Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fon peered around for a moment at the collected people and only for a few more did he wait until he brought up his hand and snapped his fingers. On the command Shi came out of her hiding place, jumping onto the scene without a single piece of their belongings with her. "Well it seems something is amiss with miss volkov, can anyone tell what it is?" The baby held up its hand, half expecting them to really try and answer the rhetorical question... "As you can see you no longer have your gear with you, a dilemma to be sure, however there are plenty of resources for you all to survive on here. However there are... other ways of dealing with this situation; for instance others may gather better than you or even have stuff already that you desire... so why not bater with them, we live in a world where capitalism is abundent right? Or maybe, just maybe you would want to take what they have?" The baby smirked a little, hopping up to the shoulder of Shi "While I do not know the location of your stuff Miss Volkov here does. So you could even make her tell you, if you are so inclined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sachiko Kanno|Camp Site

Sachiko looked forward so this was their plan she thought to herself as she eyed the other Volkov. She was not good so much at the skill of bartering or any social skills really. Still the arcobaleno did say to force the answer and though she lacked info on the oldest Volkov sibling. What she knew was limited to their involvement with the mafia which wasn't enough to really make a safe guess on anything. She knew a few things one she could survive for at least a week without her supplies that wasn't a problem but with others it would probably be taken down to a few days. Silently she used her hidden hand to sneak into the pouch on her side to slip on her cloud ring and take out her box animal slowly. Igniting her ring she opened the box "Asteion go!" Sachiko yelled out as she gripped one of her knives and threw the other one at the oldest Volkov sibling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Sanji' s face lightened up when he heard they had to barter to get him and his newly acquired friends gear back. From the older Volkov interesting. He fixed an invisible tie, smiled and was ready but a wild Sachiko appeared! And was threatening Miss Volkov. The a little to survivalist dressed blonde boy ran inbetween with the ping pong bats either side "Look were all friends here no need to cause a ruckus over a fun camping trip and Sachiko I'm guessing the reality of the exercise would to use words to win our stuff back so let's be a nice mafia family and play the cute, adorable, sick, twisted babie' s game" *Awkwardly laughing*

Sanji was confident and crapping himself if it goes well he keeps his face in tact if not I think you know where I'm going with this right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reina Saotome || Campsite

With heavy load lifted off her shoulders, Reina freely jogged towards the campsite with an excited expression upon her face. But that excitement would soon fade away as the strange talking baby made his announcement about their belongings and how the fox lady had hidden them away somewhere. Pointing a finger at her, Rei shouted,"I knew it was too good to be true! No one would take my heavy load of a luggage for free!" The announcement was starting to settle in as she realized the only things she had left in her possession were her silver harmonica and the wooden pole she used as her weapon.

Was she able to survive this camp with just these equipment? Rei didn't know but Fon did announce that the older Volkov knew of the whereabouts of their stuff. She thought for a moment that maybe if they convinced her enough, they would at least get the necessary equipment back. But, Rei thought, where's the challenge in that? "You know what? Bring it on! We can survive on hunting wild rabbi--," she paused. Feeling guilty about a poor little adorable rabbit being killed, she corrected herself, "Hey ya know, we can just hunt for fishes instead. What do you guys think?--"

As Rei turned to face the rest of the crew, she saw a gullible Sanji about to run between the thrown knife and the fox lady. Clicking her tongue at how dumb of a move it was, the girl with super strength launched herself forward by kicking herself off the ground just in time to bump the blond boy away from the knife's track and get away with a slit on her left arm. "ACK!" Rei gritted her teeth and gripped the slitted arm in pain as she slowly pushed herself off the ground to turn towards Sanji.

