Avatar of CorrosiveCherry
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 12 (0.00 / day)
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    1. CorrosiveCherry 7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Hey, we're looking for 3 people to play Masters--feel free to stop by the Discord! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Hi hello! Still looking for 7 whole people for a roleplay~ We have a Discord, so feel free to stop by and say hello: tinyurl.com/fate-akashic-wr…
7 yrs ago
Hey there~ Got something for those Fate/ fans, and even people new to the series! Give it a look-see~ tinyurl.com/fate-akashic-wr…
7 yrs ago
Remember to be awesome to each other, everyone~ A little bit of cheer goes a super long way!


Hi hello~ I'm Roxi! I'm a commissions artist from Alaska. I draw monstergirls so you don't have to~

I try my very best to be blithe and sunny, and I always want to bring something new to the table with every roleplay I join! Not necessarily so interested in being a 'protagonist,' just a character in the story who has their own story to tell.

It probably comes as no surprise, but I'm gay! I draw a LOT of pinups (a LOT) so a lot of my focus is on portraying sexuality in a healthy manner that doesn't come off as preachy or weird or like an accessory to make a character more interesting. Also, I'm a total design junkie and I will always design the absolute total bejeezus out of my characters, and I will never join a roleplay unless I'm prepared to draw my character and do a WHOLE TON of work on their sheet, so if I'm joining your roleplay, know that I'm very much invested!

Glad you took a second to come and read this, and I hope to see you around~ Feel free to drop me a message anytime!

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I'm interested and raring to go, of course~!
Scarlet Ruler

"Get busy or get dead."

Class: Scarlet Ruler
True Name: Shi Xianggu, or Ching Shih of the Red Flag Fleet
Gender: Female

Height: 5'11''
Weight: 157 lbs.
Personality: Swift, sassy, and socially sagacious, Ruler lives by the pirate's creed, through and through: ill-gotten gains still spend the same.

Fearless to a fault, Ching Shih appears, at first, to be completely indomitable. Then, upon peeling away her outer layers of brusque bravado and uncommonly sharp snark, many come to realize that she is peerlessly unshakeable. She is a woman of tenacity. Of risk and reward. Of clever gambits. And, perhaps above all, Ching Shih lacks that human quality normal folk seem unable to do without:

Dignity. Certainly, she cuts a good rug and talks a big game--she'll dress herself to the nines, but when it comes to it, Ching Shih has no pride to shake. She just has ambition. She would garrote a puppy for her own goals, should it serve her.

And then, perhaps, eat it, just to prove that she could.

Like a crocodile, she'll swim through shit-caked waters, taking on creatures of far greater size, simply to catch a bite. Teeth, nails, poison, bullets, knives, ball-peen hammers, freshly eaten puppy skulls--she will use everything at her disposal to bring a foe to their knees, and she will do so unimpeded by a concept so paltry as human decency.

An absolute joy at parties, though god help you if you ever invite her to one. She will quickly commandeer the festivities and drink your cabinet through. Seemingly never without her wit at her side, but ferociously quiet in a fight; for her, every duel is a matter of survival, not a matter of success or defeat. There is something ineffably primal inside of Ching Shih, and she knows it.

Strengths: Ching Shih is a peerless tactician. Fearlessly brave among her comrades, she is a forceful soul--but patient, taking no more than a reasonable share of risk. She is clever and careful, a sly devil through and through. A force to be reckoned with, especially when backed by her underlings.
Moreover, she is a fighter with an unbelievable amount of grit--even in combat situations where she is outmatched, she is not above fighting dirty to prove victorious over her opponent.
Negotiation is possibly, however, the greatest strength the Pirate Queen carries. Countless secrets have passed through her ears, from the men she's bedded to the Chinese government, who, fairly, she really should have bought dinner for before forcing their ass to the air and their teeth to the dirt.

