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Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - So five heroes enter a cafe.

Adrien was bustling left and right with the sudden onslaught of customers, it was rare when so many congregated at one time but that wasn't to say it wasn't a good thing. He made a note to drop by the twins table to grab their order after he made sure that everything was alright with this guy. He was very antsy already, more customers meant more demands and more demands meant he'd be filling orders until midnight with this many streaming in. He wondered if he should worry about any more and decided he'd give his section to Marla if it got to that. Speaking of giving to Marla, he slipped her the fifty and she beamed with delight, he nearly started laughing at her sudden shift in step but he made his way back to the table.

Jason was talking about his job in between bites of his food and Adrien felt his eyebrows raise into his hairline as he listened to him. He didn't know what he had done to interest the man and honestly it made him want to know. He had a lot going for him in the looks department but the man didn't seem to interested in him that way, so what was it? His interest was peaked and he found himself bracing his hands against the table lightly as he listened and his gaze flickered to the side. Marla had always been an eavesdropper and he wasn't about to take any chances with her listening into his conversations.

"It's an alright job, I'm not suffering or anything but if you've got something better that you think I could do," he glanced down at his nails, his cuticles looked terrible lately, he'd have to push them back again. His nails were kind of a mess, he picked at one thoughtfully before glancing back up as if realizing he'd drifted off during talking. "I think I might have to talk to you about that offer, I- I get on break in about five to ten minutes depending. We can talk then." his voice was a soft undertone and he straightened up, running a hand through his blond locks. "You'll have time to finish your food, I'll grab you in a moment, darling."

Giving him a motion with his hand, he headed into the back and scooped up Kai's plate before heading out with a confident stride. Settling the plate before the man, he smiled warmly and nodded to him. "Flag me over if you need me."

Turning pace, he headed to where the twins had settled in and where one seemed to be staring blatantly at the table he'd just served. Mustering his best bright smile, he pulled out his notepad. "Can I get your orders?"
@Chulance I'll have a reply in tomorrow 8)
@Arista There is my bad first post. I tried. 8) I'm going to be getting some sleep soon.
Xodus Lionel Bonwick.

"Mom, I've got to catch the bus-" Xodus sputtered as his mother tried to arrange his hair so that it wasn't a tousled mess. She was a doting woman by nature, very kind with her blonde hair usually wound into a messy bun and her blue eyes even bluer in shade than his own. She seemed to constantly want the best for him and that was well and good but he worried that she exalted too much energy on him sometimes and it made him feel vaguely apologetic. She had taken him in, just a street kid with no name or family or any memories of having either, he'd been so confused that the doctors who checked him over had thought he might have hit his head on something hard enough that he had a sort of amnesia. He'd get used to people asking him why he didn't know anything about his past and he'd get used to his mother asking about nightmares that shook him awake some nights.

He'd had a very strange accent when he'd met his mother, it had stuck around for ages before being replaced by something more Manhattan oriented. The only thing that hadn't been replaced were the nightmares, they were strange things full of screaming and creatures with high crested white wings fighting things with claws and dark figures that reminded him of the bogey man. He had nightmares of a screaming young girl and wings that seemed to be growing darker by the day. He had nightmares all the time but he had long since brushed them off as the product of his wayward mind and he tried to forget the trauma they caused him most times.

It worked, mostly. He got through school pretty easily and he rarely had many problems, kids got along with him and he got along with kids. His only problem was a constant edge of yearning for something that he couldn't quite put his finger on though he thought it might have something to do with his fevered dreams. His twin sisters had often told him that he had bees in the brain if he took dreams too seriously and he couldn't help but agreeing with them, they were just nightmares and he was no more special than the next person. He needed to get over this, it was self centered and terrible, there was no reason for it.

"Mom, stop." he whined, giving her a light nudge and arching his eyebrows. "That's enough. I look good."

"Your hair is a mess, Xodus!" she complained. "You were supposed to get it cut last week!"

"I know, but the bus!"

Practically bolting out the door, the boy took off towards the brilliant yellow bus and he climbed aboard. He spent most of the trip in a haphazard silence, trying to figure out what seat to bounce to and he chose at least three before settling down in finality near the back where he held a half hearted conversation with a young lady he recognized as Mandy. He held conversation with her on his way into the building and only lost her when he made his way towards his first class. School was fast for him, sometimes too fast and sometimes not as fast as he would like but it was usually fast. He just had to keep a warm air about it.

