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I'm in retirement prob won't ever come out so good luck with life guys
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Internet out for a week
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Wizards these days dress in jeans, jackets and hats what scrubs
9 yrs ago
Wizards these days dress in jeans, jackets and hats what scrubs


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Nice if you get a chance definitely finish it big fan myself
I'd be interested in this if there was still space!

W E E K L Y Q U E S T I O N :
W E E K L Y Q U E S T I O N :
Aug 27th -> Sep 2nd QOTW: Who is your favorite superhero, and why?

Always been a fan of the comic relief/underdogs and generally aim towards those
associated with a team, my favourite(s)

DC: Beast boy, have some great memory's of the 2000s show teen titans and it made me really appreciate the younger brother dynamic as the fellow player 2 controller and it was them that made me pick up the doom patrol comics and show.

Marvel: Spiderman, nothing overly creative I just have always seen him as a hero who can do no wrong, spectacular if I do say so myself.

The Art of Sport

The Namimori Namazu

"No you dont!" Miwa grunted after getting a sloppy forearm under the ball to keep it in play "OOSH!" Can be heard from Hideki as his low squat causes him to fall on his behind but recover the lackluster ball to a brilliant set. "NICE BALL!" roars Jun as he near pierces the ball with his adrenaline soaked palm.

Kyoto Industrial

Open Mei thought, his dash towards the vacant spot was quickly offset as his younger brother, Shuichi kept them alive. The ball bounced off his platform like he was made of rubber, gliding towards the favourites to win Namimori, causing presumed impending doom on Kyotos finest.

The Namimori Namazu

Perhaps it was the 32 - 31 points this round, the weight of nationals, the responsibility. Tetsus legs were shaking the stern captain never showed fear, a save an up any type of clearance would be fine. With the flow and momentum of the game slowed his senses were out of whack what was this pathetic ball at a time like this they sent-... A soft thud couldn't be picked up from the ringing in Tetsus ears the ball had whiffed through his hands and fumbled onto his collarbone before letting the teams hopes whimper on the solid court.



Thank you for taking the time to show interest in HTAC. Let me explain how this will differentiate from the Anime.

This will be an original story, what actually derives from the haikyuu plot (Other than the literal sport lol) is depth. For those familiar with the show I'm sure emotion or passion has reached in some shape or form, I hope at least. This is why I propose a very specific and interesting RP dynamic, obviously the game is very fast paced therefore I would require each player taking up to 1 - 2 members of the main team. What I hope others find interesting however is that I want each player to make an opposing team, or we can work with each other to make opposing teams. This is all to create the same suspense and character depth to what are generally NPCS. I can imagine myself getting attached to a round 2 regionals team that we as creators all delivered a slice of flavour, or a creation of our own we could be proud in.

Our main team will be The Namimori Namazu (Catfish). A team famed for its usual high placement, however The Namazu have never succeeded winning the nationals since it was founded in 1954. The bad luck streak continued as the high prospects and talent in last years team ultimately dropped the ball. With a team of primarily 3rd years the namazu have to recruit a new team to bring glory to the school and hold their heads high as dangerous competitors.

I would love to focus on games/matches, character progression and relationships amongst the team. Interpersonal quarrels, the good the bad and the ugly. I want to see everyone have a good time with this and communicate with each other so we can make hopefully a homage to a beloved series.

I will release a character sheet and discord very soon once others become interested, Pm me for any details. Please let me know know here if you'd like to get involved. This is absolutely a project I want any feedback on.
Sanji hit the ground as the Hero jumped in Rei.... The nerve! He was sick of it he couldn't take it anymore he wasn't even listening to the others he gaze was focused on Rei. "I don't know if you knew that I knew what I signed up for but I didn't expect any less of what we just did I'll admit I doubted I could handle it but I would've expected that you finally would've gave me the benefit of the doubt to let me be independent" Sanji stood up and wiped himself off and leaned against a tree ready to hunt or whatever jobs they we assigned.

Sanji felt bad for what he said to Rei I mean she proberbly wouldn't take it to hard but maybe he was in the wrong "In the corporate world you have to let yourself be heard... That's what it takes". At the back of his mind though the words he should've said were Thanks...
Wanna post but I'll wait the approx of 2 post before me >:3

Sanji' s face lightened up when he heard they had to barter to get him and his newly acquired friends gear back. From the older Volkov interesting. He fixed an invisible tie, smiled and was ready but a wild Sachiko appeared! And was threatening Miss Volkov. The a little to survivalist dressed blonde boy ran inbetween with the ping pong bats either side "Look were all friends here no need to cause a ruckus over a fun camping trip and Sachiko I'm guessing the reality of the exercise would to use words to win our stuff back so let's be a nice mafia family and play the cute, adorable, sick, twisted babie' s game" *Awkwardly laughing*

Sanji was confident and crapping himself if it goes well he keeps his face in tact if not I think you know where I'm going with this right?
No need for applause but I'm back yay! I'll try get a post up tomorrow night sorry for the inactivity due to internet

My internet will be off for like a week or so and this is the last day with it so if you're feeling like Sanji is getting left behind can you do a post or let me do one when I get back but basically yeah just a heads up.
Double post*
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