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I'll have a post up late tomorrow! B)

"Disease? You're kidding, right? Hardy har har at the medicine cat?"

When the kittypet piped up out of fear, Mallownose touched the tip of his tail to the young cat's shoulder as if to reassure him. Though he had a feeling that the kittypet would need less reassuring than him. The kittypet could go home if he wished but Mallownose's home was here and it was his job to make sure this home was as safe as he could. With omens and discomfort spinning through his mind, he couldn't help but think about the prospect of a disease so horrid that it could wipe a cat out with no hope for a cure. He'd seen certain litters born with illness that followed them throughout life in the form of sneezing and weakness and they had always died as young warriors but that sort of illness had never been spread throughout the clan. It seemed to be saved for a few unfortunate queens and he could only remember one from when he'd been an apprentice, she had died very suddenly during her last litter and Robinwing had been distraught. Her litter had died with her and he guessed that's what had bothered his mentor the most, it was always a tragedy when they couldn't save the clan that they cared most for.

He had lost a few patients ever since he'd claimed his position and sometimes it troubled his mind at night as he turned over things he should have tried instead. He couldn't help but think about them because when a cat spent their last moments with him, in fear or in pain, it clung to his pelt like ticks. Each glazed look that he was given and each crying kit that couldn't be saved left a hollowness in his chest. It haunted him at night in the form of dreams and sometimes he wished so dearly just to go back to those lost ones and to offer an apology. This was why he mostly understood how important it was for him not to fall in love because he knew would prioritize them and it would drive him mad if he couldn't save them. There would be no job in the clan if he couldn't focus on anything but the cat he'd given his life to, he couldn't protect each warrior equally if one had taken him beyond the rest. He couldn't help but wanting to fall in love anyway, just to see if it was really worth it.

He couldn't let his thoughts become a sea of nonsense either, he nearly spat at himself in his growing frustration. However with the rogue still standing here and her dripping sarcasm still rolling off his fur like tree sap, he decided against it rather quickly. She was speaking of the origins of the disease and for some reason, he was starting to believe her and dread was seeping into his fur. If there could possibly be a disease this awful, shouldn't there possibly be a way to heal it? Shouldn't there be a way to save his afflicted clanmates? Wouldn't Starclan show him to it? He could feel a growing tremble running through his body as he stared at the dusty brown she-cat.

"If you're not lying then what do you call this new illness? Why isn't it treatable?" asked the white tom, his jade eyes flickering with a growing anxiety. "I spoke with my Starclan mentor not long ago and he told me nothing of this mysterious sickness. Why do you know and care so much about the troubles of the clans, Python? What connection do you have with us?"

He paused a moment, his ears flicking back as he watched the she-cat carefully. "You said you sought shelter with Thunderclan and it is not of our nature to turn you down but this information you've brought to me is troubling. I'm not the cat to invite you or turn you down but I will not quarrel with you if you simply seek to help us but I cannot help but notice a scent that clings to you. It is a smell not unlike blood and I am not sure what that means to me or my clan." grimacing slightly, the tom shifted on his paws. "When Warmpaw returns with the warriors, we will decide if you are safe. I will not turn you down, we are not Shadowclan."

Of course, Mallownose had been young during the time of Python's exile from Shadowclan and he had never had a penchant for gossip. The two cats may have been the same age but he had only ever seen Pythonpaw in short intervals, he hadn't even really known her name. Her name had slipped him somehow. It would have been a comment, just a whispered thing that passed by him and meant nothing to him. Just a name that hadn't done anything but rumple Crookedowl's fur at the time but not a name that he could remember. Not a name that was important enough to him that he could have held on to it. Pythonteeth had been that name. Nothing more to him than a hissing mutter from another medicine cat and a few worried comments. Nothing more to him than Crookedowl's shadow casting against the shining stone behind him and the soft worried shaking of his voice. It had been nothing more to him. It was still nothing to him.

Python was a stranger to him, just as much as any cat from outside the four clans would be, just as an exile would be.

I'll have a response up later when I'm home. B)

EDIT: I am too worn out to finish all of these rn so I will have them done as early tomorrow as I can.

EDITEDIT: I will add Mossfur later. :o
@Melodia Alluna Thank you! I look forward to playing him!

