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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DisguisedDemon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was hot in the little room that always held the smaller meetings. Liam wishes that they would have gone with the big meeting room even if it will only be the Kings, Queens, children, and trusted people of the kingdom. Only a few from each kingdom could come that weren't in the royal family. The big meeting room can at least hold a breeze. Liam wipes over his forehead and turns away from the glare his mother shoots him. They're all just starting to settle in and Izzy seems to be more restless then ever. "Isabella, please sit still," their mother hisses while the king clears his throat. "Thank you all for coming today, as we know this is very important. We have a lot of problems arising in our kingdom as I'm sure there are with yours. We believe that the marrying will help with some of the problems, but we do need to discuss plans of how to stop these people who are trying to take over.

It's a while of boring talk before it seems to quiet down. "Sam, would you mind taking the kids out of the room. We have some more... pressing matters to discuss," the queen asks in her nicest voice. "Of course, miss," Sam moves from her spot against the wall and motions to Liam and Isabella. "Let's go out in to the courtyard, get some fresh air. And if all of the other royal families would like to come also that would be great. Liam knows they will be discussing wedding plans along with fighting, but it's obviously not something they want all of the younger crowd to hear. Liam gets up slowly and waits for Isabella, checking the rest of the crowd that is with them. They all seem... well, no, one seems very sick, but the rest seem normal enough. He slows down when they get to the courtyard and smiles tightly. "Are you alright?" he asks the boy who seems to not be well, he's just hoping he isn't misreading things and this guy is perfectly fine.

"So what were they going to talk about that we couldn't know?" Isabella asks loudly and Sam rolls her eyes before she can stop herself. "I mean you're all old enough to get married so what was there that we couldn't know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Haughty and prideful were very good words to describe the boy with the dark curls and the jagged jawline, he moved as if he owned everything in his path. He moved as if he could take what he didn't own and claim it before he could be challenged, he moved with grace and he moved with the eloquent precision of a true leader. He moved like a jaded king and he moved like he deserved more than just leadership, he moved like he was ready to prove that.

He was beautiful in his pride, sharp brown eyes and a curve to his lips that wasn't quite friendly, he had a calculative quality that made him appear as frozen as ice during the entirety of the speech before he realized that they were being ushered out. It registered to him slowly and he didn't look like he much cared for the statement but he didn't open his mouth to question it as he strolled into the courtyard with Aspen by his side like a trusty guard dog. He didn't open his mouth when he saw the other prince stop to inquire about the sickly looking young man and he barely blinked when the sunlight outside registered with his brain.

He did speak then, though it was a soft undertone to the knight standing at his side like a parental figure and his words were clear and precise. The kind of words that could cut through silence, the kind of voice that made people cringe to face it in a wrath. Though now it seemed somewhat calm, collected and very, very detached. It was almost frightening whenever he spoke and it nearly startled his companion but composure remained in Aspen's expression. "I should be allowed in there, shouldn't I?" he asked quietly, his voice sounded insistent as if he had an expected answer and Aspen knew the drill.

Though just because he knew it, didn't mean he'd go through with it.

"Why, of course, my lord. You're a darling at social gatherings." a quicksilver smile and dancing blue eyes. "There will be epics written to your kindness and stride to all who approach you, my dear Marion. How could anyone not love your company?"

"You're being sarcastic and I despise it." Marion blinked and sighed, a brilliant smile overcoming his face and seeming to wash away the storm clouds gathering in his eyes. "But, I suppose I should lighten up, shouldn't I? I'm surrounded in nobility, even if I have your pathetic shadow over me until Mother or Father finds a better task for you and I sure hope that's soon. I could make a friend, I could discover a love of nature, the world is in my hands today, Aspen."

"And what a lucky world it is, my lord." hummed the knight sarcastically. "Are you suggesting I leave you be to socialize? Because if you're suggesting I leave then I'd have to decline, watching you fail to make connections is my favorite side hobby."

"I'm not going to fail, I'm going to charm them. I'm quite good at that."

"Ah yes and I am the next heir to the throne, your entire life was a ruse, my lord."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 13 days ago

A few days ago, before coming to Freyea, Crix had already heard that among the discussions of war and alliances, matrimonial talks were going to be part of their visit. Oh, of course, the curious prince had already researched about who he was paired up with. Quite so fittingly, he was set to be wed off to a lass whose name was Princess Moran. She had enticing traits and an appearance that led men to think with their other hands but the prince predicted that beneath her smiles and rumours, she was an entirely different person. Everyone had a mask they wore, anyway; everyone had a mask to show others, a mask to show their family and a mask that they never want anyone to see. This third mask is the reflection of the truest identity of the person involved. However, his situation behind, Crix was more worried for his sister, Erin. They had never really talked much but just because he didn't socialize with his own kind doesn't mean that he doesn't care for them. On the contrary, Erin was probably the closest sibling he could ever hope to agree with. So, when the royal entourage was already stationed outside of the castle of Paplia, Crix took the opportunity to talk to his sister.

