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@Morte Angelis

Cool and shadowed, the home seemed quaint and the three males that seemed to be arguing caught his attention. He gave his gray scarf a nervous twist as he tried to decide whether or not this was bad but it cleared after he realized they must be family.

The family stuff was unusual to him, he'd never seen anything like it before and it personally confused him just a tad. He'd never had much of a family, an only child to a mother who refused to have any more kids ever since one had been born with the hooked claws of a dragon. He'd never even had close outer family, his cousins a pair of twins that often like to jive about him being half animal with the claws and it had hurt his overly sensitive feelings at that time.

He often felt a little sensitive towards the claws because they were so strange, they readily reminded him that he was never going to be human. He was never going to die and he was never going to feel normal.

He was watching them while they interacted, trying to decide whether or not he could add a word in or not but he decided that it might be best to keep his mouth shut. The family seemed close despite the slight arguing and he found it kind of endearing. They really seemed to love each other, it was kind of nice to see how warm they were and he watched Elnarin leave with a small feeling of reluctance but he turned to face Paul.

Paul was obviously a human in all aspects, he didn't quite fit into his family of elves and for some reason that made Roderick feel comfortable. They were two of a kind here, the only two who were nowhere near being elves.

He offered the man a smile, extending one hand to him and tilting his head slightly. He overlooked him slightly and decided that he seemed nice enough, even though his two boys seemed unimpressed with what he had to teach. Roderick's own stepdad had been human, a redhead named Erik who had often looked at him with something strange in his eyes. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Paul. Roderick Duchannes, though I'm sure you know that by now. I'm a warlock."
@Morte Angelis I should hopefully get my reply in tomorrow. I keep forgetting that I haven't typed it up yet. For now I'm going to get some sleep but it should be up tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon.
Cold brown eyes found the princess before him, they were unwavering and they seemed to assess her far too closely. He was taking in every inch of her, pressing to find details that he might have missed prior and he didn't quite seem ready to talk again. He was taking her in, she was beautiful in a way that befit her status with tresses of dark hair and a softness to her features. It made him think that she might be mousy or the quiet observant type and both were quaint traits, ones that didn't contrast his fiery moods too much but then again- with a flash of irritation, he tossed his assumptions southward. He couldn't go assuming things because for all he knew, she could be the wickedest witch in the kingdom. He kept an impassive expression at all times, it looked as if he were constantly disinterested or as if he had better things to consider.

He shifted his weight slightly when she curtsied and straightened his spine out of his half-lounging position and fluently bowed over one arm. It was graceful and so practiced that it nearly seemed dishonest in how he presented it. He met her eyes, his smile was secretive and almost bemused, it also didn't seem sincere and it didn't quite meet his eyes. His eyes were a dead give away to his constant state of disconnection and it was almost discomforting to be stuck under the full force of them."Princess Erin, I've only heard good things." he spoke with an assuredness, as if he knew her all too well. "It'll be a pleasure to serve at your side, I've never considered marriage, I was always convinced I would rule on my own,"

His mouth curved downward when he spoke the words and something seem to flash in his eyes for a split second and it was like watching a storm roll in from seemingly nowhere. It broke his composed demeanor for a split second. It disappeared into another slightly plussed smile, the smile of a petulant infant who knew that he had long since lost the battle and would be forced into time out whether he'd like it or not. With that smile in place like a mask to hide the raging hurricane behind his eyes, he glanced to the knight at his side. A sturdy man with ice blue eyes and rumpled brown hair, who looked eternally amused by something, though it was impossible to tell what.

"And this is Aspen, he's a knight in our court. A knight who never leaves me alone, though I couldn't imagine why he feels the need to watch me as if I was naught but a child." murmured the prince, narrowing his eyes. "I rather find his company distasteful."

"And you are quite the charmer, my lord. I've never been quite so flattered by an introduction." Aspen bowed gallantly before the princess and offered her a brilliant smile. "Aspen Cedar Lyons. My father was a fan of trees and well, I- not so much. You look stunning, my lady, I've not seen a sight so great. The prince is very lucky to be betrothed to one of your status and grace."

"I can talk without your help." snapped Marion. "Do you not have anything to be doing?"

Aspen laughed brightly and arched his eyebrows to the young man, "I do not. I would much rather overview your lovely speaking etiquette with our beautiful princess. You might scare her away without me here."

"Go." his voice was an octave away from yelling and it seemed to register to the knight at his side. "I'd rather get to know her on my own, so if you wouldn't mind."

A pointed glance towards the door and Aspen gave a sigh. "Yes, my lord. You were more fun when you were younger, my lord." a warm glance was spared to the princess. "Be careful with this one, my lady. I'll be back in some time when he has gotten over his fit."


