Avatar of cosmicangler
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current And finally got my first rp post started. Feels good to be back here.
5 yrs ago
Goddamn, I've been away from this for too long. Life got way busier than I thought it would
1 like
6 yrs ago
@shiro Damn, I'd be in Xcom 2, so long as I stayed as far away from the fights as I could, maybe I'd have a chance


Okay, a quick introduction to myself, I'm Comsicangler - though feel free to call me some shortened version of that. Now I know I've been on this site a while and had almost no activity, however that's been due mostly to big changes irl and having most of my activity on a different rp website, however I needed a change and so have decided to migrate here permanently. So hopefully I should be properly active on this site from now on.

Life is now much more stable for me, I've gotten better at managing time (I write at 2 am, but come on that's cause me and a mate spent 3 hours reliving our childhoods and the literally nightmare fuel that was MR Blobby), but generally I have now more time in my day to spend on rping. Something I'm looking forward to getting back into.

As for myself, I'm a british uni student, studying archaeology in the hopes of doing anything but spending my life digging a trench in the pouring rain. (I've very much wisened up to that nonsense. Trust me, don't go into arch for the digging side, it's not all that great. Go for museums instead, especially if you can find one with a nice friendly staff team. Or just run - that works quite well too.)

Apart from that I'm a literate multi paragraph rper, however within that I can vary from 3/4 paras right up to 10+, despite that don't think that ever makes me someone you can't reach out to if you do less, I learnt with people far better than me and I don't consider myself great by any standard (Just fyi), but no matter the situation, please feel free to drop me a message ^^.

I have rped a lot of sci-fi recently and so am trying to branch out, paticuarly back into my favourite genres that I feel I've neglected in the past year like steampunk and fantasy so please, if you're looking for a partner for either please do reach out to me.

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