The first class was an art elective, the only class he really cared about and tried his hardest in, entering it was easy and he chose his seat near the front.
@Arista I'll go type one up! 8)
@Arista It would make a lot of sense if you do end up going with that idea! I like her anyhow. 8)
And so we have them! 8) I edited his school year to match hers and they seem pretty awesome.
Xodus Lionel Bonwick.

Age: Seventeen.

Gender: Male.

Year in school: Junior.

Species: Fallen Angel.


[ + ] Brave // Enthusiastic // Warm // Humorous // Gentle // Energetic // Good natured // Sensitive // Artistic // Visionary.

[ - ] Lazy // Dogmatic // Reckless // Over exuberant // Eccentric // Often late // Dreamy // Easily lost.


Born as royalty, the prince showed himself to be very kind as a child and he did all he could to protect the princess from the creature that had plagued them. He had been very young at the time and very scared but he had staved it off long enough to receive a claw to his arm. When the wounds didn't heal, he became more and more frightened by the weight of what had happened. The prince had been horribly unsettled by the darkness that crept beneath his skin and hadn't known how to handle it at the time, it wasn't long before the battles were raging and this time he sought to blame himself. It was horrible how soon the transformation had happened and he felt as if he'd been trapped in ink.

Terrible fighting waged and many were killed before the decision to send them out of realm was made and they were sent back in beaming light. He remembered nothing beyond that point except for the constant lingering feeling that something was very wrong with him and he found himself stumbling through the New York streets. He didn't know why he was there and he didn't know exactly where he was, he just knew that the lights were very bright and that there were too many people. He was also aware that he was very hungry and that no one seemed to like the child shoving through them and staring at them with wide blue eyes.

He was too young at the time to understand the young woman's kindness but when she took his hand, she asked him many times where he came from and he replied many times that he didn't know. He replied many times that he didn't know where he was and she finally lead him to the police station and soon she went through the legal action to take him as her own child. She had two twin daughters of her own and they were often a hassle for her to keep up with but she still took him under her roof and he was eternally grateful and began to recognize her as his mother.

He would have seventeen years of her warmth and caring nature, a single mother who did all that she could for him and his older sisters. Though his older sisters often tried to get on his nerves, his gentle nature made it hard for him to become very angry with them. He watched them both move out and now he lives with his mother as the last remaining child in the house.


His only inkling of what's different about him is that constant bit of sadness he has about being infected though he has no idea that's the cause, he feels like he's different but he thinks he's just being angsty.
I'll get another post up later today or tomorrow.
Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - Honestly. Talk to your waiter for details if you're confused about where he is.

"I'd say they're pretty good," hummed the waiter, arching his eyebrows as he took back the menu and tucked it under his arm. "Then again, I'm also under obligation to say that about the turnip greens and I can promise you, those are disgusting. This is your gamble, my friend but-"

A jokingly secretive glance from side to side, "I promise I actually like most of the meat-based stuff here, especially the burgers. Just don't ever try the fish, if you love yourself then it's not worth the effort." he scribbled the order in with ease and spun on his heel, heading back towards the counter and stick the order to the wheel.

He gave it a good spin and tore off the old tickets, tossing them and ducking into the back, it was bustling with waitresses and waiters and cooks. The smell of food filled his nose instantly and reminded him he had to take a lunch break before he left, sometimes it slipped his mind and he let the time draw until he got home and he really wasn't in the mood today. He had also made a good earning of tips so far and they felt weighty in his apron, tips were good, it was rare when he made enough to do anything productive with and he'd have to grab a side job sometime soon. Maybe pick up some extra hours, he was a good worker, he knew he could start getting some real paychecks. His mother had always warned him that waiting tables didn't pay the bills and he'd been in steady denial of that for quite some time and here he was behind on practically everything but that was fine. He'd figure it out.

He scooped up the order that was meant to go out to Jason, balancing it on one hand and picking up the rolls in the other. He guessed the order had been finished so quickly because it had originally been started for the group table, they had filed out pretty quickly after the incident and now there was a bunch of useless food sitting around. He made a note to swipe the chicken tenders when he came back through and he headed out, humming under his breath as he settled the tray in front of Jason with flourish. "And there you go, darling. We had an accident at one of the tables and they left without even asking for to-go boxes or tipping the poor dear who had to clean their mess." an eye roll and a head shake. "Bunch of hooligans either way. Their tip probably would have made Marla's day worse."

He seemed vaguely amused despite his half hearted sympathy for the other server, he even tossed her a glance and she huffed at him. "She'll be fine. She just hates that I won't clean tables. Anyway, you enjoy that." he said warmly, his blue eyes glinting.
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