"Leaving, my lord, my lady." a fluid bow and the knight took off to overview the courtyard near the door, straightening his shoulders and watching the royalty interact before him. He could recognize a few but no one he knew well enough to bother, it was going to be a long, boring time of standing and watching.

"I'm sorry for him, he can be a pain. He thinks he's my personal knight and he aggravates me for lack of a better word. He thinks he knows what's best and he doesn't." a soft sigh, a shake of his head. "Tell me about yourself, Erin."
There's bird man and his act. 8)
His act was everything to him, the birds hiding throughout the stadium and waiting for him to give signal. They were always different, depending on the state but it never took long to convince them to work with him. They knew the calls to come to him and the calls to leave him, the birds were more in tune then he was sometimes and he forgot that. The birds were sometimes much smarter and he appreciated their patience in his act. Birds were fickle creatures sometimes, they didn't like crowds and they went through a lot just to help him perform, though he usually paid them in food and loving compliments.

The birds were the true star, he was just their orchestrator, they counted on him to make sure that every move was precise and he counted on them to follow every precise move. They danced together and one could not hold a dance without the other. His act would be nothing without them.

The young man was in a sparkling jumpsuit in peacock blue and vibrant green, covered in glittering sequins and studs that caught the flashing lights around them. It almost seemed to glow against the light. Braided throughout his long black hair were feathers of all colors that shimmered and twisted with each move that he made, they seemed to do their own winding dance. His black hair was the only contrast to the brilliant colors that adorned him. It spilled like ink down his shoulders and framed his thin face, his eyes were a pale gray that always seemed to look faded against his skin. They sought the crowd as he walked towards the ring, drawing in a deep breath and spreading his arms to each side of him.

His mouth seemed to curl as he stood there, his eyes shining at the brightness of the crowd and the cheering that rose around him as he took his spot. He shut his eyes for a sputter in time, a sharp chirping noise broke from between his lips and the flurry of wings that followed seem to come from all around. The sound a whispering thunder, a flurry of soft noise. Birds were tearing free from seemingly nowhere, their tiny bodies flying towards him and landing along his thin arms. They collected up to his fingers and dug their claws in for support, his breathing was even and soft so none of them became overwhelmingly frightened by the noises in the crowd.

They shifted silently and he pressed one arm forward, sending its occupants towards the crowd and directing them back with one sharp chirp that resembled a cooing lark. They followed his commands seamlessly, swooping and soaring around his head while he directed them through a series of hoops and twisted them through a dance of wings and feathers, his limber body moving in an eloquent shifting of weight and half spinning. It was a brilliant show of color and feathers, the boy moving as gracefully as a dancer. They almost seem to do their own tricks midair and they spiraled and spun like rockets through the air.

The act was a quick one, more of a dance than anything. It was beautiful though, colorful and silent except for the few brave birds that seemed to endlessly chatter through each spin and step. After some time, the birds moved in quick circles around him, dodging one another and collecting along his arms once more and he collected himself into a bow, the birds shooting off to both sides of him and soaring overhead like an overcast cloud.
@Marx I'm going to mourn that moment for the rest of my life. I am never going to be OK again.
Haughty and prideful were very good words to describe the boy with the dark curls and the jagged jawline, he moved as if he owned everything in his path. He moved as if he could take what he didn't own and claim it before he could be challenged, he moved with grace and he moved with the eloquent precision of a true leader. He moved like a jaded king and he moved like he deserved more than just leadership, he moved like he was ready to prove that.

He was beautiful in his pride, sharp brown eyes and a curve to his lips that wasn't quite friendly, he had a calculative quality that made him appear as frozen as ice during the entirety of the speech before he realized that they were being ushered out. It registered to him slowly and he didn't look like he much cared for the statement but he didn't open his mouth to question it as he strolled into the courtyard with Aspen by his side like a trusty guard dog. He didn't open his mouth when he saw the other prince stop to inquire about the sickly looking young man and he barely blinked when the sunlight outside registered with his brain.

He did speak then, though it was a soft undertone to the knight standing at his side like a parental figure and his words were clear and precise. The kind of words that could cut through silence, the kind of voice that made people cringe to face it in a wrath. Though now it seemed somewhat calm, collected and very, very detached. It was almost frightening whenever he spoke and it nearly startled his companion but composure remained in Aspen's expression. "I should be allowed in there, shouldn't I?" he asked quietly, his voice sounded insistent as if he had an expected answer and Aspen knew the drill.

Though just because he knew it, didn't mean he'd go through with it.

"Why, of course, my lord. You're a darling at social gatherings." a quicksilver smile and dancing blue eyes. "There will be epics written to your kindness and stride to all who approach you, my dear Marion. How could anyone not love your company?"