As the lad hobbled on a walking cane, the youngest brother met up with his sister. Before speaking, however, Crix made sure that no one was watching or near. "So, you're being married off to this prince Marion. I've done my research on him and the results didn't come as good as I had expected. He's as proud as a llama spitting at a hunter." Crix began, his voice was intermittently cut by arid coughs. "What I mean to say is... if he ever puts a dent on your face or any part of your body for that matter, tell me. And, I'll castrate him brutally until he can't walk for a year." Once more, Crix began to cough voraciously, only abating by inhaling a large amount of air. "I know we don't talk much but... you're still my sister and I.. uh..." the lad hesitated, knowing that it was out of character for him to do so. "I care for you just the same." Crix smiled genuinely, a rare occurrence, before turning his back on her. "That'll be the last time you hear that from me, Erin. Don't get used to it."


He had expected the room to be a bit more... gracious. They were more packed than a can of sardines (speciality of the invention of Paplia, thank you) but, perhaps, there was a deeper meaning to this. However, as the grown-ups began discussing the pressing matters, it couldn't be helped but to usher the younger generation out. Crix was nonchalantly disappointed, though. He believed that he was more than mature let alone smart enough to contribute to the discussion, which made it a point to believe that he was ushered out so that the royal families would be spared from his incessant coughing. Still, as he escaped from the hall, his illness got the better of him, his lips opening in silent agony as his coughs were becoming more brutal as time passed by. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, apparently asking the state of his health.

"Ah, prince Liam. Worry not about me." Crix straightened himself on his cane. "I'm fine." Crix forced a smile before wiping his lips with a small cloth. Well, he couldn't escape now. "Your kingdom is wonderful but a bigger meeting room would have been splendid." the prince muttered amidst some small hacks and gurgles. His eyes darted over to the prince just a few feet away from them... it was prince Marion. Crix's eyes dilated in annoyance at the older prince's appearance; he practically oozed arrogance with the way he strode and walked. Heck, Crix didn't even need to do research if he had seen Marion at an earlier period of time. Due to this seething disappointment at the man who his sister was suppose to marry, Crix couldn't help but click his tongue. However, he wasn't here to fight or bicker with his counterparts. He needed to establish some sort of... alliance with them. His gaze turned over to prince Liam, his counterpart host, and smiled gently.

"Our parents, huh? Marrying us off to the other princes and princesses without our approval. But, then again, they never needed our approval." Crix chuckled lightly, a slight cough escaping his lips. "Who did you get as your lucky bride?" the sickly prince turned to his host.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 9 days ago

Nicholas had been sitting in between his sister and parents during the preceding of the meeting. If he was honest with himself, Nicholas really didn't want to be here. But because he was not one to neglect his responsibilities he came with no fuss. He had been aware of the growing tension and impending threat to his kingdom, and was glad that they were meeting here to discuss. Nicholas looked around the room and saw the other princes and princesses, he knew most of them by name but his sister had actually made more of an effort to be friends. He did not quite get how to handle his impending marriage; he had never met the girl before and did not know much about her, and the only thing his sister had said was that she was a good person, that helped him a lot.

He walked outside close to his sister, not wanting to bump into any one. Once in the court yard he looked at her. "Do you see her? I'd like to know what she looks like." He looked around and saw some familiar faces, but didn't know who to talk to. He always thought that it was easier to deal with animals than other people. Animals never had any malicious intent, and if they did ant to kill you, an animal would let you know. While humans are a mess of emotion and underlying lies and truths, it is to much, he likes things plane and simple and on the table. Now he had to deal with politics and marriages, what fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lili watched from a balcony as everyone filed out into the courtyard. She'd planned on being fashionably late to the meeting, but it seemed that the royal children were relocating, and so her lateness now afforded her a chance to look over the familiar and not-so-familiar faces.

There was Prince Liam, of course, the person she'd seen the most during her days at court. Next to him was... Crux? No, Crix. Prince of Paplia, if she remembered correctly. She'd never quite gotten to speak to him, despite having been to Paplia's capital thrice.

Then there was... him. Nicholas Moran, her betrothed from this day on. He was the only one that Lili had never seen in person, only knowing his face from a portrait. She looked him over curiously, taking in his movements and expressions.

Well... he's not bad to look at. I was worried the portrait might have been designed to flatter, but... No, the only difference was in his face. The Nicholas in the portrait looked much like every other royal who'd been sitting in one place for hours, but out here he seems far gentler, almost nervous. He's certainly looking around as if there were a wolf among the crowd.

She shrugged, and headed for the stairs to join the group. No sense making them wait.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mindpalace
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mindpalace Inside Your Head

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Still a little in shock at the fact that her brother had been so kind, and really that he'd acknowledged her presence-he said he cared for her!-she was a little more floaty then she should have been, not as in control of herself as she'd like, especially as she was faced with the other young royals. And, considering what Crix had told her, she should be rather more careful around her newly betrothed.

Swallowing nervously, she decided to not completely disregard the warning, but put it aside. The possibility that he might hit her that is. She'd make up her mind once she'd met him. Surely he wasn't so bad. Scanning the various faces to see if she could spot him, she saw Prince Liam talking to her brother, and the other one...Nicholas? Yes, with his sister.

