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@Tea at midd Thank you! 8) I had a backup plan in case you would rather have not but it's a lot cooler to be able to kick off Flightpaw as a character in the clan.
@Tea at midd This isn't like highly essential bc I could always just send Sketch back to his nest for awhile but Mallownose was going to bring Sketch and Coochie to meet him about joining :o but like I said I could ship him back to his burrow for awhile if it's too much trouble.

"Herbs." snorted the white tom softly as he descended downhill again, his tail lashing from one side to the other, he was muttering to himself like a grumpy old badger. "Herbs! I'm named after them and I can't even remember them, you'd think I'd have half a brain by now and then I go and surprise every cat by having no brain at all!"

Bouncing onto the first stepping stone, the sound of the river flooded his senses as he skirted over their slick surface and into the territory with careful paws. His white form landed on the other side and he could see the territory open up before him with it's damp peaty grass and it's scattered trees. Without need for cover, Riverclan was somewhat at an advantage and had long since taught themselves to fight under the most ridiculous circumstances. Water was one of those ridiculous circumstances, they were the only cats he had ever known of to favor water. His pelt was heavy at the thought of fighting within water, he couldn't imagine how unfortunate it must feel to be so drenched and it brought a shudder out of him. The river had always appeared to him as an angry thing, it was constantly snarling after all and it leapt at the rocks each time he crossed over them. It seemed as eager to get him out of Riverclan territory as the Riverclan cats probably were.

With a mental apology to the grumbling river, he pressed forward on light paws.

The sky overhead was casting warm light on his coat and he could just scent the coltsfoot growing in a tiny cluster near the root of a tree. The long stems were covered in tiny sharp edged leaves that hadn't spread for their last time this season. Coltsfoot was a fickle plant and if he wanted the best use of it then he would have to collect it later in Leaf Fall but he could make do with this for now. Coltsfoot was generally good throughout the seasons and grew in thick bunches, it was almost never a worry that they would run out because it grew wherever it could leach water from. The soil in Riverclan was definitely the richest and it thrived all over, even towards the rapidly rushing water in the gorge. He had never had to travel that far for it but he had recognized that it was there, it was not of his concern but he had made himself knowledgable about the positions of the herbs.

Setting to his task of freeing the hardy plants from the ground, he had to gnaw a little harder to free the thick stems. The tiny yellow flowers fell into a quick pile and he used his paws to arrange them into a neat stack as he pulled himself into his thoughts. He wondered how he would ask Sandfire to hunt with him and if he even had the nerve to do it. It was not something he was particularly good at, he often avoided bothering warriors with his queries unless they concerned their health. She was a respectable young cat and highly appreciated within in the clan for her expert hunting abilities. He thought that he might just compliment that if he did not bite his own tongue first out of nervousness. He could imagine the way she might look at him if he stumbled over his words to try to ask her a simple yes or no question and it made his ears burn.

He didn't even know why he was becoming flustered by the thought and he thought himself a fool. She was just a warrior, another she-cat within the clan. He had spoken to her on several occasions in the same manner that he had spoken to any cat who lived in their camp. He had been taught by Robinwing to know his potential patients and to make himself aware of their habits because if he was not aware then they could be suffering a wound and it may go against their pride to come to him. He had to understand things like that or cats could become severely injured, it was his job as a medicine cat to make sure they got the treatment that they needed. In that time, he had learned of the spitfire hidden beneath a genuine personality. A kind she-cat, she was somewhat foolhardy but she was more likely to get herself hurt in an expedition off the territory than she was to get herself hurt in a bloodthirsty attack against another cat.

He liked that about her though, adventure was a good thing to keep in one's heart and she had the insatiable urge to explore. It was almost like the longing he had to leave Thunderclan sometimes, just the slightest itch in his paws to run somewhere where he would not have to feel Puddlefoot's gaze burning into the back of his neck. The urge to feel the wind in his fur and to breathe in the scent of the unknown, he wanted to find a forest with cats that he had never met, he wanted to see herbs that no cat had dared to use. He had the draw to discovery but he had never acted on those wishes. Thunderclan would be lost without him, they wouldn't recover without a medicine cat, especially with a Greencough scare. Warmpaw needed him to succeed and this was his place, every cat here understood and respected him, there was never any need to leave.

