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@ChronoBovino That could work for me ;o They're still near his den.
@Shurikai I'm so glad that it was emotional, I was going for an edge of emotion and I didn't know if it hit the nail on the head so this is a huge compliment. <3
Mallownose & Sketch.

"Th-Thunderclan? The Thunderclan?" he meowed, poking his blocky head out from the shelter of the tunnel and eyed the other young tom before him.

He weaseled halfway out of the tunnel and grabbed the herb before ducking back into it and sniffing at the plant in the dark. His eyes were nothing but a glint in the shadows and his whiskers seemed to reflect the light shining in from outside. It was obvious that he was inspecting the herb at his paws with how close to the ground they were. He lapped it up quickly and chewed it, the flavor unfamiliar on his tongue but it did well in calming him some, his heart wasn't pounding at the speed of light after a few moments of breathing. He decided to peer out of the den now that the herb had taken effect and he wasn't dead by poisoning. He could see the tom in full now, a cream colored fellow with points that looked like fire in his fur and almost seemed to glow under the full force of the sunlight.

He had warm blue eyes and they were as undisturbed as the gorge had been in Leafbare, Sketch decided that he could trust him. He had come here to seek out Thunderclan and these were Thunderclan cats, he'd never run into a real life Thunderclan cat before. He'd never seen a real life medicine cat either but he'd heard the stories of how they were trusted to heal and care for the entirety of the clan. It all sounded very daunting to him and he knew he could never handle that kind of responsibility. He wondered how Warmpaw could ever want to be a medicine cat apprentice and he nearly shivered at the thought himself, it took dedication for a position like that. He could feel some surge of admiration for the fire touched tom before him.

Pulling his bony figure out of the burrow, he moved with a nervousness and a tension. His legs almost seemed to be shaking but at least he wasn't freaking out any longer. He figured that if they were going to be angry with him then he could try to make it up to them somehow. Maybe he could try to catch more birds around the territory for them to take back, maybe they wouldn't punish him so harshly if he promised that he was only eating the blackbird because he was starving. He had to step over the discarded remains but he made a note to bury them before he had to move his nest. He definitely couldn't stay here. What if they got mad at him for stealing prey? He just couldn't bare it. His mother would tell him he was a mousebrain for hunting so close anyhow.

"N-no, I don't suppose that I really need help. I-" swallowing thickly, the pale tabby skirted past Warmpaw and dug a hole into the earth before scraping the bird bones into it and kicking earth over them. It was a taught habit, his mother had scolded him various times for leaving carrion to lie about in the sun and he wasn't about to do it in front of two clan cats. He had to look proper or else he'd never have a chance, maybe he didn't even have a chance now but he had to make his mother proud of him. He couldn't wait to tell Coochie about the two clan cats but it would have to wait. They'd surely send him off, surely! "My mom used to tell me st-stories that were told to her as a kit. A lo-long time ago, a cat used to lead this clan, he saved a fallen fifth clan that was known simply as Skyclan."

The tom smoothed over his buried carrion with his tail and his ears flicked back, his cobalt eyes flickering with some touch of sadness. "They struggled with rats a lot and they thought they had them managed for a long time before I was even born but after Whitestar took over, the rats returned. They wiped out a good lot of the warriors and her as well." he glanced towards his paws for a moment, his ears flicking back into a standing position. "My parents were warriors! And I wanted to be a warrior too! So I decided to find Thunderclan! It all started here!"

Excitement had flooded his voice for a moment, excitement and longing of some sort before his large ears seemed to go back again. "I've been afraid to try to find your camp." he admitted as embarrassment took over his tone. "I don't know if I'd be accepted, let alone any good to you at all. I can hunt though! Kind of!"

A purr of amusement escaped Mallownose and the scrawny tom swung his head to stare in wide-eyed amazement at the very strange coloring in the white tom and black tom. Warmpaw had been strange enough, he was wondering how these cats caught anything at all. He was quite sure their colors wouldn't blend into anything at all. Most of the cats he'd known from the Gorge had been dark in color or pale tabbies, colors that blended with the stone environment and in the trees that they were taught to hunt and fight in. Genetics had lined up almost perfectly for most Skyclan cats, though there were the occasional brightly colored tabbies or snow colored cats. It was still very strange to him somehow.