Then, she spotted him, standing apart from the others, but not alone. Prince Marion was standing alongside someone that looked amused at whatever he was saying.
"Well...shouldn't delay introducing myself." Steeling herself, she smiled and approached him. Perhaps, when she figured out what wouldn't annoy him, they could get along nicely. Until then...She curtsied, and met his eyes with a polite smile.
"Hello Prince Marion. My name, is Princess Erin. I believe that we are to be betrothed?" Turning to the man beside him, she inclined her head in greeting. "And you are?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Princess Violette Moran

Her face hurt! Throughout the whole thing, she had remained an indiscriminate, little ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark proceeding. The same smile she had put on at the start had stayed plastered to her face and although Violette loved nothing more than smiling, her face muscles were begging her just to frown for once in her life. Of course, she politely declined and continued to cast her eyes around the room. Most of the nobility were present except for Nicholas' betrothed - Lady Lili. Of course, Violette very nearly died when she heard that. She had always held Lili in high regard and if there was anyone she trusted to look after the innocent creature that was her older brother, it was Lili.

Finally, they were told to up and leave the negotiating room and make their way to another room. As she walked, she linked arms with Nicholas and let him guide her down - she knew that Lady Lili had never met her brother before so seeing him being a gentleman would at least help with the first impressions. "Do you see her? I'd like to know what she looks like." Looking around, Violette allowed another happy smile to curl her lips upwards; Nicholas had always been so shy and outwardly refused to mix with anyone his own age and now he was to be married. Although she felt a small twinge of nervousness for her older brother, she couldn't help but be excited - he would make an excellent king in the future and she had no doubt that his children would be as good as he was.

"Patience, Brother! Take my word for it, she'll be the most delicate flower you've ever laid your good eyes upon!"

Finally, she caught sight of her brother's betrothed descending the stairs. It was as she said - Lili was beautiful in most regards. Tugging her brother along, she guided him to the base of the stairs before politely withdrawing her arm and turning to him. As her eyes raised to his, she smiled and lifted her gentle fingers, idly fixing his collar then his hair before she stepped back. "Just be yourself. That should be more than enough!" With that, she turned, gave a brief curtsey to Lili and left the two to themselves.

Letting a relieved sigh escape her lips, she stalked to the edges of the room and allowed herself a quick period of rest against the pillar. Violette knew who she was to marry but she had tried to ignore the curiosity that had welled up inside her when she first laid eyes upon him. She had promised herself that she would sort Nicholas out first before she even tended to herself but now that that was done, she was uncertain of what to do next.

If she wanted to keep her cards close to her chest, she would wait for him to approach her but when she saw how fragile he looked as he leaned against his cane, she couldn't help but feel guilty for that thought. Violette was a social creature, it was true, but the idea of marriage wasn't exactly an appealing one - for that, she would be smuggled off to some foreign place and although she would eventually form her own family and earn the love of the people there, it would never be the same.

Violette had heard of Prince Crix and all his deeds but when she looked at him, she couldn't help but let some dark thoughts creep into her mind. If he was as weak as a babe at the height of his youth then surely age would only add turmoil to that. Their marriage would be a blessing between their two kingdoms but what of her feelings? Was it a curse? Marriage with him could be a chain around her; children might be an impossibility and with his failing health, she could be a young widow, forever locked to a dead man.

No, I can't think like that! He's probably very nice and deserves at least some companionship. Plus, it's not like I actually have a choice.

Gulping down some air, Violette put on a kind smile and slid out from the pillar, casting her eyes around the room until she found the person she was looking for. Still smiling happily, she padded forward - Violette didn't have the eloquence that other ladies could boast of but she was undeniably gorgeous, even if she looked a little weak-minded. Finally, she reached the two princes and smiled softly before dipping down into a curtsey.

"Prince Liam, Prince Crix." She murmured in greeting, looking at the older prince before turning her gaze towards Crix. He was good looking but she sensed a slight mistrust in him. Smiling brightly, she cocked her head to the side as she stared at him. "I am Princess Violette Moran; your betrothed."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 9 days ago


After his sister had left him there with Lili, Nicholas put on a nervous smile, and rubbed the back of his neck at the awkwardness between the two.

Why!? Why did she just leave me here with some girl I don't even know. Viollett always did this to me, making me do stuff I don't want to, and now I had to deal with this. She was the girl I was supposed to marry, not just some random chick. What if she doesn't like me? I mean do you have to like someone to marry them. What if she thought I was ugly? I mean I have been told I'm handsome but still, this was Lady Lili, a girl his own age. Ughh, to much to deal with. Is it to late to go home.

Nicholas looked at Lili in the eye."Ummmm....Hello Lady Lili, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." He didn't quite know how to approach the situation and waited for her to act.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The courtyard was beautiful. She had to admit that, but she hated it on site. She never went into the room with her parents. She hated politics and she would prefer not to see the guy that she was supposed to marry until it was necessary. Also, her parents knew she would cause a ruckus. She just plopped down on the edge of small blocked garden area and set her chin on the palm of her hand. Wild brunette strands flew from her braid as she watched the door, waiting for the others to come out. She turned to Aqua, who was sitting right next to her, and smiled at the younger girl. "You're lucky you little brat," she said affectionately, grabbing Aqua's soft hand in her own calloused one. "You don't have to deal with this. You can still be carefree and happy, while I have to succumb to the bonds of marriage and trust." Ares made a slight gagging noise before facing forward once more.

The little red head nodded, smiling tightly. Her thin lips were just slightly curved up from an almost straight line. Little did her elder sister know that Aqua would prefer to be in her position. Aqua turned her head away from her to see her brother now walking out with a knight, following two princes. She narrowed her eyes, looking closely. The knight looked familiar, but she couldn't put a face to a name. She sighed and folded her hands in front of her. She would not be a disturbance to anyone. She was taught only to speak when spoke to and only to do actions when commanded.

