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@booksmusicanime & @Memoir Robinpaw can have Talonheart, I actually considered inquiring about that the other day. He's the world's grumpiest mentor and he's never happy w anything.
Gorsestorm & Talonheart & Thunderpaw.

The two had set out on a hunting patrol together early that morning, having been stirred awake by Gorsestorm's naggy apprentice. It had been far before the sun had even considered rising and Talonheart was very tired by the drag in his pawsteps. Sometimes the tom didn't know why he got dragged into these things, Thunderpaw wasn't his problem and yet he was always paying for the loud apprentice. He didn't know why Gorsestorm insisted on him coming to these ridiculous training sessions and he found Thunderpaw to be a hopeless hunter. They had missed a lot of prey by his seemingly never ending stream of words but after some time Gorsestorm had managed to snag a few lonely looking mice and a sad looking vole while Thunderpaw had proudly crushed a fat thrush beneath his paws.

Talonheart could hear his unwavering blather as they padded back towards the camp, it took all he had in him not to flatten his ears and tell the apprentice to shut his trap. Talonheart had never had an apprentice of his own, he'd just not had his chance yet and sometimes he worried that he would make for a crummy mentor. He was a grand fighter, a good paw in any battle but he was temperamental and sometimes he was downright mean. His patience was as thin as wet paper and his ability to handle bad situations was not good, he still hoped he could pass something on before he died. He just wasn't sure he was going to be the best.

"But Talonheart, did you see me catch that thrush? I was great! It flew right to me!" boasted Thunderpaw with excitement, his paws drumming happily alongside his gray mentor. "Wasn't it great?"

"I watched you crush it, I'm not sure what mouse-brain would eat it." Talonheart rumbled, his sleek black and white form sliding into the camp with the tabby apprentice speeding to his side.

Thunderpaw snorted sharply, his tail giving a sharp lash, "And what did you catch?"

"Nothing. You terrified half the prey." he snapped, shoving his way back into the warriors den and dropping into his nest with a sigh. "Apprentices!"

Gorsestorm on the other hand was struggling to even keep up with the two with his mouth full of fresh kill and when his rumpled gray form finally made it into the camp, he dumped the prey into the pile and smiled fondly to Thunderpaw. "Quite the catch! You're getting better and better."

"I know," puffed Thunderpaw, pricking his ears and grinning brightly. "I'm going to be the best warrior in the forest some day. I'm going to be Thunderstar one day, I'm going to-"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Go get something to eat, that was a good hunting session." the gray tom brushed his tongue along his chest fur and stretched, finding a comfortable spot near the warriors den to settle down for a bit.
@WeepingLiberty I'm here. 8)
Carson had been a little bit wounded by the girl brushing off his power as if he was not more than a child talking madness and he nearly got spiteful enough to tell her that he didn't believe her. It would have been a lie, he did believe her, he believed that every poor soul in this coffee place was stuck in the same little hell as him right now. It was horrible but it also felt so good to be validated, he wasn't alone in this and he didn't need to feel like the sky could fall on him at any moment. It didn't exactly feel like the sky could fall anymore but it felt like it had already fallen and here he was stuck in the rubble. He didn't feel like kicking clouds but his mood wasn't soaring in the slightest, he was actually feeling sort of petulant and cramped. It was nearly the same thick fog that had settled over him at the party- it was definitely time to become a hermit.

"You all have such great powers, I'm so happy to have witnessed some of them. Grand show to Ash and his horrifying flames of doom and a grand show to Curtis and the floating tiles- A grand show to you all! Truly wonderful!" he sputtered absently, mostly in a mumble that could have gone completely without notice. "But I can't summon my power-maybe it's not even a power! Maybe I was drunk!"

These people were better, even the freakish powers of other people were better than his freakish powers, he just wanted them all to go about their business while he made an exit route. Rose quickly gave a rundown of her power-- it almost seemed that she wanted out more than he did and Carson decided that her power could be very useful in a positive way. He nearly wanted to tell her but auto pilot had taken over his body and he was standing up to make his way to the door. It was submerged in flame but burning the living hell out of himself seemed like a better option than sulking right now and that's exactly what he was about to do if he stayed here any longer. Maybe it was just him- maybe he was just not meant to-

He made it maybe a step away from his seat before scrambling back in what could only be identified as blatant horror.

The door had busted open like something out of an episode of a bad seventies cop drama and the man who strolled in was completely encased in armor. It was awe that filled his sky blue eyes for a moment, some edge of his story telling mind was incredibly impressed by the being with the gun clutched in his hand. It swamped his fear for a long moment while he tried to figure out what setting this individual would have belonged to. He could see an amazing scene of rising chrome buildings and the charred remains of what once was, he could see entire floods of images and he-

Did he say, "You all can give up"? The redhead shook away his faint admiration long enough to squint at the man, his mouth setting down at one corner. What did he do to this strangely terrifying power-ranger? He didn't remember pissing anyone off lately-or did this guy just like killing kids in coffee shops? Was that how he got his sick kicks? Was he a serial coffee shop murderer? Carson wracked his brain for any mention of him on the television but nothing came forth except for a vague sense of unease that he was avoiding the point. He knew that sometimes he flew straight over exactly what was happening and he knew he was doing that. This man wanted to wipe them out for some reason, he could guess why if he tried hard enough.

"Totally expected fourth option from that guy that gets killed in the horror movies-" another nervous laugh, more pitched and frightened then before. "You do settle down as Rose suggested and we all go home, get a nice dinner, try to forget that I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die. Like right here before you can kill me yourself."
And there's my CS. That was fun to write. 8)
Larkus "The Lark".

ABSTRACT: An engaging young man with nothing to lose and a penchant for talking to birds.


+ Bird Faery ( Changeling )
+ Convinced he's human.

Larkus is an exuberant young man who was born to practically nothing and never seemed to let it affect him. He ran away from home when he was sixteen and pressed himself to solitude. Many nights were spent crashing on benches and sleeping through the days, he kept to himself. He found his friendships through birds that collected on telephone wires and through some manner of speaking ( horrifyingly accurate chirping ), the birds found their friendship in him. He is excruciatingly excitable and seems to revel in his strange talent even though there could be more spectacular things. He's warm and open, an embodiment of a beam of light and happy with everyone and what they have to offer.

In the ring, he's known for often making a show of brightly adorned clothing and shimmering feathers threaded through his hair. His act involves his birds, he attracts them in the hundreds and he works them through seemingly impossible tricks and feats. His flare for brilliant attire and the cascades of birds who do his bidding is bound to demand the eyes of all who watch.

HOW DO YOU KNOW NORA? The young man was always attracted by the unknown, practically enthralled with it and the circus drew him in because he saw these people as equals. He almost demanded to show his talents with breathless excitement and it didn't take long for him to be coated in birds and laughing like thunder.

HOW DO YOU KNOW TARIT? The return of one of his many colorful friends brought him to speaking however briefly with the young man named Tarit. He found himself incredibly intrigued by the man's electrical abilities, however he's kept his birds from bothering him in the future.
@BuriedComic7 You couldn't get rid of me if you begged. >8)
I'll work out a CS in a bit when I'm home 8)
I can start whenever you're ready as well. 8)
@DisguisedDemon I'm on Central Time. 8)
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