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Name: Sylar Aaron Castor.

Age: 18.

Gender: Agender ( He/They pronouns. )

Skills: Quick, generally good at negotiation, very calm in bad situations.

Power: Empathy: The ability to fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others.

What gave you your power?: A certain amount of discomfort used to stem from his parents arguments, which ultimately lead to his growing frustration because no matter how good he'd become at trying to rationalize between the two, the fights continued and one particular fight escalated and that was when his power first showed itself. Suddenly he could understand fully how the two were reacting and feeling and it made it much easier to calm them and the fighting grew less and less.

Personality: An eccentric who often makes light of the world, he's noticeably very chill and seems to get along with most people. Never the type to pick an argument or get angry very easily. He seems to hold himself with a quiet control and he barely blinks an eye when he's challenged, though it's not to say that he's invincible and he becomes nervous and upset when situations don't seem to go in the way that he wills them to or imagined them going. A lack of control can make for a very uncomfortable situation with him and he tends to struggle to be in control at all moments.

Bio: He grew up in a fairly stable home, save for some argumentative parents and a yippy dog. He took up a job as a waiter after he finished school.

"Yeah, alright, thanks." he mumbled sarcastically to himself, it wasn't like he cared if they showed him the way or not. It was just a matter of his navigational skills and the fact that they were somewhat in the lacking department.

He was good with mazes but large metal bunkers hadn't been on his list of things to learn to work through. He wasn't even entirely sure that he'd ever been in a metal bunker, let alone in the position of trying to navigate one. Honestly, he was very bad in these situations and would certainly end up just south of hell if he didn't end up stumbling into a mutilated bathroom first. He was tired, a sort of exhaustion that made his bones feel heavy when he moved and he couldn't seem to shake it but seeing people die had that effect on him. It was a heaviness behind his eyes and he pulled himself forward without another word. It was weird to feel so tired and to not be able to just flop down on his good old bed, he might not have spent all his days at home but he had taken that bed for granted. He could just about kill to be home again and listening to Diamond Dogs on the boombox that he kept next to his bed. He could just about kill to have his open window and to hear the faint rustling of the rose bushes with each gust of wind. He could just about kill to be home and yet he didn't even want to think about it.

If something had happened to his mother, as it had been suggested, then he wasn't sure he'd ever forgive himself. The power hadn't been her fault and it was such a useless power to begin with. He wasn't even sure why he'd been given such an idiotic power if all it was going to do was get his parents murdered and nearly get him murdered. It was stupid, he hated it, he hated every single bit of it. It wasn't even a good power! He could have understood if it was a power that could turn seas and make people tremble in it's wake but it was honestly just an extension to his internal narcissism. He could make another Carson, probably a stupider Carson, appear at will. Another Carson that was probably just as confused an upset as him. Another Carson to throw a fit with. Honestly, it would be hilarious to fill a room with sobbing, screaming Carsons but he didn't even know if he could do that. He kind of wanted to apologize to his saviors and tell them that his only good power was the power of irony and the ability to cry very loud when he became disgruntled. He was going to make a great super hero one day, he was sure of it.

Walking carefully, he ignored the urge to try to comfort himself with one of his stories. It was mostly out of hesitance because the last time he'd remembered one, a four year old version of him had nearly given him a heart attack. He didn't want to face any other unfortunate versions of himself because any version was a bad version and he wasn't in the mood to deal with them. After a few bad turns, he finally found what looked to be a sleeping quarter, complete with cots and everything and he nearly tripped over himself to get to one. It was weird to feel so grateful just to lie down on something, especially something as viciously uncomfortable as a cot. He really hoped that he hadn't just planted himself onto someone's bed but he could barely bring himself to care right now. He could have lied comfortably on the floor right now but this was so much better than a floor. He nearly found himself crying with joy but instead he found himself staring at the ceiling as he tried to breathe in deeply. It was easier to breathe like this and he could pretend he was back home if he tried hard enough. He could pretend he could hear the wailing cat that lived next door and he could relax his shoulders.

When he finally shut his eyes, he wasn't so sure of how he'd manage to sleep after today.
I am back! I'm sorry for my horrendous absence, I was also having phone troubles but through means of magic and money, I now have a laptop and I will be able to post as soon as I can conjure something up. ;o
I'll try to type something up if I can muster a good muse. ;o
I'm still around, I just can't really post anything yet. :o

"Quite alright, in fact, I'm doing splendidly. I'm just disgruntled is all. Eheh, I don't mean to get my whiskers in a tangle but I'd rather leave rouge confrontations to warriors!"

