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Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - A trashy diner respectively.

"Honey, I wouldn't wear contacts if you paid me!"

"So they're naturally that color?"

"Naturally!" enthused the boy with a shake of his head, bleached white hair flopping from side to side.

The regulars were always complementary, especially the females but he kept a breezy air around himself no matter who he happened to be talking with. Working was easy if he flirted and he treated each customer like they were more special than the last. The diner was always teeming with life, people streaming in and out throughout the day but the tips were usually good, even if he had to work himself to death to get them. That's how he made a living most of the time, it was all tip oriented and he had learned how to work himself into quite the charmer to earn them.

It seemed sometimes that he was the most popular waiter and he liked to work that title to the bone, he deserved to be well liked, he'd been so invisible for so long. He had people who immediately asked for his section upon entering and people who slipped him numbers with their tips, he had a lot of good things here, it was a good job. He liked the excitement of meeting new people and he liked the warmth that some greeted him with and he liked the attention most of all. He couldn't act up at work, it was all about smiles and good service but he could work it to his preference. He had to constantly be having fun or it wasn't worth it at all.

The next table was a group table, teenagers like himself, ones from the school he'd dropped out of at sixteen and he feigned a smile. "Can I get your orders?"

"Oh my God, it's seriously him, Emmy said she saw him here but I thought it was a joke."

"It's not a joke. Order?" he tapped his pen to his pad and nodded at them.

"Yeah but-"

"Order?" he snapped sharply and received a few scattered laughs but as they began rattling off their orders, his nerves eased again and he tucked his pen behind his ear.

He was quick to send the order back to the cooks and he sighed, leaning back against the counter and eyeing the door for anyone heading towards his section. It was a lot easier just to wait there and the order would take a few minutes, his pockets were weighty with tips and he was starting to get a mid-shift headache.
Pressing his fingers into his temples, he drew in a deep breath and put back on his game face, nobody could complain about a pouty waiter at least. He liked the job, he really did, but sometimes being tied to it was a pain and it lead unfortunate customers like the group currently pointing at him and laughing amongst themselves.

It was fine but it was aggravating, he was technically an adult, it was such a pain that they weren't acting like they were. Today was going to be a long day if this kept up.
This wasn't what he thought this would bubble up to and staring at the man now, he felt his stomach drop when he realized there was nothing he could do to help here. He wasn't powerful enough, he didn't think that any of them were and he had never felt so pathetic before. It was a bad feeling and it swamped him, rising with his hysteria and clawing for a grip of anything that might calm him but there was nothing calming about any of this.

There wasn't a plan to be made and there was nothing he could do, realizing that was somehow worse.

His breath came out in one sharp hiss of an exhale and he straightened up, he could feel a burning in his eyes and it felt like his throat was stuffed with cotton. Two dead bodies lay sprawled on the floor like discarded garbage and he felt as if he could vomit, his breathing was sharp and whistling in his throat. It was too much, he felt a tremble run through him and if offset the shakes, his body shuddering at the sight before him. He barely knew these people, he barely knew any of them and yet he felt so miserable about seeing them on the ground, he wanted to cry. He couldn't save them and he couldn't save himself, he couldn't save Rose or the girl with the pewter hair. He wasn't a hero and he knew that.

He wasn't a hero and he was going to die, he couldn't even pretend that he was heroic. He couldn't even put on a good show, he wasn't reckless or self sacrificing, he wasn't ever going to be. There wasn't a heroic bone in his body, he was a coward down to the last hair on his head, he couldn't do anything. He was about ready to hold his arms up in defeat when he noticed something very strange creeping forward. It stunned him for a moment and he stilled, he barely caught what happened next.

Seemingly, a ripple in time took place though he supposed it must have been his imagination and the panic settling in his body but he barely saw- he barely heard- he was swamped. He couldn't keep up with the wisp- or whatever the hell this anomaly was- he couldn't- had he read something about something like this? About shadows being the bringers of- was it the bringers of prophecy or death? Why did he know so much useless lore anyhow? His thoughts were becoming babbling mush and he gave up thinking in general for sometime. He just shut his eyes and breathed.

It felt much too long and when he had just decided he must have died, he realized he was sitting in an empty concrete room with a lone lightbulb and a man. The others were nearby but his brain felt too pressed to try to decide whether it was safe to look at them or not. He wondered if they were dead, he wondered why they would be dead if he wasn't and nearly snorted out loud before glancing to them.
Breathing, in tact and just a few hairs out of place. That was fine.
The man that turned towards them seemed mostly normal, it calmed his heart rate enough that he managed to stumble out his words. "Where are we? I- Why are we here? This isn't bad, right?"

