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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


"Of course, Runningpaw. I'm only teasing, you're not in any trouble. We'll catch a few things and then double back and let you get yourself a bite to eat, alright?"

Runningpaw was a good apprentice though he experienced some trouble with teaching her what he knew of hunting, she had a quick-footed agility and she could have easily been mistaken for Windclan because of it. There was room to teach her how to use that quickness and train it towards her hunting and fighting abilities, brute cats were a dime a dozen but quick cats were harder to come by. Her speed could put her at a higher advantage with fast prey like squirrels and rabbits and he wanted to show her how to do that but there was time for that. Initially he had been very shocked to receive Runningkit as his apprentice and as time had stretched, training her had become a fun routine. He remembered training with his own mentor and he remembered going on battle training with his brother Talonpaw, sometimes it made him nostalgic.

Leading his apprentice out through the tunnel, he stretched under the shade of the trees and breathed in the scent of the forest. It was a good day for hunting, prey was starting to surface from their burrows again and he could hear tiny shuffling noises if he listened very closely. He lead his apprentice towards a clearing, the sun warm on silvery shoulders as he glanced to her, his pale gold eyes glinting warmly.

"You know what to do by now, take in everything. All the scents and sounds. Use your eyes as well as your ears and nose, focus." drawing in a deep breath, the tom crouched low into the grass and keened his focus on where a mouse was nibbling a grass seed nearby. "And when you're ready, go for it."

Bunching his hindquarters, he sprung forward and trapped the mouse between his paws before nipping it's spine and turning towards her. He dug a hole in the ground and dropped it in, covering it with soil to collect later.

"Now show me what you can do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ginger Kollie
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Ginger Kollie Young Hermit

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Gingerflame gritted her teeth, sitting in the middle of the Nursery with the bundle of herbs dropped by her paws. She glared at the floor, rage swelling up inside and causing her to lose her breath. In an effort to gain back control, she forced herself to breath slower and more deeply. With her chest heaving up and down, she remained there, motionless. The she-cat knew she couldn’t get herself worked up, stress would only cause a disturbance to her unborn kits, and by Starclan, she certainly didn’t want to kit now. Not with the whitecough scare and while she wasn’t allowed to be near Ravencoat. Certainly not.

But yet, she couldn’t stay here. Not here, not now. She felt trapped, both physically and mentally enclosed in this den. That was the one thing she hated the most about being pregnant; imprisonment. Well, the sense of it, no less. She hated the rules, she hated having to depend on everyone around her and she hated having to stay here every single sunrise. All she wanted to do was speak to her mate, and should wasn’t even allowed to do that. Oh no, she had to stay here, trapped among begging and moss. Gingerflame wanted to go. Slip through camp and just run through the forest like a kit tasting it’s first mouse-step of freedom. That’s what she wanted. Freedom.

“Are you alright there?” A small yet calming voice meowed from the back of the den. Gingerflame looked up, her glare disappearing when she spotted Mosscoat, now awake, with her three kits around her. She was curled up, her tail wrapped around her kits to keep them warm. “You’re not kitting, are you?”

“No, I’m fine.” Gingerflame picked up the herbs and waddled towards the Queen. “Mallownose gave us these to take since he’ll be out for awhile. The borage leaves are for you, the others are for Leopardflower.” The she-cat looked down at the pile of leaves that Gingerflame had put down for her. “Make sure Leopardflower gets them, alright?”

“There’s a lot of herbs here, Gingerflame, have you had yours?” She questioned, looking back up at the ginger cat.

“Yes, of course.” Gingerflame lied, switching her gaze over to Leopardflower. She didn’t feel like taking the herbs, all she wanted to do was leave, now.

“Okay... then.” Mosscoat twitched her ears and peered over to Leopardflower. “Leopardflower, we have herbs here for you.” She called, as she separated the different leaves. As she did so, Gingerflame made her way towards the entrance of the Nursery, exiting cautiously. Once she was half-way out, she spotted Hawkstar, who was quite a few fox-lengths in front of her. He seemed to be talking to Honeypaw and Duskclaw and was, thankfully, facing the other way. Wasting no time, she slipped out of the Nursery completely and waddled carefully, but quickly, to the entrance of the camp. She tried not to cause attention to herself but it was difficult, her massive stomach made it hard for her to even walk properly.

Before she knew it, she was outside, the fresh air whipping through her fur. She was surprised she wasn’t caught, but since it was still early, she figured most of the cats would be out at the moment, either patrolling or training.

Gingerflame didn’t waste a heartbeat as she darted into the depths of the forest as fast as her legs could carry her... and her stomach. She was slow, undoubtedly, but the feeling of freedom was clear and made her feel like a naughty kit escaping her mother’s paw. She loved it, and she missed it. It was strange how a moon trapped inside the camp could get her nipping for the outside world.