"Now that's something I haven't heard about in moons! Robinwing told me the stories because she heard them from her mentor Hollowthroat." the white tom glanced to Warmpaw with quivering whiskers. "I never told you because it all sounded like milkfed nonsense that queens tell their kits to help them sleep. I suppose I should have believed them, considering the other groups of cats who live around but I just didn't think we could have been so cruel to drive a whole clan out."

A shake of his white head and he bounded forward to join his apprentice's side, his black tail swaying back and forth as he eyed the young tom before him. "Well, I wonder how Hawkstar would welcome him. He definitely doesn't seem to pose a threat and if he could help us take back some herbs them he would be of good use until we introduce him to our mighty leader. Provided that he doesn't plan to run off in fright when he gets to camp."

Sketch smiled brilliantly, his chest erupting in a purr. "Could I really? I'm Sketch! My mom says that she was going to name me Sketchy but they never kept it. Did I interrupt something? Do you want these funny smelling plants? I could pick some!"
@Shurikai It's cool! 8) I can't wait to see it when it is done. I'm in no rush.
@Apoalo Either way it's all good!~

There are a lot of names so it's easy to mix them up sometimes.
@Shurikai Stormstrike, I just didn't think to point it out bc they seemed to know in the post. 8)
@Apoalo Thank you! Your reply was splendid as well. 8)

It was ludicrous in the most shameful way that these warriors had even come past their border and he could feel anger gripping his bones as they finally showed face. It was an entire raiding party and he immediately found his hooked claws sinking into the earth as he stared murder at the Shadowclan patrol. The leader seemed to be hanging by a thread and it would have been startling if he wasn't so blinded by his anger. How dare these cats be so bold to enter their territory with a leader in tow. How dare these cats be so bold to ask for Hawkstar himself, Stormstrike's muscles were tensing in his body as he watched them. Silverstorm didn't signal an attack and that made him all the more furious as she spoke to them in her calm, soft voice. She didn't even get a little ruffled as the rat-faced tom smiled at her through his skinny muzzle.

"You can't be taking them serious--" they seemed to be going on no matter what he was saying in his growling undertone so he clamped his muzzle shut.

He could feel the itch in his paws to leap forward and batter Ratnose until he was nothing but a scrap of bloody fur but he kept himself still. It didn't help the bristling in his fur as he listened to them speak. The last life of one leader wasn't anything to their clan and he didn't understand why Hawkstar needed to be informed of some coughing, pitiful mess. It wasn't their problem if Shadowclan would soon be lead by Ratnose. It wasn't their problem if the old leader up and croaked right now, it was their problem that these cats were trespassers. These cats had violated clan law and they were on their territory, they had even brought enough cats to attack with a force.

When Silverstorm ordered her patrol to hunt for the tired Shadowclan cats, he felt his tail start lashing back and forth. He even turned to give her a challenging remark before she asked him to stay with her. A sigh escaped him and he eased his muscles as much as he could with all of his nerves screaming for a fight. He twisted around to rasp a tongue over his bristled fur as Silverstorm did her speaking thing, he couldn't very well interfere with her as she was talking. She had handled the situation without any bloodshed and it was admirable enough, though he wouldn't admit that to her. As the cats began to fill in again with prey to distribute, he had to keep from springing to his paws again over the loss of so much prey.

It was loyalty that made him so angry and upset over this, prey was important! They needed prey- It was also getting warm again and there would be less struggle to find it. He knew she knew what she was doing but he still wanted to chase these frog-eaters from their territory. He settled for trying to nip a burr from his thick gray coat and nearly tore out a good patch in his fury, tugging it sharply, the burr came loose and he spat it on the earth with a hiss of irritation. He had at least five more clinging to his tail and it just wasn't worth trying to work them out right now. When he looked up, he could see her gesturing him over.

Pulling himself to her side with weighted paws, he settled down and curled his tail over to begin working on the burrs that clung in the thick gray fur. Muttering through a mouthful of gray fur, he asked her in another undertone. "Are you positive this is a good idea, Silverstorm?"
Mallownose & Sketch.