He realized how young and scared he sounded for a moment and took in a rattling breath and drew his fingers through his red hair to smooth it as much as he could. His pale blue eyes were still wild with fear but at least he'd regulated his breathing, he wondered if this would turn out badly or if they were really, truly done with battles for the day. "Because if I'm going to die a tragic death, I could have done it back there and I'm still not feeling it." a desperate laugh.
Prince Marion.

"Sisters," he amended gently, thoughtfully as he glanced to Ares with her tumbling dark hair and her dark brown eyes, she had a jagged smile and she had a sharpness about her. Ares was a wolf of a girl, constantly fighting with teeth and claws and ready to tear apart all that who challenged her, she was someone who lived to her name sake, a fighter in all rights of the word. She was clever and wicked, knew how to work things to her advantage and Marion never worried about her. She might as well have been his twin for the closeness in persona that they seemed to share, not to mention that they looked to be cut from the same cloth, thick dark hair and intense brown eyes. Ares was interesting.

She always had been, her warrior nature made for quite the character and he was proud to call her family. "Ares is tougher than me," a laugh that seemed genuine for a moment and he cracked a grin that lit up his eyes. "She could destroy anyone who thwarted her in less than a moment, she's a masterful swordsman and she could never be known as delicate. She's full of thunder- It's unbelievable! When were younger, I was scared of her knight training, I thought- well, I guess I can't challenge her because she would have beheaded me."

The laugh was more fluid now, seeming to ripple from his chest and roll in gasping waves for a moment as if he found hilarity in his sister completely beating him to a pulp. It was funny to him, she had always been stronger than anybody in that house. She was brute and still somehow so gorgeous, he admired her dearly for that. "Ares is going to be a powerful queen one day though I was convinced she might join the royal guard instead for such a long time. I was never much of a brother to her- I wonder if she even thinks fondly of me." his expression sobered and he turned his glance to his younger sister and where she stood alone. Aqua had always been gentle and that had lead Marion to strange silences around her, he didn't want to lash out at her, she was still so young and she let people push her around. Sometimes he had to step in and talk to his parents privately when their orders became overbearing because Aqua let them tell her what to do.

It was awful and he couldn't help but wanting to protect her from the world. She was much too docile and she would let everything bite her if someone didn't stand in front of her. Unlike allusive Ares, he knew that Aqua cared for him because she seemed to care for everyone. Her kind nature made her warm to him, even when he was cycling one of his horrible moods. He'd only ever snapped at her, he'd never given one of his ruthless rampages to her, he didn't have the heart to. "Aqua is gentle, I'm often worried of who she might marry. She doesn't think for herself, she lets the world control her and it is something terrible. I wish for her to find contentment, and maybe a backbone, but she has time."

He looked somber for a long moment before he blinked and it was replaced by indifference again, his mouth flattening into a line. "But I don't think of them much." he snorted sharply, "They don't need me and I don't need them, I'm the oldest, I'm a respectable prince, I-" he swallowed thickly and folded his arms, his voice had broke an octave and he sounded like he was hurt.

He had even turned his head away very quickly. "Do you have any pets? My lovely cat Blind Maurice is a darling. I love him to pieces."
Everything was happening too fast, it was too much for his brain to put together and too much for his mind to handle. It made him shift into a fight or flight set of mind and suddenly he wasn't so sure that he could flee without taking a bullet to the back and he wasn't in the mood to be shot today. The gun-toting-metal-encased man had come here too fast and Ash was reacting much too fast. Much faster than the redhead could have reacted in that situation, his bravery was sheer recklessness and it made a pit in Carson's stomach. The boy with the fire in his eyes as clearly as the fire in his veins was reckless but it was an admirable recklessness, it was much more than Carson could have conjured and that was admirable enough to him, it made him want to write about him, it made him very nervous. His recklessness would undeniably be what ended him.

There was a roaring, crumbling sound and everything seemed to tremble. It caught him so off guard that he tried to stumble back before Ash seemed to reveal another trick up his sleeve. The blonde girl was rocketed into Carson and he'd softened her fall by collapsing like a sack of rocks beneath her. He hadn't expected the concrete foundation to rise up through the floor like some sort of beast, he hadn't expected it to shoot the blonde girl off the ground like she weighed nothing and he hadn't expected the inevitable bang.

Sharp and cutting through like a knife, the sound rattled his bones.

He knew what that sound meant logically but he couldn't bring himself to react to it quickly enough because it was so loud that his ears where screaming with backwash and his head was spinning. He reacted too slowly again, guiding Rose to her feet with a gentle push, his hands stabilizing her by gripping her shoulders lightly so that he could get up himself. When he was finally to his feet, he stepped away from Rose and backwards, overviewing the damage and nearly sputtering at the sight of Ash lying on the ground with a hole in his head. Just moments ago he'd been spitting off insults and rounding them up like a herd of sheep but now he looked so still that it made Carson sick to his stomach.