Shaking his head against his treacherous thoughts, he gathered the herbs up in his jaws and turned to head back towards the river before his paw nearly tread something. Blinking in surprise, he lifted his black foot and stared down at the item he'd nearly trod on. It was a simple thing, really, something that a warrior would overlook but something that made a cold stone drop into his belly. It was an omen of some sort, a strange one at that with it's simplicity. A catmint plant. It stood tall and surrounded in damp grass, it looked almost luminous in the sunlight that spilled over it and it looked unnervingly alive.

A prickle of unease settled over him and he pressed his paw to the plant, bending the stem over with a precise movement, he studied the leaves with careful eyes. They were the same thin, toothed leaves and they were covered in a thin fur that collected dew in between its sensitive hairs. It was a normal catmint plant and yet so strange that he couldn't decipher it. It didn't belong here and a chill set into him as he stepped away from it in his discomfort. He didn't know what it meant unless it was referring to the Greencough being particularly bad this season. Was it going to kill him clanmates? Was it going to be so bad that even Starclan was concerned with it?

Troubled, the medicine cat tucked the omen away in his mind before pressing his way back over the stones.


"I can't wait!"

When Warmpaw had described the training hollow, a small thrill of excitement had washed through Sketch and he'd practically started bouncing on his paws. He had never been to a training hollow before, the only training that he had undergone had been with his father and Scratch. It hadn't been rigorous training but it had been basic defensive maneuvers and he had learned to dodge and strike in the way that Skyclan taught their warriors. Leaping was an important skill and he could practically leap higher than any cat, he wondered if that would come in handy when fighting with the other apprentices. His excitement grew as he imagined them going in for a blow at his hind legs and him leaping straight over it, he could prove himself to be as good as a warrior as any cat.

The thought of training with Coochie by his side was a fun one and he had long since decided that he liked hunting with his kittypet friend. He would like training with him even better and he could see a future before them with their lives as warriors. Excitement made him want to purr but he contained it when he noticed the alarm flash in Warmpaw's eyes. His senses weren't as trained to the undergrowth filled territory and he couldn't have heard a bird land in a bush near his paws but he could see a shape moving closer and by Warmpaw's expression, this was not Mallownose returning from his trip into Riverclan territory. It confused him initially and he had stepped forward to get a look before Warmpaw yelled to get behind him.

Sketch stepped back until he was standing at the smaller cat's side and lashed his bony tail from side to side as a strange pair emerged from the bracken. The she-cat was the color of dry soil in the Gorge back home, a dusty brown that seemed to only become disturbed by the pale markings in her pelt and a muscular set to her body. She had a long tail that whipped behind her and a pair of unmistakable golden brown eyes that almost seemed to glow with some internal light. There was knowledge there, knowledge and something else. Something that he didn't quite like to see and something that made his fur rise along his spine. He knew that this she-cat couldn't belong here and he was suddenly very frightened of her.

His claws unsheathed and he tried to make himself look bigger by bristling up beside Warmpaw, his teeth baring at her. Anxiety was setting in and making his flanks heave with each struggling breath and he didn't think he would have the nerve to actually fight them but he had decided that he would try. Warmpaw definitely couldn't fight two strangers alone if they chose to attack and he would feel like a mouse-hearted kit if he didn't do anything to help the flame marked tom. This cat was trying his best to stand up for them and he was going to repay that by fighting alongside him if he had to, even if he was more frightened then a vole being chased near the river.

"I- I don't think you should be here." he spat, his ears flattened against his head and his legs were shaking. "This is Thunderclan territory and you're trespassing."

Name: Puddlefoot.
Gender: Male.
Age: 54 Moons.
Rank Wanted: Warrior.
Rank Received: Warrior.

Description: A handsome black and white tom who is lean with muscle and somewhat compact in size with glossy, neat fur that clings to his figure. Small paws and a long feathered tail, long white whiskers. Soft paw pads that are marked with black spots and sharp, hooked claws. Thick fluff along his chest and neck that is a stark white in shade, large amber eyes.
Pelt Colour: Black and white.
Body Type: Compact and lean with muscle.
Eye Colour: Amber.

