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Delta's reply had been unsettling and had left an edge of fear in his bones that he couldn't seem to shake. He didn't think his power had anything to do with his parents, he didn't think his power would get them hurt, he didn't think his power was anybody's problem but his own. He felt mentally sick at the words and he was left staring at Delta with an overwhelming dread. The dread washed in his chest and made his heart ache, it was just too awful for him to think about. If his parents had been killed then it was his fault, if his parents had been killed then it was on him because he was the freak. His parents weren't freaks, he was the freak who could clone himself. It wasn't their fault that he'd had this happen to him and he wished he could give it back.

He didn't want to learn to control it, he wanted it gone and he wished he'd never had it to begin with. There was no way to get rid of it now, he knew there was no way to get rid of it. It was a part of him now and he realized he'd have to accept it at some point. He just didn't think he could accept it right now, not with his thoughts so torn up and his parents possibly being dead and him having no way of knowing if they were or not. He wished he could shove past this and calm down but every breath felt one step closer to him breaking into pitiful sobbing. His nails were digging into his palms and his breathing was a filtered thing through his nose and out his mouth, just like the guidance counselor had taught him to do when he was anxious.

He didn't have long to focus on the inevitable breakdown that was steadily approaching because a young man joined them. There was something regal about the blond boy even though he seemed exhausted beyond repair. He could tell this in his drowsy mannerisms and the constant yawning, he introduced himself simply as Theodore. It seemed to be a fitting enough name somehow but he didn't have time to think about that either when a girl bust through the door. She practically seemed to glow with her confidence and she was excitedly talking about giving Phi a good old what for and Carson couldn't help but stare at the fire sparking around her.

Delta reacted far quicker than he could have processed and he soon had his fingers pressed like a mock gun to her skull. It was a warning kind of gesture and the quickness of it startled Carson enough that he jumped a bit in his seat. He watched the man return to his seat with barely contained nervousness. His impassive expression had fallen at the mention of his parents possibly being dead and now he just looked pale, fearful and sort of miserable. Delta revealed a scar that blazed through his skin and disappeared farther down, he could only imagine the kind of wound that had once been. He glanced away from it quickly and tried to regain control of his emotions.

Everything was a whirlwind and he felt like a nervous wreck but he consoled himself by telling himself that his parents were probably fine. They had to be fine, he couldn't think about them being anything other than fine. He needed to stop thinking about death and he needed to stop thinking about Phi, he needed to calm down. He focused every ounce of will on calming down and almost managed it before another girl entered and settled beside Theodore. She seemed kind somehow and she had a good air about her, as warm as a summer breeze and just as fluent. She introduced herself as Sunny and he had to keep himself from smiling a little bit at the irony.

Sayuri, Theodore, Kana and Sunny. They were an interesting group so far, even though he was wracked with nerves and he felt like he was about to start crying, he appreciated them. When Sayuri spoke again, he glanced to her and furrowed his eyebrows slightly, she didn't seem all bad. She seemed like she was trying and he could respect that, he was definitely trying himself and he hoped they could get along in some time. Maybe when he wasn't on the brink of sobbing. It was a nice thought. Maybe he'd make friends, maybe these people would want to be his friends after some time. The Lord knew he couldn't survive without frequent conversation and maybe that would help him calm down. He was just living on hope.

"It's nice to meet you all, you seem to be an interesting bunch." he stuck to honesty, they were interesting and he didn't know a single thing about any of them. They could be interesting and absolutely mad and he wouldn't know the wiser. He just hoped he would get along with them. "I'm a little wigged out right now so I'm going to apologize beforehand if I come off as kind of sullen-" a nervous chuckle. "I adjust to things slowly and I cry a lot, so I'm sure my shining personal attributes will leave you dying to know more."
"Oh?" a slight laugh, nervous and offbeat. "I don't think I have anything for you to divvy up right this moment but- I-I'm probably not going to puke. There's a higher chance of me having an anxiety attack and then possibly, a mental breakdown, I might have fainted if I'd been given some time but none of that is happening right this second so that's splendid."