He was dead.

He'd never seen a dead body before but he found himself wishing that it would have stayed that way. Ash had been too full of life to be laying on the ground like nothing and now he felt somewhat hopeless because if Ash could be killed then any of them could be killed and this was unnervingly real. He wanted to go home suddenly, he didn't want to go anywhere but back to his quiet mother and his volatile father. He wanted to go back to his green room, curl up on his bed and cry like an infant for a few traumatized hours. He wanted some time to process everything, his brain was whirling too much to make any decent decisions, he was usually quicker than this and he was usually good at mapping out plans but now he could only stare in dumbfounded amazement.

This was real and Ash was dead and there was still a gun in that man's hand.

"Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back."

Name: Adrien Justin Cade.

Age: Eighteen.

Gender: Male.

Height: 5"6.

Weight: 137.

Ethnicity: Caucasian.

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Religion: Agnostic.

Occupation: Waiter.

Ability: Invisibility.

Ever the trickster, Adrien has always had an amused nature and finds his fun in taunting anyone who will hear him. Though not particularly a bully or even very mean, he loved to play pranks and he loved to get reactions out of people. He found that living his life with fun and excitement was much better than letting the world get to him, though it's not to say that he has his down sides. Often insensitive and kind of brisk with his family, he doesn't hold emotional relationships at a high value and struggles for balance with the few people who try to tie him down.

He's not completely unaware of the feelings of others, he just tends to forget they exist at times and he only regrets it when he finds that it has hurt someone. His sympathy comes in a pale form of apology and sometimes it seems as if he's not really sorry at all but other than that he is polite. A well mannered young man when he's not teasing and enthusiastic about what the world has to offer.

Born the youngest to a family of five, he was often treated as the baby and his mother loved him dearly even though he proved to be a lot of trouble and could often be found flushing things down the toilet and blaming his siblings. He was trouble with a capital T and she dealt with it patiently instead of growing frustrated as she could have. His siblings however grew very done with it and made a game of ignoring him around the house. It wouldn't have affected him too much if he hadn't become such a ghost in school when he started. Kids avoided him and he became the butt of a view ugly jokes and very soon he found that this wasn't going to stop as he got older.

He discovered his power in school, it was during a test and it happened before he knew it. His frustration had been clear and he rose his hand to request help but the teacher seemed to be ignoring him as well. In fact, that whole day, nobody had said a word to him and he was becoming irritated. He rose from his chair and strolled over to her and she didn't even glance up until he tapped her desk, she looked right at him and didn't say a thing. He looked to what should have been his reflection in the desk and there was nothing, not even a shadow and his stomach did a somersault.

It wasn't long before he learned to control it and he used it to aid his jokes, mostly keeping it to himself, he lived a fairly normal existence until he grabbed a job as a waiter.
@Marx OHHH, holy crap. I generally like to wait a little bit as a personal preference but I thought there was a stipulation here :o I'll get a post up in a bit when I'm less tired.

Also good. I love seeing your posts!

"Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back."

Name: Adrien Justin Cade.

Age: Eighteen.

Gender: Male.

Height: 5"6.

Weight: 137.

Ethnicity: Caucasian.

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Religion: Agnostic.

Occupation: Waiter.

Ability: Invisibility.

Ever the trickster, Adrien has always had an amused nature and finds his fun in taunting anyone who will hear him. Though not particularly a bully or even very mean, he loved to play pranks and he loved to get reactions out of people. He found that living his life with fun and excitement was much better than letting the world get to him, though it's not to say that he has his down sides. Often insensitive and kind of brisk with his family, he doesn't hold emotional relationships at a high value and struggles for balance with the few people who try to tie him down.

He's not completely unaware of the feelings of others, he just tends to forget they exist at times and he only regrets it when he finds that it has hurt someone. His sympathy comes in a pale form of apology and sometimes it seems as if he's not really sorry at all but other than that he is polite. A well mannered young man when he's not teasing and enthusiastic about what the world has to offer.

Born the youngest to a family of five, he was often treated as the baby and his mother loved him dearly even though he proved to be a lot of trouble and could often be found flushing things down the toilet and blaming his siblings. He was trouble with a capital T and she dealt with it patiently instead of growing frustrated as she could have. His siblings however grew very done with it and made a game of ignoring him around the house. It wouldn't have affected him too much if he hadn't become such a ghost in school when he started. Kids avoided him and he became the butt of a view ugly jokes and very soon he found that this wasn't going to stop as he got older.