Ares turned as the others began making their way out. Dark brown eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on a blond boy, Prince Liam. A dark eyebrow raised, Ares scanned over her newly betrothed. He was handsome, but he was much to pretty to be straight. Hell, she was much too manly to be straight either, so who was she to judge? Still... he looked interesting. There was something different about how he walked... how he acted. It was quite intriguing, the details behind why they were chosen for each other and not anyone else.

Slim fingers interwoven, Ares stood up and immediately chuckled to herself. She was curious what her prince would think when she walked over. Would he think her a feminine man or a manly woman? She was wearing her hunting gear, as per usual when she traveled. She had on a dark black shirt and supple brown leather boots with the bottoms of her dark brown pants tucked into the top. She was not one of wearing frilly ball gowns. There was nothing her parents could do about it. They knew she would just ignore their orders and do what she wanted. She even had her own sword on her hip. She smiled and began to make her way toward him. In that moment, she wished that she had a hat, to tuck under her arm in respect so they thought she was man and there would even be more surprise on their face.

Aqua, on the other hand, was dressed in a nice violet gown and was everything Ares hated: long, frilly, and large. She had her hair done up in a bun atop her head with curl tendrils hanging down around her face, framing the angular beauty. In all honestly, she looked like a princess where her sister looked like a prince at the moment. Her ruffled skirt completely consumed her figure to where she looked like a big ball of fluff. Aqua sighed and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. This would be so much easier if it was her. Aqua hated decisions and she felt that Ares was lucky that she was having who she wed chosen for her. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she signed deeply and sat in silence.

Ares, meanwhile, walked over to the three princes now standing by Liam and bowed deeply, biting her tongue as she did. "Greetings, fair princes." Her dark eyes turned to Liam. She smiled carefully, dipping her head to him. "I believe that you and I are to be wed." Ares smiled a wicked grin at Liam. "I am Princess Ares Chara of Erendale. I am your betrothed." She smiled softly, looking at the ground. This was more than fun for her. She felt it was almost like fighting. You hate the concept of hurting someone, but once you do, it's thrilling and uncontainable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Cold brown eyes found the princess before him, they were unwavering and they seemed to assess her far too closely. He was taking in every inch of her, pressing to find details that he might have missed prior and he didn't quite seem ready to talk again. He was taking her in, she was beautiful in a way that befit her status with tresses of dark hair and a softness to her features. It made him think that she might be mousy or the quiet observant type and both were quaint traits, ones that didn't contrast his fiery moods too much but then again- with a flash of irritation, he tossed his assumptions southward. He couldn't go assuming things because for all he knew, she could be the wickedest witch in the kingdom. He kept an impassive expression at all times, it looked as if he were constantly disinterested or as if he had better things to consider.

He shifted his weight slightly when she curtsied and straightened his spine out of his half-lounging position and fluently bowed over one arm. It was graceful and so practiced that it nearly seemed dishonest in how he presented it. He met her eyes, his smile was secretive and almost bemused, it also didn't seem sincere and it didn't quite meet his eyes. His eyes were a dead give away to his constant state of disconnection and it was almost discomforting to be stuck under the full force of them."Princess Erin, I've only heard good things." he spoke with an assuredness, as if he knew her all too well. "It'll be a pleasure to serve at your side, I've never considered marriage, I was always convinced I would rule on my own,"

His mouth curved downward when he spoke the words and something seem to flash in his eyes for a split second and it was like watching a storm roll in from seemingly nowhere. It broke his composed demeanor for a split second. It disappeared into another slightly plussed smile, the smile of a petulant infant who knew that he had long since lost the battle and would be forced into time out whether he'd like it or not. With that smile in place like a mask to hide the raging hurricane behind his eyes, he glanced to the knight at his side. A sturdy man with ice blue eyes and rumpled brown hair, who looked eternally amused by something, though it was impossible to tell what.

"And this is Aspen, he's a knight in our court. A knight who never leaves me alone, though I couldn't imagine why he feels the need to watch me as if I was naught but a child." murmured the prince, narrowing his eyes. "I rather find his company distasteful."

"And you are quite the charmer, my lord. I've never been quite so flattered by an introduction." Aspen bowed gallantly before the princess and offered her a brilliant smile. "Aspen Cedar Lyons. My father was a fan of trees and well, I- not so much. You look stunning, my lady, I've not seen a sight so great. The prince is very lucky to be betrothed to one of your status and grace."

"I can talk without your help." snapped Marion. "Do you not have anything to be doing?"

Aspen laughed brightly and arched his eyebrows to the young man, "I do not. I would much rather overview your lovely speaking etiquette with our beautiful princess. You might scare her away without me here."

"Go." his voice was an octave away from yelling and it seemed to register to the knight at his side. "I'd rather get to know her on my own, so if you wouldn't mind."

A pointed glance towards the door and Aspen gave a sigh. "Yes, my lord. You were more fun when you were younger, my lord." a warm glance was spared to the princess. "Be careful with this one, my lady. I'll be back in some time when he has gotten over his fit."


"Leaving, my lord, my lady." a fluid bow and the knight took off to overview the courtyard near the door, straightening his shoulders and watching the royalty interact before him. He could recognize a few but no one he knew well enough to bother, it was going to be a long, boring time of standing and watching.