This was said all very cheerfully, he even seemed like he could have laughed about it again. His smile was far too tight, it made the corners of his eyes wrinkle a bit.

He found Sayuri to be undeniably kind of interesting from just a few words in but there was an edge to her personality. He was kind of intimidated by her and her jokes fell flat when they left her mouth--at least he hoped that was a joke. He really hoped his death wasn't so imminent that they needed to worry about the fair distribution of his stuff. Also he was more than positive that he'd heard thunder in the distance at the slightest twinge in her expression when she had seen Epsilon, he didn't know if she was connected to the thunder but he wasn't about to disregard it. Too many things made it impossible to disregard. If she could control the weather then he was already sure that she was much more powerful than him.

He made a mental note not to drink any of her strawberry soda.

Turning his brain away from Storm the second, he ran another nervous hand through his red hair and watched Delta as he spoke. He didn't feel sick but he felt sick, nothing felt right and he couldn't seem to calm himself in the passing moments but he supposed that was logical given what the day had brought him. He wasn't used to sudden changes, everything he did was meticulous and this hadn't been meticulous at all. He hadn't planned on a scary man in a suit of metal to come charging into the cafe with a gun latched in his hand and he hadn't planned on narrowly avoiding death. He hadn't planned on this place- wherever it was and he hadn't planned on the people- whoever they actually were. He didn't like the suddenness of everything and how quickly it had come to be his situation.

Delta gave a clear rundown of the situation and he found himself listening very closely, his pale blue eyes intent on the man's face. Discomfort flooded Carson's expression for a moment but it was quickly replaced by something much more neutral, some half-hearted bravado that he couldn't have mustered earlier. At the very best it just made him look a little more impassive but there was a wild light trapped in his pale eyes.
When Justin spoke again, he felt relief at hearing he was going to stay, he may not have really known the guy but he didn't want him to be brutally murdered. He wasn't sure he wanted to think about anyone being brutally murdered anymore and he mentally scolded himself for bringing it up again. He squashed the thought process and refocused his attention to Delta, offering a crooked smile before shrugging very lightly.

"Yeah, I wish you'd guys had popped up sooner too." he said honestly, rubbing a hand along his eyes as if to rouse himself. He wasn't going to lie, he really would have rather he'd never seen Phi before. He didn't blame them though, sometimes stuff just happened and it couldn't be stopped. Though when Justin spoke of getting his CD collection, Carson found himself giving a nod of agreement.

"I've got a crapload of books and CDs back at my place and journals and art stuff. Honestly, my room is a trash heap but it's a creative trash heap and I love all of that garbage." he said fondly, thinking of his many sketchbooks more than anything. He hadn't drawn anything good in two weeks but wasn't this tragedy the kind of inspiration that he needed?

"What about our parents? I didn't think about it before but-" he grimaced slightly, "My dad probably doesn't really know I'm gone, he works long shifts at the hospital so I'm not really worried about him but my mom is a different story. I've been kind of M.I.A for the last two days but I've kept her up to date in texts and she's going to notice if I just stop. I mean, I am definitely not the best son in the world but it would break her heart if I just stopped showing up all together. She's probably already kind of worried about me, y'know? She's prone to thinking the worse and if she's scared then she'll call my dad and he won't be happy at all."

A bitter taste entered his mouth at the thought of his father. If his mom did happen to call him then he'd come home and he'd be angry that he couldn't finish his shift and he'd be angry that they were losing money and he'd be angry that Carson wasn't there. He'd start yelling about how ungrateful Carson was and he'd start throwing things after some time. His broken phone would get a bunch of screaming voicemails and his mother would have to listen to if all while they waited to hear back. He didn't want to think of the disaster that would follow when they realized that he wasn't going to call back. He could already hear the slamming.

"So do we like give them some kind of four-one-one?" he asked tentatively, a frown finding it's way to his mouth. "My mom doesn't deserve to worry like that. She does a lot for me. They put up with a lot from me."
@Feral Larkus will join her. 8)
Adrien Cade.