She carried on, slowing down only when her paws needed a rest. Gingerflame soon came towards a large bramble bush which she scuffled through loudly, scratching her hind legs in the process. But she was determined, breaking through it and appearing on the other side. Only then did she realised she was not alone. In front of her was Frostbite, a Thunderclan warrior, sitting by himself. Mousedung! She knew her freedom wouldn’t last long. She stared at the tom, frowning, trying hard to back up into the bramble once more. But her attempt to escape only made it worse as the bramble tangled around her legs and thorns snagged at her skin. Her long fur getting caught and knotting around it.

She was trapped. Again...

How ironic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Snowpaw's claws dug deeply into the gritty sand of the Hollow. The wind blew aridly, and carried with it the scents and sounds of the abundant prey that scurried in the underbrush of Thunderclan's lush forests. Above the cat's heads, round, cotton like clouds floated by at a leisurely pace.

The Hollow always made Snowpaw thirsty. It's dry nature yowled of parched throats and deserted wastelands. But it's soft sands made a gentle cradle for cats who stumbled or were tripped in training practice. Cats from her clan frequented the Hollow to raise apprentices in the way of Warriors.

Tabbyfur was meowing instructions at Snowpaw, but Snowpaw's mind had drifted. The border between Riverclan and Thunderclan lay only a few fox-lengths away. A few fox-lengths away from her father, and her half siblings. She had never met her father, never even seen him. For that matter, she had never attended a Clan meeting before, and recently, her paws had prickled with anticipation hoping that Hawkstar would pick her for one. But moons had gone by since her apprenticeship, and she remained stationary, stuck executing apprentice duties. She wondered if it was a calculated move; did Hawkstar want to shield Snowpaw from Riverclan? Her mind began to wander, and if not for Tabbyfur's low, crouched stance, Snowpaw would have been inclined to stay daydreaming.

As it was, she blinked confusedly at her mentor. Fur bristling with embarrassment, she meowed,

"Could you repeat that Tabbyfur?"

Sandfire and Bravefeather

Sandfire rolled her emerald eyes, but watched with affection as the two apprentices bounded off. Hopefully, the hunting would be good. The Great Sycamore was a short distance away from the camp, and was generally brimming with prey. The apprentices would have a good run tiring themselves out underneath it long, gnarled branches.

"Good day, Sandfire, Bravefeather."

Sandfire almost tripped on her paws. As it was, she strained to stutter out a coherent "Good day," back, and was reduced to flicking her tail amiably in recognition. Bravefeather's keen eyes flashed with suspicion as he watched her forced effort, and the way she averted her eyes from Mallownose's pelt, but as they plodded on forward, he made no move to mention it.

Sandfire, in the meanwhile, was experiencing something akin to a midlife crisis. On the one paw, kits were a firm part of the she-cat's future. Weather by instinct or by choice, she had always envisioned herself to one day be a proud, plump she-cat in the Queen's den. Of course, she quite imagined returning to her Warrior life after the kits were apprenticed, but she didn't plan to stop at one litter.

The one necessary obstacle that stood in her way, however, was the need of a mate. She needed a mate to start a family. And that's where things got complicated.

Mallownose couldn't be her mate. And she couldn't like him, much less fall in love with him. It was these tumultuous thoughts that caused Sandfire to trip on a twisted and rotting twig. She scoffed and Bravefeather looked at her with amusement.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No!" She snapped, bounding forward to catch up with the aprpentices.

"Where do you all want to hunt?" She meowed to them, licking her bristled fur smooth.

"I had thought we had settled on Great Sycamore? It would have been a fine place for hunting," Bravefeather mewed catching up. He looked at two apprentices expectantly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Of course!" Warmpaw purred as he jumped onto the first stone. Mallownose had done it easily, so there had to be nothing to it. He nearly slipped off and into the river, but was able to steady himself. After regaining his balance, he took more care in his following leaps. He was a lot slower than his mentor, but he made it safely across.

"Whew! That was close!" Warmpaw laughed off his near 'near death' experience. Then his mind registered what all had been said. He looked up at Mallownose and pride radiated off of him. "You think of me as your son?" the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye mirrored the affection he felt in his heart. "That makes me very happy.. but I don't think I will ever be as good as you."

As they walked on, Warmpaw became curious as to where getting lost came from. He purred softly, "Have you ever gotten lost, Mallownose?" the humor was obvious, and he hoped he didn't sound accusing.

When they reached the tansy, Warmpaw followed Mallownose's instructions to the letter, but took it one at a time. He wanted to make sure he didn't damage the plants. Once he felt he had picked enough, he showed his collection to the tom. "Is this enough?"


