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Prince Marion Wesley Chara.


Kingdom and Position:
Prince of Erendale.



Pro/Anti Separation


+ Autumn.
+ Cats.
+ Writing Poetry.
+ Fancy Clothing.
+ Lore and Legends.
+ Dancing.

- Loud Noises.
- Unsavory Smells.
- Spring.
- The Dark.
- Violin Music.

Ever the society snob, Marion can come off as very rude and jaunting to those less fortunate than him. He is highly likable when he's not in one of his many bad moods, prone to quick humor and warm sentiments. His bad moods are often what make him so unlikable to begin with, he changes like a summer storm and nothing about him is stable. These changes often happen in the strangest way, sometimes reverting his entire personality to fit his current interests but they are very transparent changes and easy to see right through.

His true colors best show when he's faced with someone of a lower status and that often surfaces the highly bratty prince within. Very snobby without even trying to be, he often scares away anyone who wants to befriend him and readily drives everyone mad.

Never quite as rambunctious as his younger sister, he was often found deep within his own studies as a child. Very quiet and calculating, he seemed to find his solace in the form of words and literature and diverged deeply into knowledge. He was a very jealous child, the kind who was easily offended by the smallest things and felt he deserved all that he asked for- he is a prince, mother! He had no interest in the people around him and held everyone at a cold distance, as he grew older however, his silences became taunts and he often jived at the ones who served him. His interest in literature grew to epic poems of a somewhat gruesome nature, though he'd never show them to anyone.

He writes poetry avidly and it's really gorey and kind of awful. He thinks it's entirely wonderful but it's really not.

@DisguisedDemon He's mostly harmless, just kind of the biggest jerk in the world. I'm glad you liked him though and I'm glad to be a part 8)
Prince Marion Wesley Chara.


Kingdom and Position:
Prince of Erendale.


Pro/Anti Separation


+ Autumn.
+ Cats.
+ Writing Poetry.
+ Fancy Clothing.
+ Lore and Legends.
+ Dancing.

- Loud Noises.
- Unsavory Smells.
- Spring.
- The Dark.
- Violin Music.

Ever the society snob, Marion can come off as very rude and jaunting to those less fortunate than him. He is highly likable when he's not in one of his many bad moods, prone to quick humor and warm sentiments. His bad moods are often what make him so unlikable to begin with, he changes like a summer storm and nothing about him is stable. These changes often happen in the strangest way, sometimes reverting his entire personality to fit his current interests but they are very transparent changes and easy to see right through.

His true colors best show when he's faced with someone of a lower status and that often surfaces the highly bratty prince within. Very snobby without even trying to be, he often scares away anyone who wants to befriend him and readily drives everyone mad.

Never quite as rambunctious as his younger sister, he was often found deep within his own studies as a child. Very quiet and calculating, he seemed to find his solace in the form of words and literature and diverged deeply into knowledge. He was a very jealous child, the kind who was easily offended by the smallest things and felt he deserved all that he asked for- he is a prince, mother! He had no interest in the people around him and held everyone at a cold distance, as he grew older however, his silences became taunts and he often jived at the ones who served him. His interest in literature grew to epic poems of a somewhat gruesome nature, though he'd never show them to anyone.

He writes poetry avidly and it's really gorey and kind of awful. He thinks it's entirely wonderful but it's really not.

He has a white cat named Blind Maurice.
@DisguisedDemon Done and done, I'll get started on his CS.
Can I reserve a prince spot with Erendale possibly? 8)
@Morte Angelis

"By the Gods, you're elves! That's marvelous!" the warlock said warmly before slapping his palm against his forehead and shaking his head. He swept the woman into an embrace of his own very suddenly. He wasn't the tallest and he seemed to be more on the lean side but it was a solid hug, the kind that would ground someone in need. He seemed enthused to meet her and to know just the slightest bit more about their heritage, it was as if something was coming together and his slamming heart was now slowing in their presence.

"Bread? Oh yes, that sounds brilliant. I've only had a smoothie today, I kept thinking that I'd get so nervous that I'd bite straight through the straw and make an utter fool of myself-" heat rose in his cheeks and he smiled sheepishly at the woman he'd hugged as easily as an old friend, as easily as family and maybe she was as good as family now. "Anxiety can be a monster of an affliction! I'm just glad I'm not sweating- that would be the worst impression and you both seem so nice- My mother will love you! Can you tell him that he has the most wonderful eyes? They are truly wonderful!"

He released her lightly but not before pressing a kiss to both of her cheeks and turning back to his soulmate, though he couldn't understand him, he felt the growing urge to learn to. He wanted to know everything that he could learn, he was practically teeming with excitement that replaced the anxious shivers with flooding warmth. This was his soulmate! He had a soulmate and they didn't seem to think he was an idiot at all! This was his soulmate!

"My lord, I- Oh dear, I had planned something but I-" holding a single claw up, he pressed his hands together and rubbed them lightly before a glow of red began to beam through the spaces of his fingers. He seemed very focused on the task at hand, gnawing the corner of his lips before drawing his hands apart and stretching the beam of light. It started to shimmer and take a shape, and the glow died to reveal a rose spread across his palm. The petals were a soft velvety red and the stem was long and graced in neat thorns, it was a beautiful thing with something almost shining about it. "And here it is!"

Extending the rose to him between clawed fingers, he was smiling brightly because he hadn't expected it to work himself. His powers were often sort of volatile, sometimes the didn't do anything that he requested of them and that could have very easily ended in a spark of light and nothing more but the rose was as real as the leaves rustling around his feet. He seemed so proud for a moment that it was ridiculous, he nearly started bouncing up and down with exuberance. "Let me know if he likes it! I wasn't sure I could even make that work- I- I kept getting dandelions when I was practicing!" he declared with just a touch of embarrassment. "I just always thought a gift would be nice to offer to them when I met them."






@ViolentViolet And the last of em'. 8)
@ViolentViolet I actually had a few others mapped out, let me make those CS's bc it looks like Lightclan could use some warriors :o Should I also make one or two for Ashclan?

@ViolentViolet I can fix anything that need fixing, I left the relationships as pending because I don't know too much about the other characters yet but if anyone wants to be their friend or whatnot then they're free to.
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