Weaknesses: It is important to note that, in life, Ching Shih was rarely a direct combatant--she often worked as a commander, rather than a soldier, so to speak. As a result, while her skill in combat is greatly enhanced by her status as a Ruler and her adopted status as a Lancer, it leaves her wanting in most conventional forms of one-on-one combat. She works best when she fights dirty.
Moreover, she struggles without leverage. Prone to dangling carrots--or dangling blackmail--she tends to have difficulty without an army on her payroll. Rarely ever appearing without backup, she is quick to crumble when backed into a corner without cohorts with which to turn to.

Fatal Flaw: Treachery. In life, Ching Shih carried a draconian code that the entire Red Flag Fleet was to follow, and it would be by that same code that she came undone. When one of her subsidiaries--the Black Flag Fleet--took a pardon and sided with the Chinese government, it became the first domino that would later remove her from piracy. As a result, she is especially vulnerable to Servants who were betrayers--such as Brutus or Judas.


Physique: +
Skill: +
Agility: -
Mana: -
Luck: +
Honor Among Thieves: A+

Charisma: A

Battle Continuation: B

Man-At-Arms: C+

Divine Favor: D

Antimagic: B-

True Name Discernment: D

Noble Phantasms:
Canton Pardon, Parting of Fool and Purse:

Cheung Po Tsai, Ersatz Lance of the Pillager's Beloved:


Belongings: Ching Shih's garb is that of a dread pirate. An amalgam of flavors of courtesean's finery and the striking form of a pirate captain, it also incorporates elements of the navies she routinely struck down. These clothes are essential to her knightly silhouette and are, of course, a deeply-rooted part of her personal aesthetic.

It is important to note the skull that she wears; it is that of a ram, her birth sign under the Chinese Zodiac. It is unknown if this odd accessory is some sort of Mystic Code or merely an odd substitute for a codpiece.

Her eyepatch is completely functional in purpose; she isn't missing an eye, she merely uses it to quickly switch from day to night vision. As such, she always keeps one eye covered--preferably the left, so as to better display the Chinese character emblazoned on its front.

She also keeps a derringer--a flintlock pistol that, despite its appearance, is actually a Mystic Code--a treasure she herself took with her to the grave. Instead of lobbing bullets, it acts as a curse-throwing mechanism, firing off rounds fashioned from her personal supply of mana. She also keeps a pair of knives meant for throwing, in the case she's caught unarmed.

Ching Shih is almost never seen without the comforts of her home--she always seems to have a flask and some rice, if not enough rations to feed herself and a few others. She is, moreover, a decent cook--though it is a skill largely irrelevant to life as a Ruler. Even though she doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep, she is often found enjoying any of the three, usually to gluttonous excess.

On the subject of excess, all of her metal belongings seem to be crafted from gold or other such rich materials; one could hardly expect anything less from her. Ching Shih is the queen of conspicuous consumption, and--in being so--is certain to make everyone know just that.
Hello and welcome, by the way~

Please stop by the Discord so you can ask all sorts of neato questions and get to know everyone, if you don't mind, @WanderingSpirit!

Bleep bloop, she's up and running!

Main Theme | Cut it Free

(Placeholder image while I finish up the proper version!)


“This is where the end ends and the beginning begins.”

It always starts with a Holy Grail.
There are many worlds. Timelines. Universes upon universes, wrapped around each other like molecules in a vast ocean of existence.
At the center of it all lies Akasha. The Akashic Records. The Void. Heaven. Hell.
All of it.
None of it.
It is the place where all souls are bound to, and from whence all lives originate. It is the past, present, and future. It is the place where wishes can be granted, and where dreams go to die. It is the dream of every magus to one day arrive there, and unravel its secrets--to be the first to grasp a new, true Magic.
A very long time ago--during the year of 1790--a group of great men convened to summon a gate to Akasha, using a tool ancient beyond antiquity--the Holy Grail. They were successful. They were more successful than they could ever have dreamed. They created not only a gate to Akasha, but a wellspring from which magecraft could flourish and evolve beyond its wildest dreams.

It was then that the world ended.
At once, the world became as one and then as none. Reality could not bear this transgression, and chose altogether to bury itself in an eternal Mystery. Impenetrable, and unfathomable.

But, fear not, for this was not our world. This was another world. Had it not so deeply affected our own, we would not have even known of its existence.