"Were you trying to get yourself killed?! You never run in front of a knife like that unless ya wanna be bleeding yourself to death!" The raven haired teen may have come off as harsh but it was only because she was actually concerned about the kid. The pain was gradually starting to settle in as crimson liquid dripped from her arm, her face scrunching in a pained expression.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Neither Shi nor the baby even blinked when Sachiko decided to try and take the 'easy' route and take Shiso down a peg in order to discover where their stuff was located. However within but a few moments two of the students dashed into the fray and attempted to stop the conflict, though one of them tried to stop the attack the knife still was only redirected. "Well, it seems like there is already a conflict of interests, that is good. If you work on that in the way that I hope you may become something." After all family never agreed on much if at all but at the end of the day they were always there for each other. If this group could learn such a lesson fast then there would be no trouble down the line. Meanwhile Shi lifted up her hand, and as her silken sleeve rolled down her arm it was shown she had caught the knife while the baby was speaking. "I am now wondering if I should also take that little toy of yours?" She grinned and awaited confirmation from her peer to see if she should or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yoshiaki Sugihara
Yoshi narrowed his eyes. Ever since they had ordered him to relinquish his bags - and rather heavy-handedly at that - he had seen this development coming from a mile away, like a video game NPC that asks the player for supplies of variable value but ultimately doesn't provide any real benefit other than experience points. At the very least, he could take solace in the fact that the fox didn't have his portable gaming systems, which were left at home because outlets are rarely prolific within mountain wilderness. "Tch. I knew it," he grunted, indignantly crossing his arms to demonstrate his irritation at the whole situation. Whatever. If this was the game they were going to play, then he'd play.

Mentally, Yoshiaki began formulating a quick list of things he had to worry about, and the things he could do about them. He could always try and smooth talk them, and he was pretty damn sure he'd get points with them for a 'mafia boss move', but he wasn't much well-suited for that social engineering bullshit. Better to just leave that shit to the preppy, popular kids like Ayumu. Hunting and gathering ought to be a good idea, and they had at least one person who could fight a predator animal, but he wasn't much of an outdoorsman; they might end up getting poison berries or something. Hopefully if it boiled down to that, their instructors would intervene. Finally, if all else failed, he could probably pick a fight with-

"...What the hell?" Before he could finish that thought, Sachiko sprung into action and became the catalyst for the chaotic series of events that followed. First was a purple flash and a loosed knife, then that blond-haired idiot Sanji charging in, and then... "Shit, Rei!" Yoshi yelled, crossing the distance and coming to a stop next to his fellow ne'er-do-well, "You alright? Both of you?" It was a rhetorical question; he knew she'd be okay. Call it force of habit. He turned around and stormed over to Sachiko, stomping past the tiger like it wasn't even there. "What the fuck was that?" he demanded, glaring daggers down at the shorter assassin. Unlike Rei who was mad from concern, Yoshi was just mad at this point. "You can't just throw knives around like that! What if s-" He paused for a moment, his mouth a hard line. "What if someone got seriously hurt?"

Ayumu Tomoe
'Well, there goes the waiting plan,' Ayumu sighed as the baby announced the penalty for their laziness, 'Out of the frying pan of heavy lifting and into the fire of survivalism...' Now he was really regretting handing over his bag; it had his guidebook in it! And if he didn't know anything, he couldn't do anything. He worriedly bit his lip, anxious and more on-edge than usual. He couldn't remain idle; he had do get busy, get working, get to doing something about it. He wouldn't- couldn't wait around and let everything just... happen.

A mouse-like squeak of a surprised yelp slipped through his lips once everyone began springing into chaotic action. He did nothing but stand in place. He was a spectator standing outside, looking in with dull eyes. It was only after a few silent moments that he realized he was staring at a tiger that had appeared from nowhere. But he did not avert his gaze. The gears of his mind turned until an idea struck him. Silently, Ayumu broke a stick off of a low-hanging tree branch and sat down before a grassless patch of earth. As the others gathered around the epicenter of chaos over yonder, he began silently carving furrows into the dirt with only the occasional look around to stop his work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hisaki Kawaguchi | Camp

The sight Hisaki walked back to was... A lot of missing things and some in-fighting. The in-fighting wasn't his concern, so he paid it little to no mind. But then his eyes doubled around... There were an awful lot of missing things, where did everyone's bags go? Maybe that's why there was fighitng... But then he noticed something that was no longer there. The tent he had set up. His eyes darkened as he dropped the firewood from his arms.