Description: A brave tom with a heart of gold, Puddlefoot was always known for his kindness and his penchant for helping those who were less fortunate than him. He was always the type of tom who was willing to throw himself in front of any cat who needed him. Though somewhat grumpy at times, he has a snapping temper and a quick wit that his son seems to have inherited from him. He serves his clan to the best of his ability and tries to make himself known, though most only seem to take note of his very quick footed run and his penchant for holding a horrible grudge.
Likes: Meadowheart, hunting, tracking, fighting, training apprentices, clear days, mice.
Dislikes: Being seen as a lazy individual, rainy days, squawking kits, hunting birds, muddy earth, the smell of herbs.
Wants: To be seen as a warrior of notable capabilities.
Fears: Losing Meadowheart, Thunderclan losing battles, the clan not being fed through Leaf Bare, bad memories.
Strengths: Hunting, fighting, very quick, bravery, ambition, ability to move on from bad things.
Weaknesses: Recklessness, fear of the future, tendency to hold grudges, contemptuous.

Description: A half-clan cat by blood, his father was a Windclan cat who had been exiled after his illicit affair with the Thunderclan she-cat had been discovered. Though this was a very harsh punishment, Rockstep had been in trouble within the clan for outside mates before and he left the forest for good and was promptly never seen again. Though it was rumored that Shadowclan had later found his body near their border, it was never confirmed. This tore Orchidfall apart when she realized that she was carrying his kits and that he would never be there to father them.

The kits were born on a stormy afternoon in Leaf Fall and they were healthy bundles of black and white fur. Orchidfall loved them more than anything, she however still worried that they would need a father who they could look up to and she sought out a tom named Crowfur. It was an arrangement more than anything, the two had been friends for moons and Crowfur promised to act as their father for however long he was alive. The kits grew up healthy and thriving, they often spent their days listening to stories with the elders. Puddlekit showed a keenness at a young age and could often be found snuffling around places where he wasn't supposed to be, that included invading the leader's den and poking at herbs in the medicine den.

He was always caught and he got somewhat used to being scolded as he grew older. A tough apprentice with a drive for adventure, he would rush into things without the approval of his mentor and he would cause trouble wherever he could hook his paws into. That included trying to cross into other clan territories with his brother Blackpaw, that was what ultimately got Blackpaw killed in what could only be known as a horrible accident while trying to cross the Thunderpath. It haunted him for moons and Swiftpaw never quite seemed to forgive him.

When they were given their warrior names, he had long since decided that he needed to be the best warrior that he could to his clan. Ultimately this lead him to pursuing the pretty she-cat known as Meadowheart and they fell in love very quickly. Though her first litter was born of dead kits, their second litter was reasonably healthy. He could see potential in his two daughters and son and he loved them with the same warmth and encouragement that Crowfur had given him. When Greencough took his young daughters, he was stricken with grief but it was nothing compared to his mate. It made it hard to remember the son that had survived as he tried to console her misery. When Mallowpaw was named the Medicine Cat apprentice, he couldn't help his disappointment and anger. He had expressed it severely to the leader and had been silenced by the fact that it was Starclan's will to accept the young tom for the life of herb picking. He never quite got over his anger.
Crush: Meadowheart.
Mate: Meadowheart.
Kits: Mallownose ( Son ), Frostkit ( Daughter - DEC ), Petalkit ( Daughter - DEC ).
Kins: Rockstep ( Father - DEC ), Orchidfall ( Mother - DEC ), Crowfur ( Foster Father - DEC ), Blackpaw ( Brother - DEC ), Swiftspots ( Brother - DEC ).
He's disappointed in Mallownose, he always wanted his kits to be warriors.
He is planning on having more kits with Meadowheart in the future.
@Ginger Kollie Would it be bad if I fill out a CS for Puddlefoot and make him a main? I'm probably going to kill off Mossfur sometime for lack of muse but I really adore Puddlefoot right now and I think he'd be a good addition to my mains. 8)
@LetMeDoStuff Right after Mallownose left, oh no.
Mallownose & Sketch.

"And if you're going to be help then I'd like you both to remember to snip the stem and not to uproot the plant. If the roots are there then it grows again. This is all we'll need from here," gathering the catmint in his jaws, he could taste the sweet flavor rushing along his tongue and it was all he could do not to start chewing it himself. "We'll grab two poppy flowers and take those back with the rest of the stock. It'll be good to have more seeds around unless any cat becomes ill."

"Ill?" asked Sketch apprehensively, he bounded after Mallownose as he descended downhill again and the twoleg nests became farther and farther away.