Whiskers quivering and fur slightly rumpled with displeasure, the young tom did seem to be in a bit of a tizzy from his wild, whirling mind. He had never been very well in handling his estranged anxieties and now was no different. It was as if a burning coal had dropped into his stomach and now he could feel it sizzling away a hole into his gut. He wondered who the vaguely familiar she-cat was and he wondered if her intentions went beyond helping his clan and he was reasonably worried for this reason. If this she-cat proved herself to be a problem for him or his clan mates then he might never forgive himself and he wasn't sure how well he would handle that. Thinking about dark intentions and horrible illness was setting his fur on end and making his paws tremble. He wanted to speak of it but he seemed to be biting his tongue despite himself because though Hawkstar was a fair leader, he would probably be less inclined to put the fate of his clan near the paws of a rouge. Mallownose had been taught to trust every cat, in even the slightest way.

Trust was easy to give and easy to lose and Mallownose could handle both situations. Python was a player in another large game and where her piece moved would make all the difference and if he let her move carelessly then it might spell an even worse fate. If he guided her in the slightest then he might do himself and his clanmates a favor. She might have been a rouge but she also knew of the mysterious illness and he knew nothing of it beyond a small omen that could have meant anything. He knew that the lesser of two evils would be to trust her snake-tongued words and to give her an ear on what she knew. She spoke from experience and experience was more than what he had. He had never heard of an incurable illness beyond the strange fever that had taken Robinwing. She had later described those days to him as a few in a very stretched illness that had followed her through life but he had never quite believed it. Anything could be healed!

He had spent moons trying to be the perfect healer and even without her guidance, he'd saved as many lives as he possibly could. He'd saved cats that had looked so bleak that even he had doubted his abilities. He tried his best to never give up and each time he did, a growing cloud would smother his thoughts and he'd feel so sick with regret that he'd wish it was him bleeding out his life on the cold den floor. He didn't know why things had to happen like that sometimes and it drove him readily insane. Even thinking about it was making his nervousness grow in waves and he could feel his tail starting to puff up with his own nervousness. He could barely keep his thoughts from death long enough to focus on what his leader was saying to him.

A glance was spared to the sky for a moment, wishing idly that Robinwing could speak with him. She would know what to do, she always knew what to do. She had always been the more intelligent of the two medicine cats. Her death hadn't been fair and sometimes he cursed that last day with claws digging into the earth and fire burning under his fur. Sometimes he wanted to go back and find a way to save her from the fever that had taken her over and he knew that he couldn't and that was worse.

"There's an illness that started just beyond the highstones," spoke the white tom, his jade green eyes seeming distant once more with troubled thoughts. "She came to taun-warn me of the condition that it left the cats in when they become struck with it. I was sent an omen on Riverclan's territory and I can only decipher that it must mean a cough of some sort. What Python has told me, there is some kind of Death Cough with no clear cure."

He spoke the words with worry causing a tremor in his tone and his could feel his ears flatten as he thought of the mysterious illness. He did force a smile however, a rakish laugh that only gave way to the turmoil in his chest when it all fell. "The question though, Hawkstar, is whether I am right to believe a rouge or not. I-I have never heard of such an illness but it is not entirely uncommon for new things to surface. We always find a cure. By Starclan, there has to be a cure, doesn't there? I'll find the cure- I- I should speak with Starclan about this to be safe. Maybe Hollowthroat or Robinwing could assist me. I'm just prone to bouts of horrendous worrying but you know that." a grimace and a shake of his bristled fur. "I'll look into it. Hawkstar, this is Sketch and Coochie. A loner and a kittypet."

Glancing to the skinny brown rouge and the fluffy tuxedo kittypet, Mallownose smiled slightly despite himself. "Sketch comes from the gorge beyond our territory, a Skyclan descendant. Coochie is from the Twoleg place, they seem to be friends because Coochie bravely challenged us when he assumed we were bullying Sketch. Bullying a loner! Imagine it." a purr of amusement and a warm glance to the large kittypet. "They're a pretty brave pair and Sketch wishes to join our clan. Coochie is still deciding but he has been a grand help in herb gathering today."
@Marx I am def here! Sorry for the absence! B)
Mallownose & Stormstrike.

"An alliance with a snarky rouge, huh?" mused the medicine cat thoughtfully, though his thoughts remained a sea of trouble at the motives that this she-cat could have.