The visions swamped him and nearly knocked him off his feet for a moment, he could see another world opening before him and he could hear Jason's voice drifting in and out of his mind. This was stunning, like a horrifying interactive movie, it was enough to set his hair on end and he didn't understand how someone could have a power like this and still need anybody else. This was the most amazing power he'd ever seen. Here he was thinking that invisibility was cool and this guy comes along. He was far too in awe of everything that was happening and he was nearly startled into silence when the illusions fell. He was startled, he was startled enough that he was staring at Jason with wide eyes. When the card was handed to him, he folded his fingers around it and pressed it into his pocket lightly, he was still staring. He couldn't see to snap-

The door swung open with the girl from one of his tables and he realized she was leaving. It was enough motivation to stop staring at Jason like a gaping idiot and he nodded quickly, his vibrant blue eyes flickering curiously. He knew the plan sounded sane, people had been stirring for awhile and he knew that the woman had been a good example of that. He knew his boss didn't care about powers but he also knew that it didn't matter what his boss cared about when it came down to it. He knew that if something built up then after some time it would have to come out, right now the world was a badly built dam for super powered people and he was on the other end with Jason and everyone else who'd been given a gift.

Nodding avidly now, he took in a deep breath. "I'll give you a call," he headed back into the cafe and swung into the back to grab his now lukewarm chicken tenders.

Marla arched her eyebrows at him. He arched his sarcastically back and he headed out, the girl seemed to have left her brother. Naturally Adrien ran through a list of people he'd passed in highschool and couldn't place the guy. That was fine by him, he hated everyone in highschool. He wondered if he'd be over stepping his boundaries to join him but he disregarded the thought and efficiently nudged the other set of food to the side and put down his plate. It was a very abrupt motion and it made a sharp obnoxious clank that caused Adrien to wince slightly but he settled down in the seat that Mallory had once occupied.

"I haven't eaten all day," he explained needlessly and offered a bright smile, "Constantly surrounded by cooking food and all be damned if you ate any of it. I-I'm sorry. This is a weird way of greeting someone. I'm Adrien and I'm still on break so-"

He gestured at the chilled food and shrugged, picking at a chicken tender and meticulously peeling the skin from it and stuffing it into his mouth. He swallowed and shrugged nervously. "What's your name?"
Though Carson couldn't have known the fate that had befallen his blonde acquaintance, he noticed her absence to his side very quickly. When she failed to appear in the mess hall along side him, he felt some sort of sadness grip him. There was no good life outside of here and he found himself becoming more and more aware of that as the moments pressed on. He knew that beyond wherever this was, the girl was as good as dead and he felt that very strange ache in his chest again, the same one that had gripped him at the sight of the twins lying lifeless on the floor of a cafe. He couldn't stop seeing it, he couldn't stop smelling the blood. He pushed the stunningly clear image out of his mind with as much force as he could muster.

He didn't want to think about anything that had to do with this anymore and he found himself rearranging focus to the table that harbored a man with a beard, a girl with dark hair and a boy that he vaguely recognized as a DJ that he'd never officially met. He wouldn't have even recognized the guy at all if he hadn't frequented so many parties and he wondered if he had just showed up too. He definitely looked confused enough--also a tad pissed off but Carson guessed it had something to do with the carnage of what looked to be a once-living electronic lying on the ground.

He studied the table silently for a moment before stepping forward, his steps felt weighted and it wasn't a kind sensation. He felt like there were rocks tied to his ankles and he ignored it as he made his way to the table, with some reluctance, he slid into a seat at the far end. He still felt kind of disgruntled and he couldn't seem to get a grip on himself long enough to work through this but he focused his attention to the man he assumed was Delta. He breathed in through his nose and exhaled through his mouth a few times. It was enough to keep him from hyperventilating and he took that as a good sign to start talking.