Today--during this year of 1790--a group of magi convened to summon a gate to Akasha. However, there was only room enough for one of these men. The Holy Grail was not so much a gate as they had originally surmised, but more like a tollbooth. One pushed through, and what they saw was unspeakable.
They did not see the path to a new Magic. They did not see the Swirl at the Root. They did not step foot in the annals of the Akashic Records.
Through the gate, they had found a great, Mysterious thing. An entire planet, shrouded in an ancient, ineffable strangeness.
They had found what was lost to the hubris of another self, simultaneously having been for as long as being could be, and being as fresh and nascent as a newborn.
The gate that they had stepped through was now open--permanently. The Holy Grail was no more--it could be no more. It was as it always was, and as it had never been.
A Gate to Mystery. The Universe Between Universes.
At the very moment that Mystery lodged itself in the path to the Swirl of the Root, all timelines--all universes--came undone at once. Its mere existence set every other existence off of their preordained course. It is an aberration--a thing that should never have been. In that moment, time itself became a convoluted thing; what was once 1790 became nonexistent, as past, present, and future became but concepts--irrelevant creatures that heralded no weight nor presence.
There is only Mystery, and upon it, the battleground of ages.

Take up arms, O Servants.
Make thy name known to the world, O Masters.
This is the Heavenly Grail War.

~Your Role~

Mystery is an aberration of time and space. It is a planet that is at once a part of Akasha, and the very furthest thing from it. Lodged squarely in the path the Holy Grail created, Mystery has destabilized every timeline, every universe. In doing so, the collective unconscious of the Earth and the primal will to survive of Man--Gaia and Alaya--have all at once coincided, through every universe, creating a temporary battleground in an effort to dislodge the anomaly and bring time back to its rightful course.
This, in the simplest terms, is why you are here. Passing through the gate not of your own free will, but rather because there are no worlds to come home to, you are one of the 42 Masters that inhabit the world of Mystery--and you are destined to fight for the right to your own future. The Heavenly Grail speaks of granting a single wish, and destroying the Mystery that so destabilizes the flow of time.
Led by a Ruler, you and your compatriots will aim to bring the other six factions to their knees, and in the process feed the Heavenly Grail its sacrifices and bring Mystery to its final oblivion.

~The World~

~The Rules~

1. No Gatekeeping!
The Fate/ series is big. It has a lot of people who have invested themselves in varying amounts to the fandom and their understanding of Fate/. What I don’t want to see is people snubbing others because they don’t know some obscure fact about the Nasuverse!
2. There are no dumb questions.
I tried my very best to make this setting as approachable as possible, but even then there are things I missed or failed to properly explain! Please ask questions if you have them--the Discord is a great place to get to know others and ask me anything you’d like to know.
3. Your party is your friend.
I really can’t stress this enough. Please join the Discord and please get involved with other players! We can’t make this story happen without you. Everyone’s equally valuable--I’m just the GM that put this story together! It’s nothing without people to get involved in it.
4. “Have fun” is not a rule!
If you’re not having fun, or not feeling involved, you gotta talk to people! I am absolutely dedicated to helping people feel like they’re having a good time, but I’m not perfect and I’ll do everything in my power to accommodate you.
5. Do what you love.
Don’t make a character that you think I’ll like--make a character that’s uniquely you and makes you happy and excited to write. This isn’t a talent show or a competition--I want to give every player a fair shake and a chance to do the crazy stuff they feel like they can’t do in other roleplays. That being said…
6. Don’t be a creeper!
I know, Fate/ is a historical waifu simulator, but I really don’t want people to go around buying girlfriends like it’s 2000s Runescape. This is, at its core, a real deal venture and creeping other people out is a big no-no! Please make an effort to make your character feel larger than life, rather than making them feel like a pinup.
7. Don’t think “power.” Think “interesting.”
While Fate/ is very, very easy to turn into a high-power excursion into just how easily the universe can be broken, I’d really like it if people would exercise restraint in favor of characters being balanced and interesting! I’m much more interested in weird powers than I am outrageous ones. Taking rule 5 into account, this means that while I want you to express yourself, remember that the power level needs to be within reason, and any extravagant powers need to have reasonable drawbacks! If you ever have a question about power levels, I handle things on a case-by-case basis--we’ll talk it out and see how everyone else feels, and ultimately I’ll come to a decision! The nature of Servants makes their power levels a little nebulous and flexible, so it kind of has to go by feel rather than objectivity.