Shadowpaw rolled as Stonepaw jumped off of him, his plush white fur getting dirty in all that dirt. He didn't mind though, dirt never killed any cat. His tail, however, flicked in annoyance. He had no idea where they were going. He looked at Stonepaw expectantly.
"Do you know where we will be going to hunt?"

His attention then turned back to the entrance as Shadowpaw watched his mother slip out of camp. He knew she liked to take walks when she was upset, and this appeared to be no different. Still, she should be close to kitting now and being out alone was dangerous.

Shadowpaw started to stalk off after her, but he could see his mentor coming. Looking away for just a moment, he lost her in the undergrowth. He frowned, unsure of what to do. He decided to leave her be, a fresh scolding awaited him if he tattled on her to one of the other warriors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


"Don't tell any cat this but once when I was a newly named medicine cat, shortly after Robinwing took ill, I went to fetch some Burnet because I wasn't just allowed to sulk around camp. I crossed into Windclan and walked and walked without paying a whisker of attention." he could still recall the day, it had been a cold, wet New Leaf and he had been feeling under the weather. "Now, we go through Windclan frequently! We're medicine cats and that's where the Moon Stone is! Yet, I'm a mousebrain of the highest degree, so,"

The chill hadn't let up from Leaf Bare and the ground had practically frozen him from the paws up, he'd been upset, he'd been upset ever since Robinwing became stricken with sickness. His bones practically ached from laying at her side all day and all night, he would speak to her softly while she lied there in her deep, dreamless sleep. She would never so much as stir and he had to force water down her throat sometimes and each day she seemed to get skinnier and skinnier. The once beautiful mottled brown tabby was starting to show her ribs and her haunches would dig beneath her pelt. Sometimes she would move a paw or her ear would twitch in her sleep but she never seemed to wake up, he had been miserable in seeing her like this. It had been like a very real, very dreadful dream and he had begged Starclan to wake him up.

That day had waken him instead with aching limbs and an aching tug in his chest. She hadn't even twitched a whisker as he'd pulled himself to his paws and began going through the herb stock. Everything was getting low and he knew he'd have to leave the den to go collect some but he also knew that his mind wouldn't leave the she-cat in his den. With a high amount of strain, the tom had left the den and brushed soundlessly past his concerned clanmates. Not a word was uttered from him as he'd made his way to the Windclan border and he crossed it quietly. The moors were always loud with wind and it made his ears hum as he walked, he couldn't get his mind off of his mentor, he couldn't focus. He was supposed to be looking for Burnet, he was supposed to be looking for the bitter scent amongst the hissing wind.

"I lost my way halfway across the moor! Burnet isn't that far from the border but I wandered right past it. I made it down to the tunnel that goes halfway beneath the gorge on Windclan's territory and I was so confused!" a laugh escaped the tom as he shook his head, whiskers twitching with amusement. "Of course, most of that tunnel has been collapsed so it mostly looked like a big old rabbit burrow and I was staring into it with shock. I was wondering to myself, well Mallownose, you've never seen a rabbit big enough to make a hole like this! Why, this is big enough for a cat to fit in! So I made the mistake of pushing on in this ridiculous hole and I fit, so I was confused even more because a rabbit this big has to be a predator of some sort. I decided to inspect it for this giant rabbit because I got so distracted by the thought of a rabbit being this big. I tried to wiggle in deeper when I heard the patrol approaching behind and I nearly leaped in fright."

The tunnel had reeked of wet dirt and had been full of loose soil and it had left a stain in his coat but he hadn't noticed that one bit. It had started going down and his claws had dug to hold on as he'd descended in search of this rabbit that had to live there. The walls had been plastered in red clay and there were sticks fastening the roof up which only made him all the more curious as to why a rabbit would have been this smart. He'd lost his footing for a moment before the tunnel abruptly ended with piles upon piles of heavy dirt and stone. He swore he could smell the faint odor of cats deep within it's depths and he decided to head back. Clawing up the tunnel was much harder than going down and he heard pawsteps outside and for a moment feared that the monster rabbit had returned.

It hadn't been a rabbit at all, it had been a patrol of very confused cats that were staring at him like he was mad as he climbed out of the tunnel and tried to shake loose earth from his white fur. One had even asked him what sort of herb he thought grew down there and he had been full of embarrassment when he stumbled out a joking "mallow?", they hadn't been amused. He'd been guided by a warrior to the Burnet while they scolded him about going down a tunnel that had been deemed dangerous long ago before most of them had been born. Apparently a cave in had killed a very important cat and he'd been very ashamed to have gone tumbling down it like an estranged kit.

"I was scolded and everything like an unruly apprentice! Some warrior named Heatherclaw told an elder in our clan and I never heard the end of it." he mrrowed with amusement.

