Avatar of Dark Cloud


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3 mos ago
Current Gonna be busy for the next week or so, with the holidays around the corner. But have a merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year!
4 mos ago
Purple Guy?!
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4 mos ago
Bogos Binted?
4 mos ago
When I said stuff the turkey I didn't mean it like THAT!
4 mos ago
Cowboy Bebop will forever hit me in the nostalgia.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Most Recent Posts

And with that my friends I have posted finally

The warmth of the ale settled pleasantly in Clive's stomach, a welcome contrast to the chill that had settled in his bones. Fenna's arrival had been a breath of fresh air, a much-needed distraction from the gnawing anxieties that had been plaguing him. Zell, bless his heart, had been trying his best to be supportive, but his attempts at lighthearted banter felt strained, like a poorly-played tune. Clive knew he was struggling too, the weight of their shared burden heavy on their shoulders but he truly appreciated his friends words.

"Cheers, y'all," Clive said, clinking his mug against Fenna's "To good company, and to facing adver-city? That's how it's called ain't it? Ah hell cheers." the farmer shook his weary head and laughed, the weight of his troubles settling back on his shoulders somewhat but not as much in the present company. They drank and laughed, talked about the days past and now sharing their time together over a drink it reminded him of a home he had far away but now here was home...

'Maybe...Maybe it ain't so bad.' the southerner thought to himself, downing the frothy liquid in his drink he set the dirty mug on the table with a gulp, stifling a slight bit of a belch behind his fist 'Maybe it ain't all that rough going...' he thought looking at Zell cheerfully cavorting with the grumpy bartender and other patrons who seemed to be having none of it then Fenna, his gaze lingered for a second remembering fighting side-by-side with her to save the people all the way back when it began in that town they woke up in...The child they both saved...She was quite something, she was truly a good woman he admired her spirit to say the least...

Zell's boisterous return, however, brought a much-needed dose of levity especially to the southerner who tried to play off his staring as nothing but the drink making him see double. He deposited three mugs of beer and three small glasses filled with a dark, viscous liquid on the table the stuff in the glass was called, "Manticore Spit," and Zell explained as much, telling them that he got chatting to a table while waiting for the beers and they recommended it as something that will - quote - 'blow your fucking head off.' and in the case of Zelll it certainly looked as though it almost did.

Clive couldn't help but chuckle, the absurdity of the situation momentarily lifting the weight of his worries. "Well, now, Zell," he said, shaking his head, "Maybe you should have gone for the beer, partner. But hey, at least it's an experience, right?" he took the shot glass in his hand raised it to Fenna with a smile "Well, here goes! Over the lips, through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes!" oh, it was a foul concoction to say the least like what them folks in Russia drink cept' worse, Clive's face contorted to a pained grimace pounding a fist against his chest and coughing "Hoo-boy..I-I'm gonna be feelin that tommorow." after a fit of coughing and white-knuckling he wheezed out those words to the lightly smiling face of Fenna as she watched them both down the foul liquid.

"Well there little lady, is that pretty little face o' yours gonna smile or-" Clive's voice was hoarse from the alcohol but still had that same charm he usually had if not a little forced sliding the last glass towards the ranger with a little smirk on his now rosey freckled face "How's about them lips of yours taste this, cause I sure as heck ain't gonna have another."

I could not find a better image so there lol
Hey @Mae where'd you happen to come by those nice pictures you use for the npcs?

"So tell me: Wha'dya miss most about Texas, eh?" half-way through his second beer, the farmer set the empty mug on the bar with a thud wiping the froth from his lips with the back of his hand face distant if not somewhat pensive. Clive, slightly buzzed by this point had the luxury of his senses being somewhat fuzzy to dull the other more painful feelings and exhaustion that his body would no doubt feel the next day.

"Askin' them tough questions huh? Ah hell, I miss...I miss a lot, I miss my family...I miss home, and most of all-" the southerner raised the dirty mug up with a wry smile "Well good beer of course," Clive stifled a snort, knocking his mug against Zell's before sighing and looking somewhat more serious "If...If I'm bein' darn well honest I reckon what I miss most is what I used to have, my life was simple I...I was a gosh darn farmer, I worked a field and took care of horses not...Not this...Sometimes it's just so...Overwhelming y'know?" the farmer gave Zell a bit of a pointed look as to drop the question but he didn't seem to mind telling his drinking mate more about his life in Texas with a degree of pride, telling Zell of the many times he'd ridden through the fields drunker than Cooter Brown and about his horse and how she'd been his horse since he was a young lad til the day she caught colic and his pa had to shoot her dead.

"Y'know somethin?" the farmer leered closer to his companion placing a hand around his shoulder, his speech somewhat stunted and eyes bleary from the drink "When-Wh-When I died...Ag-Again, it was so dark..." through the redness of Clive's expression came a dark look, the words coming tumbling out maybe the alcohol loosening his otherwise tight lips or that he trusted Zell perhaps it was hard to tell.

"I can't get it out o' my head no matter how much I try."
@Mae I've been pretty busy sorry, but that site you posted will be useful. I'm gonna get to finishing up the sheets tonight.
Even though your stressed clearly your writing is still very good.

The last rays of sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple as the farmer watched the men and womenfolk go their separate ways, as the last few trickled out of sight and all was relatively still he breathed out a long weary sigh "God, dang it all." Clive cursed smacking his own forehead as his head lulled, eyes getting heavy from the sheer weight of sleeplessness that bore down on him. His body wanted to rest but Clive's mind refused to allow him the reprieve too scared of the nightmares and the thought of darkness that seemed to pervade his mind.

Clive massaged the bridge of his nose, rubbing the sleeplessness from his tired eyes or trying to at the very least "Ugh...I-I need a gosh darn drink." with a groan the southerner blinked looking around with a bit of strain trying to catch a grain of what might be a saloon or something but none were nearby, grumbling he turned sluggishly his legs leaden with fatigue he moved stiffly in no particular direction to find somewhere to rest. He didn't bother with the fancy polished inns, with their bright lights and austere facades lilting the cheery music in the dusk light almost seemingly mocking his exhaustion.

Instead his aching bones carried him into the dark of the night to some dimly lit place nearly at the edge of the city, it's unassuming quiet exterior a beacon of repose in the face of his tired body and conflicted mind he said nothing as he entered through the creaky wooden door stepping into the bar the smell of ale and stale sweat washed over him, the interior had a smoky atmosphere with rickety wooden chairs and chipped clay mugs that various patrons drank from the bartender was a short broad shouldered man with a long grey beard and a pair of black beady eyes beneath two big bushy eyebrows.

The grumpy looking old fellow grunted, giving the farmer a gruff nod in greeting before returning to wiping at a chipped dirty old mug with a dirty rag, their wasn't much to this place though sitting with one arm leaning on the wooden counter of the bar was a familiar face that he hadn't expected to see "I ain't even gonna ask what in the devil brought you out here..." he said gruffly to the roguish man he came to see as a bit of a closer friend, though he was exhausted and sleep deprived he knew the look of a man that's got something eating at him.

Clive put a hand on his friends shoulder, sighing "Y'know you and I, we look like shit right now...Reckon we might as well drink to make us feel like it too." though Clive already felt and looked like he was dragged through a pigpen he felt like drinking away whatever he was feeling was if not the brightest of ideas the only thing that he could really muster at that very moment.

Leaning in his rickety old chair at the bar Clive tapped the wood with his knuckle "I been running all over hell's half acre and I'm fixin' for a drink. Two o' whatever you got for me and my friend here. And keep em' comin I reckon it's gonna be one of those nights."

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