When his apprentice had slipped, he'd prepared himself to leap across the the stones and into the water. Though he wouldn't have been much help in the swimming department, he would have at least been able to throw the tom back onto shore. It would have been worth a pelt full of water to make sure Warmpaw didn't drown on him. He wasn't about to lose another medicine cat, especially one that he was so close to. Robinwing had destroyed him but Warmpaw had so much to look forward to, Warmpaw was going to be a brilliant medicine cat some day, Warmpaw was the only family he had anymore. Warmpaw was as good as kin. So to say that his heart skipped a beat would be an understatement. He held his breath as Warmpaw recovered surprisingly quick and he breathed out a sigh of relief as he watched his apprentice make it back to the Thunderclan side of the border.

He stepped after him quickly, his paws movely swiftly over the stones before he leaped off the last one and landed softly. He had never liked the stepping stones much, they were slick and dangerous, many a cat had hurt themselves from slipping off them. He sometimes wondered why they couldn't find a more sane way to cross into each other's territory. The medicine cats had to struggle enough on those ridiculous stones. Shaking out his white coat, he brought his mouthful of tansy to the holly bush. Pushing the tansy piles beneath the bush, he nodded to it affirmatively before turning to his apprentice.

"Of course! Though we'll need a warrior, we usually teach these things in groups because medicine cats are less likely to be a target." offering the young tom a slight smile, he drew his tongue along his paw and brushed it quickly over each spray of whiskers. "We'll go with a group of apprentices to the hollow tomorrow. We just have to know how to defend our patients and ourselves. We never intervene the actual fighting, though we must interject sometimes if we think it's a thankless battle. Starclan will always make their will known."

A flick of his black tail and he turned to lead his apprentice upwind towards the twoleg place's border. His first battle training had been with Duskpaw and Silverpaw's mentors and he had shown to inherit his father's quickness and hard hit. He'd been encouraged to make use of his lean figure to dodge and blow but he had never seemed to remember the tip when the time came to put it in use. He was much better at ducking and running which had proved to be something of a pain for Robinwing and the other two cat's mentors. Ducking and running was easy but he had to know the basics of getting a good hit in, he had the force and the quickness but he didn't have the drive. It had taken him four different battle training trips before he'd picked up anything and now he could basically defend himself.

He definitely wasn't good enough to train Warmpaw by himself. He made a note to ask Sandfire about that as well when he bothered her to hunt with him later tonight. It would be good practice for Stonepaw to train with someone less experienced, it was a good way to test mercy in battle and mercy was very important. He descended downwards towards the scent of the Twoleg nests, catmint grew relatively well throughout the cold seasons but it never grew in large clumps and if Whitecough was making its appearance then they would have to leave some for the other medicine cats. He made note to go along with Warmpaw's idea of picking up some chickweed if this developed into something bad because though it wasn't as strong as catmint, it was enough to stave off the sickness.

The catmint grew along the border and it smelled heavy and sweet as he approached, it was the kind of scent that made his mouth water but he had enough training to know that it made a cat very groggy after eating it. Groggy and in a slightly amplified mood, it was probably the only herb that cats didn't mind chewing in his den. Amongst that scent was something else, the warm smell of freshkill and the sound of someone loudly chewing and tearing at it. He blinked in surprise and moved past the catmint to look around, a broken branch lay shattered on the ground and just south was a funny looking cat in what he thought was a fox burrow. The cat was hungrily tearing into a blackbird and purring with delight with each bite.

"Warmpaw, do you see that?" he was blinking in confusion but the pale tabby seemed to have heard them and his blue eyes stretched wide.

He was obviously no older than Warmpaw by the looks of it and he was bulky and skinny all at once with long legs and a blocky head with large ears. His whiskers spanned out on either side of his squared off muzzle and they almost seemed to hang with their weight. His tail was long and paddle-like and covered in dark rings. He was backing into the burrow with fright, his fur bristling along his spine.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," he moaned with dismay, his ears flattening. "Oh no. You-you didn't see me! I'm-I'm not here if you don't see me-! Oh by Starclan, my mother would just kill me if she knew-Oh help me."
@Tea at midd The entire Bee Movie script *was in the IC.
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