He sighed, he set his things up before the Volkov lady could take his bags, or at the very least he got the tent set up before he handed it over, but it appears that was a mistake. That said it was the Volkovs that were under fire right now. That wasn't his concern, but he strode up to the Volkov sibling, and snatched the knife that was thrown at them by Sachiko. By the time anyone turned to Hisaki he was already tying a headband with the knife in his teeth, soon as he was done he put the knife away for use later.

"You guys can keep fighting but I'm hungry so I'm gonna go hunt something, plus it's getting dark", he pointed out. He was quite focused on not being swept into anything silly, the longer he stayed the sooner that would happen. He strode past his former campsite and found strangely enough, a bokken with a sheath. He picked it up, any equipment he can get is good out here.

"Sachiko, I'm borrowing this knife, I'll return it when this is over", he said, and with that he just disappeared into the woods. So what was out here... If he had some rope, catching small animals would be easy, but he had his bokken, so maybe he could strike quickly enough to catch one... Or even maybe if he found a big catch, or a river somewhere, he could catch fish or hunt venison. Either way he would find something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sachiko Kanno|Drifting Cloud

"If they got hurt it was not my problem boss." Sachiko said out loud her tone flat and even though when she said the word boss it was full of resentment and sarcasm. "My life was not one of wonder and childhood naivety unlike most others I had no such luck." She continued scorn marring her once soft and neutral features as she said the last part with hints of disgust and regret. "YOU boss need to grow up and man up if someone got hurt than it was a needed loss the goal was in sight the objective clear gaining the items back at whatever the cost. I am sorry that I failed to control your subordinates." Rage was her main thought at the moment HOW DARE He question something when it was for his benefit? It made no sense to her she acted in best for him did what she did for HIM. Yet she was the one in wrong? She did not understand was it because her skills was lacking? Shaking her thoughts clear she whistled sharply calling asteion to her as the small tiger cub gracefully landed on her shoulder. "Perhaps next time BOSS you would be wise to take care better of those under you perhaps trying to understand them better. A leader is not one who stays and does nothing letting others do it for them a LEADER guides them to the best possible outcome accepting the flaws of the many and accepting mistakes not placing blame in blind range on the person." She continued her voice rising with anger before with a clearly abnormal amount of grace and speed she walked into the brush out of their view.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sanji hit the ground as the Hero jumped in Rei.... The nerve! He was sick of it he couldn't take it anymore he wasn't even listening to the others he gaze was focused on Rei. "I don't know if you knew that I knew what I signed up for but I didn't expect any less of what we just did I'll admit I doubted I could handle it but I would've expected that you finally would've gave me the benefit of the doubt to let me be independent" Sanji stood up and wiped himself off and leaned against a tree ready to hunt or whatever jobs they we assigned.

Sanji felt bad for what he said to Rei I mean she proberbly wouldn't take it to hard but maybe he was in the wrong "In the corporate world you have to let yourself be heard... That's what it takes". At the back of his mind though the words he should've said were Thanks...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reina Saotome || Campsite

Once Yoshi came running towards their direction as he shot a concerned inquiry, Rei shot back a slight grin. "Heh, this is nothin', just a scratch compared to the ones I get from fighting dumb thugs." But that grin would immediately disappear as she winced at the knife scratch.

Just as she had scolded the blonde boy, her pal had an angry exchange with the owner of the knife. The boyish girl kept silent as the younger girl, who seemed to usually be solemn and quiet, started to lecture their new boss. Just like that, Sachiko left the scene with a tiger cub (Wait where did it come from???) upon her shoulder.

While some of the angry lecturing from the younger teen spoke of truth, Rei felt that it may be unfair for Yoshiaki who had just become acquainted with about half of their new 'family'. "Sorry about causing a fuss, Yoshi but don't let what she said get to ya. We're all new to this 'family' thing." Fon on the other hand seemed to think they were starting to progress as a family but were they really?