"I felt like I couldn't get that wet dirt out of my fur for ages! And yes, that's quite enough. Look at me going on about the past like an elder." purring with glee, the white tom picked up a mouthful of tansy, talking around the plants, he continued. "They called me Rabbitnose for a moon. I don't think I'll ever live it down. We can store these on our border beneath a holly bush and take them back with the rest of the stock before moonhigh."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tea at midd
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Tea at midd A human bean

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Snowpaw seemed to be looking into the distance, deep in thought about some mysterious subject, until she snapped her embarrassed gaze back to her mentor. Tabbyfur relaxed her position, rolled her eyes and smiled. "I said, could you stand there as if you're about to attack me, so I can demonstrate this move?" She looked at her apprentice and how off-caught she seemed to be. The sunlight that beat down felt as if it has been intensified just by entering the Sandy Hollow, and she imagined that her apprentice would feel this way too. "Are you sure you want to train today? We could do something simpler if you're tired." 'Could this be a result of a bad dream, or something else?' She looked down at her small apprentice and licked her head sympathetically. Tabbyfur remembered how she went several weeks without proper sleep after the death of her parents, and this somewhat made her feel empathy for the apprentice.


Duskclaw looked sympathetically at Hawkstar. He knew that the queen's rage was beyond enraging, yet he had to keep his temper under control at the same time. The she-cat was a feisty one, but at the same time, this rage allowed her to be one of the best warriors of ThunderClan. Well, maybe not right now. 'I certainly hope her kits don't grow to be quite as pugnacious as their mother.' He looked thoughtfully at the Nursery and didn't utter a word.

Duskclaw snapped out of his train of thoughts and shook his head. Turning to Hawkstar he nodded and smiled politely. "Good, good." He was just about to start speaking again when the young apprentice Honeypaw wandered up to the pair, and greeted Hawkstar. She seemed to be somewhat anxious, and he guessed as to why. Hawkstar sighed and meowed,
"Why don’t you go and get some new bedding and moss for the Queens? If he comes back, I’ll tell him to come and find you. Do you mind going with her? I’d like to have a fair amount of moss ready in case one of the Queens kit early." The large warrior nodded.
"Perfectly fine. Let's go, Honeypaw."
He smiled down at the black furred apprentice, and he realised as to why her name was so appropriate - her eyes were the colour of a dark honey. With another nod to Hawkstar, Duskclaw started to make his way to the camp entrance. "You ready to leave?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The apprentice realized after she spoke that she hadn't really explained herself all that well. She wanted to elaborate, but, being as gracious as ever, Hawkstar continued without confusion. When she heard his sigh, she hoped that she hadn't come across as accusatory toward her mentor, but she brushed the thought off as her reading too deeply into things. She bowed her head respectfully, "Yes, sir! I think I woke up too late for Frostbite this morning, heh. I-I'm working on that!" She admitting looking up at him from a slightly craned head. She sat lightly back on her hindquarters, and turned to Duskclaw, "Good morning," she mewed lightly in greeting, a bit more confident now that her anxiety over starting the conversation had passed. She didn't know the ragged warrior very well, but she was looking forward to having the different experience, despite her nervousness about not knowing him very well.

She licked her paw and rubbed it on her ear, but she stopped mid movement as a bright flash of color appeared at the den's entrance. Gingerflame poked her head out sneakily and, eyeing Hawkstar's back, scampered out of the camp hurriedly. She gulped. She almost said something to Hawkstar, because somewhere in the back of her mind she knew Queens, especially so close to kitting, shouldn't really leave camp. She didn't, however; Hawkstar was much more forgiving than the fiery Queen, and the apprentice feared her wrath should she know who outed her. She lowered her paw quickly to the ground, and turned her full attention to Duskclaw.

"Yes, sir! Right behind you! The apprentice sprang lightly to her paws. Even though some apprentices dreaded collection duty, especially moss because it was wet and hard to carry, Honeypaw never minded. It wasn't as hard for her as she had found with her long legs she could carry a larger amount without tripping. He smiled eased the young she-cat and the slight bristle to her fur eased and her ears rose from their flattened state. She trotted after the warrior contentedly. "Is there a specific place we should go?" She knew moss grew by the river, but she didn't know much else about where it grew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Stonepaw listened to Shadowpaw asking where they would hunt "I think it's the Great Syca-" . Stonepaw was interrupted by the two mentors arriving and took the words right out of his mouth. Bravefeather was asking about hunting at the Sycamore Stonepaw blatantly agreed. "Well lead the way" . He said stepping out of the way to let the mentors by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago


At first, he didn't notice her. It was the thoughts he was too deep in that stopped him from being so vigilant to the situation straight away. Thoughts of the Highrocks in the distance kept him distant from reality. His tail would keep on swaying from side-to-side as the sun emerged from the clouds once more. He shivered slightly. He knew he hated the Sun and how he loved having a cold setting. But that was when it hit him. Right around the face, into his nose. A scent. A familiar one. And a sound also flanked his hearing, a sound of rustling branches and tangling thorns...