The forest opened up around Sketch and he was reminded of how very different it was from the gorge in every single way. The trees were in tighter clusters and the grass was nearly so long that it tickled his chin in some patches that Mallownose moved through with ease. He could see towering pine trees further off and the smell of their sap was strong in his nose despite their distance. The sound of chattering birds overhead was clear in his ears, a few swooping past each other and landing noisily amongst the branches where they perched. Ground prey was much quieter, mice scuttling past fallen leaves and voles tucking beneath bushes as the the three cats passed by. He even sighted a squirrel springing past on quick paws and paused to watch it as it wound itself back up the tree quickly. His paws itched to try to spring up after it but he knew it would distract him from following the medicine cats and he'd become very lost, very quickly. He knew he would be hopeless within this territory and if a border patrol found him then they would surely chase him off without so much of a goodbye.

The scents were more amazing than Sketch could have ever imagined and it was unlike any dream he'd ever had about finding Thunderclan, it made his fur prickle with excitement and unease. The unfamiliar was the most amazing thing about the territory, he could hear a river rushing nearby and the sound of trees whispering as the breeze tore through them. It was nothing like Skyclan's territory had been, they had been adept to hunting by leaping through the trees with powerful legs and that had made for their territory to be full of long, clawed trees. Those trees hadn't harbored any leaves and their bark had been as rough as his mother's tongue, most of the grass had been browning and parched until it reached the twoleg nests. The gorge itself had been hard brown stone that heated under the morning sun and sometimes brought the occasional lizard out for a sunning.

His first ever kill had been a lizard and it had been crunchy and unpleasant on his tongue but his mother had praised him warmly. Scratch had been so jealous that he'd spent the whole afternoon stalking every shadow that scuttled past him. He hadn't caught a single scale but he had kept trying until he had became much too frustrated to try again. Scratch had been the first cat that he had ever learned to hunt with, his mom had wanted them to learn to work together so she had taught them to work as a team. It had been hard at first but after some time, he had began to understand the basics. Him and Scratch had become an amazing team together, they had practically caught any type of prey that the forest could have thrown at them.

He wondered if he'd be that lucky here, he wondered if him and Coochie could learn to hunt together in this new terrain. It made him wish even more that Coochie would decide to stay with them, he couldn't imagine losing the only friend that he had made since he'd come here. "We are under the way of a possible outbreak of a disease called Whitecough, these herbs will hopefully help. It's not uncommon for sickness to flare up but we try to keep it down if we can help it." Mallownose had paused near a spiny tree and he was sniffing along the ground before he lifted up a small branch full of blue tinted berries and that kept his mouth shut as they padded along.

He pressed all of the herbs beneath the sharp edged leaves of a holly bush and he lead them towards a small cluster of flowers nearby. Sketch immediately recognized the wide golden heads of the marigold that they were looking for and he sprung forward to nip at the stems himself, it was easy enough to free the big flowers from their standing perch and it wasn't long before he had collected a good mouthful of the bitter stems. He could feel the golden heads against his cheek and he felt silly holding them as he glanced to Mallownose.

"Coochie, go ahead and collect some of the bright red flowers. We could use at least two, but three or four never hurt any cat." he liked to have extra poppy seeds in the stock, it made his job all the easier and the young ones liked the blood red petals that they discarded. "You two stay here with Warmpaw and I'll be back in no time. I'm just going to gather some coltsfoot from Riverclan, I should have grabbed it while we were there but-" a shake of his white head as if he was exasperated with himself. "Always forgetting the essentials. Warmpaw, you can take them to collect the chickweed after you bring the flowers back to the holly bush. There should be a reasonable cluster near the training hollow."

Flicking his tail in short farewell, he turned to pad back towards the Riverclan border and disappeared amongst the trees. Sketch watched him go with his mouthful of marigold and glanced towards Warmpaw before setting the flowers down lightly. "What's the training hollow like? Do you two collect herbs like this every day? Do they all taste so awful?"
My Mossfur reply was kind of shortish, but Stormstrike never fails me.


Stormstrike had been working on the burrs in his tail as the leader showed up with the apprentice Berrypaw at his lead and it was obvious he was on high alert. Though he could understand with half a clan lazing in the territory and getting fat off Thunderclan prey. He couldn't help but be so furious at this group of lazy scavengers, they could only be bringing trouble with them and he wished to chase them off without a second thought. He didn't understand why Silverstorm had to be so constantly accepting and silver tongued, he didn't understand why she hadn't just signaled them to chase off the warriors. He would have had these cats off their border in no time at all, he wouldn't have even thought about it. He definitely wouldn't have fed them and shared tongues as if they were his kin, it made him want to cuff Silverstorm over the ears like a mouse brained apprentice--not that he knew what having one of those was like.