"I'm sorry for him, he can be a pain. He thinks he's my personal knight and he aggravates me for lack of a better word. He thinks he knows what's best and he doesn't." a soft sigh, a shake of his head. "Tell me about yourself, Erin."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DisguisedDemon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Liam's doubtful of Crix's assurances of his health, he's still coughing and seeming to have trouble breathing. "Well, if you say," he's going to say more, but Violette shows up at that time. She's a pretty girl, but she seems a little... Different to Liam. "Princess Violette, a pleasure to see you." Of course he knows who every person in this courtyard is. Except the knight from the other kingdom, he has no idea who came in with Prince Marion. He's seen portraits of the others, but he's not expecting Princess Ares to arrive how she does. She looks so different to her portrait he'd seen and he stumbles back a step when he realizes who she is.

"Ah, Princess Ares, yes, it's... Very nice to see you," his eyes scan her wardrobe and he can hear Izzy snickering behind him. "I see you're prepared for battle, but I doubt anyone is going to attack us while we are here." He smiles gently and glances back at his sister whose still giggling lightly, although now she's covering her mouth at least. "I'm sorry, Princess. That wasn't very welcoming. I hope everything today has been to your standard. I know the room is a bit small, it's only used for small groups, we have a bigger meeting room, but this was a very private matter.

Isabella listens for a while to her brother attempting to speak with the Princess. She doesn't know why he tries so hard, he doesn't even like females. Although, Ares does seem to be much less female then her sister. Speaking of, she seems rather bored sitting at a table alone. Izzy considers going to speak with her, but gets sidetracked as the knight with Prince Marion moves away from his side. "Excuse me, sir. It must be terrible frustrating with a prince like that. Very few manners."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 13 days ago

It was obvious that the host prince was doubtful of Crix's constitution. Well, who wouldn't be? He was the only monarch here with a walking cane for Maker's sake! Besides, the other princes and princesses were all jovial and confident in their strides whilst Crix was coughing like he was on the brink of death... figuratively, of course (he hopes). However, before he could remark on that thought, his attention was caught by an approaching princess. Initially, Crix paid no real heed to her approach but as her visage grew more steadily clear, the paplian prince knew that it was a big mistake to not have noticed her earlier. It was Princess Violette Moran, his betrothed! As his eyes set upon her figure, Crix couldn't help but feel that his throat became dry, unable to spout anything of his calibre. Although the aforementioned princess carried little elegance in her movements as compared to her counterparts, she was beautiful-- no, beautiful was an understatement, she was dazzling! No, this wasn't desire or lust. It was something more: admiration.

As he stared at her welcomed approach, a thought eased its way into the sickly prince's mind: why wasn't he coughing yet? Crix almost felt bad that he was to be wed with a princess of this level of beauty; she could have easily gotten to one of his brothers who could offer her more than what Crix was capable of. Sure, he had seen her portraits in the past but those painted canvases could have never prepared him for such an alluring persona that now stood and introduced herself to them.

Crix nodded in response, doing the only thing he could do at the moment when all his senses, for the first time, were unable to keep up with his sight: he smiled. It took a while for the prince to get back to 'professional' mode but once he did, the cold visage of the paplian inventor returned. "Princess Violette." Crix returned the greeting, taking advantage of the moment of peace where he wasn't coughing like a madman, and took the woman's hand in his before planting a subtle kiss on the back of her palm. It was a good thing that he wasn't coughing because the last time he did that, he coughed on one of the visitor's hands... so, not the ideal event for an alliance. Crix straightened himself once more, looking at his betrothed. Supposedly, this was the part where he was suppose to flatter her but, to hell with that, Crix was not one for flattery. "You're beautiful." he said, ever so straightforward and sincere. He had been one to say things on his mind and he was not going to go back on his nature.

However, as more and more people arrived at their location, his illness began to come back. "Princess." Crix began with a small grin. "While I'd want to know you better, would it be okay for us to transfer to another location? I don't really do well in a crowd." the prince confessed amidst some small coughs here and there. "Besides, it might be a good time for me to explore my neighbouring kingdoms. I haven't been to Freyea until now. Or, rather, I haven't been outside of Paplia..." his voice eventually lowered. "Actually, I haven't been outside the castle walls... until now."

He felt bad now. Crix and Violette were polar opposites; monarchs living on the opposite ends of the spectrum. He felt small compared to all of them but, then again, these thoughts were chained to his mind and no one could now that he was insecure. Heck, even his own sister thought that he was as proud as his inventions were. He had to be strong for his kingdom, for his parents, for his siblings, and for his own dignity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mindpalace
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mindpalace Inside Your Head

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Watching the prince and his knight interact with interest, she couldn't help but inhale sharply the first time she saw his mask slip. It was just a second, but the anger that twisted his face was violently clear. Still, she kept a pleasant expression on her face even as she was scrutinizing her betrothed, grey eyes meeting brown. A shiver ran down her back when he raised his voice, because it still retained some of that dangerous softness. Dismay washed over her, and she felt a shadow of unease, recalling what her brother had told her. But she didn't have anymore time to think as the knight bid her farewell, and left to converse with the other royals.

"About myself?" She thought for a second, unsure of what to say. What could interest him about her? Hesitating, she regretted not finding out anything about him. I always think ahead. Always! Why not this time? Berating herself, she answered, "Well... I do enjoy reading, as well as a bit of writing sometimes, although I don't consider myself very good at it." She shook her head with a smile.. "I don't find myself that interesting, really." Seeing as no one else ever has. Her smile grew tight, but she pushed her feelings down for the moment. Mustn't make a bad impression after all, and she was sure if she let her emotions spill over it wouldn't end well. But, she tilted her head questioningly and smiled. "What about yourself?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hm... And what a delightful sister he has.