Frostbite quickly turned, seeing Gingerflame entrapped in the shrubbery lining. His eyes widened some-small bit. His mouth opened somehow, yet it didn't let a single sound out. He had to process this. She's supposed to be in the Queen's Den, right? Why was she out here amongst...more to the point, how did she find him? He shook his head slightly, padding over slowly and carefully. He didn't want to strike up much of a conversation at that point, moving in to survey the problem. It was at that point where he noticed everything that was wrong. Thorns had mixed with the branching, stopping her from moving. He thought for a moment, maybe he could do something about this. What good is it to sit here and watch a Queen stuck? Frogpelt nor Hawkstar would approve! He looked up slowly, and began to pad at the Thorns. At first touch, she yelped out a small bit, as a Thorn dug itself a little deeper, pricking her skin. Frostbite narrowed his eyes again. Finally, he spoke.

"H-hold on...t-this might take a while..." His voice was low and calm, yet stuttery as if he were scared. Without any further word, he began to use his tail, removing branch-by-branch, thorn-by-thorn. With every removal, a slight relief-sigh seeped from Gingerflame's mouth. He would check if every bit was out, scouting around every angle he could to ensure that she was released. Pulling out the last Thorn, 20 minutes into the procedure, it let-loose a little bit of blood, as it had dug into her skin. Frostbite frowned slightly, dabbing the blood dry with his tail, not caring to the fact he was staining his own fur. He made a slight purr of success. He felt he had done something right again. Then it hit him...he had never talked to Gingerflame. She was likely to just wander off after this, leaving him in peace. Though he was fine with being left alone again and avoiding a conversation...he remembered what Frogpelt had said. So he sat down, and waited for an appreciative thanks. However, he sat there for a minute looking at her groom herself and sorting out her fur. "Typical..." He sighed quietly to himself. Not saying something else, he departed from Gingerflame and back to the Rock. He had slightly had enough of helping for one day...He knew that she was going to just leave right now, go back to whoever to do whatever...

Oh he was sliiightly wrong...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tea at midd
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Tea at midd A human bean

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Duskclaw smiled at the young apprentice as she trailed behind him. "Well... I think there's a good spot for moss on the Great Sycamore, but I don't usually collect moss so I don't really know where.." His monotonal voice trailed off. The warrior stared thoughtfully at the ground and said nothing. It had been a couple of weeks since he'd travelled past the the tall-standing tree, and he tended to avoid it due to it being very close to where his parents were buried. No - he wasn't going to think about that now. Now, he was collecting moss with Honeypaw to give to the queens in case one of them kitted early. Nothing else. He shook his head and snapped his attention back to Honeypaw. "Right, to the Great Sycamore." Without a reply, he strode towards to camp's exist and pushed out the bramble entrance.

As he walked at a consistent speed, his head was lowered slightly and his eyes were focused down at the ground. The thought of his parents deaths haunted his mind, and he couldn't get it out of his head. The night he spent with his sister sat in vigil, the feeling of emptiness, the cruel way that they were taken without a goodbye. He couldn't help but to dig his claws into the ground with each step he took. His parents... "Wah!" Duskclaw was so deep in his daze he tripped straight over a branch that crossed his path. He fell forwards and landed on his chin, thankfully the grass cushioned his fall and he let out an "Oof!". Closing his eyes, he let out a small sigh and slowly got back up to his feet, and turned somewhat embarrassed back to the apprentice. "Uhm.. Sorry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A small, winter furry shecat heard the sound of a cat, before her deep blue eyes looked at him. The silvery shecat looked. She had a coat of silvery, and stripes as black as the shadows. Her chest was white, like the snow, covered by a scar on her paw. She had a blackish heart shape near her right eye. She slowly looked at him. It was Timberpaw, but she didn't know, of course, she knew nobody. She was a loner almost, growing up with only her father and mother, before her mother died. She was tortured by her father, so she was more careful.

"H-hello?" Her voice rang, the apprentice sized shecat looked at him, her deep blue eyes looking him over. the tabby shecat stepped a little out of the shadows, revealing the shecats face. She smiled a little, before turning back to her normal face. The shecat twitched her ear to the right in for response, before the smell of more cats rang into her nose, suddenly changing the look on her face to a terrified look. The shecats breath fastened, hopping they didn't see her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Warmpaw mrrowed with laughter as his mentor finished his story. The tansy nearly fell out of his mouth, but it was well worth it. He wondered if he would have tales like this to tell his own apprentice some day. Then, if he had his own apprentice, that would mean Mallownose would probably be gone. The small cat shook his head, no matter what, he would make sure his mentor lived on, not just in StarClan.