Rei turned her gaze away from the table tennis player for about a moment or so but her attention was drawn back to him as he spoke. Instead of appreciation, Sanji threw a fit, just as Sachiko did. One could see that she was about to retort to what he had just said, but instead, she sighed and turned her back towards him. "Fine then, Mr. Independent. Do what you want." With that, the raven haired teen started towards the forest area after turning towards Yoshi and made a directing gesture with her head if he wanted to come with. Either way, Rei went on ahead, ripping a piece of her shirt to tie around the wounded arm.

Was this really a starting point of progress for the family? Everyone seemed to scatter, Hisaki going off on his own, so did Sachiko and now, herself. Putting away such thoughts, Rei was now having a dilemma over what to bring back to camp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yoshiaki Sugihara
Yoshiaki grit his teeth. " 'If someone gets hurt, it's not my problem'? 'It was a needed loss'? " His voice was a guttural growl as he repeated Sachiko's scornful words, and his hands curled into fists. "I don't give a damn who you are or where you came from, but I don't need to understand you to know that you shouldn't just do something that careless and stupid! What if-" He was cut off by the rustling of leaves and the departure of his conversation partner. "...Fine. Whatever. Just run off," he scoffed, turning his back to where Sachiko used to be, "See if I care." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and began trodding back over to where the remaining members of his 'family' were.

"It's fine. It's not your fault anyway," Yoshi sighed and waved his friend's concerns away, "Besides, it's not like I'm dumb enough to think we'd all get along just like that." This whole thing was supposed to be a grand change from the droll nature of his day-to-day life. Even after accepting the offer, all he'd done so far was watch life pass by. Maybe an exotic lifestyle like in one of his games was really just a dream like he'd thought. He groaned. No use wasting time on shit like that; he'd already made his decision. "I'll come along with you," he answered, folllowing after Rei, "I've got nothing better to do anyway."

"Ah... Wait!" Ayumu called out to the pair before they too disappeared into the underbrush. He finished jogging over a few minutes after shouting for attention. "Can you do a favor for me, please?" he asked. Something in his brain told Yoshi that he wouldn't like it, but he decided to humor his senpai, "Well? Out with it."

"...I want you guys to see if you can make sure Sacchin, gets back to camp." There was an awkward, 'did-you-really-just-say-that' silence from Yoshiaki after that, matched only by the look of concern on Ayumu's, "It's not that I don't trust her to come back but-" He was cut off by Yoshi's raised hand. "Yeah, yeah, I get it," the boss handwaved, "I don't like it, but I get it." He sighed. As much as he was totally-not-salty-I-swear with the girl, he didn't want anyone riding his ass just because he let one of his family members get lost in the woods and die of a splinter or something. "I can't say I'm not willing to try, but no guarantees."

"It is good to see that you are taking your role at least somewhat seriously," Fon interjected, "I shall tag along and perhaps provide helpful lookout and words of encouragement." It didn't take a genius to tell that wasn't a request and that he'd be going along even if Yoshi made a fuss about it. So accepting his fate, they continued on after Rei. "Hey Rei, you said something about getting fish earlier, right?" he asked, slowing his pace as he got closer, "If we're gonna be by water, we might as well see about getting some to boil." He paused. "... Oh, by the way, senpai wants us to keep an eye out for the knife-y one and 'gently remind' her to make sure to return to camp." Another pause, this time caused by a genius idea. "He also said I'd be allowed to knock some sen- OW!" Fon shook his head in silent disapproval. "Yeah yeah. Eyes on the prize, I get it," Yoshi huffed.

Ayumu Tomoe
Back at camp, Ayumu crossed out items on his dirt-written checklist with his heel. "I hope I did the right thing back then..." he mumbled, unassuredly scratching the back of his head. Now what was left to do... Send someone after Hisaki, just in case? He knew Yuki and Sanji were on hand for that, but would Hisaki need it? 'Well he did say something about bears earlier, so he might need help carrying back all the meat?' He wasn't 100% sure on the weight of a bear, but he figured that a big haul of any variety would probably need more than one to haul it back. "Hey Yuki, can you catch up with Hisaki and see if he needs any help?"