"You're being sarcastic and I despise it." Marion blinked and sighed, a brilliant smile overcoming his face and seeming to wash away the storm clouds gathering in his eyes. "But, I suppose I should lighten up, shouldn't I? I'm surrounded in nobility, even if I have your pathetic shadow over me until Mother or Father finds a better task for you and I sure hope that's soon. I could make a friend, I could discover a love of nature, the world is in my hands today, Aspen."

"And what a lucky world it is, my lord." hummed the knight sarcastically. "Are you suggesting I leave you be to socialize? Because if you're suggesting I leave then I'd have to decline, watching you fail to make connections is my favorite side hobby."

"I'm not going to fail, I'm going to charm them. I'm quite good at that."

"Ah yes and I am the next heir to the throne, your entire life was a ruse, my lord."
Aspen Cedar Lyons

Twenty nine.

Kingdom and Position:
Knight of Erendale.


Pro/Anti Separation


+ Rain.
+ Midnight.
+ Clouds.
+ Cool air.
+ The seaside.


- Hot days.
- Forests.
- The unknown.
- Small dogs.
- Blind Maurice.

Loyal and trusting, the man is extremely good at what he does and he feels that this kingdom is his life. Often a warm hand in social endeavors and something of a shameless flirt, he's known for being a good socializer and seems to enjoy all conversation. Very good at his job though sometimes a tad lazy and disinterested, he can be found laughing with the other knights or trying to flirt with some of the commoners nearby. He seems to enjoy life and he lives it to the fullest, always trying his hardest to find happiness in every nook and cranny that he possibly can.

He's the type of person that someone had obviously once tried to qualm the excitement of and he seems to have embraced rising above that. Happy and eccentric, he makes for a good participant in all social functions and tries to tag along with every royal ball.

His father was a knight and his father before him and it only made sense for him to follow in that path. He was always goofing off however and never took his position too seriously, he seemed to get a laugh out of screwing up and his father did not. Learning to fight was never his forte and he never seemed excited about it, it just wasn't something he enjoyed but he became good at it with much practice. It took forever for him to learn the most simple duties but he rose to a head position after many, many mess ups and his father was excruciatingly proud of him but he never seemed particularly excited about his position.

He cared a lot about his kingdom though and even more about the prince and his two sisters. He grew as find of them as he would his own children, often offering to watch them when they were very young which was a huge relief to the midwife that Marion had a habit of biting as a four year old. He was extremely pleased when the oldest princess showed an interest in fighting and was glad to help her train.

Very close with Prince Marion as a child, he was somewhat disheartened when the prince became a recluse and often had show downs with the demonic growling beast of a cat when he tried to visit him.

He considers the royal family to be his own family and cares dearly for them.
@DisguisedDemon You cannot escape Blind Maurice, he's everyone's problem, Marion spoils the heck out of him.

And I'm fine w cursing! I don't do it much myself online but if you talk to me irl then I curse like a sailor.
Aspen Cedar Lyons

Twenty nine.

Kingdom and Position:
Knight of Erendale.


Pro/Anti Separation

+ Rain.
+ Midnight.
+ Clouds.
+ Cool air.
+ The seaside.

- Hot days.
- Forests.
- The unknown.
- Small dogs.
- Blind Maurice.

Loyal and trusting, the man is extremely good at what he does and he feels that this kingdom is his life. Often a warm hand in social endeavors and something of a shameless flirt, he's known for being a good socializer and seems to enjoy all conversation. Very good at his job though sometimes a tad lazy and disinterested, he can be found laughing with the other knights or trying to flirt with some of the commoners nearby. He seems to enjoy life and he lives it to the fullest, always trying his hardest to find happiness in every nook and cranny that he possibly can.

He's the type of person that someone had obviously once tried to qualm the excitement of and he seems to have embraced rising above that. Happy and eccentric, he makes for a good participant in all social functions and tries to tag along with every royal ball.

His father was a knight and his father before him and it only made sense for him to follow in that path. He was always goofing off however and never took his position too seriously, he seemed to get a laugh out of screwing up and his father did not. Learning to fight was never his forte and he never seemed excited about it, it just wasn't something he enjoyed but he became good at it with much practice. It took forever for him to learn the most simple duties but he rose to a head position after many, many mess ups and his father was excruciatingly proud of him but he never seemed particularly excited about his position.

He cared a lot about his kingdom though and even more about the prince and his two sisters. He grew as fond of them as he would his own children, often offering to watch them when they were very young which was a huge relief to the midwife that Marion had a habit of biting as a four year old. He was extremely pleased when the oldest princess showed an interest in fighting and was glad to help her train.

Very close with Prince Marion as a child, he was somewhat disheartened when the prince became a recluse and often had show downs with the demonic growling beast of a cat when he tried to visit him.

He considers the royal family to be his own family and cares dearly for them.

@DisguisedDemon Take this knight that I couldn't stop myself from making.
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