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Hello hello! Welcome and your character looks splendid! 8) I look forward to her joining in the fun!
Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - The Place To Be.

"I suck at names, darling. Completely my bad!" he had a good laugh, genuine and warm despite the fact that he'd messed up and he whipped out his notepad. Scribbling in the man's name and table number, he added in the order with flourish and he couldn't help but wondering why so many good things had happened upon the man's entrance. He didn't stop to think about it before, it hadn't occurred to him that maybe it hadn't been a coincidence and he didn't have much time to think about it as the new customer entered. He was another face that Adrien recognized though only vaguely and he glanced back to Jason with a winning smile. Trying to push his sudden interest away and focus on getting this order to the back, he shuffled through his own thoughts briefly.

Why am I worrying about this guy? He doesn't know about the power I have. He doesn't know anything about me. I'm just some blue eyed waiter who keeps calling him endearments-honestly. If he knew I could disappear like a bad magicians act then I'd be a little screwed in the normal department.

"I'll get that out to you in a New York minute, you just hang tight, dear." he said with an easy, breezy tone as he hustled over to the window and hung the order up and gave the order wheel a spin before tucking a strand of white blond hair behind his ear and making his way to the next table. The man had a K-name, he thought that it might be Kyle but he wasn't quite sure and he'd already made an idiot of himself once today so he just thought he'd stick to calling him nothing and feigning no knowledge of his mysterious name.

"Welcome to Mary's, can I get you anything?" he asked pleasantly, brandishing his notepad. "We have a special on the Cob salad if you're interested, darling."
@Chulance I'll work the thought into my next reply and I'm sorry, I was very much just waking up when I typed that reply and my brain decided he was Justin. He'll definitely get his name right in the next one, lmao. 8)
@Chulance Getting Jason's name wrong was the biggest accident in my existence and I didn't even catch it. RIP me. At least it seems realistic, maybe Adrien sucks w names.
Prince Marion

"Excuse me, Princess Erin. Aqua-Aqua keep her company-" he said in startled befuddlement as Aqua begin to push him towards his younger sister, her betrothed, a beautiful young woman and an estranged prince. He couldn't help but find the strange prince to be somewhat beautiful himself but he made good on not commenting, there were plenty of beautiful people here and now was not the time to become entranced by some foreigner. He wasn't of the kingdoms and that much was certain, he hadn't been paired with any of the ladies and yet he had interrupted as if he belonged here. He'd made a show of his entrance and Marion had settled for ignoring him until Aqua had darted over like a bat out of hell. Aqua was only looking to keep Ares from being foolish but he never cared much for how foolish Ares wished to be.

It was in her nature to fight and challenge and he knew that. Who was he to challenge her nature?

It wasn't his concern if Ares wished to battle with the strange man, he wasn't responsible for her actions and he hated when he was counted on to try to hold her back. Ares could tear him apart if she wished to. He really hated going toe to toe with his sister and it took all of his willpower not to blow Aqua's suggestion off. He really wasn't in the correct emotional set ever since he decided his distance from his family bothered him, but he got over it in a moment of consideration. He liked Blind Maurice better anyhow, who needed family when all they did was cause him trauma and anger him lividly?

He collected himself under a cold facade again and smoothed his shoulders so that he wasn't hulking like a frightened weasel. He still didn't feel like trying to make his sister calm herself because he was more than sure that she wouldn't be willing to listen to a word he said.

He'd just have to talk over her until she got so mad that she focused her anger on him. It was a sound plan, she'd been angry at him before.

With reluctance, he strode over with the practiced gait of a royal at heart and he pressed a hand to Ares' arm, eyeing her with disapproval. It was a look that cleanly seemed to demand that she stop while she was still ahead. It was as if to challenge her and he so rarely ever tried to challenge her, his gaze moved to the stranger. He stared at the out-of-place prince and he drew in a deep breath, sighing lightly through his nose. It made him seem irritated, as if he'd decided to hate everything right there or as if he were disappointed with what he saw--he wasn't, in fact he was somewhat intrigued by the man but that didn't show anywhere on his impassive expression.

"Prince Marion, heir of the Erendale throne. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance and our kingdom gives regard. My father should be done with royal business soon, so if you would rather wait for him, I do understand." he stated calmly, his voice even and soft before he leaned closer to Ares and spoke in an undertone.

That undertone was more of a hissing whisper against her ear.

"Ares, please remain calm and do not start a fight. Blood shed is not today's goal and if Father or Mother hears of any unseemly manners, they will be very disappointed in you and me for not stopping you. Do not make our kingdom seem less than savages, we've only had the finest royal training, we are not a group of drunken knights."