Ayumu crossed another item off with his heel and looked over to the blonde one. He'd heard that the boy wanted to try to negotiate with their mentors, perhaps he'd be up for that still? Ayumu approached the blonde boy who had recently become the catalyst for all the interpersonal trouble. "Hey Sanji-kun," he greeted, slowly approaching the table tennis player, "You alright? You mentioned wanting to try to persuade the teachers for our stuff back, right? I'd be willing to help you out with that."

The work of a flame radar technician was long, boring, and thankless even in the most volatile of regions. For someone monitoring a place like Namimori, it was that experience multiplied by eighty bazillion. But someone had to sit in a swivel chair and listen to the sound of silence (and not even the Simon and Garfunkel version) for a 12-hour shift. "What the hell?" a technician exclaimed, "The radar's picking up two flame signatures near a mountain just outside Namimori. Doesn't look like they're moving towards the city. Just kind of around." The room became silent as the fact that they'd actually get to do something finally set in. "...I just contacted HQ," another technician informed, "Nobody's supposed to be in or around Namimori right now." And there was a silence broken only by the proclamation of: "Well shit." from the supervisor. Following this proclamation, the technicians went wild. As the technicians babble incoherently amongst each other, the supervisor proclaimed, "Alright! Calm down folks. Given the how those blips look like flies on a horse's ass, I'm sure it's just nothing. No big deal. Just throw a few scouts to check it out just to be safe and, like usual, let the mainland deal with it if something's up."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sachiko Kanno|Drifting Cloud

Sachiko sighed quietly to herself as she walked through the forest she knew she was in the wrong pride got the best of her and she let it control her. As a assassin such a thing would get someone killed and even if she walked away from that path she was still beating herself up over it. Still it angered her this person came into something like he did and does nothing to act but rather stayed quiet about the whole deal. While yes she was in the wrong his actions did not sit well with her reminded her of multiple hits she was sent out on in the past where people like that got her comrades killed. A deer was strung over as she prepared to haul it back to the camp a sort of apology for what she did. Hopefully this wouldn't affect her sister care in anyway. She quietly walked back but stopped at the stream nearby the camp for a quick rest and to wash away some of the blood that got caked on her hands and face from when she took down the deer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

It was a sound reminescent of a car going slowly down the lane. In a more urban setting, such a commonplace thing would've been easily written off. However, deep in the mountains with no neardy roadway, the sound was worryingly incongruous. Even more peculiarly, the sound appeared to be coming from... above? 'They arrived later than I had expected,' Fon noted, directing his attention to the origin of the sound. Admittedly, this was not exactly how they'd been expecting it to go, but a minor adjustment in schedule was nothing consequential as far as he could see. 'I trust they can deal with that many,' he thought, having already determined the number of approaching entities. The edges of the baby's lips perked up. He opened his mouth and, like the martial arts instructor he was, stated, "Follow my directions, I'll show you where you need to be."

Meanwhile, above the mountain, a quartet of robots that somewhat resembled humanoids with fly heads began their descent at a rather fast pace. From afar, their rocket boosters looked something like meteorites falling to earth. Their detection system pinged a few figures in the area. As scouts, their priority was the two beings, both within each others' immediate vicinities, that were actively emitting flames at the moment. Likewise, they had also detected a camping location that didn't appear on the map of official camping spots. A short moment later, and two of the Scout Mosca broke formation.

They landed somewhere close to the camping site, but each taking their own approach. They were making their way by foot at a snail's pace. It seemed that, while reducing stealth capacity, those rocket boosters were good for something at least. Hisaki would be able to notice the sound of one of these lumbering things breaking branches left and right, and upon further inspection, would be greeted with the sight of the very unnatural thing that seemed to be making its way back towards the campsite.