He had caught only an edge of their conversation, something about him being able to vouch for Phi's cruelty. He also-regretfully managed to catch Epsilon appearing soon after and the wound starting to gape on his lower abdomen again, it made him grimace slightly despite himself and he didn't have time to ask him if he needed any help. He didn't know why he cared so much, he guessed he just didn't want to see anyone else in pain. He also knew that if his father had seen that wound then he would have thrown a giant fit about how irresponsible it was to try to stitch that up on his own. He couldn't help but thinking about that. He really had to stop worrying about things that weren't his problem.

He tugged his mind away from the man with the pastel mohawk and the bad stitching skills and instead turned it back to the table.

"I'm Carson," he introduced himself through a thick swallow and a half-hearted smile, gathering together every tiny bit of social etiquette that he had. He straightened his spine and folded one leg over the other. It was easy to be social, it even managed to smooth his mood enough that he didn't break down sobbing and gasping with dread. He knew that his brain was probably saving that for another time, probably the wrong time, he decided not to think about it but he pitied whoever was around to see it happen. He hoped they had a lot of patience. "You must be Delta, it's nice to meet you and-"

He let his gaze find Justin, "Yeah, man. You really don't want to mess with Phi, like, I mean, unless you're feeling like death is a favorable outcome for your life thus far but-" a single eyebrow lowered, pale blue eyes flickering. "You seem pretty smart, I'd consider sticking around. They don't seem so bad here. Not that I really know them but I've seen worse environments."

The snort that escaped him was soft, his freckled nose wrinkling slightly with amusement as he turned his eyes back to Delta. The man was tattooed and bearded, he wondered what he was like and if he was anything like his shadow-bearing partner in crime. He wondered if he'd have to worry about this man badly stitching his wounds up and he qualmed the thought before he could start thinking of infections again. Today was really a roller coaster and not a very fun one at that. "Epsilon said you'd fill me in on everything. I don't have too many questions anymore- I guess I kind of just want to hear what this is all about."
@Lofi I'm sad to see you go! I wish you well!

@Chulance I'll try to get a post in tonight!
Xodus Lionel Bonwick.

Bullying had never found it's way to Xodus and if it did then he had never let it get under his skin, they were all a bunch of kids when it got right down to it. Though he had a lot of sympathy to save for those who didn't let it pass them so easily and those who stressed because of it. He understood from a purely empathetic level that it could mess up everything a person had ever viewed of themselves. He had just always had too much confidence to spare and it had never bothered him, it was very rare when he even knew what was going on around him. That made him untouchable, it was hard to bully someone who never reacted and it was hard to bully someone who hadn't even heard what you said to him. He'd earned the nickname "Spacey" and he wore it like a badge, he didn't hear you and you rarely heard him unless he wanted to be heard.

When he wanted to be heard, everyone knew it. The boy was something of a Drill Sargent in group projects and he was known for making sure everything went just as he wanted it to and if it didn't then he was known for making a big deal out of of it. He was known for fighting off bullies and he was known for being a pacifist beyond that, most people were intimidated by his height and his generally silent unless provoked type nature. Now was one of those moments that he wished to be heard and he turned his gaze to Trevor with unbidden contempt, his blue eyes scanning the boy.

"Back off, Trevor." he warned, his eyebrows drawing together. "She's not bothering anybody."

Settling in the chair across from the girl that the teacher had identified as Ariana, he set his notebook down softly. He wasn't a fan of Trevor though he'd never quarreled with him personally, he didn't like the way he acted or the way he treated other people. There was something about him that got under Xodus's skin and he assumed it was because he had no respect for anybody. He had never noticed Ariana much, caught up in his own cloud of thoughts and the people who often trailed him and had assumed positions as his friends. He knew Ariana about as much as he knew them, not at all. It was strange thinking that anybody could have a similar history to him-enough that a teacher had pointed it out. It made him feel kind of discomforted.

"If you don't mind," the boy made a sharp shoo-ing motion at Trevor. "I'm sure you've got a partner who's missing you. Anyway, Ariana, can I call you Ari? Or is that too assuming? Like, we just met and all but I love nicknames."