It didn't take long for them to reach the river. Warmpaw wanted to go first, just to prove to himself that he could do it without slipping. He jumped on to the first stone, so far so good! The rest of them proved to be easy, but the last one was much more slick than the others. When he landed, he slid forward. He knew that if he didn't jump, he would fall into the river. With all his strength, he launched himself off the rock, hoping he hadn't crushed the tansy in the process. Once he landed, he laid the leaves on the ground and inspected them.
"They look okay to me.." he mumbled to himself and picked them up again turning to watch Mallownose cross.

Once across, Warmpaw followed his mentor to the holly bush.
"Do you think tomorrow we could.. maybe practice some battle techniques?" he meowed the question quietly as he placed his his bunch beneath the foliage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@xXBalloonsXxTimberpaw looked up from what was mere seconds away from sleep.He saw a pretty she-cat who seemed around his age, this she-cat appeared to be scared."hello, are you lost?"he said.He figured she may be from a different clan or simply a lost loner.(perhaps she needs help).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Mallownose & Sketch.

When his apprentice had slipped, he'd prepared himself to leap across the the stones and into the water. Though he wouldn't have been much help in the swimming department, he would have at least been able to throw the tom back onto shore. It would have been worth a pelt full of water to make sure Warmpaw didn't drown on him. He wasn't about to lose another medicine cat, especially one that he was so close to. Robinwing had destroyed him but Warmpaw had so much to look forward to, Warmpaw was going to be a brilliant medicine cat some day, Warmpaw was the only family he had anymore. Warmpaw was as good as kin. So to say that his heart skipped a beat would be an understatement. He held his breath as Warmpaw recovered surprisingly quick and he breathed out a sigh of relief as he watched his apprentice make it back to the Thunderclan side of the border.

He stepped after him quickly, his paws movely swiftly over the stones before he leaped off the last one and landed softly. He had never liked the stepping stones much, they were slick and dangerous, many a cat had hurt themselves from slipping off them. He sometimes wondered why they couldn't find a more sane way to cross into each other's territory. The medicine cats had to struggle enough on those ridiculous stones. Shaking out his white coat, he brought his mouthful of tansy to the holly bush. Pushing the tansy piles beneath the bush, he nodded to it affirmatively before turning to his apprentice.

"Of course! Though we'll need a warrior, we usually teach these things in groups because medicine cats are less likely to be a target." offering the young tom a slight smile, he drew his tongue along his paw and brushed it quickly over each spray of whiskers. "We'll go with a group of apprentices to the hollow tomorrow. We just have to know how to defend our patients and ourselves. We never intervene the actual fighting, though we must interject sometimes if we think it's a thankless battle. Starclan will always make their will known."

A flick of his black tail and he turned to lead his apprentice upwind towards the twoleg place's border. His first battle training had been with Duskpaw and Silverpaw's mentors and he had shown to inherit his father's quickness and hard hit. He'd been encouraged to make use of his lean figure to dodge and blow but he had never seemed to remember the tip when the time came to put it in use. He was much better at ducking and running which had proved to be something of a pain for Robinwing and the other two cat's mentors. Ducking and running was easy but he had to know the basics of getting a good hit in, he had the force and the quickness but he didn't have the drive. It had taken him four different battle training trips before he'd picked up anything and now he could basically defend himself.

He definitely wasn't good enough to train Warmpaw by himself. He made a note to ask Sandfire about that as well when he bothered her to hunt with him later tonight. It would be good practice for Stonepaw to train with someone less experienced, it was a good way to test mercy in battle and mercy was very important. He descended downwards towards the scent of the Twoleg nests, catmint grew relatively well throughout the cold seasons but it never grew in large clumps and if Whitecough was making its appearance then they would have to leave some for the other medicine cats. He made note to go along with Warmpaw's idea of picking up some chickweed if this developed into something bad because though it wasn't as strong as catmint, it was enough to stave off the sickness.

The catmint grew along the border and it smelled heavy and sweet as he approached, it was the kind of scent that made his mouth water but he had enough training to know that it made a cat very groggy after eating it. Groggy and in a slightly amplified mood, it was probably the only herb that cats didn't mind chewing in his den. Amongst that scent was something else, the warm smell of freshkill and the sound of someone loudly chewing and tearing at it. He blinked in surprise and moved past the catmint to look around, a broken branch lay shattered on the ground and just south was a funny looking cat in what he thought was a fox burrow. The cat was hungrily tearing into a blackbird and purring with delight with each bite.

