Aliquam: Academy of the Arts: Northern Section“You just… wanted to photograph the Masked Phantom? Honestly…” Dalia huffed as she crossed over to where Simon was, gripping him by the ear and twisting it to the student’s screeching professions of ‘yeeeowch!’. The boy would always end up doing something to make her job more difficult, wouldn’t he?
“You should go back, it’ll might be dangerous here,” Aria warned after sheathing her knife. "You'll only be in the way here, right Estelle-?"

After meeting Estelle’s panic stricken face, Aria slowly followed her sight down to the ruined mess of machinery beneath Estelle’s feet. Their group’s communicator, freshly broken and smashed into a dozen pieces.
“Oh no,” A hand covered Dalia’s mouth in dismay. “The others… they’ll have heard what we said over the communicator, about us…” She narrowed her eyes at Simon. “Finding the Masked Phantom… they’ll be…”
“Heading… straight… here…” Aria finished for her. Estelle gulped.
“Er… we should probably go find them then and warn them to go back to their positions, right? Heh, aheh… heh…” Estelle sheepishly scratched back of his neck, her cheeks aflush with guilt and embarrassment. This mission would just have to hit a snag, wouldn’t it? Just like the mission in Fenaru, too…
This was all her fault.
“I-in fact, I’ll go ahead and try and find the others!” Estelle nodded enthusiastically. “We can’t all leave our post! Simon can cover me for a little while, right?!”
“I can what?” Asked Simon.
“Go, Estelle,” Dalia nodded, and Estelle dashed off, heading south, in the direction of where Tobias’ group would be arriving from, with Lucien, Amy and his bear in tow.
Aliquam: The Academy of the Arts – South-Western Section"Ewwww, Miss Rosy, your horse farted and it's ruining everything!"
“What?” Rose replied with a disgruntled frown at Trixie’s comment, looking down first at the prankster and then towards Sebastian, who continued to gallop on towards the Academy’s Western Direction at a rapid clip. “Sebastian doesn’t ‘fart’. He’s a regal, sophisticatedly trained animal, personally done so by me. He doesn’t ‘fart’.”
“I’m sorry Miss Rose, but he really did, ack,” The sorrowful voice from behind Rose belonged to Lute, who still had his face riding as close to the horse’s backside as possible. He got full whiff of Sebastian’s flatulence, and it was all he could do just to not pass out. Because the stench… was absolutely toxic.
“Sebastian!” Rose scolded. Her horse neighed in response, and the Student Council President just rolled her eyes. “Oh, well. Just hold on to your noses, you two. With Sebastian here we should reach the northern sector of the Academy within a couple of minutes after passing through the Statue Wing. We’ll find Estelle, Aria and Miss Dalia along with the Masked Phantom, and then we’ll-”
But Rose’s plan didn’t come to fruition. Before they could gallop out from the courtyard gardens and into the Academy entranceway to the illustrious academy’s statue wing (or hear Angel's speech across the communicator), they found their ride quiver and stumble beneath them. Rose looked down in horror, to witness Sebastian’s legs give out from under him, and the mighty beast collapsed onto the ground in a wailing skid, throwing Trixie and Lute off him. Rose, still secured in his stirrups and holding his reins, fell to the ground with him.
A small pinprick dart was imbedded in Sebastian’s thigh.

Aliquam: The Academy of Arts – North-Eastern Group“We’re almost there…” Dylan lowered his head and narrowed his eyes, him and his friends bodies almost flying down the corridor after intermittent pushes forward with one leg then the other thanks to Marcus’ magical agility buff. Thanks to the wind mage’s magic and their close proximity to the Academy’s theatre district, they were the group set to make the best time in reaching their friends. Rounding the corner, they saw down the empty hallway a straight shot to where his sister and friends were: Dalia, Aria, and… Simon? But no Estelle to be seen.
Did the Masked Phantom…?
“There they are!” Xandra pointed down the hallway. Both Dalia and Aria turned after hearing them approaching. They would be reunited in less then 30 seconds. “But where is…?” The metallurgist frowned. “Where’s our leader?”
Marcus grimaced with a tighter scowl. What had happened…?
And then suddenly, darkness suffocated them all.
All the lights throughout the Academy was systematically, simultaneously destroyed, plunging the Academy into darkness and making Dalia and Aria’s earlier efforts in vain. Dylan and Xandra cried out as their feet stumbled beneath them and they fell to the floor, hearing Dalia, Aria and Simon’s own startled surprise follow them. This effect was not isolated to only the theatre wing. It was repeated by all of the staff and Guilders patrolling through the Academy, and ignored only by five very specific individuals.
Aliquam: The Academy of the Arts: BasementA chuckle left the Masked Phantom’s lips as he walked away from the sparking mass of generators he had just destroyed, the very same ones that supplied power all throughout the Academy. The same trick he had employed the previous night in Tobias’ gala holding mansion had achieved the same success as it had now, even with all the added security and preparation the Academy faculty had taken to make sure it couldn’t be sabotaged. Despite all the resistance from the magic wielding teachers to the two Empire Soldiers scattered about the floor around him, it had been like child’s play for the Masked Phantom to overcome them and achieve his first goal. Just as the rest of the night’s mission would be as well.
“As you should all be able to tell,” The grinning man’s fingers pressed down onto the communicator embedded in his ear. “The power has been cut. Make use of your NV, and continue with the mission as planned.”
Flicking a small button upon his mask, his vision shifted from the all consuming darkness that surrounded him to one illuminated with shades of green and white- the rare prototype technology of his mask’s night vision capabilities activated.