The knight noticed the entrance of the foreign prince and rose his eyebrows when Marion was pulled over to speak with him. It confused him for a moment and he wondered where the man had come from, he seemed older than even Prince Marion, nearly as old as Aspen himself. He turned away from the scene, he'd intervene if it seemed to get heated, sometimes he had to just let things happen instead of shifting around like an overbearing parent. Though it was more often than not that Prince Marion needed an overbearing parent, he could be very quick to challenge under his calm face.

Watching the Princess curiously, he wondered how much that he should share with her before nodding slightly and offering a friendly smile. "Princess Isabelle, I'd love to tell you of the Charra's." a slight gesture to Prince Marion, the dark haired prince looked as confident as a war horse with his straightened spine and tilted chin. He had a slight curl to his upper lip that was very arrogant. As if he believed himself to be much better than all who surrounded him. "Prince Marion is the epitome of royalty, it's all he's ever wanted. He takes his responsibilities very seriously and he adores giving orders. I believe he would be so treasonous that he would murder the king if he was sure he could get away with it," a nervous laugh and a shake of his head. "Princess Ares is battle ready, I helped train her myself. The knights used to adore her! I recall that my father said she would make a lovely addition to the guard. She's very much a force to be reckoned with. Princess Aqua is a darling, she seems to care very much for the both of them,"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, his blue eyes glimmering. "I think both of her older siblings care deeply for her, though the Prince would rather choke on his own pride than tell her."
Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - Vomit World The Diner Edition.

He'd watched the man enter and recognized him immediately as one of his better tippers, he recognized most people by how well they tipped him and how nice they proved themselves to be. Every now and then he'd get some asshole with an attitude and they would challenge every polite nerve in his body, those assholes usually left him a few dollars and drove him absolutely batty. He had to make a living and they were making it hard on him. Honestly, he didn't understand it sometimes. Being intentionally rude to waiters was so low-class and yeah, Mary's wasn't known for it's five star quality but it wasn't a complete dump. He'd definitely been to worse and he'd been just as polite as he could to those waiters, it was just common decency.

His big table didn't have any of that and he would try to ignore it as he strode to where Justin had made himself comfortable. The man was always a good customer and he didn't feel any need to be weary around him, even with the group of snickering teenagers nearby. He was nearly there when one of the girls--the one who had commented on his presence--lurched forward and vomited in a spray on the boy across from her--that made him cringe. It was gross to watch but somehow it felt like sweet karma and warmth flooded through him, he wondered what higher power might have smiled upon him today.

He delicately stepped away from the table and nearly started laughing himself but he qualmed it behind his hand, grinning ear to ear, blue eyes shining with amusement.

"Marla, darling, there seems to be a mess over here." he called to one of the new servers and she looked up in disgust but didn't complain as she shooed the group to a new table and motioned towards the bathroom at the girl and her vomit speckled partner. The table was a mess and Marla was going to have to lay down the absorbent beads and sanitize it, he didn't want anything to do with it and he wasn't going to touch it. He was just glad that their new table was out of his section as he made his way to Justin's table, smiling brightly and much more pleased than before.

"Can I take your order, honey? Your name is Justin, right?"

He liked this guy, there was always an air of positivity around him that made him feel good about serving him. He seemed like he just liked being alive and that was such a rare trait to see in another person, he would have liked to get to know him better if he wasn't so bad at holding friends. A lot of his friends had left him after he'd come up blank about their problems and offered a lot of half-hearted "sucks-don't-it" type responses. He wasn't the most comforting man in existence but that didn't mean he was completely heartless, sometimes he felt bad, it just had to strike him right. It was rare when it did strike him right.

Maybe he was kind of heartless.
That didn't stop him from being the best damn waiter in town.

"We have a special on the cob salads, not sure how you feel about shoving a bunch of salad in your mouth but it's an option." he said warmly before raising his eyebrows.
@Chulance I adore Jason and that was amazing, I'm going to be heading to bed soon so I'll get a good reply in tomorrow because if I type it rn then it might be kinda lame.
@Chulance I'm looking forward to it! He'd love any break from that table that he can get, they'll probably tip bad and he'll throw a hissy fit, he can use all the positivity he can get.
@Chulance Please feel free to pop in, it's a lot more fun to have some conversation. I'd love to talk to any of them, Adrien is a very social guy when he's not being hassled. 8)

I'm going to call it Mary's Diner, and thank you!! 8) I'm enjoying him so far. Your character seems so interesting :o I can't wait to see more of your posts.
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