As for the remaining two, they would continue on their path, and acknowledging that their flight trajectory would lead them face first into their target, opted for a pincer-style approach. Despite the change in tactic, their approach vectors combined with the clarity of the fairly treeless strip of stream and path granted the assassin a brief sight of them. Normally this wouldn't be enough, but as a member of the mafia, Sachiko had sufficient knowledge of the approaching scouts to determine their identity and react accordingly. She would be able to intercept them at landing, if she so chose.

Meanwhile at camp, Ayumu and Sanji were busy doing something else. Fortunately, the final, unimpeded Mosca was not close enough to do anything that was in any way relevant to their situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sachiko Kanno|Drifting Cloud

Something was coming a mosca if she was not mistaken Sachiko thought to herself as she quickly went into action. First mosca's was not very agile in dense areas being one for mass fire power if she was not mistaken. With that in mind she quickly went up a tree to try get a better view if at all possible. From there she could decide her next course of action as she quickly pulled her knife out in front of her. The next course of action was to eliminate the one that spotted her than take into account the status of the other "members" from there a larger more stable plan can be put into action.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After walking for a bit in silent contemplation the situation, and more importantly Sachiko's words, reintroduced themselves to Yoshi. He had tried to quell his thoughts, but he couldn't anymore. "Okay, but really... What the hell did she even mean?!" He questioned nobody in particular, suddenly bursting out, breaking the silence that had filled the air for all to short a time. It only made sense that after having the chance to call her out on it taken away he would eventually have to rant about it. And who better to listen that the person who would apparently be teaching him. "Even if we have just gotten together, if this is supposed to be the team, the family, it would make no se..." He stopped again a strange noise coming to light.

"What's that?" It sounded like a car. It was moving slowly. "Oh..." After spending so much time in the town he pushed it out of his mind when that was what he seemed to hear. Still, it felt like he was forgetting something. Of course there was his rant, but that had all but left his mind. He didn't even care at the moment. "Fon..." He stopped when he felt that same little sting that he had already become so accustomed to.

"From here on out you will refer to me as Master." The baby explained.

"WHAT?! I'M NOT GONNA- OW!" He received another strike. "Why you little?!" And another. "Sto... Wait!"

Before Fon could deliver another strike he remembered. "Tell about what that girl... Sachiko... Did." He said in a more reserved tone, accepting Fon's new condition of treatment. This just seemed more important. "I mean that thing she did. There was fire... And a box. A knife." He was pretty sure there had been a tiger too, but in the off chance he was imagining that he didn't want to bring it up.

"Is that all you noticed?" There infant martial arts master questioned his student prompting a look of confusing.

What else could there... Oh shit... Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Where the hell was that noise coming from so deep in the mountains?! There weren't any cars around here! "Okay Master. The lesson will have to wait!"

"Follow my directions, I'll show you where you need to be."

That response, replacing another hit to the head, was like music to Yoshi's ears. "Alright! Then let's get this show on the road!" He spoke cheerfully still partly convinced that this was all a part of the training he was expecting from the baby and the mad fox lady. This might even be pretty fun. Although, what he would come to find would probably shock him beyond words and reasonable thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reina Saotome || Forest

"Mmmkay, fetching fish and fresh water it is." The tomboy casually agreed to her friend's suggestion while being a little occupied with thoughts about the earlier confrontation. Had she been babying him too much? Nah, she didn't think so, but Rei being Rei, she didn't like conflict between friends so apologizing was probably a good idea.

Being distracted by her thoughts and gazing at the river not too far away from them, Rei hadn't noticed the strange noises the other two were hearing. Before her attention was turned towards them, the raven haired girl readied her wooden pole with a sharp rock and a vine she found lying around in the forest to create a make do spear. "Alright! Then let's get this show on the road!" With a puzzled expression upon her face, Rei turned towards Yoshi who started towards a direction away from the river that they were originally heading to.