Lili returned Violette's curtsy and turned to Nicholas with a gentle smile on her lips. He seemed even more nervous now that they were face to face, but putting him at ease would be a simple task for one as experienced in grace and etiquette as she was.

"The pleasure is all mine, dear prince. And how are you liking Freyea thus far? I know it could hardly be any more different from your homeland, but we have made every effort to ensure your comfort here."

Even as she spoke to him, though, Lili watched Princess Ares from the corner of her eye. It was hard not to simply turn away and stare at Erendale's princess; after all, her confident bearing and rough dress made her resemble a warrior more than a socialite... something Lili had always wished to be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


The knight had taken a stance with an erect spine and an hawk eyed stare into the crowd of royals interacting but when the young lady approached him, he smiled brilliantly to her. She was beautiful herself and he recognized her as Princess Isabelle, he had seen her at other social functions and the like, though he'd never spoken to her personally. There was never any reason to bother the royals outside of his own kingdom, he found that many didn't appreciate a knight who spoke out of way and without reason. He'd been reprehended a few times by his father for trying to speak with queens from other courts but since she had approached him by herself, he guessed it wouldn't hurt to talk with her. She wasn't any of the betrothed which meant she was either very young or very unfortunate as far as eagerness to marry off children went.

He was very close to the Charra's, absolutely loved them and held them to a much higher pedestal than his father. The king had only ever treated him kindly, especially when he'd been so willing to try to shape Prince Marion into a more humble prince. Though any and all of his efforts had been wasted on the prideful prince, he had cared enough to try and it had often gotten him into the bulk of the prince's wrath. Though Marion was not much of a talker when he was furious, he had blade edged words and he liked to break things, he'd once taken a swing at Aspen but Aspen had sidestepped it. The prince had never tried again but it was easy to see in his eyes that he wished to do much worse sometimes.

It was hard to tell with Marion, it was hard to tell anything with Marion. He was often very closed off and fuming, something was always irking him and his hatred for the poor was out of pure greed. He wanted everything but he hadn't worked for any of it. Marion was a selfish child and he always had been, Aspen had often asked the king if he was worried about Marion's reign but there had never been much comment. He supposed the prince would make a fine king someday but not a wise king or a fair king, he was too volatile and bloodthirsty.

Shaking free of his thoughts, he realized the princess had gotten close to him. He found himself bowing fluently before her, he even offered her a slightly amused smile when she spoke. "My lady," he greeted her warmly and gave a soft laugh. "The prince is um- rather nervous, I think. He's never been much of a socialite and the crowds might be causing him problems. I only came to offer him my company and to keep him from boasting of his ego."

Ice blue eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement and he gave a shake of his head. "Though I fear that he may need protection from himself with that temper of his, I've been banished from his side until further notice." he arched his eyebrows to the young lady. "My lady, I didn't even offer my name. My apologies, you can refer to me as Aspen or Sir Lyons, if you would be pleased to."

Prince Marion.

The prince watched the princess before him, noticing every slight shift in her expression as he had been speaking with his knight. He noticed some kind of unease and he tucked it away for a moment, hid it behind his warm smile and cold eyes. He had always liked talking to some extent, found himself to be very social when he was feeling gracious but today he was sort of drained. It may have been the atmosphere, the nervous tension and the need to put on a mask of pure collection. Amongst royals, he had to be viewed as one of high status and maturity, one who could handle being smashed in a very small room with very many people.

He had to exude calm as well as arrogance, to never doubt himself and to appear like he took in everything that was said and gave away nothing. It was the only thing that had ever made people admire him, his silence and cold detachment made him appear as if he'd had years of training in royal etiquette and it made people fear him. He loved to be feared more than anything and he loved the looks that he got, as if people were angry that he'd gathered such confidence over the years. He found it utterly amusing and he tried to keep himself from laughing each time someone had told him that his arrogance was shameful. He couldn't help being proud.

He was a prince, after all.

"I write as well," he spoke in a slight undertone, his writing embarrassed him, it was the only thing that he refrained from showing off. He'd never shown anyone in his family, he couldn't imagine ever trying to read those epics to Ares. He could nearly assure himself that she would find it hysterical and he'd never been very close to his younger sister, though Aqua was a darling and he knew that she cared for them all, he couldn't think of how to be brotherly. He'd never been a good older brother to Ares and he'd never been interested in her penchant for battle, he didn't understand why she wanted to go make a knight of herself but he respected her ambition. It was a trait they shared. They were both ambitious but his ambition was better put towards being a king someday.

"Poetry," he admitted blandly and still looked embarrassed somehow, it was the first genuine humble emotion to flicker on his face but it was wiped away with a shrug. "I have a cat and I adore lore, there's something about old fables that intrigues me. I like the stories and the fiends. I used to like studying literature, though I don't do it much anymore. What is your family like?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ares smirked at his surprised stumble and her slim fingers gently rested over the hilt of her sword as he began talking about her looks. She smiled down at the ground when he said "prepared for battle". Taking it more as a compliment than an insult, Ares dipped her head respectfully to the prince. "Where I come from," Ares purred, "it is actually a compliment to say that you are prepared for war." Ares noticed his sister drift off to talk to a knight, leaving Ares alone with her betrothed.

