The fight was finally over, and despite how brutal it had been everyone was alive, thankfully. There were some grievous wounds to be sure- Lesley was now missing a hand, much to everyone's sadness. Brandy himself was sporting a bloody wound on the back of his head from when the witch had thrown him and Song against a tree, while Martini was clinging onto Avian, magic having been exhausted from trying to contain the witch. She hadn't known the extent of her magic before this, and had been surprised when the bubble dome was strong enough to restrain the witch. The magical effort meant that she couldn't support her own bubble ring, and had ended flopping into the leaf litter by the end. Brandy had taking to leaning on Songbird for support, feeling slightly dizzy even after the unicorn's feather
Still the relief of having survived at all was evident on everyone's faces, and they trudged on to the run down cottage where the prisoners were allegedly being held. Unfortunately, however, the room didn't hold any traces of the riders or the baby dragon.
"Do you think there might be a hidden room."
Martini and Brandy turned to Harper, and the rabbit gave a thoughtful nod. "That would be the most likely scenario."
"Didn't you say Leila found the passage behind the bookshelf? You think something similar would be in here too then?" Martini piped up, momentarily forgetting her position and nearly hitting Avian in the face with her tail. "Oh gosh sorry darling-"
The humans started to search for any buttons or levers that might reveal the hidden path. Avian had joined the search after placing the mermaid on a rickety chair in the corner while Brandy rifled through the shelves in hopes of finding something that would point the way to where the prisoners were being held.
"If any of you find anything suspicious, tell me and I can check for leftover traces of magic." The rabbit ran a hand through his hair, wincing as he brushed against the dried blood and the still tender wound. "I don't have enough magic left to scan the whole room. Sorry."
Martini, stuck as she was on the chair until her magic came back, went through the thing on the table next to her, poking at a pile of dust with a wince. She listened as the humans started to reminisce about the last day in their world and frowned sadly. They must be so homesick- really, they were all just children wanting to go home. Except for Haku, but he was a strange one so he didn't quite count.
She puffed up her cheeks determinedly. "Don't you sweethearts worry, we'll totes get you home, okay?" She thumped a fist against the tabletop. "That's what we guides are here for!"
"Yes, she's- oh fudgesicles," Brandy stepped back and closed the drawer of dead bugs he had opened. This house was absolutely filthy, and he would've taken a broom to it all if they weren't so busy trying to find the missing riders. "Has anyone found anything yet?" He rubbed his temples in aggravation.