Drych Lake Spa - Hot Springs
Tau's horror at Trixie barging into the men's section with guns drawn and all soon died down. Oh good, it was only the Guilders in here. Not that he could have done that much, since this chick was actually faster than him. Wait, wasn't Harvey supposed to be here? With Jasper? He must have finished.
“Hey Trix, did you bring anyone else with you?”
"Tau, at your service," Tau announced eagerly, at the side of the spa in a flash with his hand outstretched. He wanted to get in there before the crazy chick started announcing him her sidekick again or anything. He made absolutely no secret of peering through the steam for a certain place on their anatomy, which was quite the contrast to Trixie's obliviousness. It's natural for a dude to want to compare! Competition is healthy for the soul. Especially when your competition is this cool. They barely seemed worried about exposing themselves at all! "The hot springs are wicked, right? Sometimes we sneak in here at night when Mrs Ste isn't looking... Oh, I think I'm supposed to ask you if you want anything..."
He leapt up with suprising agility, snatching a hold of the top of the barrier and shouting over to the other side. "Hey, girls! Want me get you-"
A wet towel smacked him in the face, causing him to fall right into the men's springs once more with a splash.
In the darkness, Rhoden shook his head. Tau still had a ways to go.
Shortly after the final three members of the Pride arrived, having finally decided to check up on everyone in case. Moira and Syed, having never been to a hot spring before, were suprised to find it was something people do nude at the least. Syed was even more horrified when Moira dragged him in the ladies section with her, scrunching his eyes and refusing to open them by even a millimetre until they were done. He had never felt so vunerable in his life. And was probably the envy of most straight men.
Moira being Moira, she didn't give a shit.
The Guilders continued to have fun and relax in their typical rambunctious manner as the afternoon turned to evening, and then to night. After a hard day's work of beating up Varren, getting massages, soaking in springs and getting their nails done, they were treated to a fantastic meal. While maybe not to the level of the food at Las Paraisos or Hawthorne Manor, it was still of very high quality. The various members of staff continued to flit around, and even little Janie hovered about. Although she seemed a little intimidated by the loud group and mostly kept her distance. Penelope was nowhere to be seen.
Neither was Tau. He was too busy scrubbing the toilets in punishment for his actions in the springs.
Finally, it was time to retire to bed. After such an exhausting day, they deserved it. In the morning, all they had to do was check the Varren were truely gone then claim their reward. Things had never been so simple.