Name: Casey Jean Lockheart.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Bloodline: Aeris.
Personality: A sharp wit and a clever humor accompany an otherwise unsettling personality. Casey seems to thrive on attention, often trying to make himself the main attraction in every room that he enters. A penchant for intricate conversations and a charming persona, the boy seems to draw people to him but can also come off as a bit cold. That coldness comes out in bursts that leave his attachments often feeling as if he never liked them at all and can be a source to why he doesn't seem to have many friends.
Bio: Born in a small town, Casey wasn't very special to much of anyone and that may have been what caused him to act out. He had a fairly happy family with a younger sister and two very doting parents that cared for him dearly. He learned about his power through a strange meeting with the family cat that his parents have been trying to forget since, mostly it involved a lot of meowing back and forth between the two. He spent a lot of time talking to his cat and sometimes that worried his parents but otherwise, he lived a normal life. He's been settling in at the academy and he's starting to come out of his shell again.
Strengths: Empathetic, humorous, knowledge of felines, painting, moderately quick.
Weaknesses: Dogmatic, cold, dramatic, loud, not very strong.
I will be posting a sheet as well! 8) This looks cool.

It hadn't taken Mallownose more than a few moments to deliver the coltsfoot to their hiding place beneath the holly bush and it hadn't taken long for him to realize that the flowers were missing. This bothered him because he was a very impatient cat sometimes and he had definitely told Warmpaw, Sketch and Coochie to deliver those flowers here and to go collect the chickweed near the training hollow. It made him very huffy but that was an acceptable reaction, it should have taken them moments to get those flowers here and he headed towards the clearing where he had left them. It didn't take long for him to push through the long grass and he could just start to see them. Three forms were all pressed near each other and another two forms stood across from them, both very unfamiliar. It was rare when Mallownose didn't recognize cats from his clan and he definitely didn't bring these two cats in.

That was the part that made him prickle with unease, he wasn't a warrior and fighting off a pair of rogues would prove hard. They smelled slightly sour, it was a scent that reminded him of blood and he couldn't keep his fur from rising along his spine. He wasn't going to appear as a threat to them if he could help it and he waited a spell as Warmpaw challenged their story, listening to the young tom act so bravely was something that made him proud. He couldn't help the urge to praise the young tom for his valor and he was so proud of him for speaking out for the other frightened cats. Though Sketch had shown his own bravery in staying beside Warmpaw instead of backing off, together the young cats looked like a team and he almost believed in their ability to chase off the rogues theirselves.

"I don't believe I know you two," he meowed as he surfaced behind them from the trees and padded towards the three younger cats. "I can't help but agree with my apprentice, you don't belong on Thunderclan territory. What might have brought you here?"

Noticing that the two cats seemed to have taken a less than defensive response to the three young cats, he decided to return the favor with a courteous attitude. If he could kindly direct them away from Thunderclan, then he could collect the chickweed and report the trespassers to Silverstorm because she always seemed to fill in for Ravencoat. It would probably require a few extra patrols to make sure that the two rogues didn't intend to return but it wasn't of his concern. He just had to make sure that they left before any cat made their way back into the camp. If they accidentally lead a pair of unknown rouges into the camp then it could spell trouble for the rest of the clan and he wasn't going to lead it there without a second thought.

He could see growing anxiousness within Warmpaw, it was obvious in his eyes that something was haunting him and he figured it had to do with the fear. Warmpaw was already very anxious about leaving camp and with good reason but now he had been faced with two strange rogues. It was unclear what their intent was and that was somehow worse. If they had attacked the three young cats then it might have been easier just to chase then off. Since they had not, he was left with an uncomfortable predicament and a decision, he had to decide whether or whether not they were going to be trouble. He had never been very good with decisions and it made him wish Robinwing was here, she had always been much smarter than he was.

He knew that the mottled brown tabby would have been much better with this situation than he was. Actually, any cat might be better deciding, that made him curious. He wondered if he could get a warrior over here to overview the two rogues and decide whether they were trouble or not.

"Warmpaw," glancing to his apprentice, he blinked his jade eyes. "Do you think that you could collect a warrior or two? Just in case our visitors prove to be a problem. I know that Bravefeather, Sandfire, Mossfur and Tabbyfur should be training their apprentices nearby and that Silverstorm lead a patrol out. If you can find any of them then it would be a big help."

Heck yeah! 8)
I'll be getting up a first post for Puddlefoot in a bit 8) I have some house work to do.
@Tea at midd I think you'll do fine! I love reading your replies and you're a fantastic writer. 8)
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