgety when he spoke. There was a nervous manner to him at all moments, twisting his tie and shifting from side to side. "I would have liked Home Ec when I was younger. Do they give you trouble? They can be a tough bunch."
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