Default Base Scion and DennisName: Scion AKA Jake West
Gender: Male
Race: Human/otherworldly
Base abilities: Ageless and revives in Void upon death
Personality: Scion is a one of a kind genius and simultaneous dumbass with an extremely bad habit of either over-thinking or under-thinking just about everything. His in ability to draw inaccurate conclusions has landed him in hot water countless times. He is also under some kind of self delusion that he is the hero of his own epic story and has taken actions and made leaps of logic based on the idea of story tropes. The delusion is surprisingly not from a lack of sanity, but do to a disconnect from reality Scion suffered in his past. He lives with a slight degree of uncertainty about whether anything around his is actually real. He mostly chooses to ignore these thoughts, but when stressed out they have surfaced as a means to help
justify questionable actions. However, for all his faults Scion is generally a nice guy, if a bit overbearing and annoying at times, and wants to help others in need. He is after all a "hero". Scion is very close to Dennis and becomes very distressed when separated from him.
Gender: Refers to self as male.
Race: AI/Otherworldly
Base abilities: Capable of analyzing and understanding many things and can pick out fine details in the environment. Real form is in void.
Appearance: A very large black band attached to Scions wrist. It resembles a watch, but it is more akin to a mini supercomputer. Armed with every kind if sensor man as ever created from Celsius to X-ray.
Personality: Dennis is a very aloof individual that only ever really gives input when it's requested of him or to berate Scion. Dennis has downloaded and immense source of knowledge directly to his memory and could be easily one of the most knowledgeable existences alive, except the resource he downloaded was the internet. All of it. So without any real way to sort the crap from fact. Dennis is also easily the most misinformed individual one could ever meet, and with only Scion to help him try to sort him out, lets just say Dennis only seems like the more sane one.
Brief back story for Scion and Dennis'(Extended version being worked on.)
Jake AKA Scion was a rich nerdy and lonely engineer. He wanted nothing more then to be understood. He decided that if people didn't understand him, then he would make a machine that did. So he used his knowledge and resources to create Dennis. A machine built to literally understand everything. Jake thought he could be satisfied with this accomplishment, but even with Dennis at his side he still felt lost in his world, and wanted so badly to live somewhere more interesting then his own. So, with Dennis' help and at the cost of all his wealth. He built a machine, a portal, to a new world. So that he could escape this one. However, the machine was not perfect and instead of opening a portal to another universe. It had torn a hole in his own. A hole that ultimately swallowed everyone and everything into it and banished it to nothingness. It was only through Dennis that Jake survived, for Dennis was the only one capable of understanding the Void that they had been cast into and prevent his and Jake's destruction. Jake had wanted to leave, but not end his world and the guilt of its loss weighed heavily on his soul. He chose at this time to go be a different name. One he thought fitting for his situation, "Scion" means son of, but its only part of the title. He was after all. The Scion of nothing now and would just be known as Scion.
The multi-verse portal that Scion had created may have not been perfect, but it was close. Dennis helped Scion reconstructed the portal in Void and through extensive, safety heavy, testing discovered that the reason the portal hadn't worked as intended was because it couldn't connect to a universe if the location of one wasn't specified. So when it had opened a portal to void. It had been quite literally programmed to open a hole to nowhere. They combined the device with Dennis' considerable computation abilities and were able to make it capable of opening a portal to anywhere that Dennis could record the location of. The limitations were that only one portal to another world could be opened at a time or only one could be opened from void into another world. Scion uses the M Device to open gates to new and interesting worlds as well as travel between them to previous worlds. Along with Dennis Scion lives out the life he had intended, but hopes to one day atone for the calamity that he had caused in his home world and prevent others from occurring.