~The Sheets~

I don't mind terribly if you do, @KawaiiKyouko, as long as you're invested in playing them! I'm happy if you're playing something you feel strongly about and want to try something new or interesting with.

Also, to everyone else, we just got a whole bunch of you, so I'm gonna go ahead and start up the OOC tomorrow after doing a little bit of wrap-up!
Fantastic~ Happy to see I've got so many comers! I think I wanna wait for at least one more person--get half of the total twelve--and then I'll start up the OOC!

(Also, to anyone who's reading this--feel free to drop by the Discord and get a feel for everyone if you're still on the fence about joining! Everyone's tossing around concepts at the moment--you're still very likely to fit into whatever niche you want!)

Main Theme | Cut it Free

(Placeholder image while I finish up the proper version!)


“This is where the end ends and the beginning begins.”

It always starts with a Holy Grail.
There are many worlds. Timelines. Universes upon universes, wrapped around each other like molecules in a vast ocean of existence.
At the center of it all lies Akasha. The Akashic Records. The Void. Heaven. Hell.
All of it.
None of it.
It is the place where all souls are bound to, and from whence all lives originate. It is the past, present, and future. It is the place where wishes can be granted, and where dreams go to die. It is the dream of every magus to one day arrive there, and unravel its secrets--to be the first to grasp a new, true Magic.
A very long time ago--during the year of 1790--a group of great men convened to summon a gate to Akasha, using a tool ancient beyond antiquity--the Holy Grail. They were successful. They were more successful than they could ever have dreamed. They created not only a gate to Akasha, but a wellspring from which magecraft could flourish and evolve beyond its wildest dreams.

It was then that the world ended.
At once, the world became as one and then as none. Reality could not bear this transgression, and chose altogether to bury itself in an eternal Mystery. Impenetrable, and unfathomable.

But, fear not, for this was not our world. This was another world. Had it not so deeply affected our own, we would not have even known of its existence.

Today--during this year of 1790--a group of magi convened to summon a gate to Akasha. However, there was only room enough for one of these men. The Holy Grail was not so much a gate as they had originally surmised, but more like a tollbooth. One pushed through, and what they saw was unspeakable.
They did not see the path to a new Magic. They did not see the Swirl at the Root. They did not step foot in the annals of the Akashic Records.
Through the gate, they had found a great, Mysterious thing. An entire planet, shrouded in an ancient, ineffable strangeness.
They had found what was lost to the hubris of another self, simultaneously having been for as long as being could be, and being as fresh and nascent as a newborn.
The gate that they had stepped through was now open--permanently. The Holy Grail was no more--it could be no more. It was as it always was, and as it had never been.
A Gate to Mystery. The Universe Between Universes.
At the very moment that Mystery lodged itself in the path to the Swirl of the Root, all timelines--all universes--came undone at once. Its mere existence set every other existence off of their preordained course. It is an aberration--a thing that should never have been. In that moment, time itself became a convoluted thing; what was once 1790 became nonexistent, as past, present, and future became but concepts--irrelevant creatures that heralded no weight nor presence.
There is only Mystery, and upon it, the battleground of ages.

Take up arms, O Servants.
Make thy name known to the world, O Masters.
This is the Heavenly Grail War.