"Warmpaw, do you see that?" he was blinking in confusion but the pale tabby seemed to have heard them and his blue eyes stretched wide.

He was obviously no older than Warmpaw by the looks of it and he was bulky and skinny all at once with long legs and a blocky head with large ears. His whiskers spanned out on either side of his squared off muzzle and they almost seemed to hang with their weight. His tail was long and paddle-like and covered in dark rings. He was backing into the burrow with fright, his fur bristling along his spine.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," he moaned with dismay, his ears flattening. "Oh no. You-you didn't see me! I'm-I'm not here if you don't see me-! Oh by Starclan, my mother would just kill me if she knew-Oh help me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The shecats fur bristled. "I-I was running from my f-father. He tortures m-me." The shecat murmured, fear in her eyes. The shecat had silver fur and black stripes, almost like a white tiger. She was small, and almost 10 moons. She came toward him, but only the length of 3 tails. She looked around, seeing a few cats, before pelting back to the shadows, where she was before. She gave a small whimper in fear, hoping her father, and the other cats did not see her. She pulled her ears back, giving a mew, "W-who A-are You?" She shecat asked in her mew.

Angelfeather tackled Brokenbranch. The large tabby shecat smirked. She leapt up, over Brokenbranch, and let out a large giggled, waiting to see what he would do. She twitched an ear, her blue gaze blinked as Brokenbranch didn't move. She titled her head, coming closer. "Brokenbranch?" She asked, the brown tom laying in the grass. The shecat sat down, licking her paw. Poor Angelfeather, didn't see it happened.

"ROAR!" The brown tom leapt up, roaring as he opened his mouth, smirking as he showed his huge teeth. He landed on Angelfeather. He gave a meow, "So tough, now?" He asked, smirking as he looked at her, hopping off. The brown tom lifted a massive paw, a sheer teasing look on his face. The bigger tomcat looked down at his mate.

Angelfeather gave a growl, "You scared me! I though you were dead!" She mewed, standing up. The white tabby agile Persian narrowed her eyes, as her mate scared her. She gave her neck a lick, before looking back at her mate. She couldn't stay mad at Brokenbranch, after all. Her frown turned to a smile, giving Brokenbranch's head a lick in sorry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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@xXBalloonsXx"m-my name is Timberpaw,are you alright?!?"Timberpaw pelted his way towards her,she seemed shaken.(she said her father tortured her, she must've had a bad life, we aren't to different in that way).timberpaw looked at her in concern."you look like you've seen a ghost"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 9 days ago


"You don't think those foxhearts are on our territory, do you? I'll shred their ears one by one if those thieves have taken so much as a mouse from this edge of the border." Silverstorm was busy running different scenario's through her head. The most important thing was to always try and understand why a clan trespassed. Was it simple hunting, a request for help, or something more... Dire. She looked back to her patrol and signaled with her tail to stay low and quiet. The scent wasn't very strong which meant the Shadowclan cats weren't being blatant and obvious about the invasion of Thunderclan lands but as their name states, they are oftentimes Shadowy.

Suddenly from the forest came six Shadowclan warriors, a full raid party. Silverstorm spotted Ratnose, Stagthorn, Pearlfang, Dustleaf, Ravenstorm, and Mudflare. Instead of entering into a defensive posture Silverstorm smiled at Ratnose, the Shadowclan deputy and inclined her head. "Well, good morning Ratnose. Everything alright? Quite the number of Warrior's for a quick hunting party." She stared him with eyes that sparkled as if she really did just want to talk.

The Shadowclan deputy returned the smile, though a bit more... Ratty and let out a heavy sigh. "Thank Starclan it's you that we ran into Silverstorm." He eyed Stormstrike however but shifted his gaze back to Silverstorm. He signaled with his tail and two more cats came out of the forest. Crookedowl, and Redstar himself. Silverstorm bowed her head in respect as the leader showed himself, and Redstar did the same to Silverstorm.

"Redstar, to what do we owe the pleasure of the Shadowclan leader visiting?" As she peered closer at him he did -not- look very good, having to lean against his medicine cat. He coughed violently a few times and the Shadowclan cats looked concerned.

"Silverstorm, Stormstrike. It's strange seeing you without a gathering." He coughed again before continuing. "I need to speak with Hawkstar urgently. We were on our way to try and find your camp but I was unable to continue going." He smiled at her and gestured her to come closer. Hesitant Silverstorm finally nodded back to the Thunderclan cats and stepped to where Redstar could talk to her. "I'm on my last life Silverstorm, I -must- speak with Hawkstar." Silverstorm looked alarmed as she stepped back and instantly meowed to Berrypaw.