They smelled of great weakness, maybe that was enough for her to try to show them compassion but he didn't understand compassion. Compassion got cats killed, mercy could end with a bloody ear. Mercy could end with a rage hollowed in his chest and a guilt that made his paws heavy. He could still remember the way Talonpaw had gone limp beneath him during their tussle in the wild garlic and he could remember preparing to leave it at another argument to remain unsolved. It was a stupid fight anyway and a mistake he would never make after being a warrior. Stealing prey wasn't honorable but it had been his assessment and he couldn't find so much of a bird feather in their territory that day. He had never meant for his brother to follow him, he had never meant to attack his brother.

He could remember how the pale gray and white tom had stared up at him before his blue eyes had hardened and he had rocked forward with so much force that it had made Stormstrike fall backwards. He could remember the teeth sinking into his ear and he could remember the screech from his own jaws as pain flooded through him. He remembered the hot blood streaming down his cheek and the red that had veiled his vision as he'd been taken by some driving force to fight until Talonpaw readily gave up. His hatred was a livid thing that fueled his battering paws as he tumbled through the foul smelling plant and he felt claws tear into his muzzle with enough force to draw more blood. He had barely gotten a hit on Talonpaw and shame was making him all the more frantic as they fought.

He twisted too sharply and Talonpaw's teeth sunk into his leg and he twisted sharply again, blinded by a sudden lash into his flank by Talonpaw's swift blows. He was battered and confused, it was as if every time he went for a blow of his own, Talonpaw beat him to it with a sharpness that made him feel slower than an injured badger. Relying solely on brute strength, he slammed into him and lashed out without paying enough attention. In retrospect, he should have paid attention because that was when Talonpaw had began to bleed. The blood had spurted sharply before it started to soak into the white fur of his chest and the glossy blue eyes of his brother were staring at him in horror. They never had stopped staring. Sometimes he saw them in his dreams.

Sometimes he heard his brother's accusing voice echoing in his ears and sometimes his dreams became a feverish collection of his death. It flashed through his mind most nights and woke him from his trembling, bristling slumbers. He could still see it all so clearly and he could still remember his burning pride at beating the larger tom, even if it had lasted for only the breath of a mouse. He could still remember the panic that had gripped him once he was in camp and the fear that had found him at ever being discovered, he couldn't lose this clan over a murder, he realized he'd have to lie and so he did. It had been surprisingly easy because the overwhelming scent of garlic had made it nearly impossible to pick up his smell on the bloody corpse.

He had been lucky and he'd didn't ever think he'd get that lucky again if he messed up. He wasn't about to cause a scene now, no matter how much the Shadowclan warriors got under his pelt like a determined flea and he didn't start paying attention until he swore he could hear Ravencoat's name. Looking up in confusion at the mention of the deputy, he gauged Hawkstar's reaction and could see surprise as clean as the stripes in his dark fur and he flicked his ears back as he tried to decipher what the deputy had done to Shadowclan that was so horrible. He never paid any extra attention to the deputy though it was mostly out of jealousy but he couldn't think of anything the tom could have done. Mostly this confused him as he waited for some louder details, he wasn't too into gossip but knowing things about the deputy could prove amusing enough.


Blinking in amazement, his apprentice suddenly took off at full speed and he could see her paws practically flying over the ground. It was all he could not to bolt after her but he guessed that she had her reasoning and he spotted it fairly soon after. A good sized squirrel with a long bushy tail, it would make for a handsome meal if she could catch it. Her white and calico spotted form was almost a blur along the ground, just a pawstep behind the squirrel with each stride that she took before it scrabbled up a tree and he was sure she'd lost it. It was more than a surprise when she went up the tree after it and he stepped forward in concern, his gold eyes following her anxiously as she moved after the squirrel. This was beyond his paws now, quite literally, he couldn't very well go up there and intervene with her catch.

He wondered if she could manage to catch it and he knew he would be very proud if she did. It was definitely a squirrel to brag about to her denmates and one he could be proud she had caught under his watchful eye.