~Your Role~

Mystery is an aberration of time and space. It is a planet that is at once a part of Akasha, and the very furthest thing from it. Lodged squarely in the path the Holy Grail created, Mystery has destabilized every timeline, every universe. In doing so, the collective unconscious of the Earth and the primal will to survive of Man--Gaia and Alaya--have all at once coincided, through every universe, creating a temporary battleground in an effort to dislodge the anomaly and bring time back to its rightful course.
This, in the simplest terms, is why you are here. Passing through the gate not of your own free will, but rather because there are no worlds to come home to, you are one of the 42 Masters that inhabit the world of Mystery--and you are destined to fight for the right to your own future. The Heavenly Grail speaks of granting a single wish, and destroying the Mystery that so destabilizes the flow of time.
Led by a Ruler, you and your compatriots will aim to bring the other six factions to their knees, and in the process feed the Heavenly Grail its sacrifices and bring Mystery to its final oblivion.

~The World~

~The Rules~

1. No Gatekeeping!
The Fate/ series is big. It has a lot of people who have invested themselves in varying amounts to the fandom and their understanding of Fate/. What I don’t want to see is people snubbing others because they don’t know some obscure fact about the Nasuverse!
2. There are no dumb questions.
I tried my very best to make this setting as approachable as possible, but even then there are things I missed or failed to properly explain! Please ask questions if you have them--the Discord is a great place to get to know others and ask me anything you’d like to know.
3. Your party is your friend.
I really can’t stress this enough. Please join the Discord and please get involved with other players! We can’t make this story happen without you. Everyone’s equally valuable--I’m just the GM that put this story together! It’s nothing without people to get involved in it.
4. “Have fun” is not a rule!
If you’re not having fun, or not feeling involved, you gotta talk to people! I am absolutely dedicated to helping people feel like they’re having a good time, but I’m not perfect and I’ll do everything in my power to accommodate you.
5. Do what you love.
Don’t make a character that you think I’ll like--make a character that’s uniquely you and makes you happy and excited to write. This isn’t a talent show or a competition--I want to give every player a fair shake and a chance to do the crazy stuff they feel like they can’t do in other roleplays. That being said…
6. Don’t be a creeper!
I know, Fate/ is a historical waifu simulator, but I really don’t want people to go around buying girlfriends like it’s 2000s Runescape. This is, at its core, a real deal venture and creeping other people out is a big no-no! Please make an effort to make your character feel larger than life, rather than making them feel like a pinup.
7. Don’t think “power.” Think “interesting.”
While Fate/ is very, very easy to turn into a high-power excursion into just how easily the universe can be broken, I’d really like it if people would exercise restraint in favor of characters being balanced and interesting! I’m much more interested in weird powers than I am outrageous ones. Taking rule 5 into account, this means that while I want you to express yourself, remember that the power level needs to be within reason, and any extravagant powers need to have reasonable drawbacks! If you ever have a question about power levels, I handle things on a case-by-case basis--we’ll talk it out and see how everyone else feels, and ultimately I’ll come to a decision! The nature of Servants makes their power levels a little nebulous and flexible, so it kind of has to go by feel rather than objectivity.

~The Sheets~

Naomi Popjay

Arc 2, Day 1; 9:35 AM
On the Gray Line, courtesy of Ominar Transportation Services
Corner of Camdarry Alley and Basken Dr --> 4040 Culphey Ln, Apartment D2

"Earbuds are fucking tripe. I have never been so offended in my entire life."

For Naomi, life had just become an arduous journey. The truest version of a trawl through hell. The clasp of the little headphones dangled annoyingly in front of her nose, pods shoved haphazardly into her foxlike ear canals. A song that could really only be described as 'butt rock's younger brother, butt pop' pumped through the noisemakers as Nao quickly whipped the wire behind her head, temporarily tangling herself in the cord as she played a short game of hot potato with her phone.

You see, it would have been quite strange for her outburst to not garner attention, but the fact of the matter was that the sweet southerly Australian accent could not even nearly match the sheer gravitas of the massive, floating hands that hovered at either side. Aldous--the left--gingerly picked up the phone, coming to rest at an angle that didn't irritate the edges of Naomi's ears.

People were staring. Well, most were staring. Some were licentia... Who had certainly at some point adopted a form that wasn't catered to by the likes of Bose or AKG.

Others were human. Some were elderly, looking upon her with sneers and snide expressions as her outcry had interrupted whatever video game they were playing--or merely interrupted the sanctity of the 'seen, not heard' clause of being--or just looking--like a licentia in Praesville.