"I find everything quite comfortable," Ares responded to his question. Her hand fell from the hilt of her sword and she crossed her arms across her chest. "Though if I am to stay here much longer, I will need practice time in your guards' training ring. I do not want my skills to fall rusty." She eyed him carefully. "You and I could possibly spar, if you're up for it." She shifted closer, a pretty smile on her face as she traced two finger over his chest. "But I must warn you. I can be a little... aggressive in my efforts to win." She smiled flirtaously and stepped back.

She saw a younger lady looking at her while she spoke with another young prince. Slyly, Ares dropped a wink in Lili's direction before catching her lower lip between her teeth and whistling. A high pitched whistle sounded through the air for a brief moment, before it was followed by the sound of a birdcall. Smiling brightly, Ares held up her arm and it was now noticed that a leather glove covered her arm almost all the way up to her elbow. She stood there, completely still for a moment, before a beautiful tawny falcon landed on her arm. She smiled as the falcon rubbed her shoulder with its head before turning its silver eyes to Liam.

"Prince, this is Silver," Ares said proudly. "She was staying with my horse back in the stables, though I cannot leave her for too long." She stroked the top of Silver's head, and the bird made a clicking noise similar to a purr. Ares smiled softly before looking back up at the prince. "You do not fear birds correct? I apologize if you do, for they are magnificent creatures." Silver, being a weird bird that she is, reached around master's head and picked up her braid in her mouth. Ares cringed as she pulled, but she did not do anything about the bird who thought her braid was a mouse.

"Do you have any pets?" Ares asked him, looking at him curiously. He did not seem like the kind of guy who would like animals, though if he did, it seemed he would have a very girly one, like a parakeet.

Aqua noticed that Princess Isabella made a move toward her to talk to her, but got cut off by... Aspen! That's what his name was. Aqua smiled as her brother's guard began talking to the young princess and she herself stood up.

She proceeded to walk around the courtyard, looking up at the sky. It was beautiful outside, though tension was heavy in the air between all the royals. Whether it was sexual or otherwise, she didn't know. All she knew is you could cut it with a spoon. She proceeded to watch the royals as they talked, standing silently by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 9 days ago

"I have been very comfortable here, and Freyea is still as beautiful as ever."

He did not know what else to say, and the formality of the situation was killing him. She did seem distracted though, Nicholas must have not been interesting enough. He looked around and then decided to say something. " So how do you feel about the situation in our kingdoms.

He saw his sister talking to Prince Liam and someone he did not know, but had seen before, Prince Crix. She was to marry him, as her brother he only hoped that she was ok other there by herself. Naw she will be find.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mindpalace
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mindpalace Inside Your Head

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

At the question of family, Erin glanced over quickly at her brother before looking back at the prince. There was no way he could know about the...the incident. But she couldn't help feeling like everyone knew, no matter how irrational it seemed. She knew she should forget all about it as well, but she just couldn't get past how people would look at her, standing beside her parents and raise their eyebrows. It was subtle, but every time, it became harder to dismiss. She smiled however, and nodded towards Crix, who was talking to his betrothed. She hoped it was going well for him.

"That's one of my brothers over there, Prince Crix. He's practically a genius. Well, is a genius really. Doesn't talk to me, or any of us very much really, but still." She sighed and her eyes softened wistfully. "I'd really like to get along with him better. It's wierd isn't it. Being the oldest, I would've thought I'd get along with most of them better then I do now."
Shaking her head, she chuckled softly and shrugged. "Knowing that someone cares for you...Well it's nice to feel but I'd rather like to see it every day. Or maybe that's just me." Cutting herself off before she started rambling, she cleared her throat and continued talking about her family. Starting to cry in front of all these people would be humiliating, absolutely mortifying, not to mention crushing any hopes she could've had about making a good impression on her betrothed. Although, that's not to say Marion hadn't already formed an opinion on her. Probably that she was a babbling fool.

"Well, then there's the twins. They're both absolutely obsessed with hunting and sword fighting. I think it's their only hobby." Even though she said it drily, her mouth still curved into a smile as she thought fondly of their almost always messy hair and bright eyes. Always excited about something and running around as if their only goal was to cause absolute chaos. And to think, they were older then Crix, yet more immature in thought by years.

"So. How about you? What's your sister like?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Prince Marion.

"Sisters," he amended gently, thoughtfully as he glanced to Ares with her tumbling dark hair and her dark brown eyes, she had a jagged smile and she had a sharpness about her. Ares was a wolf of a girl, constantly fighting with teeth and claws and ready to tear apart all that who challenged her, she was someone who lived to her name sake, a fighter in all rights of the word. She was clever and wicked, knew how to work things to her advantage and Marion never worried about her. She might as well have been his twin for the closeness in persona that they seemed to share, not to mention that they looked to be cut from the same cloth, thick dark hair and intense brown eyes. Ares was interesting.

She always had been, her warrior nature made for quite the character and he was proud to call her family. "Ares is tougher than me," a laugh that seemed genuine for a moment and he cracked a grin that lit up his eyes. "She could destroy anyone who thwarted her in less than a moment, she's a masterful swordsman and she could never be known as delicate. She's full of thunder- It's unbelievable! When were younger, I was scared of her knight training, I thought- well, I guess I can't challenge her because she would have beheaded me."