"Try to skirt along the branches! Be very careful, Runningpaw! This could be a tough catch and oh, for Starclan's sake, don't fall!
Mallownose & Sketch.

"Ease up, young one. I doubt it would be any interest of mine or my apprentice to harm your friend. Though I can't help but admire how your willing to fight two tough forest cats for him," he mrrow of amusement made his eyes shine. "Though I can promise you that if I ever get in a border skirmish with a loner then it may be a sad day for my position to help all cats in need. However if I get in a border skirmish with any cat, it's going to be that young medicine cat in Riverclan. They have a habit of uprooting the plants. I have been begging and begging for them to stop but they are reluctant."

"Coochie! This is Coochie!" he introduced with a purr of enthusiasm before spinning to face Coochie, his tail flagging with excitement. "This is Mallownose and Warmpaw! They're the medicine cats of Thunderclan! That's the clan I told you about! Mallownose said he'd introduce me to the leader! Can you believe that?"

Mallownose was amused to say the least, something in him warmed at the excited voice of the young tom. He'd seen apprentices with such enthusiasm go very far and though Sketch seemed to have a high-strung edge, he looked to be a strong apprentice. There was potential there though it would need a very strong cat to tap into it and he'd be sure to inform Hawkstar of that when the time came. He was a very fair leader and he seemed to care for Mallownose's opinion, it was a good time to offer that. Beyond Sketch was the large fluffy kittypet that he had called Coochie, there was something familiar in the young cat and he could have sworn that he had seen a cat in Riverclan who highly resembled the tom. Though it was hard to place just whom, he rarely spoke with any cat but the other medicine cats at gatherings. It was strange to consider how a Riverclan kit could have ended up in a twoleg nest and he found himself a little baffled by it.

He begin nipping the stems of the fragrant plants and stacking them up in the grass alongside him. The taste was present and as familiar as moons past on his tongue, he could remember picking these with Robinwing during one of the larger outbreaks of Whitecough and he could remember how the sun had made her fur glow mahogany. She had instructed him where to nip the plant from and how many to collect before deciding there was enough. They always saved herbs in case another clan became low on stock and had less than them, it was just the most honorable way. Every cat was their responsibility equally, they had to care for them as medicine cats and he had taken that very seriously. He would collect just enough for his clan and he would leave the rest, it was habitual at this point, he had instilled the knowledge to Warmpaw and he hoped it was passed to the next medicine cat apprentice as well.

Robinwing had been a good medicine cat, she had been smart and kind and she had cared for all of her patients as if they were her own kin. That had been what he'd liked about her, she had never had any bitterness about her position. His parents had given him that bitterness and it clung to his bones and made his ears heavy with regret, sometimes he wished he'd just told Robinwing that he wanted to be a warrior. Destiny had a funny thing about not letting a cat escape however and he knew that no matter what Starclan would still follow him in his dreams and he couldn't erase them. This was the path he'd been made to follow and he didn't know why Puddlefoot and Meadowheart couldn't just let him enjoy being a medicine cat. He was such a good medicine cat, he knew he was a good medicine cat.

"Coochie, I might get to join! I-I wish you could join too," his blue eyes seemed sad when he glanced to his friend. "It won't be any fun without you. I won't really be able to visit you at your nest anymore."

Mallownose glanced up, disturbed from his thoughts and glanced to Warmpaw, talking softly to him. "If we brought two outsiders into camp at once, how well do you think that would go? A kittypet and a loner won't cause any issues for the clan and that kittypet seems strong enough, provided he even wants to join us. That loner needs a few good meals, you can see his bones and I already promised to let him meet Hawkstar."

The white tom starting counting the stocks under his breath quietly before nodding to himself, there was enough for them for now. Now they just had to restock the juniper, grab some chickweed and maybe some coltsfoot if he could remember it. It was always helpful to have extra coughing aids around if they ran low on the stronger herbs. He ran over a mental list of the stock back home and knew they were growing short on feverfew as well but they had a healthy stock of ragwort leaves. They definitely needed to grab more poppyseeds with Warmpaw's sleeping troubles and in case Whitecough was present, it would help the affected to sleep past their aching chest and throat. They would definitely need more cats to carry it all back and these were two able cats.

"And they could be a big help with bringing back the herbs because otherwise we'd have to make a few trips. It's definitely a good way to test how willing they are to do apprentice duties," a purr escaped him. "Should they join, of course."
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