"Go to camp and find Hawkstar, bring him here as fast as possible." Silverstorm looked to the rest of her Clanmates. "Go see what you can find as far as fresh kill and bring it back here, these cats look like they've traveled since before sunup. Hawkstrike, will you stay with me?" She smiled to him and then looked back to the Shadowclan cats, she wasn't sure how the large Tom was going to take being given an order, but she was leading the patrol after all. That was most of her anxiety with Hawkstrike, she respected him but he had the personality of liking to be in charge and Silverstorm could only hope he respected her enough to listen, she made a mental note to share tongues with him later and talk to him a bit more.

The Shadowclan cats all visibly relaxed and seemed very grateful to lay down and rest. Redstar had a twinkle in his eye as he looked at her. "Hawkstar taught you well Silverstorm, my Deputy put it best when he said that we were lucky to run into a patrol at all, but Starclan itself must have been guiding you this morning to have yourself run into us. I was afraid we would get attacked before being able to speak, our clans haven't gotten along all to famously in the past." Silverstorm bowed her head in embarrassment of his praise.

"I'm glad I was able to represent my clan, however Stormstrike here while he looks intimidating would have probably done the exact same thing." She licked the Shadowclan leader and then went to do what she did best. Mingle and talk diplomacy, if Hawkstar was watching he'd see her go from little pack to little pack talking, sharing a quick tongue or two and smiling. She kept this up until the Thunderclan cats returned with food and even then helped divvy it up. Gesturing to Hawkstrike to join her with Redstar and Ratnose as they ate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


It was ludicrous in the most shameful way that these warriors had even come past their border and he could feel anger gripping his bones as they finally showed face. It was an entire raiding party and he immediately found his hooked claws sinking into the earth as he stared murder at the Shadowclan patrol. The leader seemed to be hanging by a thread and it would have been startling if he wasn't so blinded by his anger. How dare these cats be so bold to enter their territory with a leader in tow. How dare these cats be so bold to ask for Hawkstar himself, Stormstrike's muscles were tensing in his body as he watched them. Silverstorm didn't signal an attack and that made him all the more furious as she spoke to them in her calm, soft voice. She didn't even get a little ruffled as the rat-faced tom smiled at her through his skinny muzzle.

"You can't be taking them serious--" they seemed to be going on no matter what he was saying in his growling undertone so he clamped his muzzle shut.

He could feel the itch in his paws to leap forward and batter Ratnose until he was nothing but a scrap of bloody fur but he kept himself still. It didn't help the bristling in his fur as he listened to them speak. The last life of one leader wasn't anything to their clan and he didn't understand why Hawkstar needed to be informed of some coughing, pitiful mess. It wasn't their problem if Shadowclan would soon be lead by Ratnose. It wasn't their problem if the old leader up and croaked right now, it was their problem that these cats were trespassers. These cats had violated clan law and they were on their territory, they had even brought enough cats to attack with a force.

When Silverstorm ordered her patrol to hunt for the tired Shadowclan cats, he felt his tail start lashing back and forth. He even turned to give her a challenging remark before she asked him to stay with her. A sigh escaped him and he eased his muscles as much as he could with all of his nerves screaming for a fight. He twisted around to rasp a tongue over his bristled fur as Silverstorm did her speaking thing, he couldn't very well interfere with her as she was talking. She had handled the situation without any bloodshed and it was admirable enough, though he wouldn't admit that to her. As the cats began to fill in again with prey to distribute, he had to keep from springing to his paws again over the loss of so much prey.

It was loyalty that made him so angry and upset over this, prey was important! They needed prey- It was also getting warm again and there would be less struggle to find it. He knew she knew what she was doing but he still wanted to chase these frog-eaters from their territory. He settled for trying to nip a burr from his thick gray coat and nearly tore out a good patch in his fury, tugging it sharply, the burr came loose and he spat it on the earth with a hiss of irritation. He had at least five more clinging to his tail and it just wasn't worth trying to work them out right now. When he looked up, he could see her gesturing him over.

Pulling himself to her side with weighted paws, he settled down and curled his tail over to begin working on the burrs that clung in the thick gray fur. Muttering through a mouthful of gray fur, he asked her in another undertone. "Are you positive this is a good idea, Silverstorm?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Lakepaw stared in fear, taking a step back."N-no!" She mewed, pelting further back, her ears pulled back. She gave a soft cry, as again the wound her father gave her on her paw, and it was scratched on a branch. She let out a cry of pain, it bleeding again. Lakepaw grunted, lifted her paw, still in pain. She had done it a lot, in her sleep or doing something, anything.

"I-im L-l-lakeP-p-paw.." She mewed, looking around, before again letting out s scream of pain. Her paw was wounded badly by her father, letting her lower her head, and making her shoulders high as she let out cries of pain and help. She felt as if nothing could help her, and being with no others, she didn't know to trust this Timberpaw.
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