He gave a laugh, half genuine and half self cautious. He'd never really been too great with meeting new people and he'd have to learn enough about her with the project. He decided that he might as well be pleasant about it "D'ya come from around here? We are supposed to be meeting our partners."

Adrien Cade.

Brooklyn, New York - Breaks are everything.

The boy was glad to see the scene calm down but he was still vaguely shocked at what the man had done to calm it and he knew that the power must have come from him. Was that why he wished to speak with Adrien? Was he going to bring up that he knew about his power? It brought him a tingling discomfort along his spine to know that someone could know and he knew that someone would know some day but it was all the more troubling. He had to collect himself and collect himself he did, pulling together a calm facade of some sort, he made his way into the back to take his last tray. Marla shot him a frantic glance and he shrugged which only made her more nervous, Marla was a technopath, probably the only person who knew about his powers and she was extremely smart.

Marla cared a lot about him and he suspected that she might have a crush on him of some sort, though he was never sure how to turn her down gently. She was a beautiful girl with tumbling blond hair and intense brown eyes, she was often sort of mousy and nervous but she held good conversation. They had shared more than a few laughs but it was just that, she wasn't as interesting as she could be and he wasn't as interested as he should be. He had tried to hint more than a few times that she wasn't really his type but she had never really understood why he didn't like her. He didn't understand why it wasn't clear, he'd shared a highschool with her and kids had made their stance on it very clear.

"False alarm, nothing is going on anymore." he fluttered his hand at her and she narrowed her eyes, her hands on her hips.

"And what happened?"

"Jason is like us, it's really weird." the boy shook his head. "I think there are three more people here who have powers, it's unbelievable."

He left her with that note and nudged the door open, balancing the tray on one hand as he headed to the table where the twins sat and settled it down with a brilliant smile. The table was lacking a twin but she seemed to be making her way back over. The boy there was cute, he had dark hair and dark eyes and the combination was something that Adrien had always found pretty though he did well and not saying so. He wasn't supposed to lay on compliments towards the male customers too much, he'd been warned by his boss that if anyone complained then he'd be in some trouble. "And here you go, lovely. I'm going on break but I should be back in about twenty minutes, if you need anything, Marla over there should be able to help you."

He headed towards the door and slipped outside, his blue eyes finding Jason.

Hurrying to the man, he stopped near him and offered a smile. "Jason, you said you had an offer for me?"
@Morte Angelis

Roderick had about as much wits as a young child and probably would have reached for something sharp himself if he wasn't so afraid of making an idiot of himself right now. This was a real family, though they were elven and they seemed to do things a tad differently, they were a real family and he'd never really experienced that much. Honestly, he was much more shocked by how well they seemed to get along, they seemed to work with one another and there was a lot of love to them. It made him a little choked up and he found himself wondering if his family would have ever been like this if his step father had wanted kids. If his mother had wanted more kids.

He knew his mother had become somewhat phobic to the subject of any more kids and he knew it was because of him. Whoever his father was, whoever the clawed demon that spawned him happened to be, he was left with no memories and she was left with too many. He knew that somewhere she had loved the man that created him, even if he hadn't been her soulmate and that somewhere she still thought of him. He knew that his step dad would never hold up to him and that she couldn't ever replace him, no matter how hard she tried and that tugged something in his chest. He didn't know what it was like being entranced by anyone, he had waited with bated breath until he met the tall elven man before him and now that he was here, he couldn't imagine someone better.

He felt her sadness though like a constant weight between his shoulders and he knew she worried about him and the powers he possessed, he worried about himself sometimes but he also knew she loved him. Sometimes he thought it was because he resembled his father in his stormy gray eyes and sometimes he thought that she truly did just care for him. He'd never be too sure. Staring at the arrow kit now, he tucked the slightly sad thoughts away to offer his soulmate a warm smile. He had no clue what the young man was saying but he guessed it had to do with bow and arrows.

"I'd love to learn more about your archery. I might be a sad failure at the actual sport but I would love to watch what you can do." he gave a swift nod because he knew the man couldn't understand him either. "After we eat of course, I'm starved!"
@Arista After much wait, a reply!
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