He discovered his power in school, it was during a test and it happened before he knew it. His frustration had been clear and he rose his hand to request help but the teacher seemed to be ignoring him as well. In fact, that whole day, nobody had said a word to him and he was becoming irritated. He rose from his chair and strolled over to her and she didn't even glance up until he tapped her desk, she looked right at him and didn't say a thing. He looked to what should have been his reflection in the desk and there was nothing, not even a shadow and his stomach did a somersault.

It wasn't long before he learned to control it and he used it to aid his jokes, mostly keeping it to himself, he lived a fairly normal existence until he grabbed a job as a waiter.
I'll have a sheet up in a bit! 8)
You have my interest!

The knight had taken a stance with an erect spine and an hawk eyed stare into the crowd of royals interacting but when the young lady approached him, he smiled brilliantly to her. She was beautiful herself and he recognized her as Princess Isabelle, he had seen her at other social functions and the like, though he'd never spoken to her personally. There was never any reason to bother the royals outside of his own kingdom, he found that many didn't appreciate a knight who spoke out of way and without reason. He'd been reprehended a few times by his father for trying to speak with queens from other courts but since she had approached him by herself, he guessed it wouldn't hurt to talk with her. She wasn't any of the betrothed which meant she was either very young or very unfortunate as far as eagerness to marry off children went.

He was very close to the Charra's, absolutely loved them and held them to a much higher pedestal than his father. The king had only ever treated him kindly, especially when he'd been so willing to try to shape Prince Marion into a more humble prince. Though any and all of his efforts had been wasted on the prideful prince, he had cared enough to try and it had often gotten him into the bulk of the prince's wrath. Though Marion was not much of a talker when he was furious, he had blade edged words and he liked to break things, he'd once taken a swing at Aspen but Aspen had sidestepped it. The prince had never tried again but it was easy to see in his eyes that he wished to do much worse sometimes.

It was hard to tell with Marion, it was hard to tell anything with Marion. He was often very closed off and fuming, something was always irking him and his hatred for the poor was out of pure greed. He wanted everything but he hadn't worked for any of it. Marion was a selfish child and he always had been, Aspen had often asked the king if he was worried about Marion's reign but there had never been much comment. He supposed the prince would make a fine king someday but not a wise king or a fair king, he was too volatile and bloodthirsty.

Shaking free of his thoughts, he realized the princess had gotten close to him. He found himself bowing fluently before her, he even offered her a slightly amused smile when she spoke. "My lady," he greeted her warmly and gave a soft laugh. "The prince is um- rather nervous, I think. He's never been much of a socialite and the crowds might be causing him problems. I only came to offer him my company and to keep him from boasting of his ego."

Ice blue eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement and he gave a shake of his head. "Though I fear that he may need protection from himself with that temper of his, I've been banished from his side until further notice." he arched his eyebrows to the young lady. "My lady, I didn't even offer my name. My apologies, you can refer to me as Aspen or Sir Lyons, if you would be pleased to."

Prince Marion.

The prince watched the princess before him, noticing every slight shift in her expression as he had been speaking with his knight. He noticed some kind of unease and he tucked it away for a moment, hid it behind his warm smile and cold eyes. He had always liked talking to some extent, found himself to be very social when he was feeling gracious but today he was sort of drained. It may have been the atmosphere, the nervous tension and the need to put on a mask of pure collection. Amongst royals, he had to be viewed as one of high status and maturity, one who could handle being smashed in a very small room with very many people.

He had to exude calm as well as arrogance, to never doubt himself and to appear like he took in everything that was said and gave away nothing. It was the only thing that had ever made people admire him, his silence and cold detachment made him appear as if he'd had years of training in royal etiquette and it made people fear him. He loved to be feared more than anything and he loved the looks that he got, as if people were angry that he'd gathered such confidence over the years. He found it utterly amusing and he tried to keep himself from laughing each time someone had told him that his arrogance was shameful. He couldn't help being proud.

He was a prince, after all.

"I write as well," he spoke in a slight undertone, his writing embarrassed him, it was the only thing that he refrained from showing off. He'd never shown anyone in his family, he couldn't imagine ever trying to read those epics to Ares. He could nearly assure himself that she would find it hysterical and he'd never been very close to his younger sister, though Aqua was a darling and he knew that she cared for them all, he couldn't think of how to be brotherly. He'd never been a good older brother to Ares and he'd never been interested in her penchant for battle, he didn't understand why she wanted to go make a knight of herself but he respected her ambition. It was a trait they shared. They were both ambitious but his ambition was better put towards being a king someday.

"Poetry," he admitted blandly and still looked embarrassed somehow, it was the first genuine humble emotion to flicker on his face but it was wiped away with a shrug. "I have a cat and I adore lore, there's something about old fables that intrigues me. I like the stories and the fiends. I used to like studying literature, though I don't do it much anymore. What is your family like?"
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