"Hey Yoshi, wait up! The river is this way, where are you going?" Without waiting for a response, Rei ran after the boy while in the middle of finishing up the sad excuse of a spear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hisaki Kawaguchi

"Hm?", his trek through the forest and search of raw supplies was disturbed by the sound of machinery. That might explain why there were suddenly so few animals around... He only heard it for now, but he decided he should at least take a look. He beheld something strange, even for a robot. Peering from the bushes over a small stone formation, and being rather well-hidden, he observed it...

"Metal... Gear? A robot...?", he took a closer look at it's features... Those hands seemed strange, it left behind hollowed footsteps, like a hoop, or a doughnut, the blackening suggested that this machine was hot, possibly burning to touch. It's direction was the general direction of the camp... It looked clumsy though, it's size was significant too, which may be adding to it's difficulty with uneven terrain. He didn't have the means to take it down, all he had was this knife. Plus he wasn't sure if this was related to this whole mafia deal either...

"Ah hell. I've never seen anything like this... It probably is related...", he sighed.

"I swear if taking that down is part of the test, they should've left me a steel katana or something...", there was no way he was going to beat it with a knife.

"I guess I'll tail it... The damn thing's scaring away all the wildlife, so I can't get any food anyway...", with that, he began to shadow the robot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Save for the sound of their jets, the 1st Mosca were silent as their programming began going through the motions of identifying the target that had appeared atop the trees. From the moment that the robots had caught sight of Sachiko's face, they stopped moving and had started the process of cross-referencing the facial scan with their database of known mafiosi. Once they had ascertained the identity of the mystery flame user - Sachiko Kanno, a remnant from a famiglia that had been marked for death - they resumed moving, but instead of continuing their flight path, they had altered it. The target was armed, aware of their presence, and had a history of hostility. The job of a Scout Mosca was simply their job to acquire as much information as possible, no matter the cost. Disposable robots were good for that sort of thing.

A short distance away from Sachiko, the first Mosca stopped. The sudden pause in action was very conspicuous. However, once whatever it had been doing had come and passed, the Mosca lifted its arms, and from its fingertips, fired at Sachiko. With the thruster speed it had displayed, perhaps more damage could be inflicted by ramming into the tree and forcing the assassin to fall. However, programming had determined that this was the best offensive course of action for whatever reason.

A Romantic Moonlit Walk Chaperoned by a Baby
Meanwhile, the 2nd Mosca abandoned its comrade in favor of discerning the nature of the two individuals it had sighted nearby. Normally, such a contingency would be unnecessary and the presences be written off as simply civilians. However, the path of the two individuals was drawing closer and closer to Sachiko - almost to a suspicious extent, especially considering that at that point in time, the first Mosca had yet not engaged Sachiko.

It suddenly landed in front of the two youngsters in a pose commonly known as "the superhero landing". Slowly and imposingly, it stood and regarded the two - or rather three, upon closer examination. While it wasted little time pondering Yoshi and Rei, it appeared to be staring at Fon. Unfortunately it was an expressionless machine, so the underlying intent behind this action remained unknown. (Half-way across the world, Vongola technicians were going utterly ballistic)

Throughout this all, the baby remained silent, meeting the machine's steely gaze with his own. A few moments in stillness later, and Fon saw fit to produce a container of some sort, which dispersed a very small, cyan-colored sphere that closely resembled a radioactive jawbreaker. He tapped Yoshi's head and gestured for him to hold on to it, before whispering the requisite instructions into his ear. Mere moments after he had spoken, a sound resembling rapidly detonating firecrackers could be heard echoing through the air. The Arcobaleno regarded this like he would a particularly pretty wall. "If you two appear to be in dire straits, I will intervene," Fon said, hopping down from Yoshiaki, "But for now, I leave the rest to you two. Defeat it however you see fit." With that phrase, Fon appeared to have initiated hostilities between the two teens and itself. Now no longer still and statuesque, the bug-headed machine seemed to tip forward like it was about to fall...

...Before it activated its thrusters and flew at Yoshi and Rei, arms raised like some kind of man of steel.