But, of course, Naomi was not a licentia. She was just another human, plagued by a kink for the bizarre. And by headphone cords being entirely too short. Her tail swished lightly hither and yon, sensing a humorlessness in the air. Like a dowsing rod for stink-eye.
The licentia she sat next to, however--a great big man, shaped like a shark that hadn't skipped a single leg day--gave her salvation in the form of a chuckle.
"Hey, listen, least you've got a place to put them. See these?" His girthy finger gestured just above his false gills, at a tiny hole in the side of his head, "Yeah, I haven't figured out how to get ears on me without making it look like someone taped some normal ears on and painted 'em blue. Made me look like a fuckin' extra on a kid's show." The faint Geordie twang merely added to his hearty chuckle, clapping her on the back in a show of camaraderie. A crooked grin played across Nao's face--she couldn't help it.

"Now, you know what's really shit? Shoes. Look at these." Her pawed foot rose slightly, allowing her to present it with a pair of outstretched well-manicured hands--and two giant floating gauntlets. The shoe itself was quite simply made--a wrapping with a sole, clasped with two golden buckles and a heel descending to meet the open toe. Her paw wriggled in demonstration.

"Fox feet was the worst idea I could've had. I..."
Naomi looked across the cabin of the bus. It was entirely too quiet. It didn't help that these were the types that looked like they'd swoon at the sight of a pair of wings and sticks shoved where holes should be.

"...Think we should move this conversation abovedeck. I could use some fresh air, couldn't you?" She offered George to the man, who wrapped his hand around the ring and hoisted himself up--Nao winced ever so slightly as she shifted her ostium's discharge to shoulder his weight, but otherwise hardly changed expression as her heels clicker-clacked against the floor.

And lo, there it was.

Ominar's Camdarry Alley--the longest stretch of Old Town, nestled right along the River Dour. It smacked of the old world, of a time before the time before--Romanesque architecture lined the streets and side paths, all resplendent in the morningtime mist. Autumn slipped its ruddy hues and sunlit yellows in between the sepia-tone streets, breathing warmth into the dawning chill. Something about it all made Nao feel wistful for the days where she was cooped up in the attic with a book on vis circuitry, with Kapsey downstairs cooking up something fresh and simple. Lots of salt, though. Naomi's arteries whimpered nostalgically.

"You're a queer one, aren't you? Come all the way up here and then you glaze right over. Where are you from, anyway? I can't hardly pin that accent. Sounds proper." The mammoth of a man leaned gingerly against the side railing, hardly even reacting to the biting wind that buffeted the open-air seats.

Naomi planted herself against the rails, looping her tail through the underside as she sat herself up on the rim of the bus. Her tiny size forced her to make a bit of a hop, but it was altogether fairly fluid. "Sorry, didn't mean to space out like that. I'm just thinking about home--little place called Alice Springs."
"Fuck me, that's not Britain at all! Where's that? South Africa? Australia? You don't sound too tourist."
A sharp, cheerful chirp sprung from Naomi's throat. She answered with a single finger-gun at the sound of her home country, a smile playing across her sickeningly-saccharine face.
"That's the one! Look the place up. Good-size town, right in the middle of Australia. Really, just a bunch of decent folk. My dad was a licentia--but, uh, no relation, though. I'm human as they come, with a couple of, uh, tweaks--"

Her tragic backstory screeched to a halt, as did the bus. "The fuck is that?"

The fuck in question was a raucous mob standing directly in the way of Naomi's bus ride home. A standing protest.

"Well, that's a crying shame. They've disrupted the whole government. You see this bus?" The shark-man gestured to the vehicle below with a sardonic grin, "Whole of fucking Parliament in here. They're really making a difference. Wait, did you say you're not--"
"Hold the queries for a moment. What are they even protesting about? Licenti rights?" Naomi peered over the front end, trying to get a better look at the tiny sea of signs. The first one that jumped out at her was perhaps the most beautifully designed, simple, and excellently executed sign she had ever seen in her entire, blessedly short life:


"That's really hard to argue with. They made a statement, and they meant it. Guess I was right about the licentia rights thing. You can see 'em all in the crowd." Naomi pointed to the variety of folk--reptilian men in hoodies, strange ears and eyes abound, a small bevy of non-standard legs and tails--that were riotously chanting an incoherent garble of different messages.
"I can't tell if they're saying all different things or just speaking Welsh."

