Name: Lucas Farley
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Initial Power Level: 900
Standard Ki Usage
Shadecast- Lucas can use his Ki to block out all light rays within a given area, blinding his opponent(s) and allowing for escape, rest, or a sneak attack.
Loan of Faith- Lucas can place his hand on a friend's shoulder and boost their power level at the expense of tiring himself out proportionally.
Bolt of Koreinos- Instead of using his Ki to blast a pure energy beam, Lucas forms pure electrical energy in his palms and blasts the opponent with intense arc lighting. The purpose if this is to make it hard to block, as electrical bolts never travel in a straight line.
Personality: Lucas is a confident, though not cocky, fighter who is always testing his mettle. He constantly pushes himself to the max and sometimes beyond to get stronger, and his efforts have yielded interesting results. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, and he frequently spends time with his good friend Vadim.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Initial Power Level: 900
Standard Ki Usage
Shadecast- Lucas can use his Ki to block out all light rays within a given area, blinding his opponent(s) and allowing for escape, rest, or a sneak attack.
Loan of Faith- Lucas can place his hand on a friend's shoulder and boost their power level at the expense of tiring himself out proportionally.
Bolt of Koreinos- Instead of using his Ki to blast a pure energy beam, Lucas forms pure electrical energy in his palms and blasts the opponent with intense arc lighting. The purpose if this is to make it hard to block, as electrical bolts never travel in a straight line.
Personality: Lucas is a confident, though not cocky, fighter who is always testing his mettle. He constantly pushes himself to the max and sometimes beyond to get stronger, and his efforts have yielded interesting results. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, and he frequently spends time with his good friend Vadim.