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Xodus Lionel Bonwick.

The day was meant for purpose, the day was meant for new beginnings and for excitement, it was a good day for growing and it was unlike Xodus to embrace the day for what it was. Art was his favorite class and it always had been, there was something he'd always liked about expressing himself through pencil strokes and paint splatters, it was easier to see the world through every color except the natural ones. He enjoyed the outlet and found intrigue in drawing things he hadn't before, though lately he found them dwindling into creatures with high crested wings and beautiful features. He often found himself sketching the smooth features and the sharp eyes of angelic creatures. They were often the same ones from his dreams and he wondered where they had come from and why. He felt like there was some purpose there in their feathered wings and their beauty but he didn't know what it could be, sometimes he felt like there was something to do with him.

Something to do with ink stained feathers.

He skimmed through the filled pages until he found one he hadn't coated in feathers and castles and creatures with claws. He ran his hand along it to get a feeling for the empty page and he brandished his pencil with flourish, he didn't have many friends in this class and he tended not to think too much of it. This was the only class where he could focus his mind long enough to produce something that might be worth something some day. He felt in his zone with this class and he was pretty much dead to the world once a challenge was set but today something seemed off. He watched the teacher enter with a thick binder stuffed with papers and he arched his eyebrows into his hairline with curiosity.

The binder was placed lightly onto his desk and he seemed to draw in a breath. The teacher strolled to the front of the classroom, his brown eyes sweeping the students and the class seeming to quiet their idle chitchat in his presence. "Projects, we haven't had a project since the start of the school year and I believe it's about time for another one. Don't you?" he inquired though it didn't require an answer and he didn't wait for one. "You are going to be doing a heritage project of sorts, tracking down where your family came from and illustrating that for me in some very grand way. Whether that be an old family crest or a family tree done in some way that is stunningly artistic- I do not care but you need to do it in a way that includes both you and the partner I will assign you."

"And those partners will be working with you to track down all that you can." pulling a paper free of the binder, he started calling out partners until he reached Xodus's name and he perked up at the sound of it. "Xodus Bonwick and Ariana Lane, you two both come from some very interesting circumstances and I think you could do well in helping one another."

Xodus blinked and turned his head to the brunette, he'd never really noticed her much and now he was collecting his stuff and heading over to her somewhat awkwardly. "Hey there, you can call me Xo." a brilliant smile surfaced. "Most people do. My name sounds so funky out loud that some people can't seem to grasp it."
@Chulance I'll try to get Adrien in tonight, I owe like three replies in other threads so I need to stop being lazy. Hopefully I'll be able to get them all tonight! 8)
@Marx My bad! Here I am deciding its his arm. Thank you, I'll go edit that. 8)
Too much of his attention was stuck on the gruesome looking hatch-work of stitches on the shadow-tamer's torso. It was still a new wound and though Carson wasn't exactly a doctor, his father was-, he knew that wounds like that got infected easily and it worried him briefly. He was never a fan of makeshift doctoring to serious wounds and yet he did well in not saying anything, he assumed the man knew what he was doing. He turned his attention away from it but it left a note in the back of his mind somewhere. He hoped the man didn't get an infection.

He didn't want to speak out as the man was talking, unable to process a clear enough thought to offer in return of his words, unable to offer him anything that would be of use to him. The redhead was feeling pretty useless as far as good replies were concerned and he didn't feel like making a blubbering idiot of himself just yet. He'd almost let himself be killed by some maniac because he'd decided he couldn't save himself, he felt like a huge baby at the moment and it was embarrassing him horribly. He'd never been good with trauma of any sort, he got too anxious and he was an escapist but he couldn't escape this and that was bothering him more than anything. There was no escaping left, there was no more to run, he felt cornered.

He'd been trying to escape his parents house in hopes of pretending that those problems didn't exist, he'd tried to escape his power in general and now he was here. He was here and for the first time since he'd realized there was something different about him, he wasn't so sure he could get away from it anymore and he found himself growing weary. There were no more battles today but the battles were far from over by the way the man spoke. He barely flinched when his phone was sliced and he ran his hand up through his hair worriedly, his pale blue eyes flashing in the lowlight. He didn't think his mother would be texting soon anyhow, she was probably in her usual ritual of TV and avoiding his father's endless spew of dribbling nonsense about how he was under appreciated.

It was routine, he expected it by now, he didn't want to think about anything else happening. He wanted them to be going about their usual daily problems of one-sided arguing and Tru TV endlessly chattering about some serial killer while his mother silently watched. He may have inherited his father's fiery hair and freckled nose and quick temper but he'd also inherited his mother's tendency to bunker down from her problems instead of facing them. He was really wanting to do that now but the man seemed to have other plans and it seemed more sane than Carson could fight.

He definitely didn't want to have another showdown with the mysterious Phi and his not-so-mysterious gun.

The man standing before him however was some otherworldly force, a creature of shade and ink, someone who probably knew much better than him. This man was someone that he decided he could trust, if warily, he felt wary about everything right now though. He knew much better than to question someone like this and he drew in a breath. "I don't suppose there's much to return to, huh?" he asked somberly before nodding very slowly, his fingers running through his hair a few more times as if to smooth what was already flattened against his head. It was a nervous habit and jittery shudders were running through him as if to get out the last of his anxious tension.

"Contrary to popular belief I don't want to go home and get wiped out. Surviving death once is fine by me." a weak smile, half-hearted and crooked. "You've got me. I don't know what good I'll be and I'll probably end up crying by the end of today but I'll join."
@Lofi I was referencing the guy that Chulance mentioned when she first started freaking out but Nallore seems to have cleared it up. 8) Sorry I didn't get a response in sooner, I haven't been on much today.
Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - Oh hell no.

The blond boy had been running rampant too much today and once the lady began screaming and ranting that his customer had teleported, he heaved something of a sigh. It wasn't his job to play the martyr and he didn't ever know what to do when the police were involved in anything-especially things involving powers. There were too many biased people and he had learned to dodge the subject at all costs, he was growing more nervous as he stepped towards the lady. He motioned his hand sharply at Marla to go inform one of the bosses and nodded frantically and ducked into the back room. He tried to settle the thundering in his chest as he picked his way over to the woman and lightly tapped her arm.

He was an innocent enough looking kid, intense blue eyes and tousled white-blond hair that always seemed to get caught in his eyes no matter what and he had a slight frown that seemed to turn his expression with it. He didn't look like he could cause much issue but if need be, he'd go invisible and escort her out like a ghost, he wasn't in the mood for a show down today. He kept his voice light and gentle, the coaxing voice of an animal tamer with a particularly frightened animal. He just hoped it didn't bite him.

"Honey," he addressed the woman with a sympathetic shake of his head. "This is an accepting place, whether people have powers or not, it's not our business here and I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I wouldn't work here if it wasn't open-minded." a gentle laugh that sounded vaguely nervous. "We don't want trouble and bringing the police in was a bad move,"

Glancing to her boyfriend, he grimaced slightly. "Please escort your significant other out, she's caused enough trouble for one day. You don't need to pay, everything will be taken care of by me personally but please leave."
@Arista I'll try to get a reply up later or tomorrow. 8)
@Monotonous Radical. 8) I'll put down that he returned his bird to him and acknowledgement of him.
@Monotonous Uhhh. This is where I become pretty useless with ideas, do you have anything?

One of his birds could have ended up pestering Tarit or something. They're almost always around and kind of a pain.
@Monotonous Larkus could use a friend or two if you'd like to have a bird boy for company. 8)
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