The many-toothed man's browless brow furrowed in disappointment and consternation. "This is exactly the kind of shit that gives us a bad name. It's not great. Didn't one of those prae queen types just die? What're people going to think when they see these folk on the news? They never think about the image of us working types. I can't afford to be losing what job I've got for some chav with a heroin habit what wants to have fourteen tails and a wing growing out his arse in public."

Naomi, however, had had quite enough of waiting. "Well I'll be fucked if I'm going to sit around waiting for some tit with a head like an orange to tell Bastille Day 2: The Reckoning down there that they've got the wrong spot. Are you coming?"
Half of this, of course, was said as she quickly made her descent down the side of the bus, using Aldous and George as her own personal staircase. As she hit the ground, she offered a massive ringed mitt to her newfound companion, which he gingerly took--and the other construct carefully grabbed his other arm. "Just jump on down, I've got you," came Nao's surprisingly reassuring voice as her friend hopped down, fall slowed considerably by her two floating helpers.

And then, of course, Naomi had to say something smart. She'd been mulling on what sounded the most clever for the past minute, and continued mulling until the first syllable cleared her lips:

"Hey, come on, derv-verv-er..." she trailed off, having to start again. Nao's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth as she internally 'reset' herself.
"Diversity hires coming through! We have a friend who needs us so he can make racist jokes!"

A twang of pride forced her chest out and forward, as she used Aldous and George to pave a path--she was only a block away from the sweet solace of home, and she knew she deserved a nice shower. Her newfound ally quickly tottered after her, pushing past the little wall of people in order to catch up.

The next few minutes were spent conversing. Small talk. His name was Ghillie, and he was actually from Newcastle. The shark thing really wasn't intentional--he was born at sea, and his parents were both sailor types. He got to be out on the ocean so much that his body simply adapted to it--and he'd always liked sharks. It just became natural.

They talked about the graffiti on the walls of old-town buildings. How bigoted things were getting. The Exeo's death. That one new movie--the action flick that everyone was talking about. They didn't even have special effects, really--most of it was licentia stunt-boys and the like with a little bit of CGI to make them suit the artist's renditions. "Real impressive stuff, honestly. I love that we're getting more roles and such, but I do still wish they'd give us another starring role--you remember Beauty and the Beast? Great live-action. Comsey Kade was great in it."

Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end--Naomi reluctantly bid her farewells to her newfound comrade, though they promised to keep in touch.

All of that, of course, was a great deal less important than home, sweet home. 4040 Culphey Lane. Naomi had to feed Cap--she'd been out of the house for the past four hours, attending courses that she wasn't enrolled in and using her phone for day-trading. He was going to be so upset.

As she entered her homey, cozy little apartment, the cry of a hungry parakeet drowned out her thoughts.

"Aw, Cap, honey, I know--I've been out of the house all day. But I've got your feed right here, okay?"
Naomi skipped past the hastily strewn clothes and pulled a little baggie out of the cupboard--all seeds and berries. Cap's favorite.

This was home, for Nao. A place with her stuff, a place with her bird, a place where she could just be herself and not have to worry about the outside.

It helped, moreover, that she wasn't paying utilities. Reluctantly, she pulled up her phone and began to scroll through the messages, looking for things of interest--and her heart immediately sank.

Her face was already tagged on a photo.
Alongside words like 'race traitor.'

"Fuck," stated her sense of dread. Her fingers quickly began tapping away as she began back-tracing her photo, looking for as many of them as possible--and, of course, there she was, pushing licentia out of the way during a protest like nothing was wrong.

This was going to be a long morning.

"Fuck," reminded Cap.

For Naomi, life had just become an arduous journey.

MEDICINE ||| Blast Doors
~"Life has taught me two things. One, don't say everything you know."~

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