The laugh was more fluid now, seeming to ripple from his chest and roll in gasping waves for a moment as if he found hilarity in his sister completely beating him to a pulp. It was funny to him, she had always been stronger than anybody in that house. She was brute and still somehow so gorgeous, he admired her dearly for that. "Ares is going to be a powerful queen one day though I was convinced she might join the royal guard instead for such a long time. I was never much of a brother to her- I wonder if she even thinks fondly of me." his expression sobered and he turned his glance to his younger sister and where she stood alone. Aqua had always been gentle and that had lead Marion to strange silences around her, he didn't want to lash out at her, she was still so young and she let people push her around. Sometimes he had to step in and talk to his parents privately when their orders became overbearing because Aqua let them tell her what to do.

It was awful and he couldn't help but wanting to protect her from the world. She was much too docile and she would let everything bite her if someone didn't stand in front of her. Unlike allusive Ares, he knew that Aqua cared for him because she seemed to care for everyone. Her kind nature made her warm to him, even when he was cycling one of his horrible moods. He'd only ever snapped at her, he'd never given one of his ruthless rampages to her, he didn't have the heart to. "Aqua is gentle, I'm often worried of who she might marry. She doesn't think for herself, she lets the world control her and it is something terrible. I wish for her to find contentment, and maybe a backbone, but she has time."

He looked somber for a long moment before he blinked and it was replaced by indifference again, his mouth flattening into a line. "But I don't think of them much." he snorted sharply, "They don't need me and I don't need them, I'm the oldest, I'm a respectable prince, I-" he swallowed thickly and folded his arms, his voice had broke an octave and he sounded like he was hurt.

He had even turned his head away very quickly. "Do you have any pets? My lovely cat Blind Maurice is a darling. I love him to pieces."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Obelix watched the sunrise from the quarter deck, shinning in bright hues of orange, red and along with the yellow that would illuminate the world once again. Giving breath of a new day to people and beast alike, but for the Imperial Prince it would be another day at sea coming to a new land in the hopes of forging new alliances and trade routes. He didn't fear what these people would do to him because if they did act rashly his father and the entire might of the Vidalen Empire would stir, which in itself was a troubling thought even to him. But he had high hopes for this mission seeing as the heir apparent himself was coming that they'd see it as a gesture of good will and be hope that takes of peace would take place. For now though he took in the soothing smell of the sea, that was until on the horizon the new lands had been pointed out. Time of relaxation was over and give way to his actual duties. Exhaling a sigh before he bit into a sharp white. "The time has come."

Standing upon the quarter deck as Phoenix embroidered into the ships masts disappeared as they drifted into port. As to be expected his arrival was news to behold as most of the people in the harbor stared in shock seeing a foreign ship floating to make dock. According to policy he let his ship be searched when they'd docked, besides the sailors, a small contingent of military personal for his own protection and a plethora of welcoming gifts he was let in with welcome arms. Obelix thought it strange they'd let him in so easily but he'd forgo the notion for now.

"Destination and reason?" The marshal had presumed to ask. More on edge than the harbor master especially for some reason.

"The Royal castle and to establish diplomacy and trade with the royals of this land." Fortune was smiling on him. These people spoke one of the languages of the empire.

"You and four men." Gruff and hard nosed as the old marshal was he didn't see any reason why Obelix and a part of his crew could go to the royals. But only under light escort and under the attention of the local guards. A reasonable demand and took it willingly. Two of his men hauling a chest as an initial token of good faith.

While the countryside was beautiful he could say for these people, lush and green but compared with his homeland it was nothing. Then again such thoughts would be in their heads if they came to his lands. Never the less his stride didn't waver, his approach growing closer seeing the royal gates along with guards outlining the perimeter. Something was happening... Or at least we could be made out seeing this many guards. Stopping at the gate holding a parchment, sealed with his fathers ring. Handing to the chief of the watch, who looked at it for a minute and then back to Obelix. Studying the foreign prince before allowing a nod to let him and his guards pass by.

As Obelix approach the inner workings of the castle under watch of the guards he could her voices talking. Seeing as they were the royals or at least the heirs perhaps. His black cloak fluttered as he walked, trimmed in gold and red. His steps along with that of his men had been in-sync, allowing only one solid step to be heard as they approached. Reaching their destination they saw a room which consisted of nobility and the like. Feeling the stares at him which was to be obviously expected, but shook his head slightly seeing that their envoy had clearly never made it to the castle. "Gamó̱to den to kánei."

Staring for a moment, trying to figure out who to even address between all these younger individuals. Well all save one were younger, the armored knight looked older than he was. It proved fruitless though, all of them looked the type. So now what? Since he couldn't figure out who was in charge among this rabble he'd have to make a wide gesture.

"I'm the Imperial Prince and Heir of the Vidalen Empire. Obelix Vidales. Here to establish diplomacy, trade and possibly a beneficial alliance. To whom am I speaking to engage in these talks or at least give me the courtesy to speak with who's in charge." Gesturing with his left hand that held only three fingers, a gift of what the last war had done to him. His speech clearly accented but carried his pronunciation with flawless procession. Glancing among the rooms occupants, seeing who'd heed his call first. As he did the chest containing a preemptive gift of gold and silver was set down, but the guards themselves still in perfect stature awaiting for an order or action.
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