Rules of Nature
As he followed, Hisaki had learned some other stuff. Upon closer examination of the sounds it was making as it trudged across harder ground - and at one point fell over - it sounded distinctly hollow. But that wasn't the most obvious thing. No, that title went to the small but obvious resulting dent in the front of its chassis. Likewise, he could tell that this was not an advantageous place. With jutting stone formations, uneven ground, and trees as far as the eye could see, it was having a difficult time navigating. Well, more so than it had before; if it was a snail's pace before, it wouldn't be wrong to compare its current speed to the same snail, except this time trying to make progress against a treadmill. They were definitely close to camp though. Hisaki could see light from a fire and... were those silhouettes of tents? When the hell did those get there? If he shouted someone could probably hear it. Of course, that would mean exposing himself. There was probably a better way of going about that.

Especially since the voyeuristic machine decided just to cut its losses and spectate from here. It wasn't even paying attention to its surroundings at this point. Just... watching. Hopefully nobody was up to lewd things at camp.

It's a Hard Knock Life
The final Mosca was facing its toughest enemy yet: an unexpectedly large swath of mud. It was struggling to navigate the warped terrain due to its clumsy movements and weight. If a robot had feelings, it would probably feel self-conscious. Everyone else was working hard and here it was, struggling against nature itself like some kind of loser. Unfortunately, automatic self-destruction was not within its capabilities, so it just had to keep trying hard to get out of this sticky situation.

Do your best, Mosca-tan ;~;7
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sachiko Kanno|Drifting Cloud

Sachiko cursed as she was under fire now it wasn't doing much thankfully Moscas wasnt well known for their thinking since they were limited by the programming if she remembered correctly. "Shit I need to finish this up and rendezvous with the others." Sachiko couldn't help but exclaim quietly to herself she didn't know the status of the others and despite what she said she was going to make sure no one died since that was her bosses wish so she would do so. With a sharp whistle she tried to get the moscas attention as she hopped to a nearby branch parkour was not her strong suit something she rarely practiced but she thankfully managed to land safely. Gripping her knife tight she let out Asteion once more and grabbing a dagger it had as well she needed one clear shot she thought and she might be able to end it in one hit. Seeing a chance she gripped her daggers and jumped towards the mosca a single phrase escaping her lips "hyakka ryoran ("Many Flowers Blooming in Profusion")"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yoshi whistled looking at the machine as it appeared from the sky. "Hey Rei, check it out..." He scoffed as he pointed at the bug headed man. "Superhero landing." He chuckled a bit before rolling his head along his shoulders. He heard each pop and let out a satisfied groan. This wasn't something most people would take as normal. However, to Yoshi, it wasn't completely unexpected. He knew when he agreed to be the boss of some sort of mafia he wouldn't be coming across the same things he came across every day. Still, to say he wasn't scared would be a complete load. He was terrified. Anybody would be. He had never seen anything like this. Still, in video games, something like this coming along was never easy.

Humor and a lighthearted approach. It kept his nerves at bay. Though trying to figure this thing as its overall purpose and ability had left the boss candidate lost in his mind. Unless he felt a tap on his head. He took the blue jawbreaker he'd been given. "How is candy..." He stopped inspecting it for a moment. The machine seemed to pause when it saw Fon. That couldn't be normal. And this thing didn't feel or look like any jawbreaker he'd ever had. He took a breath and slipped it into his pocket. "So you'll only get involved if you see me struggling. Got it." The kid wouldn't expect any less from a tutor. Not that he'd ever had one himself to compare.

"Go right Rei!" He shouted as he leaped to the left out of the way of the machine transitioning into a roll before getting back to his feet. It didn't seem like it would have the kind of maneuverability to make quick midair changes, but if it did, they'd find out right now. He knew Fon had given him the blue thing for a reason, but he didn't quite know what it was. Was he supposed to eat it? Swallow like a pill? It's it like a power up? One of those... "Know when the time is right" kind of things? He pondered quietly as he watched the the big machine unsure of what to do next. It was a big metal man. He was pretty sure punching it wouldn't do much of anything. At least Rei had made herself a make shift weapon. And here he was. Virtually useless without his fists.
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