Mallownose was no idiot and he never had been but he often saw potential in things that he could learn from and this she-cat did seem to know what she was talking about. He just couldn't help but fear that this might be exactly what she wanted. He definitely couldn't befriend her and he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. It was a troublesome thing because it was also a rare occurrence when he hadn't a clue of what to do at all. She seemed genuine in some ways and sharing info of her dead friend could be easily seen as a peace keeping tactic or a manipulation tactic and just trying to decide between the two was enough to confuse him again. If she wanted to manipulate him, couldn't she have just as easily brought him any old stinking weed and tell him that it was a magical cure? Couldn't she have just tried to convince him to guide her to camp so she could wave her paw around the sick cats and heal them? Couldn't she have come up with a much more ridiculous tactic than telling him of a cat she'd seen with the illness? Of an affected friend? Could he believe a word that she purred at him? Could he believe a single thing that left her jaws?

He couldn't not believe her about the illness with the omen hanging over his head like a dark cloud and yet, he didn't know if that small omen was worth trusting this cat completely. He didn't know if Starclan had sent her like a savior or if she should be feared as a scourge. It made his fur start to prickle as he eyed her. She didn't seem completely violent and she could have easily fought the younger cats with her crony but she hadn't even unsheathed her claws. He knew that Warmpaw would have tried very hard to fend her off but if it came down to size and strength then she had the upper paw. Rouges were known for their trouble but she'd caused none as far as he had seen and it made him wonder if he was misjudging her. He was a medicine cat for Starclan's sake! He couldn't start quarrels with rouges! He would just have to decide to trust her for now, it was all he could do. He tried to console himself by reminding himself that it was for the better of the clan.

"I think we can arrange something, provided that it stays on the down low. It's not beyond my position to accept help from outside but I-" glancing over his shoulder sharply at the sound of a branch snapping under a heavy paw, he could see the approaching cats and more importantly, he could see Hawkstar and Stormstrike. The two toms were arguably two of the largest toms in the clan and they practically towered over poor Warmpaw in their bulk. Stormstrike seemed ready for a fight, though he always seemed ready for a fight and that wasn't completely new. It wasn't a comforting thought that this could end in blood shed if it wasn't handled by a good mediator. "I can meet you near the border in the Twoleg Place, if you'll come without your ehm- backup there."

His tail gestured to Birch and he nearly grimaced before glancing to Python again, trying to ignore the approaching cats and the golden eyes that were burning a hole in his pelt. Hawkstar didn't bother him as much as Stormstrike, he guessed that's why he made such a good leader. It was hard to be threatened by Hawkstar, he was a fair leader and usually very kind. Mallownose wasn't prone to keeping things from him but this was something he felt he could handle himself for the most part, some cat had to battle this illness and it was what he'd trained for. He couldn't let his clan suffer to whatever this Death Cough was. He was not going to lose any of their warriors to it. "Not that I'm implying he's a bad fellow or anything but two is a friendly meeting, three is- well, rather unpleasant and unwanted. Just keep him back home or something when we meet next." he shook out his fur with discomfort. "Perhaps we can meet in a day or two, I've still got herbs to get to camp and I hope to try to visit the Moon Stone for guidance to this new illness. I-I've never heard of anything that kills so easily and I must admit that I'm very perturbed by this new information. Maybe my ancestors will know something I don't, I-"

Stormstrike had been pressing ahead of the group despite himself, still glowing with pride over being chosen to confront the rouges who had invaded their territory. He pushed forward when Warmpaw pointed out the cats and felt his claws slide out with anticipation as he cut off Mallownose with his imposing presence. His fluffy tail was lashing from side to side and he seemed far to pleased to be here. He seemed far too pleased to invite a fight with Python. "You've trespassed onto Thunderclan territory. I'm sure my leader would agree with me when I say that we'll have to ask you to leave."


"We've all missed our fair share of squirrels, Runningpaw!" Mossfur purred, his pale gold eyes shining with slight amusement. "Though that would have been a brilliant catch. You got up that tree very quickly, maybe we can work with that but not with squirrels. They're much faster than us up there."

Mossfur affectionately bumped his shoulder to hers as he lead her forward, his silver tabby coat shining under the dappled forest lights. He moved with swift ease and he kept his mouth open to the scents around them. It was a robin that finally flooded his senses and he turned his head to it, his eyes flickering back to Runningpaw. The bird was plump with a plume of glossy feathers and it was pecking idly at the grass, it almost seemed completely oblivious to the two watching cats. Mossfur lowered his voice to a murmur, "Go for the robin. You have to use that speed of yours and you have to be as silent as a mouse. If you're lucky than it'll be a very easy catch, just don't become too discouraged, you're still learning."
I'm so sorry if I'm keeping anyone up! My friend stayed in town a bit longer but he headed home today, I'll hopefully have a post up tomorrow for you all! Sorry for the hold up :O
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